Add workbench2, and make it the default.
[arvados-k8s.git] / charts / arvados / templates / keep-web-deployment.yaml
1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
2 #
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5 apiVersion: apps/v1
6 kind: Deployment
7 metadata:
8   name: "arvados-keep-web"
9   labels:
10     app: arvados-keep-web
11     chart: {{ template "arvados.chart" . }}
12     release: {{ .Release.Name }}
13     heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
14 spec:
15   selector:
16     matchLabels:
17       app: arvados-keep-web
18       release: {{ .Release.Name }}
19   template:
20     metadata:
21       labels:
22         app: arvados-keep-web
23         release: {{ .Release.Name }}
24     spec:
25       containers:
26         - name: arvados-keep-web
27           image: "cure/arvados-runtime"
28           imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
29           command:
30             - "sh"
31             - "-c"
32             - "/usr/local/bin/ mime-support keep-web={{ .Values.arvados.versions.distribution.keepWeb }} && keep-web"
33           env:
34             - name : ARVADOS_API_HOST
35               value: "{{ .Values.externalIP }}:444"
36             - name : ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE
37               value: "true"
38             - name : ARVADOS_API_TOKEN
39               value: "{{ .Values.anonymousUserSecret }}"
40           volumeMounts:
41             - name: etc-configmap
42               mountPath: /etc/arvados/config.yml
43               subPath: config.yml
44         - name: arvados-keep-web-https
45           image: "nginx:1.17"
46           imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
47           volumeMounts:
48             - name: nginx-configmap
49               mountPath: /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
50               subPath: nginx.conf
51             - name: ssl-configmap
52               mountPath: /etc/nginx/ssl.crt
53               subPath: cert
54             - name: ssl-configmap
55               mountPath: /etc/nginx/ssl.key
56               subPath: key
57       volumes:
58         - name: etc-configmap
59           configMap:
60             name: etc-configmap
61         - name: ssl-configmap
62           configMap:
63             name: ssl-configmap
64         - name: nginx-configmap
65           configMap:
66             name: arvados-keep-web-https-configmap