Merge branch 'master' of into 11876-r-sdk
authorFuad Muhic <>
Fri, 26 Jan 2018 15:00:59 +0000 (16:00 +0100)
committerFuad Muhic <>
Fri, 26 Jan 2018 15:00:59 +0000 (16:00 +0100)
Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Fuad Muhic <>

35 files changed:
sdk/R/.Rbuildignore [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/ArvadosR.Rproj [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/DESCRIPTION [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/NAMESPACE [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/R/Arvados.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/R/ArvadosFile.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/R/Collection.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/R/CollectionTree.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/R/HttpParser.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/R/HttpRequest.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/R/RESTService.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/R/Subcollection.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/R/util.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/README [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/man/Arvados.Rd [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/man/ArvadosFile.Rd [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/man/Collection.Rd [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/man/CollectionTree.Rd [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/man/HttpParser.Rd [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/man/Subcollection.Rd [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat/fakes/FakeArvados.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat/fakes/FakeHttpParser.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat/fakes/FakeHttpRequest.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat/fakes/FakeRESTService.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-Arvados.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-ArvadosFile.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-Collection.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-CollectionTree.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-HttpParser.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-HttpRequest.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-RESTService.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-Subcollection.R [new file with mode: 0644]
sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-util.R [new file with mode: 0644]

index e61f485237b6b1145e3527982d0fbbbadaf56727..d41eaeea5fa6ee53fef1dedf2e7c37440c844cfb 100644 (file)
@@ -27,3 +27,4 @@ services/api/config/arvados-clients.yml
diff --git a/sdk/R/.Rbuildignore b/sdk/R/.Rbuildignore
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..91114bf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/sdk/R/ArvadosR.Rproj b/sdk/R/ArvadosR.Rproj
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a648ce1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Version: 1.0
+RestoreWorkspace: Default
+SaveWorkspace: Default
+AlwaysSaveHistory: Default
+EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
+UseSpacesForTab: Yes
+NumSpacesForTab: 4
+Encoding: UTF-8
+RnwWeave: Sweave
+LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
+AutoAppendNewline: Yes
+StripTrailingWhitespace: Yes
+BuildType: Package
+PackageUseDevtools: Yes
+PackageInstallArgs: --no-multiarch --with-keep.source
diff --git a/sdk/R/DESCRIPTION b/sdk/R/DESCRIPTION
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..73738e1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Package: ArvadosR
+Type: Package
+Title: Arvados R SDK
+Version: 0.0.2
+Author: Fuad Muhic
+Maintainer: Ward Vandewege <>
+Description: This is the Arvados R SDK
+License: Apache-2.0
+Encoding: UTF-8
+LazyData: true
+    R6,
+    httr,
+    stringr,
+    jsonlite,
+    curl,
+    XML
+Suggests: testthat
diff --git a/sdk/R/NAMESPACE b/sdk/R/NAMESPACE
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1c94e71
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
diff --git a/sdk/R/R/Arvados.R b/sdk/R/R/Arvados.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..18b42f6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+#' Arvados SDK Object
+#' All Arvados logic is inside this class
+#' @field token Token represents user authentification token.
+#' @field host Host represents server name we wish to connect to.
+#' @examples arv = Arvados$new("token", "host_name")
+#' @export Arvados
+Arvados <- R6::R6Class(
+    "Arvados",
+    public = list(
+        initialize = function(authToken = NULL, hostName = NULL)
+        {
+            if(!is.null(hostName))
+               Sys.setenv(ARVADOS_API_HOST = hostName)
+            if(!is.null(authToken))
+                Sys.setenv(ARVADOS_API_TOKEN = authToken)
+            hostName  <- Sys.getenv("ARVADOS_API_HOST");
+            token <- Sys.getenv("ARVADOS_API_TOKEN");
+            if(hostName == "" | token == "")
+                stop(paste0("Please provide host name and authentification token",
+                            " or set ARVADOS_API_HOST and ARVADOS_API_TOKEN",
+                            " environment variables."))
+            private$REST  <- RESTService$new(token, hostName, NULL,
+                                             HttpRequest$new(), HttpParser$new())
+            private$token <- private$REST$token
+            private$host  <- private$REST$hostName
+        },
+        getToken          = function() private$REST$token,
+        getHostName       = function() private$REST$hostName,
+        getWebDavHostName = function() private$REST$getWebDavHostName(),
+        getRESTService    = function() private$REST,
+        setRESTService    = function(newRESTService) private$REST <- newRESTService,
+        getCollection = function(uuid)
+        {
+            collection <- private$REST$getResource("collections", uuid)
+            collection
+        },
+        listCollections = function(filters = NULL, limit = 100, offset = 0)
+        {
+            if(!is.null(filters))
+                names(filters) <- c("collection")
+            collections <- private$REST$listResources("collections", filters,
+                                                      limit, offset)
+            collections
+        },
+        listAllCollections = function(filters = NULL)
+        {
+            if(!is.null(filters))
+                names(filters) <- c("collection")
+            collectionURL <- paste0(private$host, "collections")
+            allCollection <- private$REST$fetchAllItems(collectionURL, filters)
+            allCollection
+        },
+        deleteCollection = function(uuid)
+        {
+            removedCollection <- private$REST$deleteResource("collections", uuid)
+            removedCollection
+        },
+        updateCollection = function(uuid, newContent)
+        {
+            body <- list(list())
+            names(body) <- c("collection")
+            body$collection <- newContent
+            updatedCollection <- private$REST$updateResource("collections",
+                                                             uuid, body)
+            updatedCollection
+        },
+        createCollection = function(content)
+        {
+            body <- list(list())
+            names(body) <- c("collection")
+            body$collection <- content
+            newCollection <- private$REST$createResource("collections", body)
+            newCollection
+        },
+        getProject = function(uuid)
+        {
+            project <- private$REST$getResource("groups", uuid)
+            project
+        },
+        createProject = function(content)
+        {
+            body <- list(list())
+            names(body) <- c("group")
+            body$group <- c("group_class" = "project", content)
+            newProject <- private$REST$createResource("groups", body)
+            newProject
+        },
+        updateProject = function(uuid, newContent)
+        {
+            body <- list(list())
+            names(body) <- c("group")
+            body$group <- newContent
+            updatedProject <- private$REST$updateResource("groups",
+                                                          uuid, body)
+            updatedProject
+        },
+        listProjects = function(filters = NULL, limit = 100, offset = 0)
+        {
+            if(!is.null(filters))
+                names(filters) <- c("groups")
+            filters[[length(filters) + 1]] <- list("group_class", "=", "project")
+            projects <- private$REST$listResources("groups", filters,
+                                                   limit, offset)
+            projects
+        },
+        listAllProjects = function(filters = NULL)
+        {
+            if(!is.null(filters))
+                names(filters) <- c("groups")
+            filters[[length(filters) + 1]] <- list("group_class", "=", "project")
+            projectURL <- paste0(private$host, "groups")
+            result <- private$REST$fetchAllItems(projectURL, filters)
+            result
+        },
+        deleteProject = function(uuid)
+        {
+            removedProject <- private$REST$deleteResource("groups", uuid)
+            removedProject
+        }
+    ),
+    private = list(
+        token = NULL,
+        host  = NULL,
+        REST  = NULL
+    ),
+    cloneable = FALSE
diff --git a/sdk/R/R/ArvadosFile.R b/sdk/R/R/ArvadosFile.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ffb9a6b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#' ArvadosFile Object
+#' Update description
+#' @export ArvadosFile
+ArvadosFile <- R6::R6Class(
+    "ArvadosFile",
+    public = list(
+        initialize = function(name)
+        {
+            private$name             <- name
+            private$http             <- HttpRequest$new()
+            private$httpParser       <- HttpParser$new()
+        },
+        getName = function() private$name,
+        getFileListing = function(fullpath = TRUE)
+        {
+            self$getName()
+        },
+        getSizeInBytes = function()
+        {
+            if(is.null(private$collection))
+                return(0)
+            REST <- private$collection$getRESTService()
+            fileSize <- REST$getResourceSize(self$getRelativePath(),
+                                             private$collection$uuid)
+            fileSize
+        },
+        get = function(fileLikeObjectName)
+        {
+            return(NULL)
+        },
+        getFirst = function()
+        {
+            return(NULL)
+        },
+        getCollection = function() private$collection,
+        setCollection = function(collection)
+        {
+            private$collection <- collection
+        },
+        getRelativePath = function()
+        {
+            relativePath <- c(private$name)
+            parent <- private$parent
+            while(!is.null(parent))
+            {
+                relativePath <- c(parent$getName(), relativePath)
+                parent <- parent$getParent()
+            }
+            relativePath <- relativePath[relativePath != ""]
+            paste0(relativePath, collapse = "/")
+        },
+        getParent = function() private$parent,
+        setParent = function(newParent) private$parent <- newParent,
+        read = function(contentType = "raw", offset = 0, length = 0)
+        {
+            if(is.null(private$collection))
+                stop("ArvadosFile doesn't belong to any collection.")
+            if(offset < 0 || length < 0)
+                stop("Offset and length must be positive values.")
+            REST <- private$collection$getRESTService()
+            fileContent <- REST$read(self$getRelativePath(),
+                                     private$collection$uuid,
+                                     contentType, offset, length)
+            fileContent
+        },
+        connection = function(rw)
+        {
+            if (rw == "r" || rw == "rb") 
+            {
+                REST <- private$collection$getRESTService()
+                return(REST$getConnection(private$collection$uuid,
+                                          self$getRelativePath(),
+                                          rw))
+            }
+            else if (rw == "w") 
+            {
+                private$buffer <- textConnection(NULL, "w")
+                return(private$buffer)
+            }
+        },
+        flush = function() 
+        {
+            v <- textConnectionValue(private$buffer)
+            close(private$buffer)
+            self$write(paste(v, collapse='\n'))
+        },
+        write = function(content, contentType = "text/html")
+        {
+            if(is.null(private$collection))
+                stop("ArvadosFile doesn't belong to any collection.")
+            REST <- private$collection$getRESTService()
+            writeResult <- REST$write(self$getRelativePath(),
+                                      private$collection$uuid,
+                                      content, contentType)
+            writeResult
+        },
+        move = function(newLocation)
+        {
+            if(is.null(private$collection))
+                stop("ArvadosFile doesn't belong to any collection")
+            newLocation <- trimFromEnd(newLocation, "/")
+            nameAndPath <- splitToPathAndName(newLocation)
+            newParent <- private$collection$get(nameAndPath$path)
+            if(is.null(newParent))
+            {
+                stop("Unable to get destination subcollection")
+            }
+            childWithSameName <- newParent$get(nameAndPath$name)
+            if(!is.null(childWithSameName))
+                stop("Destination already contains content with same name.")
+            REST <- private$collection$getRESTService()
+            REST$move(self$getRelativePath(),
+                      paste0(newParent$getRelativePath(), "/", nameAndPath$name),
+                      private$collection$uuid)
+            private$dettachFromCurrentParent()
+            private$attachToNewParent(newParent)
+            private$name <- nameAndPath$name
+            "Content moved successfully."
+        }
+    ),
+    private = list(
+        name       = NULL,
+        size       = NULL,
+        parent     = NULL,
+        collection = NULL,
+        http       = NULL,
+        httpParser = NULL,
+        buffer     = NULL,
+        attachToNewParent = function(newParent)
+        {
+            #Note: We temporary set parents collection to NULL. This will ensure that
+            #      add method doesn't post file on REST.
+            parentsCollection <- newParent$getCollection()
+            newParent$setCollection(NULL, setRecursively = FALSE)
+            newParent$add(self)
+            newParent$setCollection(parentsCollection, setRecursively = FALSE)
+            private$parent <- newParent
+        },
+        dettachFromCurrentParent = function()
+        {
+            #Note: We temporary set parents collection to NULL. This will ensure that
+            #      remove method doesn't remove this subcollection from REST.
+            parent <- private$parent
+            parentsCollection <- parent$getCollection()
+            parent$setCollection(NULL, setRecursively = FALSE)
+            parent$remove(private$name)
+            parent$setCollection(parentsCollection, setRecursively = FALSE)
+        }
+    ),
+    cloneable = FALSE
diff --git a/sdk/R/R/Collection.R b/sdk/R/R/Collection.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8d49cd0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#' Arvados Collection Object
+#' Update description
+#' @examples arv = Collection$new(api, uuid)
+#' @export Collection
+Collection <- R6::R6Class(
+    "Collection",
+    public = list(
+        api  = NULL,
+        uuid = NULL,
+        initialize = function(api, uuid)
+        {
+            self$api <- api
+            private$REST <- api$getRESTService()
+            self$uuid <- uuid
+            private$fileContent <- private$REST$getCollectionContent(uuid)
+            private$tree <- CollectionTree$new(private$fileContent, self)
+        },
+        add = function(content, relativePath = "")
+        {
+            if(relativePath == ""  ||
+               relativePath == "." ||
+               relativePath == "./")
+            {
+                subcollection <- private$tree$getTree()
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                relativePath <- trimFromEnd(relativePath, "/")
+                subcollection <- self$get(relativePath)
+            }
+            if(is.null(subcollection))
+                stop(paste("Subcollection", relativePath, "doesn't exist."))
+            if("ArvadosFile"   %in% class(content) ||
+               "Subcollection" %in% class(content))
+            {
+                subcollection$add(content)
+                content
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                stop(paste0("Expected AravodsFile or Subcollection object, got ",
+                            paste0("(", paste0(class(content), collapse = ", "), ")"),
+                            "."))
+            }
+        },
+        create = function(fileNames, relativePath = "")
+        {
+            if(relativePath == ""  ||
+               relativePath == "." ||
+               relativePath == "./")
+            {
+                subcollection <- private$tree$getTree()
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                relativePath  <- trimFromEnd(relativePath, "/") 
+                subcollection <- self$get(relativePath)
+            }
+            if(is.null(subcollection))
+                stop(paste("Subcollection", relativePath, "doesn't exist."))
