set -e -o pipefail
# automatically assign *development* version
# than the commit where this branch joins main.
# -> take nearest tag X.Y.Z and assign X.Y.(Z+1)
+# X.Y.Z releases where Z=0 are called major
+# releases and X.Y.Z releases where Z>1 are called point releases.
+# The development process distinction is that X.Y.0 releases are
+# branched from main and then subsequent X.Y.Z releases cherry-pick
+# individual features from main onto the "X.Y-staging" branch.
+# In semantic versioning terminology an "X.Y.0" release which only
+# increments Y is called a "minor" release but typically these
+# releases have significant changes that calling them "minor" in
+# communications with users feels misleading.
+# Incrementing X is reserved for times when a release has significant
+# backwards-incompatible changes, which we don't do very often and try
+# to avoid.
+# In order to assign a useful development version, we need to
+# determine if we're on the main branch (or a development branch off
+# main) or on a release branch. We do this by looking at the point
+# where the current commit history branched from main.
+# If a new major version appeared on a branch (not directly in the
+# history of main), the merge-base between main and the release should
+# be tagged as "development-X.Y.Z" so that version-at-commit can
+# figure out what to do.
# 1. get the nearest tag with 'git describe'
# 2. get the merge base between this commit and main
# 3. if the tag is an ancestor of the merge base,
# (tag is older than merge base) increment minor version
# else, tag is newer than merge base, so increment point version
-nearest_tag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 --match "$versionglob" "$commit")
+nearest_tag=$(git describe --abbrev=0 "$commit")
merge_base=$(git merge-base origin/main "$commit")
if git merge-base --is-ancestor "$nearest_tag" "$merge_base" ; then
+ # the nearest tag appears before the merge base with main (the
+ # branch point), so assume this is a tag for the previous major
+ # release (or a tag with the "development-" prefix indicating the
+ # point where a major release branched off). Subsequent
+ # development versions are given the anticipated version for the
+ # next major release.
+ #
# x.(y+1).0~devTIMESTAMP, where x.y.z is the newest version that does not contain $commit
# grep reads the list of tags (-f) that contain $commit and filters them out (-v)
# this prevents a newer tag from retroactively changing the versions of everything before it
v=$(git tag | grep -vFf <(git tag --contains "$merge_base") | sort -Vr | head -n1 | perl -pe 's/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.\d+.*/"$1.".($2+1).".0"/e')
+ # the nearest tag comes after the merge base with main (the branch
+ # point). Assume this means this is a point release branch,
+ # following a major release.
+ #
# x.y.(z+1)~devTIMESTAMP, where x.y.z is the latest released ancestor of $commit
v=$(echo $nearest_tag | perl -pe 's/(\d+)$/$1+1/e')
+# strip the "development-" prefix
+v=$(echo $v | perl -pe 's/^development-//')
isodate=$(TZ=UTC git log -n1 --format=%cd --date=iso "$commit")
ts=$(TZ=UTC date --date="$isodate" "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
echo "${v}${devsuffix}${ts}"