Log exact locations of duplicate tags.
[lightning.git] / slicenumpy.go
1 // Copyright (C) The Lightning Authors. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 package lightning
7 import (
8         "bufio"
9         "bytes"
10         "flag"
11         "fmt"
12         "io"
13         "net/http"
14         _ "net/http/pprof"
15         "os"
16         "regexp"
17         "runtime"
18         "sort"
19         "strconv"
20         "strings"
21         "sync/atomic"
23         "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados"
24         "github.com/arvados/lightning/hgvs"
25         "github.com/kshedden/gonpy"
26         log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
27         "golang.org/x/crypto/blake2b"
28 )
30 type sliceNumpy struct {
31         filter  filter
32         threads int
33 }
35 func (cmd *sliceNumpy) RunCommand(prog string, args []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer) int {
36         var err error
37         defer func() {
38                 if err != nil {
39                         fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err)
40                 }
41         }()
42         flags := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
43         flags.SetOutput(stderr)
44         pprof := flags.String("pprof", "", "serve Go profile data at http://`[addr]:port`")
45         runlocal := flags.Bool("local", false, "run on local host (default: run in an arvados container)")
46         projectUUID := flags.String("project", "", "project `UUID` for output data")
47         priority := flags.Int("priority", 500, "container request priority")
48         inputDir := flags.String("input-dir", "./in", "input `directory`")
49         outputDir := flags.String("output-dir", "./out", "output `directory`")
50         ref := flags.String("ref", "", "reference name (if blank, choose last one that appears in input)")
51         regionsFilename := flags.String("regions", "", "only output columns/annotations that intersect regions in specified bed `file`")
52         expandRegions := flags.Int("expand-regions", 0, "expand specified regions by `N` base pairs on each side`")
53         mergeOutput := flags.Bool("merge-output", false, "merge output into one matrix.npy and one matrix.annotations.csv")
54         flags.IntVar(&cmd.threads, "threads", 16, "number of memory-hungry assembly threads")
55         cmd.filter.Flags(flags)
56         err = flags.Parse(args)
57         if err == flag.ErrHelp {
58                 err = nil
59                 return 0
60         } else if err != nil {
61                 return 2
62         }
64         if *pprof != "" {
65                 go func() {
66                         log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(*pprof, nil))
67                 }()
68         }
70         if !*runlocal {
71                 runner := arvadosContainerRunner{
72                         Name:        "lightning slice-numpy",
73                         Client:      arvados.NewClientFromEnv(),
74                         ProjectUUID: *projectUUID,
75                         RAM:         650000000000,
76                         VCPUs:       96,
77                         Priority:    *priority,
78                         KeepCache:   2,
79                         APIAccess:   true,
80                 }
81                 err = runner.TranslatePaths(inputDir, regionsFilename)
82                 if err != nil {
83                         return 1
84                 }
85                 runner.Args = []string{"slice-numpy", "-local=true",
86                         "-pprof=:6060",
87                         "-input-dir=" + *inputDir,
88                         "-output-dir=/mnt/output",
89                         "-threads=" + fmt.Sprintf("%d", cmd.threads),
90                         "-regions=" + *regionsFilename,
91                         "-expand-regions=" + fmt.Sprintf("%d", *expandRegions),
92                         "-merge-output=" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", *mergeOutput),
93                 }
94                 runner.Args = append(runner.Args, cmd.filter.Args()...)
