ownergit repository hosting
last changeWed, 27 Apr 2022 15:51:52 +0000 (11:51 -0400)
2022-04-27 Peter AmstutzRemove software carpentries logo main
2022-04-26 Peter AmstutzShow arvados sections by default, instead of generic...
2022-04-26 Peter AmstutzRemove text stating this was produced by Software Carpe...
2022-02-01 Peter AmstutzMake URL into a link
2022-02-01 Peter AmstutzFix embed of Explorer.png
2022-02-01 Peter AmstutzFix tabs, improve setup documentation to be explicit...
2022-01-31 Peter AmstutzFix formatting of solution
2022-01-31 Peter AmstutzFix link, add explicit solution to exercise
2022-01-27 Peter AmstutzAdd links to solution
2022-01-27 Peter AmstutzMore information about Docker
2022-01-26 Peter AmstutzSupplemental material on creating Docker images
2021-11-16 Peter AmstutzMerge pull request #9 from common-workflow-lab/ALuesink...
2021-11-16 Peter AmstutzMerge pull request #6 from ALuesink/patch-1
2021-11-16 ALuesinkFixed type in line 99
2021-11-11 ALuesinkAdded links to YAML and CWL array
2021-09-01 Peter AmstutzMerge pull request #5 from common-workflow-lab/jekyll...
2 years ago main