2020-06-24 Sarah Wait... Adding labels and other annotations
2020-06-24 Sarah Wait... Updating labels and hints on cwl
2020-06-24 Sarah Wait... Adding labels
2020-06-24 Sarah Wait... Adding labels and formats to cwl
2020-06-23 Sarah Wait... Updating main cwl workflow
2020-06-23 Sarah Wait... Adding license info to cwl
2020-06-23 Sarah Wait... Adding changes to Dockerfiles
2020-06-23 Sarah Wait... Updating docker file for fastqc
2020-06-23 Sarah Wait... Updating clinvar report docker file and reorganizing...
2020-06-19 Sarah Wait... Updating readme
2020-06-19 Sarah Wait... Updating licenseignore
2020-06-19 Sarah Wait... Moving license location
2020-06-19 Sarah Wait... Adding license and licenseignore
2020-06-19 Sarah Wait... Updating readme
2020-06-19 Sarah Wait... Moving readme to markdown
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Updating not-in-use directory
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Updating dockerfiles
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... removing un-needed yml
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... cleaning up src files
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Updating readme and reorganization
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Updating links to "helper" cwl
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Add scatter wf for overall scatter
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding readme and clean up
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Rearranging for clarity
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... removing src code not in use
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... yml to get fastq from directory
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding code to get fastqs from directory
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... updating yml
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding modified code to select variants and gather...
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding files for gathering gvcfs and cleaning gvcfs
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding yml files for gathering and intervals
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding gather cwls
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... adding helper directory for structure, may reorg later
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... adding base recalibrator yml and updating bwamem yml
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Updating bwamem CWL and adding base recalibrator cwl
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... removing unnecessary step, renaming cwl file
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... updating yml to include UK pgp example
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... updating cwl
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... updating dockerfiles
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... updating yml
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Updating annotation and gatk code
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... updating preprocessing code
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding ploidy code
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Updating yml
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Updating CWL for overarching workflow
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... cleaning up src directory and updating head.html
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding cwl to convert gvcf to vcf
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Updating cwl
2020-06-18 Sarah Wait... Adding cwl to annotate and generate report
2020-02-27 Sarah Wait... Updating files
2020-02-27 Sarah Wait... Merge branch 'master' of
2020-02-27 Sarah Wait... Rearranging Folders
2020-02-27 Sarah Wait... Removing old annotation code
2020-02-27 Sarah Wait... Updating report python code and removing vep step from...
2020-02-26 Sarah Wait... Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Sarah Wait Zaranek ...
2020-02-25 Sarah Wait... Adding in progress code for annotation