95                 var output string
96                 output, err = runner.Run()
97                 if err != nil {
98                         return 1
99                 }
100                 fmt.Fprintln(stdout, output)
101                 return 0
102         }
104         infiles, err := allGobFiles(*inputDir)
105         if err != nil {
106                 return 1
107         }
108         if len(infiles) == 0 {
109                 err = fmt.Errorf("no input files found in %s", *inputDir)
110                 return 1
111         }
112         sort.Strings(infiles)
114         var cgnames []string
115         var refseq map[string][]tileLibRef
116         var reftiledata = make(map[tileLibRef][]byte, 11000000)
117         in0, err := open(infiles[0])
118         if err != nil {
119                 return 1
120         }
122         matchGenome, err := regexp.Compile(cmd.filter.MatchGenome)
123         if err != nil {
124                 err = fmt.Errorf("-match-genome: invalid regexp: %q", cmd.filter.MatchGenome)
125                 return 1
126         }
128         taglen := -1
129         DecodeLibrary(in0, strings.HasSuffix(infiles[0], ".gz"), func(ent *LibraryEntry) error {
130                 if len(ent.TagSet) > 0 {
131                         taglen = len(ent.TagSet[0])
132                 }
133                 for _, cseq := range ent.CompactSequences {
134                         if cseq.Name == *ref || *ref == "" {
135                                 refseq = cseq.TileSequences
136                         }
137                 }
138                 for _, cg := range ent.CompactGenomes {
139                         if matchGenome.MatchString(cg.Name) {
140                                 cgnames = append(cgnames, cg.Name)
141                         }
142                 }
143                 for _, tv := range ent.TileVariants {
144                         if tv.Ref {
145                                 reftiledata[tileLibRef{tv.Tag, tv.Variant}] = tv.Sequence
146                         }
147                 }
148                 return nil
149         })
150         if err != nil {
151                 return 1
152         }
153         in0.Close()
154         if refseq == nil {
155                 err = fmt.Errorf("%s: reference sequence not found", infiles[0])
156                 return 1
157         }
158         if taglen < 0 {
159                 err = fmt.Errorf("tagset not found")
160                 return 1
161         }
162         if len(cgnames) == 0 {
163                 err = fmt.Errorf("no genomes found matching regexp %q", cmd.filter.MatchGenome)
164                 return 1
165         }
166         sort.Strings(cgnames)
168         {
169                 labelsFilename := *outputDir + "/labels.csv"
170                 log.Infof("writing labels to %s", labelsFilename)
171                 var f *os.File
172                 f, err = os.Create(labelsFilename)
173                 if err != nil {
174                         return 1
175                 }
176                 defer f.Close()
177                 for i, name := range cgnames {
178                         _, err = fmt.Fprintf(f, "%d,%q\n", i, trimFilenameForLabel(name))
179                         if err != nil {
180                                 err = fmt.Errorf("write %s: %w", labelsFilename, err)
181                                 return 1
182                         }
183                 }
184                 err = f.Close()
185                 if err != nil {
186                         err = fmt.Errorf("close %s: %w", labelsFilename, err)
187                         return 1
188                 }
189         }
191         log.Info("indexing reference tiles")
192         type reftileinfo struct {
193                 variant  tileVariantID
194                 seqname  string // chr1
195                 pos      int    // distance from start of chromosome to starttag
196                 tiledata []byte // acgtggcaa...
197         }
198         isdup := map[tagID]bool{}
199         reftile := map[tagID]*reftileinfo{}
200         for seqname, cseq := range refseq {
201                 pos := 0
202                 for _, libref := range cseq {
203                         tiledata := reftiledata[libref]
204                         if len(tiledata) == 0 {
205                                 err = fmt.Errorf("missing tiledata for tag %d variant %d in %s in ref", libref.Tag, libref.Variant, seqname)
206                                 return 1
207                         }
208                         if isdup[libref.Tag] {
209                                 log.Printf("dropping reference tile %+v from %s @ %d, tag not unique", libref, seqname, pos)
210                         } else if reftile[libref.Tag] != nil {
211                                 log.Printf("dropping reference tile %+v from %s @ %d, tag not unique", tileLibRef{Tag: libref.Tag, Variant: reftile[libref.Tag].variant}, reftile[libref.Tag].seqname, reftile[libref.Tag].pos)
212                                 delete(reftile, libref.Tag)
213                                 log.Printf("dropping reference tile %+v from %s @ %d, tag not unique", libref, seqname, pos)
214                                 isdup[libref.Tag] = true
215                         } else {
216                                 reftile[libref.Tag] = &reftileinfo{
217                                         seqname:  seqname,
218                                         variant:  libref.Variant,
219                                         tiledata: tiledata,
220                                         pos:      pos,
221                                 }
222                         }
223                         pos += len(tiledata) - taglen
224                 }
225                 log.Printf("... %s done, len %d", seqname, pos+taglen)
