point to doc.arvados.org tutorial if no local tutorials are set up
[arvados.git] / apps / workbench / app / views / application /
2013-06-22 Tom Cleggshow full uuid even in uuid column on index pages
2013-06-18 Tom Cleggalways use https in workbench curl examples
2013-06-18 Tom Cleggfix up cli/curl example code
2013-06-18 Tom Cleggwhitespace
2013-06-18 Tom Cleggpluralize resource name in python example
2013-06-18 Tom Cleggadd python example to generic workbench object display...
2013-06-13 Tom Cleggadd tutorials and references to home page
2013-06-11 Tom Cleggshow cli update example on generic object#get page
2013-06-11 Tom Cleggadd Repositories resource, fix authorized_user attr...
2013-06-10 Tom Cleggadd users#index, allow non-admin users#show
2013-06-07 Tom Cleggmake authorized_keys editable on index page
2013-06-06 Tom Cleggadd authorized_keys views and editable fields
2013-04-15 Tom Cleggrename projects
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggrename explorer -> workbench