+            if(is.character(fileNames))
+            {
+                arvadosFiles <- NULL
+                sapply(fileNames, function(fileName)
+                {
+                    childWithSameName <- subcollection$get(fileName)
+                    if(!is.null(childWithSameName))
+                        stop("Destination already contains file with same name.")
+                    newFile <- ArvadosFile$new(fileName)
+                    subcollection$add(newFile)
+                    arvadosFiles <<- c(arvadosFiles, newFile)
+                })
+                if(length(arvadosFiles) == 1)
+                    return(arvadosFiles[[1]])
+                else
+                    return(arvadosFiles)
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                stop(paste0("Expected character vector, got ",
+                            paste0("(", paste0(class(fileNames), collapse = ", "), ")"),
+                            "."))
+            }
+        },
+        remove = function(paths)
+        {
+            if(is.character(paths))
+            {
+                sapply(paths, function(filePath)
+                {
+                    filePath <- trimFromEnd(filePath, "/")
+                    file <- self$get(filePath)
+                    if(is.null(file))
+                        stop(paste("File", filePath, "doesn't exist."))
+                    parent <- file$getParent()
+                    parent$remove(file$getName())
+                })
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                stop(paste0("Expected character vector, got ",
+                            paste0("(", paste0(class(paths), collapse = ", "), ")"),
+                            "."))
+            }
+        },
+        move = function(content, newLocation)
+        {
+            content <- trimFromEnd(content, "/")
+            elementToMove <- self$get(content)
+            if(is.null(elementToMove))
+                stop("Element you want to move doesn't exist in the collection.")
+            elementToMove$move(newLocation)
+        },
+        getFileListing = function()
+        {
+            content <- private$REST$getCollectionContent(self$uuid)
+            content[order(tolower(content))]
+        },
+        get = function(relativePath)
+        {
+            private$tree$getElement(relativePath)
+        },
+        getRESTService = function() private$REST,
+        setRESTService = function(newRESTService) private$REST <- newRESTService
+    ),
+    private = list(
+        REST        = NULL,
+        tree        = NULL,
+        fileContent = NULL,
+        generateTree = function(content)
+        {
+            treeBranches <- sapply(collectionContent, function(filePath)
+            {
+                splitPath <- unlist(strsplit(filePath$name, "/", fixed = TRUE))
+                branch = private$createBranch(splitPath, filePath$fileSize)      
+            })
+        }
+    ),
+    cloneable = FALSE
diff --git a/sdk/R/R/CollectionTree.R b/sdk/R/R/CollectionTree.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fcc5dbe
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#' Arvados Collection Object
+#' Update description
+#' @examples arv = Collection$new(api, uuid)
+#' @export CollectionTree
+CollectionTree <- R6::R6Class(
+    "CollectionTree",
+    public = list(
+        pathsList = NULL,
+        initialize = function(fileContent, collection)
+        {
+            self$pathsList <- fileContent
+            treeBranches <- sapply(fileContent, function(filePath)
+            {
+                splitPath <- unlist(strsplit(filePath, "/", fixed = TRUE))
+                branch <- private$createBranch(splitPath)      
+            })
+            root <- Subcollection$new("")
+            sapply(treeBranches, function(branch)
+            {
+                private$addBranch(root, branch)
+            })
+            root$setCollection(collection)
+            private$tree <- root
+        },
+        getElement = function(relativePath)
+        {
+            relativePath <- trimFromStart(relativePath, "./")
+            relativePath <- trimFromEnd(relativePath, "/")
+            if(endsWith(relativePath, "/"))
+                relativePath <- substr(relativePath, 0, nchar(relativePath) - 1)
+            splitPath <- unlist(strsplit(relativePath, "/", fixed = TRUE))
+            returnElement <- private$tree
+            for(pathFragment in splitPath)
+            {
+                returnElement <- returnElement$get(pathFragment)
+                if(is.null(returnElement))
+                    return(NULL)
+            }
+            returnElement
+        },
+        getTree = function() private$tree
+    ),
+    private = list(
+        tree = NULL,
+        createBranch = function(splitPath)
+        {
+            branch <- NULL
+            lastElementIndex <- length(splitPath)
+            for(elementIndex in lastElementIndex:1)
+            {
+                if(elementIndex == lastElementIndex)
+                {
+                    branch <- ArvadosFile$new(splitPath[[elementIndex]])
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    newFolder <- Subcollection$new(splitPath[[elementIndex]])
+                    newFolder$add(branch)
+                    branch <- newFolder
+                }
+            }
+            branch
+        },
+        addBranch = function(container, node)
+        {
+            child <- container$get(node$getName())
+            if(is.null(child))
+            {
+                container$add(node)
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                # Note: REST always returns folder name alone before other folder content
+                # (for some reason), so in first iteration we don't know if it's a file
+                # or folder since its just a name, so we assume it's a file. 
+                # If we encounter that same name again we know 
+                # it's a folder so we need to replace ArvadosFile with Subcollection.
+                if("ArvadosFile" %in% class(child))
+                {
+                    child = private$replaceFileWithSubcollection(child)
+                }
+                private$addBranch(child, node$getFirst())
+            }
+        },
+        replaceFileWithSubcollection = function(arvadosFile)
+        {
+            subcollection <- Subcollection$new(arvadosFile$getName())
+            fileParent <- arvadosFile$getParent()
+            fileParent$remove(arvadosFile$getName())
+            fileParent$add(subcollection)
+            arvadosFile$setParent(NULL)
+            subcollection
+        }
+    )
diff --git a/sdk/R/R/HttpParser.R b/sdk/R/R/HttpParser.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8fe28b7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#' HttpParser
+HttpParser <- R6::R6Class(
+    "HttrParser",
+    public = list(
+        validContentTypes = NULL,
+        initialize = function() 
+        {
+            self$validContentTypes <- c("text", "raw")
+        },
+        parseJSONResponse = function(serverResponse) 
+        {
+            parsed_response <- httr::content(serverResponse,
+                                             as = "parsed",
+                                             type = "application/json")
+        },
+        parseResponse = function(serverResponse, outputType)
+        {
+            parsed_response <- httr::content(serverResponse, as = outputType)
+        },
+        getFileNamesFromResponse = function(response, uri)
+        {
+            text <- rawToChar(response$content)
+            doc <- XML::xmlParse(text, asText=TRUE)
+            base <- paste(paste("/", strsplit(uri, "/")[[1]][-1:-3], sep="", collapse=""), "/", sep="")
+            result <- unlist(
+                XML::xpathApply(doc, "//D:response/D:href", function(node) {
+                    sub(base, "", URLdecode(XML::xmlValue(node)), fixed=TRUE)
+                })
+            )
+            result <- result[result != ""]
+            result[-1]
+        },
+        getFileSizesFromResponse = function(response, uri)    
+        {
+            text <- rawToChar(response$content)
+            doc <- XML::xmlParse(text, asText=TRUE)
+            base <- paste(paste("/", strsplit(uri, "/")[[1]][-1:-3], sep="", collapse=""), "/", sep="")
+            result <- XML::xpathApply(doc, "//D:response/D:propstat/D:prop/D:getcontentlength", function(node) {
+              XML::xmlValue(node)
+            })
+            unlist(result)
+        }
+    )
diff --git a/sdk/R/R/HttpRequest.R b/sdk/R/R/HttpRequest.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ec364e5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+HttpRequest <- R6::R6Class(
+    "HttrRequest",
+    public = list(
+        validContentTypes = NULL,
+        initialize = function() 
+        {
+            self$validContentTypes <- c("text", "raw")
+        },
+        GET = function(url, headers = NULL, queryFilters = NULL, limit = NULL, offset = NULL)
+        {
+            headers <- httr::add_headers(unlist(headers))
+            query <- self$createQuery(queryFilters, limit, offset)
+            url <- paste0(url, query)
+            serverResponse <- httr::GET(url = url, config = headers)
+        },
+        PUT = function(url, headers = NULL, body = NULL,
+                       queryFilters = NULL, limit = NULL, offset = NULL)
+        {
+            headers <- httr::add_headers(unlist(headers))
+            query <- self$createQuery(queryFilters, limit, offset)
+            url <- paste0(url, query)
+            serverResponse <- httr::PUT(url = url, config = headers, body = body)
+        },
+        POST = function(url, headers = NULL, body = NULL,
+                        queryFilters = NULL, limit = NULL, offset = NULL)
+        {
+            headers <- httr::add_headers(unlist(headers))
+            query <- self$createQuery(queryFilters, limit, offset)
+            url <- paste0(url, query)
+            serverResponse <- httr::POST(url = url, config = headers, body = body)
+        },
+        DELETE = function(url, headers = NULL, body = NULL,
+                          queryFilters = NULL, limit = NULL, offset = NULL)
+        {
+            headers <- httr::add_headers(unlist(headers))
+            query <- self$createQuery(queryFilters, limit, offset)
+            url <- paste0(url, query)
+            serverResponse <- httr::DELETE(url = url, config = headers)
+        },
+        PROPFIND = function(url, headers = NULL)
+        {
+            h <- curl::new_handle()
+            curl::handle_setopt(h, customrequest = "PROPFIND")
+            curl::handle_setheaders(h, .list = headers)
+            propfindResponse <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, h)
+        },
+        MOVE = function(url, headers = NULL)
+        {
+            h <- curl::new_handle()
+            curl::handle_setopt(h, customrequest = "MOVE")
+            curl::handle_setheaders(h, .list = headers)
+            propfindResponse <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, h)
+        },
+        createQuery = function(filters, limit, offset)
+        {
+            finalQuery <- NULL
+            finalQuery <- c(finalQuery, private$createFiltersQuery(filters))
+            finalQuery <- c(finalQuery, private$createLimitQuery(limit))
+            finalQuery <- c(finalQuery, private$createOffsetQuery(offset))
+            finalQuery <- finalQuery[!is.null(finalQuery)]
+            finalQuery <- paste0(finalQuery, collapse = "&")
+            if(finalQuery != "")
+                finalQuery <- paste0("/?", finalQuery)
+            finalQuery
+        }
+    ),
+    private = list(
+        createFiltersQuery = function(filters)
+        {
+            if(!is.null(filters))
+            {
+                filters <- RListToPythonList(filters, ",")
+                encodedQuery <- URLencode(filters, reserved = T, repeated = T)
+                return(paste0("filters=", encodedQuery))
+            }
+            return(NULL)
+        },
+        createLimitQuery = function(limit)
+        {
+            if(!is.null(limit))
+            {
+                limit <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(limit))
+                if(
+                    stop("Limit must be a numeric type.")
+                return(paste0("limit=", limit))
+            }
+            return(NULL)
+        },
+        createOffsetQuery = function(offset)
+        {
+            if(!is.null(offset))
+            {
+                offset <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(offset))
+                if(
+                    stop("Offset must be a numeric type.")
+                return(paste0("offset=", offset))
+            }
+            return(NULL)
+        }
+    ),
+    cloneable = FALSE
diff --git a/sdk/R/R/RESTService.R b/sdk/R/R/RESTService.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..65c5302
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+RESTService <- R6::R6Class(
+    "RESTService",
+    public = list(
+        hostName       = NULL,
+        token          = NULL,
+        http           = NULL,
+        httpParser     = NULL,
+        initialize = function(token, hostName, webDavHostName = NULL,  http, httpParser)
+        {
+            version <- "v1"
+            self$token       <- token
+            self$hostName    <- paste0("https://", hostName,
+                                       "/arvados/", version, "/")
+            self$http        <- http
+            self$httpParser  <- httpParser
+            private$rawHostName    <- hostName
+            private$webDavHostName <- webDavHostName
+        },
+        getWebDavHostName = function()
+        {
+            if(is.null(private$webDavHostName))
+            {
+                discoveryDocumentURL <- paste0("https://", private$rawHostName,
+                                               "/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest")
+                headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", self$token))
+                serverResponse <- self$http$GET(discoveryDocumentURL, headers)
+                discoveryDocument <- self$httpParser$parseJSONResponse(serverResponse)
+                private$webDavHostName <- discoveryDocument$keepWebServiceUrl
+                if(is.null(private$webDavHostName))
+                    stop("Unable to find WebDAV server.")