226         }
228         var mask *mask
229         if *regionsFilename != "" {
230                 log.Printf("loading regions from %s", *regionsFilename)
231                 mask, err = makeMask(*regionsFilename, *expandRegions)
232                 if err != nil {
233                         return 1
234                 }
235                 log.Printf("before applying mask, len(reftile) == %d", len(reftile))
236                 log.Printf("deleting reftile entries for regions outside %d intervals", mask.Len())
237                 for tag, rt := range reftile {
238                         if !mask.Check(strings.TrimPrefix(rt.seqname, "chr"), rt.pos, rt.pos+len(rt.tiledata)) {
239                                 delete(reftile, tag)
240                         }
241                 }
242                 log.Printf("after applying mask, len(reftile) == %d", len(reftile))
243         }
245         var toMerge [][]int16
246         if *mergeOutput {
247                 toMerge = make([][]int16, len(infiles))
248         }
250         throttleMem := throttle{Max: cmd.threads} // TODO: estimate using mem and data size
251         throttleNumpyMem := throttle{Max: cmd.threads/2 + 1}
252         log.Info("generating annotations and numpy matrix for each slice")
253         var done int64
254         for infileIdx, infile := range infiles {
255                 infileIdx, infile := infileIdx, infile
256                 throttleMem.Go(func() error {
257                         seq := make(map[tagID][]TileVariant, 50000)
258                         cgs := make(map[string]CompactGenome, len(cgnames))
259                         f, err := open(infile)
260                         if err != nil {
261                                 return err
262                         }
263                         defer f.Close()
264                         log.Infof("%04d: reading %s", infileIdx, infile)
265                         err = DecodeLibrary(f, strings.HasSuffix(infile, ".gz"), func(ent *LibraryEntry) error {
266                                 for _, tv := range ent.TileVariants {
267                                         if tv.Ref {
268                                                 continue
269                                         }
270                                         if mask != nil && reftile[tv.Tag] == nil {
271                                                 // Don't waste
272                                                 // time/memory on
273                                                 // masked-out tiles.
274                                                 continue
275                                         }
276                                         variants := seq[tv.Tag]
277                                         if len(variants) == 0 {
278                                                 variants = make([]TileVariant, 100)
279                                         }
280                                         for len(variants) <= int(tv.Variant) {
281                                                 variants = append(variants, TileVariant{})
282                                         }
283                                         variants[int(tv.Variant)] = tv
284                                         seq[tv.Tag] = variants
285                                 }
286                                 for _, cg := range ent.CompactGenomes {
287                                         if matchGenome.MatchString(cg.Name) {
288                                                 cgs[cg.Name] = cg
289                                         }
290                                 }
291                                 return nil
292                         })
293                         if err != nil {
294                                 return err
295                         }
296                         tagstart := cgs[cgnames[0]].StartTag
297                         tagend := cgs[cgnames[0]].EndTag
299                         // TODO: filters
301                         log.Infof("%04d: renumber/dedup variants for tags %d-%d", infileIdx, tagstart, tagend)
302                         variantRemap := make([][]tileVariantID, tagend-tagstart)
303                         throttleCPU := throttle{Max: runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)}
304                         for tag, variants := range seq {
305                                 tag, variants := tag, variants
306                                 throttleCPU.Acquire()
307                                 go func() {
308                                         defer throttleCPU.Release()
309                                         count := make(map[[blake2b.Size256]byte]int, len(variants))
310                                         for _, cg := range cgs {
311                                                 idx := int(tag-tagstart) * 2
312                                                 if idx < len(cg.Variants) {
313                                                         for allele := 0; allele < 2; allele++ {
314                                                                 v := cg.Variants[idx+allele]
315                                                                 if v > 0 && len(variants[v].Sequence) > 0 {
316                                                                         count[variants[v].Blake2b]++
317                                                                 }
318                                                         }
319                                                 }
320                                         }
321                                         // hash[i] will be the hash of
322                                         // the variant(s) that should
323                                         // be at rank i (0-based).
