1 # Copyright (C) The Lightning Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
20 csv_threshold = float(csv_threshold_str)
22 print(f'loading onehot-columns.npy', file=sys.stderr)
23 columns = numpy.load(os.path.join(input_path, 'onehot-columns.npy'))
25 # pvalue maps tag# => [pvalue1, pvalue2, ...] (one het p-value and one hom p-value for each tile variant)
27 for i in range(columns.shape[1]):
29 x = pvalue.get(tag, [])
30 x.append(pow(10, -columns[4,i] / 1000000))
33 print(f'building tilepos dict', file=sys.stderr)
34 # tilepos maps tag# => (chromosome, position)
36 for dirent in os.scandir(input_path):
37 if dirent.name.endswith('.annotations.csv'):
38 with open(dirent, 'rt', newline='') as annotations:
39 for annotation in csv.reader(annotations):
40 # 500000,0,2,=,chr1,160793649,,,
41 if annotation[3] == "=":
42 tilepos[int(annotation[0])] = (annotation[4], int(annotation[5]))
44 if csv_threshold > 0 and csv_output_path != "":
45 print(f'writing csv {csv_output_path}', file=sys.stderr)
46 with open(csv_output_path, 'wt') as f:
47 for tag, chrpos in sorted(tilepos.items(), key=lambda item: (item[1][0][-1] > '9', item[1][0].lstrip('chr').zfill(2), item[1][1])):
48 for p in pvalue.get(tag, []):
49 if p < pow(10, -csv_threshold):
50 print(f'{tag},{chrpos[0]},{chrpos[1]},{p}', file=f)
52 print(f'building series dict', file=sys.stderr)
53 series = {"#CHROM": [], "POS": [], "P": []}
54 for tag, chrpos in sorted(tilepos.items(), key=lambda item: (item[1][0][-1] > '9', item[1][0].lstrip('chr').zfill(2), item[1][1])):
55 for p in pvalue.get(tag, []):
56 series["#CHROM"].append(chrpos[0])
57 series["POS"].append(chrpos[1])
61 for chrom in series["#CHROM"]:
65 print(f'generating plots', file=sys.stderr)
66 for chrom in chroms.keys():
67 output_file = output_path
70 output_file = f'.{chrom}.'.join(output_file.rsplit('.', 1))
71 xlabel = f'position on {chrom}'
72 qmplot.manhattanplot(data=pandas.DataFrame(series),
74 #suggestiveline=2e-10, # Turn off suggestiveline
75 #genomewideline=2e-11, # Turn off genomewidel
76 sign_line_cols=["#D62728", "#2CA02C"],
79 hline_kws={"linestyle": "--", "lw": 1.3},
80 title="Tile Variant Manhattan Plot",
82 ylabel=r"$-log_{10}{(P)}$",
83 xticklabel_kws={"rotation": "vertical"})
84 matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(output_file, bbox_inches="tight")
85 matplotlib.pyplot.close()