+            }
+            private$webDavHostName
+        },
+        getResource = function(resource, uuid)
+        {
+            resourceURL <- paste0(self$hostName, resource, "/", uuid)
+            headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", self$token))
+            serverResponse <- self$http$GET(resourceURL, headers)
+            resource <- self$httpParser$parseJSONResponse(serverResponse)
+            if(!is.null(resource$errors))
+                stop(resource$errors)
+            resource
+        },
+        listResources = function(resource, filters = NULL, limit = 100, offset = 0)
+        {
+            resourceURL <- paste0(self$hostName, resource)
+            headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", self$token))
+            serverResponse <- self$http$GET(resourceURL, headers, filters,
+                                            limit, offset)
+            resources <- self$httpParser$parseJSONResponse(serverResponse)
+            if(!is.null(resources$errors))
+                stop(resources$errors)
+            resources
+        },
+        fetchAllItems = function(resourceURL, filters)
+        {
+            headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", self$token))
+            offset <- 0
+            itemsAvailable <- .Machine$integer.max
+            items <- c()
+            while(length(items) < itemsAvailable)
+            {
+                serverResponse <- self$http$GET(url          = resourceURL,
+                                                headers      = headers,
+                                                queryFilters = filters,
+                                                limit        = NULL,
+                                                offset       = offset)
+                parsedResponse <- self$httpParser$parseJSONResponse(serverResponse)
+                if(!is.null(parsedResponse$errors))
+                    stop(parsedResponse$errors)
+                items          <- c(items, parsedResponse$items)
+                offset         <- length(items)
+                itemsAvailable <- parsedResponse$items_available
+            }
+            items
+        },
+        deleteResource = function(resource, uuid)
+        {
+            collectionURL <- paste0(self$hostName, resource, "/", uuid)
+            headers <- list("Authorization" = paste("OAuth2", self$token),
+                            "Content-Type"  = "application/json")
+            serverResponse <- self$http$DELETE(collectionURL, headers)
+            removedResource <- self$httpParser$parseJSONResponse(serverResponse)
+            if(!is.null(removedResource$errors))
+                stop(removedResource$errors)
+            removedResource
+        },
+        updateResource = function(resource, uuid, newContent)
+        {
+            resourceURL <- paste0(self$hostName, resource, "/", uuid)
+            headers <- list("Authorization" = paste("OAuth2", self$token),
+                            "Content-Type"  = "application/json")
+            newContent <- jsonlite::toJSON(newContent, auto_unbox = T)
+            serverResponse <- self$http$PUT(resourceURL, headers, newContent)
+            updatedResource <- self$httpParser$parseJSONResponse(serverResponse)
+            if(!is.null(updatedResource$errors))
+                stop(updatedResource$errors)
+            updatedResource
+        },
+        createResource = function(resource, content)
+        {
+            resourceURL <- paste0(self$hostName, resource)
+            headers <- list("Authorization" = paste("OAuth2", self$token),
+                            "Content-Type"  = "application/json")
+            content <- jsonlite::toJSON(content, auto_unbox = T)
+            serverResponse <- self$http$POST(resourceURL, headers, content)
+            newResource <- self$httpParser$parseJSONResponse(serverResponse)
+            if(!is.null(newResource$errors))
+                stop(newResource$errors)
+            newResource
+        },
+        create = function(files, uuid)
+        {
+            sapply(files, function(filePath)
+            {
+                private$createNewFile(filePath, uuid, "text/html")
+            })
+        },
+        delete = function(relativePath, uuid)
+        {
+            fileURL <- paste0(self$getWebDavHostName(), "c=",
+                              uuid, "/", relativePath);
+            headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", self$token)) 
+            serverResponse <- self$http$DELETE(fileURL, headers)
+            if(serverResponse$status_code < 200 || serverResponse$status_code >= 300)
+                stop(paste("Server code:", serverResponse$status_code))
+            paste("File deleted:", relativePath)
+        },
+        move = function(from, to, uuid)
+        {
+            collectionURL <- paste0(self$getWebDavHostName(), "c=", uuid, "/")
+            fromURL <- paste0(collectionURL, from)
+            toURL <- paste0(collectionURL, to)
+            headers <- list("Authorization" = paste("OAuth2", self$token),
+                           "Destination" = toURL)
+            serverResponse <- self$http$MOVE(fromURL, headers)
+            if(serverResponse$status_code < 200 || serverResponse$status_code >= 300)
+                stop(paste("Server code:", serverResponse$status_code))
+            serverResponse
+        },
+        getCollectionContent = function(uuid)
+        {
+            collectionURL <- URLencode(paste0(self$getWebDavHostName(),
+                                              "c=", uuid))
+            headers <- list("Authorization" = paste("OAuth2", self$token))
+            response <- self$http$PROPFIND(collectionURL, headers)
+            if(all(response == ""))
+                stop("Response is empty, request may be misconfigured")
+            if(response$status_code < 200 || response$status_code >= 300)
+                stop(paste("Server code:", response$status_code))
+            self$httpParser$getFileNamesFromResponse(response, collectionURL)
+        },
+        getResourceSize = function(relativePath, uuid)
+        {
+            collectionURL <- URLencode(paste0(self$getWebDavHostName(),
+                                              "c=", uuid))
+            subcollectionURL <- paste0(collectionURL, "/", relativePath);
+            headers <- list("Authorization" = paste("OAuth2", self$token))
+            response <- self$http$PROPFIND(subcollectionURL, headers)
+            if(all(response == ""))
+                stop("Response is empty, request may be misconfigured")
+            if(response$status_code < 200 || response$status_code >= 300)
+                stop(paste("Server code:", response$status_code))
+            sizes <- self$httpParser$getFileSizesFromResponse(response,
+                                                              collectionURL)
+            as.numeric(sizes)
+        },
+        read = function(relativePath, uuid, contentType = "raw", offset = 0, length = 0)
+        {
+            fileURL <- paste0(self$getWebDavHostName(),
+                             "c=", uuid, "/", relativePath);
+            range <- paste0("bytes=", offset, "-")
+            if(length > 0)
+                range = paste0(range, offset + length - 1)
+            if(offset == 0 && length == 0)
+            {
+                headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", self$token))
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", self$token),
+                                Range = range)
+            }
+            if(!(contentType %in% self$httpParser$validContentTypes))
+                stop("Invalid contentType. Please use text or raw.")
+            serverResponse <- self$http$GET(fileURL, headers)
+            if(serverResponse$status_code < 200 || serverResponse$status_code >= 300)
+                stop(paste("Server code:", serverResponse$status_code))
+            self$httpParser$parseResponse(serverResponse, contentType)
+        },
+        write = function(relativePath, uuid, content, contentType)
+        {
+            fileURL <- paste0(self$getWebDavHostName(),
+                             "c=", uuid, "/", relativePath);
+            headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", self$token),
+                            "Content-Type" = contentType)
+            body <- content
+            serverResponse <- self$http$PUT(fileURL, headers, body)
+            if(serverResponse$status_code < 200 || serverResponse$status_code >= 300)
+                stop(paste("Server code:", serverResponse$status_code))
+            self$httpParser$parseResponse(serverResponse, "text")
+        },
+        getConnection = function(uuid, relativePath, openMode)
+        {
+            fileURL <- paste0(self$getWebDavHostName(), 
+                              "c=", uuid, "/", relativePath);
+            headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", self$token))
+            h <- curl::new_handle()
+            curl::handle_setheaders(h, .list = headers)
+            conn <- curl::curl(url = fileURL, open = openMode, handle = h)
+            conn
+        }
+    ),
+    private = list(
+        webDavHostName = NULL,
+        rawHostName    = NULL,
+        createNewFile = function(relativePath, uuid, contentType)
+        {
+            fileURL <- paste0(self$getWebDavHostName(), "c=",
+                              uuid, "/", relativePath)
+            headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", self$token), 
+                            "Content-Type" = contentType)
+            body <- NULL
+            serverResponse <- self$http$PUT(fileURL, headers, body)
+            if(serverResponse$status_code < 200 || serverResponse$status_code >= 300)
+                stop(paste("Server code:", serverResponse$status_code))
+            paste("File created:", relativePath)
+        }
+    ),
+    cloneable = FALSE
diff --git a/sdk/R/R/Subcollection.R b/sdk/R/R/Subcollection.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a1f83f5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+#' Arvados SubCollection Object
+#' Update description
+#' @export Subcollection
+Subcollection <- R6::R6Class(
+    "Subcollection",
+    public = list(
+        initialize = function(name)
+        {
+            private$name       <- name
+        },
+        getName = function() private$name,
+        getRelativePath = function()
+        {
+            relativePath <- c(private$name)
+            parent <- private$parent
+            while(!is.null(parent))
+            {
+                relativePath <- c(parent$getName(), relativePath)
+                parent <- parent$getParent()
+            }
+            relativePath <- relativePath[relativePath != ""]
+            paste0(relativePath, collapse = "/")
+        },
+        add = function(content)
+        {
+            if("ArvadosFile"   %in% class(content) ||
+               "Subcollection" %in% class(content))
+            {
+                childWithSameName <- self$get(content$getName())
+                if(!is.null(childWithSameName))
+                    stop(paste("Subcollection already contains ArvadosFile",
+                               "or Subcollection with same name."))
+                if(!is.null(private$collection))
+                {       
+                    if(self$getRelativePath() != "")
+                        contentPath <- paste0(self$getRelativePath(),
+                                              "/", content$getFileListing())
+                    else
+                        contentPath <- content$getFileListing()
+                    REST <- private$collection$getRESTService()
+                    REST$create(contentPath, private$collection$uuid)
+                    content$setCollection(private$collection)
+                }
+                private$children <- c(private$children, content)
+                content$setParent(self)
+                "Content added successfully."
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                stop(paste0("Expected AravodsFile or Subcollection object, got ",
+                            paste0("(", paste0(class(content), collapse = ", "), ")"),
+                            "."))
+            }
+        },
+        remove = function(name)
+        {
+            if(is.character(name))
+            {
+                child <- self$get(name)
+                if(is.null(child))
+                    stop(paste("Subcollection doesn't contains ArvadosFile",
+                               "or Subcollection with specified name."))
+                if(!is.null(private$collection))
+                {
+                    REST <- private$collection$getRESTService()
+                    REST$delete(child$getRelativePath(), private$collection$uuid)
+                    child$setCollection(NULL)
+                }
+                private$removeChild(name)
+                child$setParent(NULL)
+                "Content removed"
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                stop(paste0("Expected character, got ",
+                            paste0("(", paste0(class(name), collapse = ", "), ")"),
+                            "."))
+            }
+        },
+        getFileListing = function(fullPath = TRUE)
+        {
+            content <- NULL
+            if(fullPath)
+            {
+                for(child in private$children)
+                    content <- c(content, child$getFileListing())
+                if(private$name != "")
+                    content <- unlist(paste0(private$name, "/", content))
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                for(child in private$children)
+                    content <- c(content, child$getName())
+            }
+            content[order(tolower(content))]
+        },
+        getSizeInBytes = function()
+        {
+            if(is.null(private$collection))
+                return(0)
+            REST <- private$collection$getRESTService()
+            fileSizes <- REST$getResourceSize(paste0(self$getRelativePath(), "/"),
+                                              private$collection$uuid)
+            return(sum(fileSizes))
+        },
+        move = function(newLocation)
+        {
+            if(is.null(private$collection))
+                stop("Subcollection doesn't belong to any collection")
+            newLocation <- trimFromEnd(newLocation, "/")
+            nameAndPath <- splitToPathAndName(newLocation)
+            newParent <- private$collection$get(nameAndPath$path)
+            if(is.null(newParent))
+            {
+                stop("Unable to get destination subcollection")
+            }
+            childWithSameName <- newParent$get(nameAndPath$name)
+            if(!is.null(childWithSameName))
+                stop("Destination already contains content with same name.")
+            REST <- private$collection$getRESTService()
+            REST$move(self$getRelativePath(),
+                      paste0(newParent$getRelativePath(), "/", nameAndPath$name),
+                      private$collection$uuid)
+            private$dettachFromCurrentParent()
+            private$attachToNewParent(newParent)
+            private$name <- nameAndPath$name
+            "Content moved successfully."
+        },
+        get = function(name)
+        {
+            for(child in private$children)
+            {
+                if(child$getName() == name)
+                    return(child)
+            }
+            return(NULL)
+        },
+        getFirst = function()
+        {
+            if(length(private$children) == 0)
+               return(NULL)
+            private$children[[1]]
+        },
+        setCollection = function(collection, setRecursively = TRUE)
+        {
+            private$collection = collection
+            if(setRecursively)
+            {
+                for(child in private$children)
+                    child$setCollection(collection)
+            }
+        },
+        getCollection = function() private$collection,
+        getParent = function() private$parent,
+        setParent = function(newParent) private$parent <- newParent
+    ),
+    private = list(
+        name       = NULL,
+        children   = NULL,
+        parent     = NULL,
+        collection = NULL,
+        removeChild = function(name)
+        {
+            numberOfChildren = length(private$children)
+            if(numberOfChildren > 0)
+            {
+                for(childIndex in 1:numberOfChildren)
+                {
+                    if(private$children[[childIndex]]$getName() == name)
+                    {
+                        private$children = private$children[-childIndex]
+                        return()
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        attachToNewParent = function(newParent)
+        {
+            #Note: We temporary set parents collection to NULL. This will ensure that
+            #      add method doesn't post file on REST.
+            parentsCollection <- newParent$getCollection()
+            newParent$setCollection(NULL, setRecursively = FALSE)
+            newParent$add(self)
+            newParent$setCollection(parentsCollection, setRecursively = FALSE)
+            private$parent <- newParent
+        },
+        dettachFromCurrentParent = function()
+        {
+            #Note: We temporary set parents collection to NULL. This will ensure that
+            #      remove method doesn't remove this subcollection from REST.
+            parent <- private$parent
+            parentsCollection <- parent$getCollection()
+            parent$setCollection(NULL, setRecursively = FALSE)
+            parent$remove(private$name)
+            parent$setCollection(parentsCollection, setRecursively = FALSE)
+        }
+    ),
+    cloneable = FALSE
diff --git a/sdk/R/R/util.R b/sdk/R/R/util.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..65b5a4e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+trimFromStart <- function(sample, trimCharacters)
+    if(startsWith(sample, trimCharacters))
+        sample <- substr(sample, nchar(trimCharacters) + 1, nchar(sample))
+    sample
+trimFromEnd <- function(sample, trimCharacters)
+    if(endsWith(sample, trimCharacters))
+        sample <- substr(sample, 0, nchar(sample) - nchar(trimCharacters))
+    sample
+RListToPythonList <- function(RList, separator = ", ")
+    pythonArrayContent <- sapply(RList, function(elementInList)
+    {
+        if((is.vector(elementInList) || is.list(elementInList)) &&
+            length(elementInList) > 1)
+        {
+            return(RListToPythonList(elementInList, separator))
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return(paste0("\"", elementInList, "\""))
+        }
+    })
+    pythonArray <- paste0("[", paste0(pythonArrayContent, collapse = separator), "]")
+    pythonArray
+appendToStartIfNotExist <- function(sample, characters)
+    if(!startsWith(sample, characters))
+        sample <- paste0(characters, sample)
+    sample
+splitToPathAndName = function(path)
+    path <- appendToStartIfNotExist(path, "/")
+    components <- unlist(stringr::str_split(path, "/"))
+    nameAndPath <- list()
+    nameAndPath$name <- components[length(components)]
+    nameAndPath$path <- trimFromStart(paste0(components[-length(components)], collapse = "/"),
+                                      "/")
+    nameAndPath
diff --git a/sdk/R/README b/sdk/R/README
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6b8cd3f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+R SDK for Arvados
+This SDK focuses on providing support for accessing Arvados projects, collections, and the files within collections.