324                                         hash := make([][blake2b.Size256]byte, 0, len(count))
325                                         for b := range count {
326                                                 hash = append(hash, b)
327                                         }
328                                         sort.Slice(hash, func(i, j int) bool {
329                                                 bi, bj := &hash[i], &hash[j]
330                                                 if ci, cj := count[*bi], count[*bj]; ci != cj {
331                                                         return ci > cj
332                                                 } else {
333                                                         return bytes.Compare((*bi)[:], (*bj)[:]) < 0
334                                                 }
335                                         })
336                                         // rank[b] will be the 1-based
337                                         // new variant number for
338                                         // variants whose hash is b.
339                                         rank := make(map[[blake2b.Size256]byte]tileVariantID, len(hash))
340                                         for i, h := range hash {
341                                                 rank[h] = tileVariantID(i + 1)
342                                         }
343                                         // remap[v] will be the new
344                                         // variant number for original
345                                         // variant number v.
346                                         remap := make([]tileVariantID, len(variants))
347                                         for i, tv := range variants {
348                                                 remap[i] = rank[tv.Blake2b]
349                                         }
350                                         variantRemap[tag-tagstart] = remap
351                                 }()
352                         }
353                         throttleCPU.Wait()
355                         annotationsFilename := fmt.Sprintf("%s/matrix.%04d.annotations.csv", *outputDir, infileIdx)
356                         log.Infof("%04d: writing %s", infileIdx, annotationsFilename)
357                         annof, err := os.Create(annotationsFilename)
358                         if err != nil {
359                                 return err
360                         }
361                         annow := bufio.NewWriterSize(annof, 1<<20)
362                         outcol := 0
363                         for tag := tagstart; tag < tagend; tag++ {
364                                 rt, ok := reftile[tag]
365                                 if !ok {
366                                         if mask == nil {
367                                                 outcol++
368                                         }
369                                         // Excluded by specified
370                                         // regions, or reference does
371                                         // not use any variant of this
372                                         // tile. (TODO: log this?
373                                         // mention it in annotations?)
374                                         continue
375                                 }
376                                 variants, ok := seq[tag]
377                                 if !ok {
378                                         outcol++
379                                         continue
380                                 }
381                                 reftilestr := strings.ToUpper(string(rt.tiledata))
382                                 remap := variantRemap[tag-tagstart]
383                                 done := make([]bool, len(variants))
384                                 for v, tv := range variants {
385                                         v := remap[v]
386                                         if done[v] {
387                                                 continue
388                                         } else {
389                                                 done[v] = true
390                                         }
391                                         if len(tv.Sequence) < taglen || !bytes.HasSuffix(rt.tiledata, tv.Sequence[len(tv.Sequence)-taglen:]) {
392                                                 continue
393                                         }
394                                         if lendiff := len(rt.tiledata) - len(tv.Sequence); lendiff < -1000 || lendiff > 1000 {
395                                                 continue
396                                         }
397                                         diffs, _ := hgvs.Diff(reftilestr, strings.ToUpper(string(tv.Sequence)), 0)
398                                         for _, diff := range diffs {
399                                                 diff.Position += rt.pos
400                                                 fmt.Fprintf(annow, "%d,%d,%d,%s:g.%s,%s,%d,%s,%s,%s\n", tag, outcol, v, rt.seqname, diff.String(), rt.seqname, diff.Position, diff.Ref, diff.New, diff.Left)
401                                         }
402                                 }
403                                 outcol++
404                         }
405                         err = annow.Flush()
406                         if err != nil {
407                                 return err
408                         }
409                         err = annof.Close()
410                         if err != nil {
411                                 return err
412                         }
414                         log.Infof("%04d: preparing numpy", infileIdx)
