Merge branch '1748-workbench-view-files'
[arvados.git] / apps / workbench /
2013-06-07 Tom Cleggfix up editable stuff
2013-06-07 Tom Cleggadd andand
2013-06-07 Tom Cleggmake authorized_keys editable on index page
2013-06-06 Tom Cleggtweak authorized_key#new
2013-06-06 Tom Cleggadd authorized_keys views and editable fields
2013-06-06 Tom Cleggupdate bundle, bring in bootstrap-editable
2013-06-06 Tom Cleggadd authorized_keys
2013-04-15 Tom Cleggcope better with unexpected pipeline structure
2013-04-15 Tom Cleggclean up workbench menu bar
2013-04-15 Tom Cleggrename projects
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggrename explorer -> workbench