+The API is not final and feedback is solicited from users on ways in which it could be improved.
+1. Install the dependencies
+    > install.packages(c('R6', 'httr', 'stringr', 'jsonlite', 'curl', 'XML'))
+If needed, you may have to install the supporting packages first. On Linux, these are:
+    libxml2-dev, libssl-dev, libcurl4-gnutls-dev or libcurl4-openssl-dev
+2. Install the ArvardosR package
+    > install.packages('/path/to/ArvadosR_0.0.2.tar.gz', repos = NULL, type="source", dependencies = TRUE)
+#Load Library and Initialize API:
+arv <- Arvados$new() # uses environment variables ARVADOS_API_TOKEN and ARVADOS_API_HOST
+arv <- Arvados$new("your Arvados token", "")
+#Get a collection:
+#List collections:
+collectionList <- arv$listCollections(list(list("name", "like", "Test%"))) # offset of 0 and default limit of 100
+collectionList <- arv$listCollections(list(list("name", "like", "Test%")), limit = 10, offset = 2)
+collectionList$items_available # count of total number of items (may be more than returned due to paging)
+collectionList$items # items which match the filter criteria
+#Next example will list all collections even when the number of items is greater than maximum API limit
+collectionList <- arv$listAllCollections(list(list("name", "like", "Test%")))
+#Delete a collection:
+deletedCollection <- arv$deleteCollection("uuid")
+#Update a collection's metadata:
+updatedCollection <- arv$updateCollection("uuid", list(name = "My new name", description = "a brand new description"))
+#Create collection:
+createdCollection <- arv$createCollection(list(name = "Example", description = "This is a test collection"))
+#Create collection object:
+collection <- Collection$new(arv, "uuid")
+#Get list of files
+#This will return ArvadosFile or Subcollection from internal tree-like structure.
+arvadosFile <- collection$get("location/to/my/file.cpp")
+arvadosSubcollection <- collection$get("location/to/my/directory/")
+#Read a table
+arvadosFile   <- collection$get("myinput.txt")
+arvConnection <- arvadosFile$connection("r")
+mytable       <- read.table(arvConnection)
+#Write a table
+arvadosFile   <- collection$create("myoutput.txt")
+arvConnection <- arvadosFile$connection("w")
+write.table(mytable, arvConnection)
+#Read whole file or just a portion of it.
+fileContent <- arvadosFile$read()
+fileContent <- arvadosFile$read("text")
+fileContent <- arvadosFile$read("raw", offset = 1024, length = 512)
+#Get ArvadosFile or Subcollection size
+size <- arvadosFile$getSizeInBytes()
+size <- arvadosSubcollection$getSizeInBytes()
+#Create new file in a collection
+collection$create(fileNames, optionalRelativePath)
+mainFile <- collection$create("main.cpp", "cpp/src/")
+fileList <- collection$create(c("main.cpp", lib.dll), "cpp/src/")
+#Add existing ArvadosFile or Subcollection to a collection
+folder <- Subcollection$new("src")
+file   <- ArvadosFile$new("main.cpp")
+collection$add(folder, "cpp")
+#This examples will add file "main.cpp" in "./cpp/src/" folder if folder exists.
+#If subcollection contains more files or folders they will be added recursively.
+#Write to existing file (Override current content of the file)
+arvadosFile <- collection$get("location/to/my/file.cpp")
+arvadosFile$write("This is new file content")
+#Delete file from a collection
+#You can remove both Subcollection and ArvadosFile
+#If subcollection contains more files or folders they will be removed recursively.
+#You can also remove multiple files
+collection$remove(c("path/to/my/file.cpp", "path/to/other/file.cpp"))
+#Delete file or folder from a Subcollection
+subcollection <- collection$get("mySubcollection/")
+#Move file or folder inside collection
+#Directley from collection
+collection$move("folder/file.cpp", "file.cpp")
+#Or from file
+file <- collection$get("location/to/my/file.cpp")
+#Or from subcollection
+subcollection <- collection$get("location/to/folder")
+#Make sure to include file name in new destination
+#In second example file$move("newDestination/") will not work
+#Get a project:
+#List projects:
+projects <- arv$listProjects(list(list("owner_uuid", "=", "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"))) # list subprojects of a project
+arv$listProjects(list(list("name","like","Example%"))) # list projects which have names beginning with Example
+#Next example will list all projects even when the number of items is greater than maximum API limit
+collectionList <- arv$listAllProjects(list(list("name","like","Example%")))
+#Delete a project:
+deletedProject <- arv$deleteProject("uuid")
+#Update project:
+updatedProject <- arv$updateProject("uuid", list(name = "new_name", description = "new description"))
+#Create project:
+createdProject <- arv$createProject(list(name = "project_name", description = "project description"))
+cd arvados/sdk
+R CMD build R
+This will create a tarball of the Arvados package in the current directory.
diff --git a/sdk/R/man/Arvados.Rd b/sdk/R/man/Arvados.Rd
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6dfb0ce
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/Arvados.R
+\title{Arvados SDK Object}
+\format{An object of class \code{R6ClassGenerator} of length 24.}
+All Arvados logic is inside this class
+\item{\code{token}}{Token represents user authentification token.}
+\item{\code{host}}{Host represents server name we wish to connect to.}
+arv = Arvados$new("token", "host_name")
diff --git a/sdk/R/man/ArvadosFile.Rd b/sdk/R/man/ArvadosFile.Rd
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f48a71f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ArvadosFile.R
+\title{ArvadosFile Object}
+\format{An object of class \code{R6ClassGenerator} of length 24.}
+Update description
diff --git a/sdk/R/man/Collection.Rd b/sdk/R/man/Collection.Rd
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..46c76cb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/Collection.R
+\title{Arvados Collection Object}
+\format{An object of class \code{R6ClassGenerator} of length 24.}
+Update description
+arv = Collection$new(api, uuid)
diff --git a/sdk/R/man/CollectionTree.Rd b/sdk/R/man/CollectionTree.Rd
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..adeed46
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/CollectionTree.R
+\title{Arvados Collection Object}
+\format{An object of class \code{R6ClassGenerator} of length 24.}
+Update description
+arv = Collection$new(api, uuid)
diff --git a/sdk/R/man/HttpParser.Rd b/sdk/R/man/HttpParser.Rd
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..68d314f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/HttpParser.R
+\format{An object of class \code{R6ClassGenerator} of length 24.}
diff --git a/sdk/R/man/Subcollection.Rd b/sdk/R/man/Subcollection.Rd
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e644e02
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/Subcollection.R
+\title{Arvados SubCollection Object}
+\format{An object of class \code{R6ClassGenerator} of length 24.}
+Update description
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..18ef411
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat/fakes/FakeArvados.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat/fakes/FakeArvados.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5886ff7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+FakeArvados <- R6::R6Class(
+    "FakeArvados",
+    public = list(
+        token      = NULL,
+        host       = NULL,
+        webdavHost = NULL,
+        http       = NULL,
+        httpParser = NULL,
+        REST       = NULL,
+        initialize = function(token      = NULL,
+                              host       = NULL,
+                              webdavHost = NULL,
+                              http       = NULL,
+                              httpParser = NULL)
+        {
+            self$token      <- token
+            self$host       <- host
+            self$webdavHost <- webdavHost
+            self$http       <- http
+            self$httpParser <- httpParser
+        },
+        getToken    = function() self$token,
+        getHostName = function() self$host,
+        getHttpClient = function() self$http,
+        getHttpParser = function() self$httpParser,
+        getWebDavHostName = function() self$webdavHost
+    ),
+    cloneable = FALSE
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat/fakes/FakeHttpParser.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat/fakes/FakeHttpParser.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..865234d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+FakeHttpParser <- R6::R6Class(
+    "FakeHttrParser",
+    public = list(
+        validContentTypes = NULL,
+        parserCallCount = NULL,
+        initialize = function() 
+        {
+            self$parserCallCount <- 0
+            self$validContentTypes <- c("text", "raw")
+        },
+        parseJSONResponse = function(serverResponse) 
+        {
+            self$parserCallCount <- self$parserCallCount + 1
+            if(!is.null(serverResponse$content))
+                return(serverResponse$content)
+            serverResponse
+        },
+        parseResponse = function(serverResponse, outputType)
+        {
+            self$parserCallCount <- self$parserCallCount + 1
+            if(!is.null(serverResponse$content))
+                return(serverResponse$content)
+            serverResponse
+        },
+        getFileNamesFromResponse = function(serverResponse, uri)
+        {
+            self$parserCallCount <- self$parserCallCount + 1
+            if(!is.null(serverResponse$content))
+                return(serverResponse$content)
+            serverResponse
+        },
+        getFileSizesFromResponse = function(serverResponse, uri)    
+        {
+            self$parserCallCount <- self$parserCallCount + 1
+            if(!is.null(serverResponse$content))
+                return(serverResponse$content)
+            serverResponse
+        }
+    )
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat/fakes/FakeHttpRequest.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat/fakes/FakeHttpRequest.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..34dde62
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+FakeHttpRequest <- R6::R6Class(
+    "FakeHttpRequest",
+    public = list(
+        serverMaxElementsPerRequest = NULL,
+        content                                 = NULL,
+        expectedURL                             = NULL,
+        URLIsProperlyConfigured                 = NULL,
+        expectedQueryFilters                    = NULL,
+        queryFiltersAreCorrect                  = NULL,
+        requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField = NULL,
+        requestHeaderContainsDestinationField   = NULL,
+        requestHeaderContainsRangeField         = NULL,
+        requestHeaderContainsContentTypeField   = NULL,
+        JSONEncodedBodyIsProvided               = NULL,
+        requestBodyIsProvided                   = NULL,
+        numberOfGETRequests    = NULL,
+        numberOfDELETERequests = NULL,
+        numberOfPUTRequests    = NULL,
+        numberOfPOSTRequests   = NULL,
+        numberOfMOVERequests   = NULL,
+        initialize = function(expectedURL      = NULL,
+                              serverResponse   = NULL,
+                              expectedFilters  = NULL)
+        {
+            if(is.null(serverResponse))
+            {
+                self$content <- list()
+                self$content$status_code <- 200
+            }
+            else
+                self$content <- serverResponse
+            self$expectedURL <- expectedURL
+            self$URLIsProperlyConfigured <- FALSE
+            self$expectedQueryFilters <- expectedFilters
+            self$queryFiltersAreCorrect <- FALSE
+            self$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField <- FALSE
+            self$requestHeaderContainsDestinationField <- FALSE
+            self$requestHeaderContainsRangeField <- FALSE
+            self$requestHeaderContainsContentTypeField <- FALSE
+            self$JSONEncodedBodyIsProvided <- FALSE
+            self$requestBodyIsProvided <- FALSE
+            self$numberOfGETRequests <- 0
+            self$numberOfDELETERequests <- 0
+            self$numberOfPUTRequests <- 0
+            self$numberOfPOSTRequests <- 0
+            self$numberOfMOVERequests <- 0
+            self$serverMaxElementsPerRequest <- 5
+        },
+        GET = function(url, headers = NULL, queryFilters = NULL, limit = NULL, offset = NULL)
+        {
+            private$validateURL(url)
+            private$validateHeaders(headers)
+            private$validateFilters(queryFilters)
+            self$numberOfGETRequests <- self$numberOfGETRequests + 1
+            if(!is.null(self$content$items_available))
+            {
+                return(private$getElements(offset, limit))
+            }
+            else
+                return(self$content)
+        },
+        PUT = function(url, headers = NULL, body = NULL,
+                       queryFilters = NULL, limit = NULL, offset = NULL)
+        {
+            private$validateURL(url)
+            private$validateHeaders(headers)
+            private$validateBody(body)
+            self$numberOfPUTRequests <- self$numberOfPUTRequests + 1
+            self$content
+        },
+        POST = function(url, headers = NULL, body = NULL,
+                        queryFilters = NULL, limit = NULL, offset = NULL)
+        {
+            private$validateURL(url)
+            private$validateHeaders(headers)
+            private$validateBody(body)
+            self$numberOfPOSTRequests <- self$numberOfPOSTRequests + 1
+            self$content
+        },
+        DELETE = function(url, headers = NULL, body = NULL,
+                          queryFilters = NULL, limit = NULL, offset = NULL)
+        {
+            private$validateURL(url)
+            private$validateHeaders(headers)
+            self$numberOfDELETERequests <- self$numberOfDELETERequests + 1
+            self$content
+        },
+        PROPFIND = function(url, headers = NULL)
+        {
+            private$validateURL(url)
+            private$validateHeaders(headers)
+            self$content
+        },
+        MOVE = function(url, headers = NULL)
+        {
+            private$validateURL(url)
+            private$validateHeaders(headers)
+            self$numberOfMOVERequests <- self$numberOfMOVERequests + 1
+            self$content
+        }
+    ),
+    private = list(
+        validateURL = function(url) 
+        {
+            if(!is.null(self$expectedURL) && url == self$expectedURL)
+                self$URLIsProperlyConfigured <- TRUE
+        },
+        validateHeaders = function(headers) 
+        {
+            if(!is.null(headers$Authorization))
+                self$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField <- TRUE
+            if(!is.null(headers$Destination))
+                self$requestHeaderContainsDestinationField <- TRUE
+            if(!is.null(headers$Range))
+                self$requestHeaderContainsRangeField <- TRUE
+            if(!is.null(headers[["Content-Type"]]))
+                self$requestHeaderContainsContentTypeField <- TRUE
+        },
+        validateBody = function(body)
+        {
+            if(!is.null(body) && class(body) == "json")           
+                self$JSONEncodedBodyIsProvided <- TRUE
+            if(!is.null(body))           
+            {
+                self$requestBodyIsProvided <- TRUE
+                if(class(body) == "json")           
+                    self$JSONEncodedBodyIsProvided <- TRUE
+            }
+        },
+        validateFilters = function(filters)
+        {
+            if(!is.null(self$expectedQueryFilters) &&
+               !is.null(filters) &&
+               all.equal(unname(filters), self$expectedQueryFilters))
+            {
+                self$queryFiltersAreCorrect <- TRUE
+            }
+        },
+        getElements = function(offset, limit)
+        {
+            start <- 1
+            elementCount <- self$serverMaxElementsPerRequest
+            if(!is.null(offset))
+            {
+                if(offset > self$content$items_available)
+                    stop("Invalid offset")
+                start <- offset + 1
+            }
+            if(!is.null(limit))
+                if(limit < self$serverMaxElementsPerRequest)
+                    elementCount <- limit - 1
+            serverResponse <- list()
+            serverResponse$items_available <- self$content$items_available
+            serverResponse$items <- self$content$items[start:(start + elementCount - 1)]
+            if(start + elementCount > self$content$items_available)
+            {
+                elementCount = self$content$items_available - start
+                serverResponse$items <- self$content$items[start:(start + elementCount)]
+            }
+            serverResponse
+        }
+    ),
+    cloneable = FALSE
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat/fakes/FakeRESTService.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat/fakes/FakeRESTService.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d370e87
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+FakeRESTService <- R6::R6Class(
+    "FakeRESTService",
+    public = list(
+        getResourceCallCount    = NULL,
+        createResourceCallCount = NULL,
+        listResourcesCallCount  = NULL,
