3 read -rd "\000" helpmessage <<EOF
4 $(basename $0): Install and test Arvados components.
6 Exit non-zero if any tests fail.
9 $(basename $0) WORKSPACE=/path/to/arvados [options]
13 --skip FOO Do not test the FOO component.
14 --only FOO Do not test anything except the FOO component.
15 --leave-temp Do not remove GOPATH, virtualenv, and other temp dirs at exit.
16 Instead, show which directories were used this time so they
17 can be reused in subsequent invocations.
18 --skip-install Do not run any install steps. Just run tests.
19 You should provide GOPATH, GEMHOME, and VENVDIR options
20 from a previous invocation if you use this option.
21 WORKSPACE=path Arvados source tree to test.
22 CONFIGSRC=path Dir with api server config files to copy into source tree.
23 (If none given, leave config files alone in source tree.)
24 apiserver_test="TEST=test/functional/arvados/v1/collections_controller_test.rb"
25 Restrict apiserver tests to the given file
26 sdk/python_test="--test-suite test.test_keep_locator"
27 Restrict Python SDK tests to the given class
28 workbench_test="TEST=test/integration/pipeline_instances_test.rb"
29 Restrict Workbench tests to the given file
31 Print more debug messages
32 envvar=value Set \$envvar to value. Primarily useful for WORKSPACE,
33 *_test, and other examples shown above.
35 Assuming --skip-install is not given, all components are installed
36 into \$GOPATH, \$VENDIR, and \$GEMHOME before running any tests. Many
37 test suites depend on other components being installed, and installing
38 everything tends to be quicker than debugging dependencies.
40 As a special concession to the current CI server config, CONFIGSRC
41 defaults to $HOME/arvados-api-server if that directory exists.
43 More information and background:
45 https://arvados.org/projects/arvados/wiki/Running_tests
48 # First make sure to remove any ARVADOS_ variables from the calling
49 # environment that could interfere with the tests.
50 unset $(env | cut -d= -f1 | grep \^ARVADOS_)
52 # Reset other variables that could affect our [tests'] behavior by
65 if [[ -f /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh ]]
67 source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
75 if [[ -z "${leave_temp[$var]}" ]]
82 leaving+=" $var=\"${!var}\""
85 if [[ -n "$leaving" ]]; then
86 echo "Leaving behind temp dirs: $leaving"
92 echo >&2 "Fatal: $* in ${FUNCNAME[1]} at ${BASH_SOURCE[1]} line ${BASH_LINENO[0]}"
97 for x in "${successes[@]}"
102 if [[ ${#failures[@]} == 0 ]]
104 echo "All test suites passed."
106 echo "Failures (${#failures[@]}):"
107 for x in "${failures[@]}"
122 echo >&2 "$helpmessage"
137 leave_temp[VENVDIR]=1
139 leave_temp[GEMHOME]=1
142 suite="${arg%%_test=*}"
144 testargs["$suite"]="$args"
147 eval export $(echo $arg | cut -d= -f1)=\"$(echo $arg | cut -d= -f2-)\"
150 echo >&2 "$0: Unrecognized option: '$arg'. Try: $0 --help"
157 if ! [[ -n "$WORKSPACE" ]]; then
158 echo >&2 "$helpmessage"
160 echo >&2 "Error: WORKSPACE environment variable not set"
167 if [[ -z "$CONFIGSRC" ]] && [[ -d "$HOME/arvados-api-server" ]]; then
168 # Jenkins expects us to use this by default.
169 CONFIGSRC="$HOME/arvados-api-server"
172 # Clean up .pyc files that may exist in the workspace
174 find -name '*.pyc' -delete
176 # Set up temporary install dirs (unless existing dirs were supplied)
177 for tmpdir in VENVDIR GOPATH GEMHOME
179 if [[ -n "${!tmpdir}" ]]; then
180 leave_temp[$tmpdir]=1
182 eval $tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
186 # When our "bundle install"s need to install new gems to satisfy
187 # dependencies, we want them to go where "gem install --user-install"
188 # would put them. If rvm is in use (or something else has set
189 # GEM_HOME) we assume "bundle install" already does something
192 if [ -z "$GEM_HOME" ]; then
193 user_gempath="$(gem env gempath)"
194 export GEM_HOME="${user_gempath%%:*}"
196 PATH="$(gem env gemdir)/bin:$PATH"
198 # When we build and install our own gems, we install them in our
199 # $GEMHOME tmpdir, and we want them to be at the front of GEM_PATH and
200 # PATH so integration tests prefer them over other versions that
201 # happen to be installed in $user_gempath, system dirs, etc.
203 tmpdir_gem_home="$(env - PATH="$PATH" HOME="$GEMHOME" gem env gempath | cut -f1 -d:)"
204 PATH="${tmpdir_gem_home%%:*}/bin:$PATH"
205 export GEM_PATH="$tmpdir_gem_home:$(gem env gempath)"
208 echo "Will install dependencies to $GEM_HOME"
209 echo "Will install arvados gems to $tmpdir_gem_home"
210 echo "Gem search path is GEM_PATH=$GEM_PATH"
212 if ! which bundler >/dev/null
214 gem install --user-install bundler || fatal 'Could not install bundler'
218 mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com"
219 ln -sfn "$WORKSPACE" "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com/arvados.git" \
220 || fatal "symlink failed"
222 virtualenv --setuptools "$VENVDIR" || fatal "virtualenv $VENVDIR failed"
223 . "$VENVDIR/bin/activate"
225 # Needed for run_test_server.py which is used by certain (non-Python) tests.
