PYTHON_BACKPORTS=(python-gflags==2.0 google-api-python-client==1.4.2 \
oauth2client==1.5.2 pyasn1==0.1.7 pyasn1-modules==0.0.5 \
-- rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py pykka six pyexecjs jsonschema \
++ rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py pykka six \
ciso8601 pycrypto backports.ssl_match_hostname llfuse==0.41.1 \
'pycurl<7.21.5' contextlib2 pyyaml 'rdflib>=4.2.0' \
shellescape mistune typing avro ruamel.ordereddict
-- cachecontrol cwltest)
++ cachecontrol)
PYTHON3_BACKPORTS=(docker-py==1.7.2 six requests websocket-client)
PYTHON_BACKPORTS=(python-gflags==2.0 google-api-python-client==1.4.2 \
oauth2client==1.5.2 pyasn1==0.1.7 pyasn1-modules==0.0.5 \
-- rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py pykka six pyexecjs jsonschema \
++ rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py pykka six \
ciso8601 pycrypto backports.ssl_match_hostname llfuse==0.41.1 \
'pycurl<7.21.5' pyyaml 'rdflib>=4.2.0' \
shellescape mistune typing avro ruamel.ordereddict
-- cachecontrol cwltest)
++ cachecontrol)
PYTHON3_BACKPORTS=(docker-py==1.7.2 six requests websocket-client)
PYTHON_BACKPORTS=(python-gflags==2.0 google-api-python-client==1.4.2 \
oauth2client==1.5.2 pyasn1==0.1.7 pyasn1-modules==0.0.5 \
-- rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py pykka six pyexecjs jsonschema \
++ rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py pykka six \
ciso8601 pycrypto backports.ssl_match_hostname llfuse==0.41.1 \
contextlib2 'pycurl<7.21.5' pyyaml 'rdflib>=4.2.0' \
shellescape mistune typing avro isodate ruamel.ordereddict
-- cachecontrol cwltest)
++ cachecontrol)
PYTHON3_BACKPORTS=(docker-py==1.7.2 six requests websocket-client)
google-api-python-client==1.4.2 six uritemplate oauth2client==1.5.2 httplib2 \
rsa 'pycurl<7.21.5' backports.ssl_match_hostname pyyaml 'rdflib>=4.2.0' \
shellescape mistune typing avro ruamel.ordereddict
-- cachecontrol cwltest)
++ cachecontrol)
PYTHON3_BACKPORTS=(docker-py==1.7.2 requests websocket-client)
PYTHON_BACKPORTS=(python-gflags==2.0 google-api-python-client==1.4.2 \
oauth2client==1.5.2 pyasn1==0.1.7 pyasn1-modules==0.0.5 \
-- rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py pykka six pyexecjs jsonschema \
++ rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py pykka six \
ciso8601 pycrypto backports.ssl_match_hostname 'pycurl<7.21.5' \
-- python-daemon lockfile llfuse==0.41.1 'pbr<1.0' pyyaml \
++ python-daemon llfuse==0.41.1 'pbr<1.0' pyyaml \
'rdflib>=4.2.0' shellescape mistune typing avro requests \
isodate pyparsing sparqlwrapper html5lib==0.9999999 keepalive \
-- ruamel.ordereddict cachecontrol cwltest)
++ ruamel.ordereddict cachecontrol)
PYTHON3_BACKPORTS=(docker-py==1.7.2 six requests websocket-client)
PYTHON_BACKPORTS=(python-gflags==2.0 google-api-python-client==1.4.2 \
oauth2client==1.5.2 pyasn1==0.1.7 pyasn1-modules==0.0.5 \
-- rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py pykka pyexecjs jsonschema \
++ rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py pykka \
ciso8601 pycrypto 'pycurl<7.21.5' \
python-daemon llfuse==0.41.1 'pbr<1.0' pyyaml \
'rdflib>=4.2.0' shellescape mistune typing avro \
isodate pyparsing sparqlwrapper html5lib==0.9999999 keepalive \
-- ruamel.ordereddict cachecontrol cwltest)
++ ruamel.ordereddict cachecontrol)
PYTHON3_BACKPORTS=(docker-py==1.7.2 six requests websocket-client)
rm -rf "$WORKSPACE/sdk/cwl/build"
fpm_build $WORKSPACE/sdk/cwl "${PYTHON2_PKG_PREFIX}-arvados-cwl-runner" 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){print $2}' $WORKSPACE/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl_runner.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=" "--description=The Arvados CWL runner" --iteration 3
++fpm_build lockfile "" "" python 0.12.2 --epoch 1
# schema_salad. This is a python dependency of arvados-cwl-runner,
# but we can't use the usual PYTHONPACKAGES way to build this package due to the
# intricacies of how version numbers get generated in we need version
# So we build this thing separately.
# Ward, 2016-03-17
--fpm_build schema_salad "" "" python 1.17.20160820171034
++fpm_build schema_salad "" "" python 1.18.20160907135919 --depends "python-lockfile >= 1:0.12.2-2"
# And schema_salad now depends on ruamel-yaml, which apparently has a braindead that requires special arguments to build (otherwise, it aborts with 'error: you have to install with "pip install ."'). Sigh.
# Ward, 2016-05-26
fpm_build ruamel.yaml "" "" python 0.12.4 --python-setup-py-arguments "--single-version-externally-managed"
++# Dependency of cwltool. Fpm doesn't produce a package with the correct version
++# number unless we build it explicitly
++fpm_build cwltest "" "" python 1.0.20160907111242
# And for cwltool we have the same problem as for schema_salad. Ward, 2016-03-17
--fpm_build cwltool "" "" python 1.0.20160901133827
++fpm_build cwltool "" "" python 1.0.20160907141844
# FPM eats the trailing .0 in the python-rdflib-jsonld package when built with 'rdflib-jsonld>=0.3.0'. Force the version. Ward, 2016-03-25
fpm_build rdflib-jsonld "" "" python 0.3.0