+        deleteResourceCallCount = NULL,
+        updateResourceCallCount = NULL,
+        fetchAllItemsCallCount  = NULL,
+        createCallCount               = NULL,
+        deleteCallCount               = NULL,
+        moveCallCount                 = NULL,
+        getCollectionContentCallCount = NULL,
+        getResourceSizeCallCount      = NULL,
+        readCallCount                 = NULL,
+        writeCallCount                = NULL,
+        getConnectionCallCount        = NULL,
+        writeBuffer                   = NULL,
+        filtersAreConfiguredCorrectly = NULL,
+        bodyIsConfiguredCorrectly     = NULL,
+        expectedFilterContent         = NULL,
+        collectionContent = NULL,
+        returnContent     = NULL,
+        initialize = function(collectionContent = NULL, returnContent = NULL, 
+                              expectedFilterContent = NULL)
+        {
+            self$getResourceCallCount    <- 0
+            self$createResourceCallCount <- 0
+            self$listResourcesCallCount  <- 0
+            self$deleteResourceCallCount <- 0
+            self$updateResourceCallCount <- 0
+            self$fetchAllItemsCallCount  <- 0
+            self$createCallCount               <- 0
+            self$deleteCallCount               <- 0
+            self$moveCallCount                 <- 0
+            self$getCollectionContentCallCount <- 0
+            self$getResourceSizeCallCount      <- 0
+            self$readCallCount                 <- 0
+            self$writeCallCount                <- 0
+            self$getConnectionCallCount        <- 0
+            self$filtersAreConfiguredCorrectly <- FALSE
+            self$bodyIsConfiguredCorrectly     <- FALSE
+            self$collectionContent     <- collectionContent
+            self$returnContent         <- returnContent
+            self$expectedFilterContent <- expectedFilterContent
+        },
+        getWebDavHostName = function()
+        {
+        },
+        getResource = function(resource, uuid)
+        {
+            self$getResourceCallCount <- self$getResourceCallCount + 1
+            self$returnContent
+        },
+        listResources = function(resource, filters = NULL, limit = 100, offset = 0)
+        {
+            self$listResourcesCallCount <- self$listResourcesCallCount + 1
+            if(!is.null(self$expectedFilterContent) && !is.null(filters))
+               if(all.equal(filters, self$expectedFilterContent))
+                    self$filtersAreConfiguredCorrectly <- TRUE
+            self$returnContent
+        },
+        fetchAllItems = function(resourceURL, filters)
+        {
+            self$fetchAllItemsCallCount <- self$fetchAllItemsCallCount + 1
+            if(!is.null(self$expectedFilterContent) && !is.null(filters))
+               if(all.equal(filters, self$expectedFilterContent))
+                    self$filtersAreConfiguredCorrectly <- TRUE
+            self$returnContent
+        },
+        deleteResource = function(resource, uuid)
+        {
+            self$deleteResourceCallCount <- self$deleteResourceCallCount + 1
+            self$returnContent
+        },
+        updateResource = function(resource, uuid, newContent)
+        {
+            self$updateResourceCallCount <- self$updateResourceCallCount + 1
+            if(!is.null(self$returnContent) && !is.null(newContent))
+               if(all.equal(newContent, self$returnContent))
+                    self$bodyIsConfiguredCorrectly <- TRUE
+            self$returnContent
+        },
+        createResource = function(resource, content)
+        {
+            self$createResourceCallCount <- self$createResourceCallCount + 1
+            if(!is.null(self$returnContent) && !is.null(content))
+               if(all.equal(content, self$returnContent))
+                    self$bodyIsConfiguredCorrectly <- TRUE
+            self$returnContent
+        },
+        create = function(files, uuid)
+        {
+            self$createCallCount <- self$createCallCount + 1
+            self$returnContent
+        },
+        delete = function(relativePath, uuid)
+        {
+            self$deleteCallCount <- self$deleteCallCount + 1
+            self$returnContent
+        },
+        move = function(from, to, uuid)
+        {
+            self$moveCallCount <- self$moveCallCount + 1
+            self$returnContent
+        },
+        getCollectionContent = function(uuid)
+        {
+            self$getCollectionContentCallCount <- self$getCollectionContentCallCount + 1
+            self$collectionContent
+        },
+        getResourceSize = function(uuid, relativePathToResource)
+        {
+            self$getResourceSizeCallCount <- self$getResourceSizeCallCount + 1
+            self$returnContent
+        },
+        read = function(relativePath, uuid, contentType = "text", offset = 0, length = 0)
+        {
+            self$readCallCount <- self$readCallCount + 1
+            self$returnContent
+        },
+        write = function(uuid, relativePath, content, contentType)
+        {
+            self$writeBuffer <- content
+            self$writeCallCount <- self$writeCallCount + 1
+            self$returnContent
+        },
+        getConnection = function(relativePath, uuid, openMode)
+        {
+            self$getConnectionCallCount <- self$getConnectionCallCount + 1
+            self$returnContent
+        }
+    ),
+    cloneable = FALSE
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-Arvados.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-Arvados.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..25cf88f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+context("Arvados API")
+test_that("Constructor will use environment variables if no parameters are passed to it", {
+    Sys.setenv(ARVADOS_API_HOST  = "environment_api_host")
+    Sys.setenv(ARVADOS_API_TOKEN = "environment_api_token")
+    arv <- Arvados$new()
+    Sys.unsetenv("ARVADOS_API_HOST")
+    Sys.unsetenv("ARVADOS_API_TOKEN")
+    expect_that("https://environment_api_host/arvados/v1/",
+                equals(arv$getHostName())) 
+    expect_that("environment_api_token",
+                equals(arv$getToken())) 
+test_that("Constructor preferes constructor fields over environment variables", {
+    Sys.setenv(ARVADOS_API_HOST  = "environment_api_host")
+    Sys.setenv(ARVADOS_API_TOKEN = "environment_api_token")
+    arv <- Arvados$new("constructor_api_token", "constructor_api_host")
+    Sys.unsetenv("ARVADOS_API_HOST")
+    Sys.unsetenv("ARVADOS_API_TOKEN")
+    expect_that("https://constructor_api_host/arvados/v1/",
+                equals(arv$getHostName())) 
+    expect_that("constructor_api_token",
+                equals(arv$getToken())) 
+test_that("Constructor raises exception if fields and environment variables are not provided", {
+    expect_that(Arvados$new(),
+                throws_error(paste0("Please provide host name and authentification token",
+                                    " or set ARVADOS_API_HOST and ARVADOS_API_TOKEN",
+                                    " environment variables.")))
+test_that("getCollection delegates operation to RESTService class", {
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new()
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collectionUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    arv$getCollection(collectionUUID)
+    expect_that(fakeREST$getResourceCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("listCollections delegates operation to RESTService class", {
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new()
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    arv$listCollections()
+    expect_that(fakeREST$listResourcesCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("listCollections filter paramerter must be named 'collection'", {
+    filters <- list(list("name", "like", "MyCollection"))
+    names(filters) <- c("collection")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(expectedFilterContent = filters)
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    arv$listCollections(list(list("name", "like", "MyCollection")))
+    expect_that(fakeREST$filtersAreConfiguredCorrectly, is_true())
+test_that("listAllCollections delegates operation to RESTService class", {
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new()
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    arv$listAllCollections()
+    expect_that(fakeREST$fetchAllItemsCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("listAllCollections filter paramerter must be named 'collection'", {
+    filters <- list(list("name", "like", "MyCollection"))
+    names(filters) <- c("collection")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(expectedFilterContent = filters)
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    arv$listAllCollections(list(list("name", "like", "MyCollection")))
+    expect_that(fakeREST$filtersAreConfiguredCorrectly, is_true())
+test_that("deleteCollection delegates operation to RESTService class", {
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new()
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collectionUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    arv$deleteCollection(collectionUUID)
+    expect_that(fakeREST$deleteResourceCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("updateCollection delegates operation to RESTService class", {
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new()
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    newCollectionContent <- list(newName = "Brand new shiny name")
+    collectionUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    arv$updateCollection(collectionUUID, newCollectionContent)
+    expect_that(fakeREST$updateResourceCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("updateCollection adds content to request parameter named 'collection'", {
+    collectionUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    body <- list(list())
+    names(body) <- c("collection")
+    body$collection <- list(name = "MyCollection", desc = "No description")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(returnContent = body)
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    arv$updateCollection(collectionUUID, 
+                         list(name = "MyCollection", desc = "No description"))
+    expect_that(fakeREST$bodyIsConfiguredCorrectly, is_true())
+test_that("createCollection delegates operation to RESTService class", {
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new()
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collectionContent <- list(newName = "Brand new shiny name")
+    arv$createCollection(collectionContent)
+    expect_that(fakeREST$createResourceCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("createCollection adds content to request parameter named 'collection'", {
+    body <- list(list())
+    names(body) <- c("collection")
+    body$collection <- list(name = "MyCollection", desc = "No description")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(returnContent = body)
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    arv$createCollection(list(name = "MyCollection", desc = "No description"))
+    expect_that(fakeREST$bodyIsConfiguredCorrectly, is_true())
+test_that("getProject delegates operation to RESTService class", {
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new()
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    projectUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    arv$getCollection(projectUUID)
+    expect_that(fakeREST$getResourceCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("listProjects delegates operation to RESTService class", {
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new()
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    arv$listCollections()
+    expect_that(fakeREST$listResourcesCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("listProjects filter contains additional 'group_class' field by default", {
+    filters <- list(list("name", "like", "MyProject"))
+    names(filters) <- c("groups")
+    filters[[length(filters) + 1]] <- list("group_class", "=", "project")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(expectedFilterContent = filters)
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    arv$listProjects(list(list("name", "like", "MyProject")))
+    expect_that(fakeREST$filtersAreConfiguredCorrectly, is_true())
+test_that("listAllProjects delegates operation to RESTService class", {
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new()
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    arv$listAllProjects()
+    expect_that(fakeREST$fetchAllItemsCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("listAllProjects filter contains additional 'group_class' field by default", {
+    filters <- list(list("name", "like", "MyProject"))
+    names(filters) <- c("groups")
+    filters[[length(filters) + 1]] <- list("group_class", "=", "project")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(expectedFilterContent = filters)
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    arv$listAllProjects(list(list("name", "like", "MyProject")))
+    expect_that(fakeREST$filtersAreConfiguredCorrectly, is_true())
+test_that("deleteProject delegates operation to RESTService class", {
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new()
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    projectUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    arv$deleteCollection(projectUUID)
+    expect_that(fakeREST$deleteResourceCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("updateProject delegates operation to RESTService class", {
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new()
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    newProjectContent <- list(newName = "Brand new shiny name")
+    projectUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    arv$updateCollection(projectUUID, newProjectContent)
+    expect_that(fakeREST$updateResourceCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("updateProject adds content to request parameter named 'group'", {
+    projectUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    body <- list(list())
+    names(body) <- c("group")
+    body$group <- list(name = "MyProject", desc = "No description")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(returnContent = body)
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    arv$updateProject(projectUUID,
+                      list(name = "MyProject", desc = "No description"))
+    expect_that(fakeREST$bodyIsConfiguredCorrectly, is_true())
+test_that("createProject delegates operation to RESTService class", {
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new()
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    projectContent <- list(newName = "Brand new shiny name")
+    arv$createCollection(projectContent)
+    expect_that(fakeREST$createResourceCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("createProject request body contains 'goup_class' filed", {
+    body <- list(list())
+    names(body) <- c("group")
+    body$group <- c("group_class" = "project",
+                    list(name = "MyProject", desc = "No description"))
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(returnContent = body)
+    arv <- Arvados$new("token", "hostName")
+    arv$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    arv$createProject(list(name = "MyProject", desc = "No description"))
+    expect_that(fakeREST$bodyIsConfiguredCorrectly, is_true())
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-ArvadosFile.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-ArvadosFile.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..43c841b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+test_that("getFileListing always returns file name", {
+    dog <- ArvadosFile$new("dog")
+    expect_that(dog$getFileListing(), equals("dog"))
+test_that("get always returns NULL", {
+    dog <- ArvadosFile$new("dog")
+    responseIsNull <- is.null(dog$get("something"))
+    expect_that(responseIsNull, is_true())
+test_that("getFirst always returns NULL", {
+    dog <- ArvadosFile$new("dog")
+    responseIsNull <- is.null(dog$getFirst())
+    expect_that(responseIsNull, is_true())
+test_that(paste("getSizeInBytes returns zero if arvadosFile",
+                "is not part of a collection"), {
+    dog <- ArvadosFile$new("dog")
+    expect_that(dog$getSizeInBytes(), equals(0))
+test_that(paste("getSizeInBytes delegates size calculation",
+                "to REST service class"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal", "animal/fish")
+    returnSize <- 100
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent, returnSize)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    fish <- collection$get("animal/fish")
+    resourceSize <- fish$getSizeInBytes()
+    expect_that(resourceSize, equals(100))
+test_that("getRelativePath returns path relative to the tree root", {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    fish <- Subcollection$new("fish")
+    shark <- ArvadosFile$new("shark")
+    animal$add(fish)
+    fish$add(shark)
+    expect_that(shark$getRelativePath(), equals("animal/fish/shark"))
+test_that("read raises exception if file doesn't belong to a collection", {
+    dog <- ArvadosFile$new("dog")
+    expect_that(dog$read(),
+                throws_error("ArvadosFile doesn't belong to any collection."))