229 if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then
230 title "!!!!!! $1 FAILED !!!!!!"
231 failures+=("$1 (`timer`)")
233 successes+=("$1 (`timer`)")
242 echo -n "$(($SECONDS - $t0))s"
246 if [[ -z "${skip[$1]}" ]] && ( [[ -z "$only" ]] || [[ "$only" == "$1" ]] )
248 title "Running $1 tests"
250 if [[ "$2" == "go" ]]
252 go test "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/$1"
253 elif [[ "$2" == "pip" ]]
255 # Other test suites can depend on tests_require
256 # dependencies of this package. For example, keepproxy runs
257 # run_test_server.py, which depends on the yaml package,
258 # which is in sdk/python's tests_require but not
259 # install_requires, and therefore does not get installed by
260 # setuptools until we run "setup.py test" *and* install the
261 # .egg files that setup.py downloads.
263 && python setup.py test ${testargs[$1]} \
264 && (easy_install *.egg || true)
269 title "End of $1 tests (`timer`)"
271 title "Skipping $1 tests"
276 if [[ -z "$skip_install" ]]
278 title "Running $1 install"
280 if [[ "$2" == "go" ]]
282 go get -t "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/$1"
283 elif [[ "$2" == "pip" ]]
286 && python setup.py sdist rotate --keep=1 --match .tar.gz \
287 && pip install --upgrade dist/*.tar.gz
291 checkexit "$1 install"
292 title "End of $1 install (`timer`)"
294 title "Skipping $1 install"
299 txt="********** $1 **********"
300 printf "\n%*s%s\n\n" $((($COLUMNS-${#txt})/2)) "" "$txt"
305 bundle install --no-deployment
307 # Make sure python-epydoc is installed or the next line won't do much good!
308 ARVADOS_API_HOST=qr1hi.arvadosapi.com
309 PYTHONPATH=$WORKSPACE/sdk/python/ bundle exec rake generate baseurl=file://$WORKSPACE/doc/.site/ arvados_workbench_host=workbench.$ARVADOS_API_HOST arvados_api_host=$ARVADOS_API_HOST
315 cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/ruby" \
316 && bundle install --no-deployment \
317 && gem build arvados.gemspec \
318 && GEM_HOME="$tmpdir_gem_home" gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc `ls -t arvados-*.gem|head -n1`
323 cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/cli" \
324 && bundle install --no-deployment \
325 && gem build arvados-cli.gemspec \
326 && GEM_HOME="$tmpdir_gem_home" gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc `ls -t arvados-cli-*.gem|head -n1`
330 # Install the Python SDK early. Various other test suites (like
331 # keepproxy) bring up run_test_server.py, which imports the arvados
332 # module. We can't actually *test* the Python SDK yet though, because
333 # its own test suite brings up some of those other programs (like
335 declare -a pythonstuff
341 for p in "${pythonstuff[@]}"
346 install_apiserver() {
347 cd "$WORKSPACE/services/api"
348 export RAILS_ENV=test
349 bundle install --no-deployment
351 rm -f config/environments/test.rb
352 cp config/environments/test.rb.example config/environments/test.rb
354 if [ -n "$CONFIGSRC" ]
356 for f in database.yml application.yml
358 cp "$CONFIGSRC/$f" config/ || fatal "$f"
362 # Fill in a random secret_token and blob_signing_key for testing
363 SECRET_TOKEN=`echo 'puts rand(2**512).to_s(36)' |ruby`
364 BLOB_SIGNING_KEY=`echo 'puts rand(2**512).to_s(36)' |ruby`
366 sed -i'' -e "s:SECRET_TOKEN:$SECRET_TOKEN:" config/application.yml
367 sed -i'' -e "s:BLOB_SIGNING_KEY:$BLOB_SIGNING_KEY:" config/application.yml
369 # Set up empty git repo (for git tests)
371 sed -i'' -e "s:/var/cache/git:$GITDIR:" config/application.default.yml
374 mkdir -p $GITDIR/test
377 && git config user.email "jenkins@ci.curoverse.com" \
378 && git config user.name "Jenkins, CI" \
381 && git commit -m 'initial commit'
383 # Clear out any lingering postgresql connections to arvados_test, so that we can drop it
384 # This assumes the current user is a postgresql superuser
385 psql arvados_test -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend (pg_stat_activity.procpid::int) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'arvados_test';" 2>/dev/null
387 cd "$WORKSPACE/services/api" \
388 && bundle exec rake db:drop \
389 && bundle exec rake db:create \
390 && bundle exec rake db:setup
403 for g in "${gostuff[@]}"
408 test_doclinkchecker() {
410 bundle exec rake linkchecker baseurl=file://$WORKSPACE/doc/.site/
412 do_test doclinkchecker
415 cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/ruby" \
416 && bundle install --no-deployment \
417 && bundle exec rake test ${testargs[sdk/ruby]}
422 title "Starting SDK CLI tests"
423 cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/cli" \
424 && bundle install --no-deployment \
425 && mkdir -p /tmp/keep \
426 && KEEP_LOCAL_STORE=/tmp/keep bundle exec rake test ${testargs[sdk/cli]}
431 cd "$WORKSPACE/services/api"
432 bundle exec rake test ${testargs[apiserver]}
436 # We must test sdk/python before testing services/keepproxy, because
437 # keepproxy depends on sdk/python's test dependencies.
438 for p in "${pythonstuff[@]}"
443 for g in "${gostuff[@]}"
449 cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
450 && bundle install --no-deployment \
451 && bundle exec rake test ${testargs[workbench]}