Merge branch '8465-cwl-containers-stdin-stderr' closes #8465
[arvados.git] / services / api / app /
2016-11-12 Joshua C. Randallalways omit unsigned_manifest_text when showing collect...
2016-11-12 Joshua C. Randallimplement unsigned_manifest_text column
2016-11-11 radhika10290: Add scheduling_parameters map to containers...
2016-11-10 radhika10293: add output_uuid to container_request and set...
2016-11-07 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10460-cwl-directory-literal' closes ...
2016-11-04 Tom CleggMerge branch '10459-cleanup-node-dns' refs #10459
2016-11-04 Tom Clegg10459: Tidy up some verbose code.
2016-11-04 Tom Clegg10459: Remove old IP from DNS when a node changes its...
2016-11-04 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '9849-cwl-efficient-log-scan' refs #9849
2016-11-04 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '9849-cwl-docker-lookup' refs #9849
2016-11-03 Tom CleggMerge branch '10224-efficient-event-poll-startup' refs...
2016-11-03 Tom Clegg10224: Change event_type to "delete" to match HTTP...
2016-11-02 radhikarefs #10231
2016-11-02 radhika10231: validate_runtime_constraints should occur before...
2016-11-02 radhikacloses #10231
2016-11-02 radhikarefs #10028
2016-11-02 radhika10028: when an "is_a" filter is used while fetching...
2016-10-31 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 10231-keep-cache-runtime...
2016-10-28 Lucas Di Pentima10315: Merge branch 'master' into 10315-new-arv-put...
2016-10-26 Tom CleggMerge branch '10008-check-token-exp-on-open' refs ...
2016-10-25 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10172-crunch2-container-output' closes...
2016-10-25 Peter Amstutz10172: Add skip_before_filter :find_object_by_uuid...
2016-10-24 radhika10231: add keep_cache_ram in runtime_constraints
2016-10-21 Tom CleggMerge branch '10232-non-exclusive-keys' refs #10232
2016-10-21 Tom Clegg10008: Merge branch 'master' into 10008-flaky-token...
2016-10-21 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'master' into 10194-cwl-version-skew
2016-10-21 Peter Amstutz10172: Fix container request test. Replace
2016-10-21 Tom CleggMerge branch 'crunch-job_finds_newer_docker_hashes...
2016-10-21 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10025-arvbox-layers' closes #10025
2016-10-20 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'master' into 10172-crunch2-container...
2016-10-20 Peter Amstutz10172: Tests and related fixes for auth_uuid setting...
2016-10-20 Tom CleggMerge branch '10291-really-disable-apis' closes #10291
2016-10-20 Tom Clegg10291: Respond 404 to requests for disabled APIs.
2016-10-20 Tom CleggMerge branch '10287-sso-username' refs #10287
2016-10-20 Tom CleggMerge branch '10291-discovery-blacklist' refs #10291
2016-10-20 Tom Clegg10287: Perform blacklist and duplicate checks on userna...
2016-10-19 Peter Amstutz10287: When creating a new account, if provided use...
2016-10-19 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '10216-allow-cr-bypass-reuse'
2016-10-19 Lucas Di Pentima10216: Merge branch 'master' into 10216-allow-cr-bypass...
2016-10-19 Lucas Di Pentima10216: Added use_existing field to Container Request...
2016-10-19 Tom Clegg10291: Add config to disable API methods.
2016-10-19 Tom CleggMerge branch '10297-container-image-file-sha256' refs...
2016-10-19 Tom Clegg10297: Accept docker images named sha256:{...}.tar...
2016-10-17 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10200-cwl-crunch-script' closes #10200
2016-10-17 Tom CleggMerge branch 'master' into 9956-keepstore-config
2016-10-14 radhikarefs #10227
2016-10-14 Peter Amstutz10172: More work giving auth_uuid limited permission...
2016-10-13 Peter Amstutz10172: Allow auth_uuid to set container output. Work...
2016-10-13 Peter Amstutz10172: Implement /containers/current endpoint to get...
2016-10-13 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10221-cwl-pathmapping' closes #10221
2016-10-13 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10259-cwl-pipeline' closes #10259
2016-10-13 Lucas Di Pentima10236: Merge branch 'master' into 10236-disable-event...
2016-10-13 Lucas Di Pentima10243: Merge branch 'master' into 10243-make-packing...
2016-10-13 Tom CleggMerge branch '9848-finalize-on-reuse' closes #9848
2016-10-13 Tom Clegg9848: Finalize container request immediately if resolvi...
2016-10-12 Tom Clegg5737: Fix accidental use of local variable instead...
2016-10-12 Tom Clegg5737: Fix some ruby warnings
2016-10-12 Tom Clegg5737: Fix some ruby warnings
2016-10-12 Tom Clegg5737: Avoid redefining recursive_hash_search() on each use
2016-10-11 Lucas Di Pentima9701: Merge branch 'master' into 9701-collection-pack...
2016-10-11 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10186-crunch2-slurm-partition' closes...
2016-10-11 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 10078-dashboard-perf
2016-10-07 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '8018-container-retry' closes #8018
2016-10-06 Peter Amstutz8018: Additional assertions checking when container_uui...
2016-10-04 Peter Amstutz8018: Fix state transition checks. Add test of retry...
2016-10-04 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '9001-summary-skip-malformed-lines' closes...
2016-10-03 Lucas Di Pentima9701: Merge branch '9463-change-arvput-use-collection...
2016-09-30 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '9857-cwl-acceptlist-re' refs #9857
2016-09-30 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10032-cwl-spinup' refs #10032
2016-09-29 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10151-cwl-dir-listing' closes #10151
2016-09-28 Tom CleggMerge branch '9848-copy-container-output' refs #9848
2016-09-28 Tom Clegg9848: Copy the output and log collections (if any)...
2016-09-27 Peter Amstutz8018: Create new container if there are retriable conta...
2016-09-27 Peter Amstutz8018: Add container_count field.
2016-09-26 radhikacloses #9514
2016-09-26 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '9988-cwl-arv-hints' closes #9988
2016-09-26 radhikarefs #10028
2016-09-22 radhika10028: replace _____-uuid-prefix with site_config_uuid_...
2016-09-14 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '9766-register-workflow' closes #9766
2016-09-14 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '9623-reuse-containers'
2016-09-14 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch 'master' into 9623-reuse-containers
2016-09-14 Lucas Di Pentima9623: Several fixes addressing review comments:
2016-09-14 radhikacloses #9970
2016-09-14 radhika9970: Invalidate record if a requesting_container_uuid...
2016-09-14 Lucas Di Pentima9623: Changed query strategy for better performance...
2016-09-14 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'master' into 9766-register-workflow
2016-09-14 Lucas Di Pentima9623: Moved deep_sort_hash method to ArvadosModel as...
2016-09-13 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 9836-workflows-doc
2016-09-13 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 9835-container-api-doc
2016-09-13 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch 'master' into 9623-reuse-containers
2016-09-09 radhikacloses #10005
2016-09-09 radhika10005: Rename workflow attribute in workflow object...
2016-09-08 Tom CleggMerge branch '9898-container-lock-api'
2016-09-08 Lucas Di Pentima9623: Cleaned up references to local constants about...
2016-09-08 Tom Clegg9898: Check previous state after obtaining row lock.
2016-09-08 Tom Clegg9898: Change state transition error responses from...
2016-09-08 radhika9898: add unlock method also on the container model.
2016-09-08 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 9898-container-lock-api
2016-09-07 Lucas Di Pentima9623: Check for reusable containers in Completed state...
2016-09-07 Peter Amstutz9944: Add 'lockfile' to backports and update cwltool...