2024-11-08 Peter AmstutzRemove keep_cache parameters because they are no longer... wgs-no-keep-cache
2024-11-08 Peter AmstutzBump fastq version
2024-11-08 Peter Amstutzfix fastqc
2022-12-22 Peter AmstutzUse 16 cores for bwa
2022-12-07 Peter AmstutzComment out keep_cache to test performance of new disk...
2022-09-15 Peter AmstutzAdd splitDir to take Directory input
2022-09-15 swzUpdating for proper loadListing
2022-09-15 swzUpdating to take a directory
2022-09-15 swzMoving to directory
2022-09-15 swzAdding helper files and updating readme
2022-09-15 swzAdding RNA-Seq demo
2021-12-07 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'blog-examples'
2021-11-30 Ward VandewegeAdd the star-index example for the debugging blog post. blog-examples
2021-11-30 Ward Vandewege18178: Final tweaks to the debugging blog post CWL.
2021-11-30 Sarah Wait... Updating fastq
2021-10-26 Peter AmstutzLower RAM request by bwa to run on 9tee4
2021-10-26 Peter AmstutzBugfix .bai secondary file for ApplyBSQR behavior
2021-01-14 Jiayong LiMerge branch '17049-make-singlechrom'
2021-01-14 Jiayong LiAdd comments on the chr19 only yml 17049-make-singlechrom
2020-12-28 Jiayong LiAdd chr19 yml by changing fullintervallist
2020-12-15 Jiayong LiAdd workflow to generate single chromosome fastqs
2020-08-13 Sarah Wait... updating yml
2020-07-27 Sarah Wait... Updating yml for 2 vcfs of known sites
2020-07-27 Sarah Wait... Fixing labels for knownsites
2020-07-27 Sarah Wait... Updating to allow for two vcfs of known sites
2020-07-23 Sarah Wait... Updating cwl and yml for intervals and other changes
2020-07-14 Sarah Wait... Updating HTML edam comments
2020-07-12 Sarah Wait... Updating comments
2020-07-12 Sarah Wait... Fixing edam reference
2020-07-10 Sarah Wait... Moving #
2020-07-07 Sarah Wait... Updating docker reference
2020-07-07 Sarah Wait... Updating bwa-samtools dockerfile
2020-07-07 Sarah Wait... Adding more formats to yml
2020-07-07 Sarah Wait... Updating yml for formats
2020-07-03 Sarah Wait... Removing initial work dir requirement when not needed
2020-07-03 Sarah Wait... Updating yml files
2020-07-03 Sarah Wait... Updating yml files
2020-07-02 Sarah Wait... Removing white spaces and commenting out schemas
2020-07-02 Sarah Wait... Removing white space and commenting out schemas
2020-07-02 Sarah Wait... Moving fastqc into not in use for docker containers
2020-07-02 Sarah Wait... Removing white spaces and commenting schemas
2020-07-02 Sarah Wait... Updating for new Docker containter
2020-07-01 Sarah Wait... Adding links about CWL to the readme
2020-07-01 Sarah Wait... Switching variable knownsites1 to knownsites in yml...
2020-07-01 Sarah Wait... Switching variable knownsites1 to knownsites
2020-07-01 Sarah Wait... Updating report generation code
2020-07-01 Sarah Wait... Updating yml to include intervals
2020-07-01 Sarah Wait... Adding metatdata and labels
2020-07-01 Sarah Wait... Adding metadata, updating variables
2020-07-01 Sarah Wait... Adding metadata
2020-07-01 Sarah Wait... Adding metadata and step renaming
2020-07-01 Sarah Wait... updating metadata
2020-06-29 Sarah Wait... updating for metadata and yml to check command line cwl
2020-06-26 Sarah Wait... Adding labels and metadata
2020-06-26 Sarah Wait... Adding arv to namespace
2020-06-26 Sarah Wait... Adding labels and other metadata
2020-06-25 Sarah Wait... removing swp file
2020-06-25 Sarah Wait... Adding labels and metadata
2020-06-25 Sarah Wait... Updating labels and metadata
2020-06-25 Sarah Wait... Even more formatting
2020-06-25 Sarah Wait... Fixing formating issue
2020-06-25 Sarah Wait... Adding Arvados info to readme
2020-06-25 Sarah Wait... reorg of yml files
2020-06-25 Sarah Wait... Updataing readme and yml files
2020-06-25 Sarah Wait... Updating labels
2020-06-25 Sarah Wait... Adding more labels
2020-06-24 Sarah Wait... Adding more labels/metadata
2020-06-24 Sarah Wait... Adding labels and other annotations
2020-06-24 Sarah Wait... Updating labels and hints on cwl
2020-06-24 Sarah Wait... Adding labels
2020-06-24 Sarah Wait... Adding labels and formats to cwl
2020-06-23 Sarah Wait... Updating main cwl workflow
2020-06-23 Sarah Wait... Adding license info to cwl
2020-06-23 Sarah Wait... Adding changes to Dockerfiles
2020-06-23 Sarah Wait... Updating docker file for fastqc
2020-06-23 Sarah Wait... Updating clinvar report docker file and reorganizing...
2020-06-19 Sarah Wait... Updating readme
2020-06-19 Sarah Wait... Updating licenseignore
2020-06-19 Sarah Wait... Moving license location
2020-06-19 Sarah Wait... Adding license and licenseignore
2020-06-19 Sarah Wait... Updating readme
2020-06-19 Sarah Wait... Moving readme to markdown
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Updating not-in-use directory
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Updating dockerfiles
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... removing un-needed yml
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... cleaning up src files
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Updating readme and reorganization
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Updating links to "helper" cwl
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Add scatter wf for overall scatter
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding readme and clean up
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Rearranging for clarity
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... removing src code not in use
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... yml to get fastq from directory
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding code to get fastqs from directory
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... updating yml
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding modified code to select variants and gather...
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding files for gathering gvcfs and cleaning gvcfs
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding yml files for gathering and intervals
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding gather cwls
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... adding helper directory for structure, may reorg later