+test_that("read raises exception offset or length is negative number", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal", "animal/fish")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    fish <- collection$get("animal/fish")
+    expect_that(fish$read(contentType = "text", offset = -1),
+                throws_error("Offset and length must be positive values."))
+    expect_that(fish$read(contentType = "text", length = -1),
+                throws_error("Offset and length must be positive values."))
+    expect_that(fish$read(contentType = "text", offset = -1, length = -1),
+                throws_error("Offset and length must be positive values."))
+test_that("read delegates reading operation to REST service class", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal", "animal/fish")
+    readContent <- "my file"
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent, readContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    fish <- collection$get("animal/fish")
+    fileContent <- fish$read("text")
+    expect_that(fileContent, equals("my file"))
+    expect_that(fakeREST$readCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that(paste("connection delegates connection creation ro RESTService class",
+                "which returns curl connection opened in read mode when", 
+                "'r' of 'rb' is passed as argument"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal", "animal/fish")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    fish <- collection$get("animal/fish")
+    connection <- fish$connection("r")
+    expect_that(fakeREST$getConnectionCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that(paste("connection returns textConnection opened",
+                "in write mode when 'w' is passed as argument"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal", "animal/fish")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    fish <- collection$get("animal/fish")
+    connection <- fish$connection("w")
+    writeLines("file", connection)
+    writeLines("content", connection)
+    writeResult <- textConnectionValue(connection)
+    expect_that(writeResult[1], equals("file"))
+    expect_that(writeResult[2], equals("content"))
+test_that("flush sends data stored in a connection to a REST server", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal", "animal/fish")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    fish <- collection$get("animal/fish")
+    connection <- fish$connection("w")
+    writeLines("file content", connection)
+    fish$flush()
+    expect_that(fakeREST$writeBuffer, equals("file content"))
+test_that("write raises exception if file doesn't belong to a collection", {
+    dog <- ArvadosFile$new("dog")
+    expect_that(dog$write(),
+                throws_error("ArvadosFile doesn't belong to any collection."))
+test_that("write delegates writing operation to REST service class", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal", "animal/fish")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    fish <- collection$get("animal/fish")
+    fileContent <- fish$write("new file content")
+    expect_that(fakeREST$writeBuffer, equals("new file content"))
+test_that(paste("move raises exception if arvados file",
+                "doesn't belong to any collection"), {
+    animal <- ArvadosFile$new("animal")
+    expect_that(animal$move("new/location"),
+                throws_error("ArvadosFile doesn't belong to any collection"))
+test_that(paste("move raises exception if newLocationInCollection",
+                "parameter is invalid"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "animal/dog",
+                           "animal/fish/shark",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    dog <- collection$get("animal/dog")
+    expect_that(dog$move("objects/dog"),
+                throws_error("Unable to get destination subcollection"))
+test_that("move raises exception if new location contains content with the same name", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "animal/dog",
+                           "animal/fish/shark",
+                           "dog")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    dog <- collection$get("animal/dog")
+    expect_that(dog$move("dog"),
+                throws_error("Destination already contains content with same name."))
+test_that("move moves arvados file inside collection tree", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "animal/dog",
+                           "animal/fish/shark",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    dog <- collection$get("animal/dog")
+    dog$move("dog")
+    dogIsNullOnOldLocation <- is.null(collection$get("animal/dog"))
+    dogExistsOnNewLocation <- !is.null(collection$get("dog"))
+    expect_that(dogIsNullOnOldLocation, is_true())
+    expect_that(dogExistsOnNewLocation, is_true())
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-Collection.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-Collection.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..af03748
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+test_that(paste("constructor creates file tree from text content",
+                "retreived form REST service"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    root <- collection$get("")
+    expect_that(fakeREST$getCollectionContentCallCount, equals(1))
+    expect_that(root$getName(), equals(""))
+test_that(paste("add raises exception if passed argumet is not",
+                "ArvadosFile or Subcollection"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    newNumber <- 10
+    expect_that(collection$add(newNumber),
+    throws_error(paste("Expected AravodsFile or Subcollection",
+                       "object, got (numeric)."), fixed = TRUE))
+test_that("add raises exception if relative path is not valid", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    newPen <- ArvadosFile$new("pen")
+    expect_that(collection$add(newPen, "objects"),
+                throws_error("Subcollection objects doesn't exist.",
+                              fixed = TRUE))
+test_that(paste("add adds ArvadosFile or Subcollection",
+                "to local tree structure and remote REST service"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    newDog <- ArvadosFile$new("dog")
+    collection$add(newDog, "animal")
+    dog <- collection$get("animal/dog")
+    dogExistsInCollection <- !is.null(dog) && dog$getName() == "dog"
+    expect_that(dogExistsInCollection, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeREST$createCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("create raises exception if passed argumet is not character vector", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    expect_that(collection$create(10),
+                throws_error("Expected character vector, got (numeric).", 
+                             fixed = TRUE))
+test_that("create raises exception if relative path is not valid", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    newPen <- ArvadosFile$new("pen")
+    expect_that(collection$create(newPen, "objects"),
+                throws_error("Subcollection objects doesn't exist.",
+                              fixed = TRUE))
+test_that(paste("create adds files specified by fileNames",
+                "to local tree structure and remote REST service"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    files <- c("dog", "cat")
+    collection$create(files, "animal")
+    dog <- collection$get("animal/dog")
+    cat <- collection$get("animal/cat")
+    dogExistsInCollection <- !is.null(dog) && dog$getName() == "dog"
+    catExistsInCollection <- !is.null(cat) && cat$getName() == "cat"
+    expect_that(dogExistsInCollection, is_true())
+    expect_that(catExistsInCollection, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeREST$createCallCount, equals(2))
+test_that("remove raises exception if passed argumet is not character vector", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    expect_that(collection$remove(10),
+                throws_error("Expected character vector, got (numeric).", 
+                             fixed = TRUE))
+test_that(paste("remove removes files specified by paths",
+                "from local tree structure and from remote REST service"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "animal/dog",
+                           "animal/cat",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    collection$remove(c("animal/dog", "animal/cat"))
+    dog <- collection$get("animal/dog")
+    cat <- collection$get("animal/dog")
+    dogExistsInCollection <- !is.null(dog) && dog$getName() == "dog"
+    catExistsInCollection <- !is.null(cat) && cat$getName() == "cat"
+    expect_that(dogExistsInCollection, is_false())
+    expect_that(catExistsInCollection, is_false())
+    expect_that(fakeREST$deleteCallCount, equals(2))
+test_that(paste("move moves content to a new location inside file tree",
+                "and on REST service"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/dog",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    collection$move("animal/dog", "dog")
+    dogIsNullOnOldLocation <- is.null(collection$get("animal/dog"))
+    dogExistsOnNewLocation <- !is.null(collection$get("dog"))
+    expect_that(dogIsNullOnOldLocation, is_true())
+    expect_that(dogExistsOnNewLocation, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeREST$moveCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("move raises exception if new location is not valid", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    expect_that(collection$move("fish", "object"),
+                throws_error("Element you want to move doesn't exist in the collection.",
+                             fixed = TRUE))
+test_that("getFileListing returns collection content received from REST service", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    contentMatchExpected <- all(collection$getFileListing() == 
+                                c("animal", "animal/fish", "ball"))
+    expect_that(contentMatchExpected, is_true())
+    #2 calls because Collection$new calls getFileListing once
+    expect_that(fakeREST$getCollectionContentCallCount, equals(2))
+test_that("get returns arvados file or subcollection from internal tree structure", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    fish <- collection$get("animal/fish")
+    fishIsNotNull <- !is.null(fish)
+    expect_that(fishIsNotNull, is_true())
+    expect_that(fish$getName(), equals("fish"))
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-CollectionTree.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-CollectionTree.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..42a54bf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+test_that("constructor creates file tree from character array properly", {
+    collection <- "myCollection"
+    characterArray <- c("animal", 
+                        "animal/dog",
+                        "boat")
+    collectionTree <- CollectionTree$new(characterArray, collection)
+    root   <- collectionTree$getTree()
+    animal <- collectionTree$getElement("animal")
+    dog    <- collectionTree$getElement("animal/dog")
+    boat   <- collectionTree$getElement("boat")
+    rootHasNoParent             <- is.null(root$getParent())
+    rootIsOfTypeSubcollection   <- "Subcollection" %in% class(root)
+    animalIsOfTypeSubcollection <- "Subcollection" %in% class(animal)
+    dogIsOfTypeArvadosFile      <- "ArvadosFile" %in% class(dog)
+    boatIsOfTypeArvadosFile     <- "ArvadosFile" %in% class(boat)
+    animalsParentIsRoot         <- animal$getParent()$getName() == root$getName()
+    animalContainsDog           <- animal$getFirst()$getName() == dog$getName()
+    dogsParentIsAnimal          <- dog$getParent()$getName() == animal$getName()
+    boatsParentIsRoot           <- boat$getParent()$getName() == root$getName()
+    allElementsBelongToSameCollection <- root$getCollection()   == "myCollection" &&
+                                         animal$getCollection() == "myCollection" &&
+                                         dog$getCollection()    == "myCollection" &&
+                                         boat$getCollection()   == "myCollection"
+    expect_that(root$getName(), equals(""))
+    expect_that(rootIsOfTypeSubcollection, is_true())
+    expect_that(rootHasNoParent, is_true())
+    expect_that(animalIsOfTypeSubcollection, is_true())
+    expect_that(animalsParentIsRoot, is_true())
+    expect_that(animalContainsDog, is_true())
+    expect_that(dogIsOfTypeArvadosFile, is_true())
+    expect_that(dogsParentIsAnimal, is_true())
+    expect_that(boatIsOfTypeArvadosFile, is_true())
+    expect_that(boatsParentIsRoot, is_true())
+    expect_that(allElementsBelongToSameCollection, is_true())
+test_that("getElement returns element from tree if element exists on specified path", {
+    collection <- "myCollection"
+    characterArray <- c("animal", 
+                        "animal/dog",
+                        "boat")
+    collectionTree <- CollectionTree$new(characterArray, collection)
+    dog <- collectionTree$getElement("animal/dog")
+    expect_that(dog$getName(), equals("dog"))
+test_that("getElement returns NULL from tree if element doesn't exists on specified path", {
+    collection <- "myCollection"
+    characterArray <- c("animal", 
+                        "animal/dog",
+                        "boat")
+    collectionTree <- CollectionTree$new(characterArray, collection)
+    fish <- collectionTree$getElement("animal/fish")
+    fishIsNULL <- is.null(fish)
+    expect_that(fishIsNULL, is_true())
+test_that("getElement trims ./ from start of relativePath", {
+    collection <- "myCollection"
+    characterArray <- c("animal", 
+                        "animal/dog",
+                        "boat")
+    collectionTree <- CollectionTree$new(characterArray, collection)
+    dog <- collectionTree$getElement("animal/dog")
+    dogWithDotSlash <- collectionTree$getElement("./animal/dog")
+    expect_that(dogWithDotSlash$getName(), equals(dog$getName()))
+test_that("getElement trims / from end of relativePath", {
+    collection <- "myCollection"
+    characterArray <- c("animal", 
+                        "animal/dog",
+                        "boat")
+    collectionTree <- CollectionTree$new(characterArray, collection)
+    animal <- collectionTree$getElement("animal")
+    animalWithSlash <- collectionTree$getElement("animal/")
+    expect_that(animalWithSlash$getName(), equals(animal$getName()))
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-HttpParser.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-HttpParser.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b286212
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+context("Http Parser")
+test_that("parseJSONResponse generates and returns JSON object from server response", {
+    JSONContent <- "{\"bar\":{\"foo\":[10]}}"
+    serverResponse <- list()
+    serverResponse$content <- charToRaw(JSONContent)
+    serverResponse$headers[["Content-Type"]] <- "application/json; charset=utf-8"
+    class(serverResponse) <- c("response")
+    parser <- HttpParser$new()
+    result <- parser$parseJSONResponse(serverResponse)
+    barExists <- !is.null(result$bar)
+    expect_that(barExists, is_true())
+    expect_that(unlist(result$bar$foo), equals(10))
+test_that(paste("parseResponse generates and returns character vector",
+                "from server response if outputType is text"), {
+    content <- "random text"
+    serverResponse <- list()
+    serverResponse$content <- charToRaw(content)
+    serverResponse$headers[["Content-Type"]] <- "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
+    class(serverResponse) <- c("response")
+    parser <- HttpParser$new()
+    parsedResponse <- parser$parseResponse(serverResponse, "text")
+    expect_that(parsedResponse, equals("random text"))
+webDAVResponseSample = 
+    paste0("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><D:multistatus xmlns:",
+           "D=\"DAV:\"><D:response><D:href>/c=aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccccccccccccc</D",
+           ":href><D:propstat><D:prop><D:resourcetype><D:collection xmlns:D=",
+           "\"DAV:\"/></D:resourcetype><D:getlastmodified>Fri, 11 Jan 2018 1",
+           "1:11:11 GMT</D:getlastmodified><D:displayname></D:displayname><D",
+           ":supportedlock><D:lockentry xmlns:D=\"DAV:\"><D:lockscope><D:exc",
+           "lusive/></D:lockscope><D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype></D:loc",
+           "kentry></D:supportedlock></D:prop><D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:s",
+           "tatus></D:propstat></D:response><D:response><D:href>/c=aaaaa-bbb",
+           "bb-ccccccccccccccc/myFile.exe</D:href><D:propstat><D:prop><D:r",
+           "esourcetype></D:resourcetype><D:getlastmodified>Fri, 12 Jan 2018",
+           " 22:22:22 GMT</D:getlastmodified><D:getcontenttype>text/x-c++src",
+           "; charset=utf-8</D:getcontenttype><D:displayname>myFile.exe</D",
+           ":displayname><D:getcontentlength>25</D:getcontentlength><D:getet",
+           "ag>\"123b12dd1234567890\"</D:getetag><D:supportedlock><D:lockent",
+           "ry xmlns:D=\"DAV:\"><D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope><D:",
+           "locktype><D:write/></D:locktype></D:lockentry></D:supportedlock>",
+           "</D:prop><D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status></D:propstat></D:re",
+           "sponse></D:multistatus>")
+test_that(paste("getFileNamesFromResponse returns file names belonging to specific",
+                "collection parsed from webDAV server response"), {
+    serverResponse <- list()
+    serverResponse$content <- charToRaw(webDAVResponseSample)
+    serverResponse$headers[["Content-Type"]] <- "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
+    class(serverResponse) <- c("response")
+    url <- URLencode("https://webdav/c=aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccccccccccccc")
+    parser <- HttpParser$new()
+    result <- parser$getFileNamesFromResponse(serverResponse, url)
+    expectedResult <- "myFile.exe"
+    resultMatchExpected <- all.equal(result, expectedResult)
+    expect_that(resultMatchExpected, is_true())
+test_that(paste("getFileSizesFromResponse returns file sizes",
+                "parsed from webDAV server response"), {
+    serverResponse <- list()
+    serverResponse$content <- charToRaw(webDAVResponseSample)
+    serverResponse$headers[["Content-Type"]] <- "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
+    class(serverResponse) <- c("response")
+    url <- URLencode("https://webdav/c=aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccccccccccccc")
+    parser <- HttpParser$new()
+    expectedResult <- "25"
+    result <- parser$getFileSizesFromResponse(serverResponse, url)
+    resultMatchExpected <- result == expectedResult
+    expect_that(resultMatchExpected, is_true())
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-HttpRequest.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-HttpRequest.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..427ec34
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+context("Http Parser")
+test_that(paste("createQuery generates and encodes query portion of http",
+                "request based on filters, limit and offset parameters"), {
+    http <- HttpRequest$new()
+    filters <- list(list("color", "=", "red"))
+    limit <- 20
+    offset <- 50
+    expect_that(http$createQuery(filters, limit, offset),
+                equals(paste0("/?filters=%5B%5B%22color%22%2C%22%3D%22%2C%22red",
+                              "%22%5D%5D&limit=20&offset=50")))