415                         throttleNumpyMem.Acquire()
416                         rows := len(cgnames)
417                         cols := 2 * outcol
418                         out := make([]int16, rows*cols)
419                         for row, name := range cgnames {
420                                 out := out[row*cols:]
421                                 outcol := 0
422                                 for col, v := range cgs[name].Variants {
423                                         tag := tagstart + tagID(col/2)
424                                         if mask != nil && reftile[tag] == nil {
425                                                 continue
426                                         }
427                                         if variants, ok := seq[tag]; ok && len(variants) > int(v) && len(variants[v].Sequence) > 0 {
428                                                 out[outcol] = int16(variantRemap[tag-tagstart][v])
429                                         } else {
430                                                 out[outcol] = -1
431                                         }
432                                         outcol++
433                                 }
434                         }
435                         seq = nil
436                         throttleNumpyMem.Release()
438                         if *mergeOutput {
439                                 log.Infof("%04d: matrix fragment %d rows x %d cols", infileIdx, rows, cols)
440                                 toMerge[infileIdx] = out
441                         } else {
442                                 fnm := fmt.Sprintf("%s/matrix.%04d.npy", *outputDir, infileIdx)
443                                 err = writeNumpyInt16(fnm, out, rows, cols)
444                                 if err != nil {
445                                         return err
446                                 }
447                         }
448                         log.Infof("%s: done (%d/%d)", infile, int(atomic.AddInt64(&done, 1)), len(infiles))
449                         return nil
450                 })
451         }
452         if err = throttleMem.Wait(); err != nil {
453                 return 1
454         }
455         if *mergeOutput {
456                 log.Info("merging output matrix and annotations")
458                 annoFilename := fmt.Sprintf("%s/matrix.annotations.csv", *outputDir)
459                 annof, err := os.Create(annoFilename)
460                 if err != nil {
461                         return 1
462                 }
463                 annow := bufio.NewWriterSize(annof, 1<<20)
465                 rows := len(cgnames)
466                 cols := 0
467                 for _, chunk := range toMerge {
468                         cols += len(chunk) / rows
469                 }
470                 out := make([]int16, rows*cols)
471                 startcol := 0
472                 for outIdx, chunk := range toMerge {
473                         chunkcols := len(chunk) / rows
474                         for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
475                                 copy(out[row*cols+startcol:], chunk[row*chunkcols:(row+1)*chunkcols])
476                         }
477                         toMerge[outIdx] = nil
479                         annotationsFilename := fmt.Sprintf("%s/matrix.%04d.annotations.csv", *outputDir, outIdx)
480                         log.Infof("reading %s", annotationsFilename)
481                         buf, err := os.ReadFile(annotationsFilename)
482                         if err != nil {
483                                 return 1
484                         }
485                         err = os.Remove(annotationsFilename)
486                         if err != nil {
487                                 return 1
488                         }
489                         for _, line := range bytes.Split(buf, []byte{'\n'}) {
490                                 if len(line) == 0 {
491                                         continue
492                                 }
493                                 fields := bytes.SplitN(line, []byte{','}, 3)
494                                 incol, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(fields[1]))
495                                 fmt.Fprintf(annow, "%s,%d,%s\n", fields[0], incol+startcol/2, fields[2])
496                         }
498                         startcol += chunkcols
499                 }
500                 err = annow.Flush()
501                 if err != nil {
502                         return 1
503                 }
504                 err = annof.Close()
505                 if err != nil {
506                         return 1
507                 }
508                 err = writeNumpyInt16(fmt.Sprintf("%s/matrix.npy", *outputDir), out, rows, cols)
509                 if err != nil {
510                         return 1
511                 }
512         }
513         return 0
514 }
516 func writeNumpyInt16(fnm string, out []int16, rows, cols int) error {
517         output, err := os.Create(fnm)
518         if err != nil {
519                 return err
520         }
521         defer output.Close()
522         bufw := bufio.NewWriterSize(output, 1<<26)
523         npw, err := gonpy.NewWriter(nopCloser{bufw})
524         if err != nil {
525                 return err
526         }
527         log.WithFields(log.Fields{
528                 "filename": fnm,
529                 "rows":     rows,
530                 "cols":     cols,
531         }).Infof("writing numpy: %s", fnm)
532         npw.Shape = []int{rows, cols}
533         npw.WriteInt16(out)
534         err = bufw.Flush()
535         if err != nil {
536                 return err
537         }
538         return output.Close()
539 }