Merge branch '21543-lightning-subdir'
[lightning.git] / cwl / preprocess / cgivar / bedtools-intersect.cwl
1 # Copyright (C) The Lightning Authors. All rights reserved.
2 #
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 cwlVersion: v1.0
6 class: CommandLineTool
7 label: Intersect VCF with BED
8 requirements:
9   ShellCommandRequirement: {}
10 inputs:
11   vcf:
12     type: File
13     label: Input VCF
14   bed:
15     type: File
16     label: Input BED
17 outputs:
18   vcfgz:
19     type: File
20     label: Output VCF with records inside the BED region
21     outputBinding:
22       glob: "*.vcf.gz"
23     secondaryFiles: [.tbi]
24 baseCommand: [bedtools, intersect]
25 arguments:
26   - "-header"
27   - prefix: "-a"
28     valueFrom: $(inputs.vcf)
29   - prefix: "-b"
30     valueFrom: $(inputs.bed)
31   - prefix: "-f"
32     valueFrom: "1"
33   - shellQuote: false
34     valueFrom: "|"
35   - "bgzip"
36   - "-c"
37   - shellQuote: false
38     valueFrom: ">"
39   - $(inputs.vcf.basename).gz
40   - shellQuote: false
41     valueFrom: "&&"
42   - "tabix"
43   - prefix: "-p"
44     valueFrom: "vcf"
45   - $(inputs.vcf.basename).gz