+test_that(paste("createQuery generates and empty string",
+                "when filters, limit and offset parameters are set to NULL"), {
+    http <- HttpRequest$new()
+    expect_that(http$createQuery(NULL, NULL, NULL), equals(""))
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-RESTService.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-RESTService.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..abc34d9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+context("REST service")
+test_that("getWebDavHostName calls REST service properly", {
+    expectedURL <- "https://host/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest"
+    serverResponse <- list(keepWebServiceUrl = "")
+    httpRequest <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL, serverResponse)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", NULL,
+                            httpRequest, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    REST$getWebDavHostName()
+    expect_that(httpRequest$URLIsProperlyConfigured, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$numberOfGETRequests, equals(1))
+test_that("getWebDavHostName returns webDAV host name properly", {
+    serverResponse <- list(keepWebServiceUrl = "")
+    httpRequest <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL = NULL, serverResponse)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", NULL,
+                            httpRequest, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    expect_that("", equals(REST$getWebDavHostName())) 
+test_that("getResource calls REST service properly", {
+    serverResponse <- NULL
+    resourceUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    expectedURL    <- paste0("https://host/arvados/v1/collections/", resourceUUID)
+    httpRequest <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL, serverResponse)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            httpRequest, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    REST$getResource("collections", resourceUUID)
+    expect_that(httpRequest$URLIsProperlyConfigured, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$numberOfGETRequests, equals(1))
+test_that("getResource parses server response", {
+    resourceUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    httpParser <- FakeHttpParser$new()
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            FakeHttpRequest$new(), httpParser)
+    REST$getResource("collections", resourceUUID)
+    expect_that(httpParser$parserCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("getResource raises exception if response contains errors field", {
+    resourceUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    serverResponse <- list(errors = 404)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            FakeHttpRequest$new(NULL, serverResponse),
+                            FakeHttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$getResource("collections", resourceUUID), throws_error(404))
+test_that("listResources calls REST service properly", {
+    serverResponse <- NULL
+    expectedURL    <- paste0("https://host/arvados/v1/collections")
+    httpRequest <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL, serverResponse)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            httpRequest, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    REST$listResources("collections")
+    expect_that(httpRequest$URLIsProperlyConfigured, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$numberOfGETRequests, equals(1))
+test_that("listResources parses server response", {
+    httpParser <- FakeHttpParser$new()
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            FakeHttpRequest$new(), httpParser)
+    REST$listResources("collections")
+    expect_that(httpParser$parserCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("listResources raises exception if response contains errors field", {
+    serverResponse <- list(errors = 404)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            FakeHttpRequest$new(NULL, serverResponse),
+                            FakeHttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$listResources("collections"), throws_error(404))
+test_that("fetchAllItems always returns all resource items from server", {
+    expectedURL <- NULL
+    serverResponse <- list(items_available = 8,
+                           items = list("collection1",
+                                        "collection2",
+                                        "collection3",
+                                        "collection4",
+                                        "collection5",
+                                        "collection6",
+                                        "collection7",
+                                        "collection8"))
+    httpParser <- FakeHttpParser$new()
+    httpRequest <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL, serverResponse)
+    httpRequest$serverMaxElementsPerRequest <- 3
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            httpRequest, httpParser)
+    result <- REST$fetchAllItems(NULL, NULL)
+    expect_that(length(result), equals(8))
+    expect_that(httpRequest$numberOfGETRequests, equals(3))
+    expect_that(httpParser$parserCallCount, equals(3))
+test_that("deleteResource calls REST service properly", {
+    serverResponse <- NULL
+    resourceUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    expectedURL    <- paste0("https://host/arvados/v1/collections/", resourceUUID)
+    httpRequest <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL, serverResponse)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            httpRequest, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    REST$deleteResource("collections", resourceUUID)
+    expect_that(httpRequest$URLIsProperlyConfigured, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$numberOfDELETERequests, equals(1))
+test_that("deleteCollection parses server response", {
+    resourceUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    httpParser <- FakeHttpParser$new()
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            FakeHttpRequest$new(), httpParser)
+    REST$deleteResource("collections", resourceUUID)
+    expect_that(httpParser$parserCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("deleteCollection raises exception if response contains errors field", {
+    resourceUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    serverResponse <- list(errors = 404)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            FakeHttpRequest$new(NULL, serverResponse),
+                            FakeHttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$deleteResource("collections", resourceUUID), throws_error(404))
+test_that("updateResource calls REST service properly", {
+    serverResponse <- NULL
+    resourceUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    expectedURL    <- paste0("https://host/arvados/v1/collections/", resourceUUID)
+    newResourceContent <- list(newName = "Brand new shiny name")
+    httpRequest <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL, serverResponse)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            httpRequest, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    REST$updateResource("collections", resourceUUID, newResourceContent)
+    expect_that(httpRequest$URLIsProperlyConfigured, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$JSONEncodedBodyIsProvided, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$numberOfPUTRequests, equals(1))
+test_that("updateResource parses server response", {
+    newResourceContent <- list(newName = "Brand new shiny name")
+    resourceUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    httpParser <- FakeHttpParser$new()
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            FakeHttpRequest$new(), httpParser)
+    REST$updateResource("collections", resourceUUID, newResourceContent)
+    expect_that(httpParser$parserCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("updateResource raises exception if response contains errors field", {
+    resourceUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    serverResponse <- list(errors = 404)
+    newResourceContent <- list(newName = "Brand new shiny name")
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            FakeHttpRequest$new(NULL, serverResponse),
+                            FakeHttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$updateResource("collections", resourceUUID, newResourceContent),
+                throws_error(404))
+test_that("createResource calls REST service properly", {
+    resourceContent <- list(name = "My favorite collection")
+    serverResponse <- NULL
+    resourceUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    expectedURL <- "https://host/arvados/v1/collections"
+    newResourceContent <- list(newName = "Brand new shiny name")
+    httpRequest <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL, serverResponse)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            httpRequest, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    REST$createResource("collections", resourceContent)
+    expect_that(httpRequest$URLIsProperlyConfigured, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$JSONEncodedBodyIsProvided, is_true())
+    expect_that(httpRequest$numberOfPOSTRequests, equals(1))
+test_that("createResource parses server response", {
+    resourceContent <- list(newName = "Brand new shiny name")
+    resourceUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    httpParser <- FakeHttpParser$new()
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            FakeHttpRequest$new(), httpParser)
+    REST$createResource("collections", resourceContent)
+    expect_that(httpParser$parserCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("createResource raises exception if response contains errors field", {
+    resourceUUID <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    serverResponse <- list(errors = 404)
+    resourceContent <- list(newName = "Brand new shiny name")
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "host", "webDavHost",
+                            FakeHttpRequest$new(NULL, serverResponse),
+                            FakeHttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$createResource("collections", resourceContent),
+                throws_error(404))
+test_that("create calls REST service properly", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    expectedURL <- "https://webDavHost/c=aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc/file"
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL)
+    fakeHttpParser <- FakeHttpParser$new()
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, fakeHttpParser)
+    REST$create("file", uuid)
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$URLIsProperlyConfigured, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$numberOfPUTRequests, equals(1))
+test_that("create raises exception if server response code is not between 200 and 300", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    response <- list()
+    response$status_code <- 404
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(serverResponse = response)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, HttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$create("file", uuid),
+                throws_error("Server code: 404"))
+test_that("delete calls REST service properly", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    expectedURL <- "https://webDavHost/c=aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc/file"
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL)
+    fakeHttpParser <- FakeHttpParser$new()
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, fakeHttpParser)
+    REST$delete("file", uuid)
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$URLIsProperlyConfigured, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$numberOfDELETERequests, equals(1))
+test_that("delete raises exception if server response code is not between 200 and 300", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    response <- list()
+    response$status_code <- 404
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(serverResponse = response)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, HttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$delete("file", uuid),
+                throws_error("Server code: 404"))
+test_that("move calls REST service properly", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    expectedURL <- "https://webDavHost/c=aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc/file"
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL)
+    fakeHttpParser <- FakeHttpParser$new()
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, fakeHttpParser)
+    REST$move("file", "newDestination/file", uuid)
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$URLIsProperlyConfigured, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$requestHeaderContainsDestinationField, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$numberOfMOVERequests, equals(1))
+test_that("move raises exception if server response code is not between 200 and 300", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    response <- list()
+    response$status_code <- 404
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(serverResponse = response)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, HttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$move("file", "newDestination/file", uuid),
+                throws_error("Server code: 404"))
+test_that("getCollectionContent retreives correct content from WebDAV server", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    expectedURL <- "https://webDavHost/c=aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    returnContent <- list()
+    returnContent$status_code <- 200
+    returnContent$content <- c("animal", "animal/dog", "ball")
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL, returnContent)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    returnResult <- REST$getCollectionContent(uuid)
+    returnedContentMatchExpected <- all.equal(returnResult,
+                                              c("animal", "animal/dog", "ball"))
+    expect_that(returnedContentMatchExpected, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField, is_true())
+test_that("getCollectionContent raises exception if server returns empty response", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    response <- ""
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(serverResponse = response)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$getCollectionContent(uuid),
+                throws_error("Response is empty, request may be misconfigured"))
+test_that("getCollectionContent parses server response", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    fakeHttpParser <- FakeHttpParser$new()
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            FakeHttpRequest$new(), fakeHttpParser)
+    REST$getCollectionContent(uuid)
+    expect_that(fakeHttpParser$parserCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("getCollectionContent raises exception if server returns empty response", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    response <- ""
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(serverResponse = response)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$getCollectionContent(uuid),
+                throws_error("Response is empty, request may be misconfigured"))
+test_that(paste("getCollectionContent raises exception if server",
+                "response code is not between 200 and 300"), {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    response <- list()
+    response$status_code <- 404
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(serverResponse = response)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, HttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$getCollectionContent(uuid),
+                throws_error("Server code: 404"))
+test_that("getResourceSize calls REST service properly", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    expectedURL <- "https://webDavHost/c=aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc/file"
+    response <- list()
+    response$status_code <- 200
+    response$content <- c(6, 2, 931, 12003)
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL, response)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    returnResult <- REST$getResourceSize("file", uuid)
+    returnedContentMatchExpected <- all.equal(returnResult,
+                                              c(6, 2, 931, 12003))
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$URLIsProperlyConfigured, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField, is_true())
+    expect_that(returnedContentMatchExpected, is_true())
+test_that("getResourceSize raises exception if server returns empty response", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    response <- ""
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(serverResponse = response)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$getResourceSize("file", uuid),
+                throws_error("Response is empty, request may be misconfigured"))
+test_that(paste("getResourceSize raises exception if server",
+                "response code is not between 200 and 300"), {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    response <- list()
+    response$status_code <- 404
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(serverResponse = response)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, HttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$getResourceSize("file", uuid),
+                throws_error("Server code: 404"))
+test_that("getResourceSize parses server response", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    fakeHttpParser <- FakeHttpParser$new()
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            FakeHttpRequest$new(), fakeHttpParser)
+    REST$getResourceSize("file", uuid)
+    expect_that(fakeHttpParser$parserCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("read calls REST service properly", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    expectedURL <- "https://webDavHost/c=aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc/file"
+    serverResponse <- list()
+    serverResponse$status_code <- 200
+    serverResponse$content <- "file content"
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL, serverResponse)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    returnResult <- REST$read("file", uuid, "text", 1024, 512)
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$URLIsProperlyConfigured, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$requestHeaderContainsRangeField, is_true())
+    expect_that(returnResult, equals("file content"))
+test_that("read raises exception if server response code is not between 200 and 300", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    response <- list()
+    response$status_code <- 404
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(serverResponse = response)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, HttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$read("file", uuid),
+                throws_error("Server code: 404"))
+test_that("read raises exception if contentType is not valid", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new()
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, HttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$read("file", uuid, "some invalid content type"),
+                throws_error("Invalid contentType. Please use text or raw."))
