Merge branch 'master' into 2221-complete-docker
[arvados.git] / sdk / cli /
2014-01-10 Tim PierceCommand-line clients use $HOME/.config/arvados for...
2014-01-10 Tom CleggAdd arv-tag to arvados-cli package
2014-01-10 Tom CleggFix crash when a discovered parameter is not supplied...
2014-01-10 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'master' of
2014-01-09 Tim PierceMerge branch '1530-arv-tag-commands'
2014-01-09 Tim PierceComplete `arv tag add' and `arv tag remove' support...
2014-01-08 Tim PierceBug fixes (API requires request to be delivered in...
2014-01-08 Tim PierceBug fixes.
2014-01-08 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '1788-support-and-feedback'
2014-01-08 Tom CleggMerge branch '1792-workbench-performance'
2014-01-07 Tim PierceAdded 'add' and 'remove' functionality.
2014-01-07 Tom CleggAsk API server for profile information. refs #1815
2014-01-07 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '1685-api-server-redirect-to-workbench'
2014-01-06 Tim PierceAdding `tag' command: initial commit.
2014-01-06 Tom CleggRead data from local file if an absolute filename is...
2013-12-31 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '1692-redesign-dashboard'
2013-12-30 Tom CleggMerge branch '1694-user-agreement'
2013-12-30 Tim PierceMerge branch 'master' of
2013-12-30 Peter AmstutzNew two-column dashboard layout suggested by Adam
2013-12-30 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'master' of
2013-12-29 Peter AmstutzUpdated Gemfile to include all dependencies of 'arv...
2013-12-27 Peter AmstutzMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into 1692-redesig...
2013-12-27 Tom CleggAdd --yaml output format choice to arv.
2013-12-27 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '1636-inactive-user' into 1678-new-active...
2013-12-27 Peter AmstutzMerge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/1636-inact...
2013-12-26 Peter AmstutzMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into 1678-new...
2013-12-26 Tim PierceMerge branch '1608-api-documentation' of git.clinicalfu...
2013-12-23 Tom CleggSpecify apiVersion when instantiating Arvados client...
2013-12-20 Tim PierceMerge branch '1608-api-documentation' of git.clinicalfu...
2013-12-18 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '1495-crunch-documentation'
2013-12-16 Tom CleggChange arv-put default behavior: write a manifest,...
2013-12-12 Tom CleggStream API responses for jobs.log_tail_follow and users...
2013-12-12 Tom CleggHandle unexpected server responses better, clean up...
2013-12-12 Peter AmstutzMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into 1495-crunch...
2013-12-12 Tom CleggRemove TMP/src.commit too, when removing TMP/src.
2013-12-12 Tom CleggStore crunch-job log in a collection instead of just...
2013-12-11 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '1637-improve-arv-tutorial'
2013-12-11 Tom CleggClear $CRUNCH_TMP/src when starting a job.
2013-12-10 Tom CleggMerge branch '1646-arv-put'
2013-12-10 Tom CleggPoint "arv keep get/put" to arv-get/put and unsupport...
2013-12-10 Tom CleggSupport invoking arv-get and arv-put via "arv get"...
2013-12-10 Tom CleggAdd python client library package: arv-get, arv-put...
2013-12-10 Tom CleggMerge branch 'master' into 1646-arv-put
2013-12-09 Tim PierceMerge branch '1587-fix-test-suites-in-devsandbox'
2013-12-09 Tom CleggAdd arv-get -f (force overwrite) and --skip-existing...
2013-12-09 Tom CleggSupport "arv-get {locator}/filename path/to/localdir...
2013-12-09 Tom CleggFail gracefully when fetching a raw block that does...
2013-12-09 Tom CleggFail more gracefully on some common error conditions
2013-12-09 Tom CleggFix crash when destination directory supplied without...
2013-12-06 Tom CleggIgnore tmp directory created by cli tests
2013-12-03 Tom CleggImprove compatibility with whput.
2013-12-03 Tom CleggFix sha1 test, dry up "remove ./tmp/foo" preparations
2013-12-03 Tom CleggCommand line usability improvements.
2013-12-01 Tom CleggAdd arv-get, a whget replacement built on the Python...
2013-11-30 Tom CleggAdd arv-put --as-raw option.
2013-11-29 Tom CleggAdd --as-stream test.
2013-11-28 Tom CleggAdd arv-put, a whput replacement built on the Python...
2013-11-28 Tom CleggClear TASK_WORK before starting a task.
2013-11-25 Tom CleggCheck refresh trigger in crunch-job instead of crunch...
2013-11-23 Tom CleggAvoid infinite poll loop triggered by (:running and...
2013-11-22 Tom CleggFix scalar gmtime() usage.
2013-11-22 Tom CleggFix missing "my" scope.
2013-11-22 Tom CleggAllow users to cancel a running crunch job by updating...
2013-11-19 Tom CleggSend "Accept: application/json" header with API request...
2013-11-19 Tim PierceMerge branch 'master' of
2013-11-19 Tom CleggDo not re-attempt failed job tasks, unless there is...
2013-11-19 Tom CleggEnsure script_version matches before satisfying pipelin...
2013-11-19 Tom CleggRead pipeline template from local file if --template...
2013-11-18 Tim PierceMerge branch '1579-keep-server-in-docker' of
2013-11-15 Tom Cleggfix error message scraping regexp
2013-11-15 Tom CleggUse more current slurm environment variable name in...
2013-11-15 Tom Cleggfix over-compensation for attempts counter when task...
2013-11-15 Tom Cleggreduce default #attempts per job task from 9 to 2
2013-11-15 Tom Cleggfix loop label syntax error introduced in 7c4460b82b8ab...
2013-11-01 Tom Cleggallow crunch-job caller to override CRUNCH_TMP. fixes...
2013-10-21 Tom Cleggfix infinite exec loop
2013-10-21 Tom Cleggfix infinite loop if CONT signal received while todo...
2013-10-07 Tom Cleggrename jobs.resource_limits to runtime_constraints
2013-09-26 Tom Cleggadd ruby wrapper around crunch-job
2013-09-26 Tom Cleggmove crunch-job to arv-crunch-job and add to arvados...
2013-09-16 Tom Cleggpass api_token and pipeline_instance in request body...
2013-09-16 Tom CleggModify API discovery document and CLI tool so resource...
2013-07-30 Tom Clegggitignore arvados-cli gem
2013-07-30 Tom Cleggadd auth scopes
2013-07-18 Tom Cleggsay "interrupt" nicely instead of a stack trace on ^C
2013-07-18 Tom Cleggadd --no-reuse and --no-reuse-finished options to arv...
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggcount files instead of specimens on dashboard
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggfix command line parsing
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggadd "arv pipeline run" -> "arv-run-pipeline-instance...
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggrename wh-run-pipeline-instance to arv-run-pipeline...
2013-07-15 Tom Cleggadd "arv keep check"
2013-07-11 Ward VandewegeTweak arv keep wrapper a bit more. No more output rewri...
2013-07-10 Ward VandewegeAdd whls wrapper. This is a temporary hack. Not proud...
2013-07-10 Ward VandewegeRemove 'pre' from the gem version; otherwise we can...
2013-07-10 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' of
2013-07-10 Ward VandewegeChanges for ruby sdk packaging as a gem.
2013-07-01 Tom Cleggfix inflections
2013-06-20 Tom Cleggmake dependency install instructions paste-friendly
2013-06-14 Tom Cleggupdate cli sdk doc, tweak json output options
2013-06-14 Tom Cleggupdate "application name" identifier