+test_that("read parses server response", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    fakeHttpParser <- FakeHttpParser$new()
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            FakeHttpRequest$new(), fakeHttpParser)
+    REST$read("file", uuid, "text", 1024, 512)
+    expect_that(fakeHttpParser$parserCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("write calls REST service properly", {
+    fileContent <- "new file content" 
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    expectedURL <- "https://webDavHost/c=aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc/file"
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(expectedURL)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, FakeHttpParser$new())
+    REST$write("file", uuid, fileContent, "text/html")
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$URLIsProperlyConfigured, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$requestBodyIsProvided, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$requestHeaderContainsAuthorizationField, is_true())
+    expect_that(fakeHttp$requestHeaderContainsContentTypeField, is_true())
+test_that("write raises exception if server response code is not between 200 and 300", {
+    uuid <- "aaaaa-j7d0g-ccccccccccccccc"
+    fileContent <- "new file content" 
+    response <- list()
+    response$status_code <- 404
+    fakeHttp <- FakeHttpRequest$new(serverResponse = response)
+    REST <- RESTService$new("token", "https://host/", "https://webDavHost/",
+                            fakeHttp, HttpParser$new())
+    expect_that(REST$write("file", uuid, fileContent, "text/html"),
+                throws_error("Server code: 404"))
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-Subcollection.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-Subcollection.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..401b086
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+test_that("getRelativePath returns path relative to the tree root", {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    fish <- Subcollection$new("fish")
+    animal$add(fish)
+    expect_that(animal$getRelativePath(), equals("animal"))
+    expect_that(fish$getRelativePath(), equals("animal/fish"))
+test_that(paste("getFileListing by default returns path of all files",
+                "relative to the current subcollection"), {
+    animal   <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    fish     <- Subcollection$new("fish")
+    shark    <- ArvadosFile$new("shark")
+    blueFish <- ArvadosFile$new("blueFish")
+    animal$add(fish)
+    fish$add(shark)
+    fish$add(blueFish)
+    result <- animal$getFileListing()
+    expectedResult <- c("animal/fish/shark", "animal/fish/blueFish")
+    resultsMatch <- length(expectedResult) == length(result) &&
+                    all(expectedResult == result)
+    expect_that(resultsMatch, is_true())
+test_that(paste("getFileListing returns names of all direct children",
+                "if fullPath is set to FALSE"), {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    fish   <- Subcollection$new("fish")
+    shark  <- ArvadosFile$new("shark")
+    dog    <- ArvadosFile$new("dog")
+    animal$add(fish)
+    animal$add(dog)
+    fish$add(shark)
+    result <- animal$getFileListing(fullPath = FALSE)
+    expectedResult <- c("fish", "dog")
+    resultsMatch <- length(expectedResult) == length(result) &&
+                    all(expectedResult == result)
+    expect_that(resultsMatch, is_true())
+test_that("add adds content to inside collection tree", {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    fish   <- Subcollection$new("fish")
+    dog    <- ArvadosFile$new("dog")
+    animal$add(fish)
+    animal$add(dog)
+    animalContainsFish <- animal$get("fish")$getName() == fish$getName()
+    animalContainsDog  <- animal$get("dog")$getName()  == dog$getName()
+    expect_that(animalContainsFish, is_true())
+    expect_that(animalContainsDog, is_true())
+test_that(paste("add raises exception if ArvadosFile/Subcollection", 
+                "with same name already exists in the subcollection"), {
+    animal     <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    fish       <- Subcollection$new("fish")
+    secondFish <- Subcollection$new("fish")
+    thirdFish  <- ArvadosFile$new("fish")
+    animal$add(fish)
+    expect_that(animal$add(secondFish),
+                throws_error(paste("Subcollection already contains ArvadosFile or",
+                                   "Subcollection with same name."), fixed = TRUE))
+    expect_that(animal$add(thirdFish),
+                throws_error(paste("Subcollection already contains ArvadosFile or",
+                                   "Subcollection with same name."), fixed = TRUE))
+test_that(paste("add raises exception if passed argument is", 
+                "not ArvadosFile or Subcollection"), {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    number <- 10
+    expect_that(animal$add(number),
+                throws_error(paste("Expected AravodsFile or Subcollection object,",
+                                   "got (numeric)."), fixed = TRUE))
+test_that(paste("add post content to a REST service", 
+                "if subcollection belongs to a collection"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal", "animal/fish")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    animal <- collection$get("animal")
+    dog <- ArvadosFile$new("dog")
+    animal$add(dog)
+    expect_that(fakeREST$createCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that("remove removes content from subcollection", {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    fish   <- Subcollection$new("fish")
+    animal$add(fish)
+    animal$remove("fish")
+    returnValueAfterRemovalIsNull <- is.null(animal$get("fish"))
+    expect_that(returnValueAfterRemovalIsNull, is_true())
+test_that(paste("remove raises exception", 
+                "if content to remove doesn't exist in the subcollection"), {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    expect_that(animal$remove("fish"),
+                throws_error(paste("Subcollection doesn't contains ArvadosFile",
+                                   "or Subcollection with specified name.")))
+test_that("remove raises exception if passed argument is not character vector", {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    number <- 10
+    expect_that(animal$remove(number),
+                throws_error(paste("Expected character,",
+                                   "got (numeric)."), fixed = TRUE))
+test_that(paste("remove removes content from REST service", 
+                "if subcollection belongs to a collection"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal", "animal/fish", "animal/dog")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    animal <- collection$get("animal")
+    animal$remove("fish")
+    expect_that(fakeREST$deleteCallCount, equals(1))
+test_that(paste("get returns ArvadosFile or Subcollection", 
+                "if file or folder with given name exists"), {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    fish   <- Subcollection$new("fish")
+    dog    <- ArvadosFile$new("dog")
+    animal$add(fish)
+    animal$add(dog)
+    returnedFish <- animal$get("fish")
+    returnedDog  <- animal$get("dog")
+    returnedFishIsSubcollection <- "Subcollection" %in% class(returnedFish)
+    returnedDogIsArvadosFile    <- "ArvadosFile"   %in% class(returnedDog)
+    expect_that(returnedFishIsSubcollection, is_true())
+    expect_that(returnedFish$getName(), equals("fish"))
+    expect_that(returnedDogIsArvadosFile, is_true())
+    expect_that(returnedDog$getName(), equals("dog"))
+test_that(paste("get returns NULL if file or folder", 
+                "with given name doesn't exists"), {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    fish   <- Subcollection$new("fish")
+    animal$add(fish)
+    returnedDogIsNull <- is.null(animal$get("dog"))
+    expect_that(returnedDogIsNull, is_true())
+test_that("getFirst returns first child in the subcollection", {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    fish   <- Subcollection$new("fish")
+    animal$add(fish)
+    expect_that(animal$getFirst()$getName(), equals("fish"))
+test_that("getFirst returns NULL if subcollection contains no children", {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    returnedElementIsNull <- is.null(animal$getFirst())
+    expect_that(returnedElementIsNull, is_true())
+test_that(paste("setCollection by default sets collection",
+                "filed of subcollection and all its children"), {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    fish   <- Subcollection$new("fish")
+    animal$add(fish)
+    animal$setCollection("myCollection")
+    expect_that(animal$getCollection(), equals("myCollection"))
+    expect_that(fish$getCollection(), equals("myCollection"))
+test_that(paste("setCollection sets collection filed of subcollection only",
+                "if parameter setRecursively is set to FALSE"), {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    fish   <- Subcollection$new("fish")
+    animal$add(fish)
+    animal$setCollection("myCollection", setRecursively = FALSE)
+    fishCollectionIsNull <- is.null(fish$getCollection())
+    expect_that(animal$getCollection(), equals("myCollection"))
+    expect_that(fishCollectionIsNull, is_true())
+test_that(paste("move raises exception if subcollection",
+                "doesn't belong to any collection"), {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    expect_that(animal$move("new/location"),
+                throws_error("Subcollection doesn't belong to any collection"))
+test_that("move raises exception if new location contains content with the same name", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "animal/dog",
+                           "animal/fish/shark",
+                           "fish")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    fish <- collection$get("animal/fish")
+    expect_that(fish$move("fish"),
+                throws_error("Destination already contains content with same name."))
+test_that(paste("move raises exception if newLocationInCollection",
+                "parameter is invalid"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "animal/dog",
+                           "animal/fish/shark",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    fish <- collection$get("animal/fish")
+    expect_that(fish$move("objects/dog"),
+                throws_error("Unable to get destination subcollection"))
+test_that("move moves subcollection inside collection tree", {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal",
+                           "animal/fish",
+                           "animal/dog",
+                           "animal/fish/shark",
+                           "ball")
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    fish <- collection$get("animal/fish")
+    fish$move("fish")
+    fishIsNullOnOldLocation <- is.null(collection$get("animal/fish"))
+    fishExistsOnNewLocation <- !is.null(collection$get("fish"))
+    expect_that(fishIsNullOnOldLocation, is_true())
+    expect_that(fishExistsOnNewLocation, is_true())
+test_that(paste("getSizeInBytes returns zero if subcollection",
+                "is not part of a collection"), {
+    animal <- Subcollection$new("animal")
+    expect_that(animal$getSizeInBytes(), equals(0))
+test_that(paste("getSizeInBytes delegates size calculation",
+                "to REST service class"), {
+    collectionContent <- c("animal", "animal/fish")
+    returnSize <- 100
+    fakeREST <- FakeRESTService$new(collectionContent, returnSize)
+    api <- Arvados$new("myToken", "myHostName")
+    api$setRESTService(fakeREST)
+    collection <- Collection$new(api, "myUUID")
+    animal <- collection$get("animal")
+    resourceSize <- animal$getSizeInBytes()
+    expect_that(resourceSize, equals(100))
diff --git a/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-util.R b/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-util.R
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..62065f8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+context("Utility function")
+test_that("trimFromStart trims string correctly if string starts with trimCharacters", {
+    sample <- "./something/random"
+    trimCharacters <- "./something/"
+    result <- trimFromStart(sample, trimCharacters)
+    expect_that(result, equals("random"))
+test_that("trimFromStart returns original string if string doesn't starts with trimCharacters", {
+    sample <- "./something/random"
+    trimCharacters <- "./nothing/"
+    result <- trimFromStart(sample, trimCharacters)
+    expect_that(result, equals("./something/random"))
+test_that("trimFromEnd trims string correctly if string ends with trimCharacters", {
+    sample <- "./something/random"
+    trimCharacters <- "/random"
+    result <- trimFromEnd(sample, trimCharacters)
+    expect_that(result, equals("./something"))
+test_that("trimFromEnd returns original string if string doesn't end with trimCharacters", {
+    sample <- "./something/random"
+    trimCharacters <- "specific"
+    result <- trimFromStart(sample, trimCharacters)
+    expect_that(result, equals("./something/random"))
+test_that("RListToPythonList converts nested R list to char representation of Python list", {
+    sample <- list("insert", list("random", list("text")), list("here")) 
+    result              <- RListToPythonList(sample)
+    resultWithSeparator <- RListToPythonList(sample, separator = ",+")
+    expect_that(result, equals("[\"insert\", [\"random\", \"text\"], \"here\"]"))
+    expect_that(resultWithSeparator,
+                equals("[\"insert\",+[\"random\",+\"text\"],+\"here\"]"))
+test_that("appendToStartIfNotExist appends characters to beginning of a string", {
+    sample <- "New Year"
+    charactersToAppend <- "Happy "
+    result <- appendToStartIfNotExist(sample, charactersToAppend)
+    expect_that(result, equals("Happy New Year"))
+test_that(paste("appendToStartIfNotExist returns original string if string",
+                "doesn't start with specified characters"), {
+    sample <- "Happy New Year"
+    charactersToAppend <- "Happy"
+    result <- appendToStartIfNotExist(sample, charactersToAppend)
+    expect_that(result, equals("Happy New Year"))
+test_that(paste("splitToPathAndName splits relative path to file/folder",
+                "name and rest of the path"), {
+    relativePath <- "path/to/my/file.exe"
+    result <- splitToPathAndName( relativePath)
+    expect_that(result$name, equals("file.exe"))
+    expect_that(result$path, equals("path/to/my"))