Option to output tile library when importing.
[lightning.git] / import.go
1 package main
3 import (
4         "bufio"
5         "compress/gzip"
6         "encoding/gob"
7         "errors"
8         "flag"
9         "fmt"
10         "io"
11         "net/http"
12         _ "net/http/pprof"
13         "os"
14         "os/exec"
15         "path/filepath"
16         "regexp"
17         "runtime"
18         "sort"
19         "strings"
20         "sync"
21         "sync/atomic"
22         "time"
24         "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados"
25         log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
26 )
28 type importer struct {
29         tagLibraryFile string
30         refFile        string
31         outputFile     string
32         projectUUID    string
33         runLocal       bool
34         skipOOO        bool
35         outputTiles    bool
36         encoder        *gob.Encoder
37 }
39 func (cmd *importer) RunCommand(prog string, args []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer) int {
40         var err error
41         defer func() {
42                 if err != nil {
43                         fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err)
44                 }
45         }()
46         flags := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
47         flags.SetOutput(stderr)
48         flags.StringVar(&cmd.tagLibraryFile, "tag-library", "", "tag library fasta `file`")
49         flags.StringVar(&cmd.refFile, "ref", "", "reference fasta `file`")
50         flags.StringVar(&cmd.outputFile, "o", "-", "output `file`")
51         flags.StringVar(&cmd.projectUUID, "project", "", "project `UUID` for output data")
52         flags.BoolVar(&cmd.runLocal, "local", false, "run on local host (default: run in an arvados container)")
53         flags.BoolVar(&cmd.skipOOO, "skip-ooo", false, "skip out-of-order tags")
54         flags.BoolVar(&cmd.outputTiles, "output-tiles", false, "include tile variant sequences in output file")
55         priority := flags.Int("priority", 500, "container request priority")
56         pprof := flags.String("pprof", "", "serve Go profile data at http://`[addr]:port`")
57         loglevel := flags.String("loglevel", "info", "logging threshold (trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, or panic)")
58         err = flags.Parse(args)
59         if err == flag.ErrHelp {
60                 err = nil
61                 return 0
62         } else if err != nil {
63                 return 2
64         } else if cmd.tagLibraryFile == "" {
65                 fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "cannot import without -tag-library argument")
66                 return 2
67         } else if flags.NArg() == 0 {
68                 flags.Usage()
69                 return 2
70         }
72         if *pprof != "" {
73                 go func() {
74                         log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(*pprof, nil))
75                 }()
76         }
78         lvl, err := log.ParseLevel(*loglevel)
79         if err != nil {
80                 return 2
81         }
82         log.SetLevel(lvl)
84         if !cmd.runLocal {
85                 runner := arvadosContainerRunner{
86                         Name:        "lightning import",
87                         Client:      arvados.NewClientFromEnv(),
88                         ProjectUUID: cmd.projectUUID,
89                         RAM:         60000000000,
90                         VCPUs:       16,
91                         Priority:    *priority,
92                 }
93                 err = runner.TranslatePaths(&cmd.tagLibraryFile, &cmd.refFile, &cmd.outputFile)
94                 if err != nil {
95                         return 1
96                 }
97                 inputs := flags.Args()
98                 for i := range inputs {
99                         err = runner.TranslatePaths(&inputs[i])
100                         if err != nil {
101                                 return 1
102                         }
103                 }
104                 if cmd.outputFile == "-" {
105                         cmd.outputFile = "/mnt/output/library.gob"
106                 } else {
107                         // Not yet implemented, but this should write
108                         // the collection to an existing collection,
109                         // possibly even an in-place update.
110                         err = errors.New("cannot specify output file in container mode: not implemented")
111                         return 1
112                 }
113                 runner.Args = append([]string{"import", "-local=true", "-loglevel=" + *loglevel, fmt.Sprintf("-skip-ooo=%v", cmd.skipOOO), "-tag-library", cmd.tagLibraryFile, "-ref", cmd.refFile, fmt.Sprintf("-output-tiles=%v", cmd.outputTiles), "-o", cmd.outputFile}, inputs...)
114                 var output string
115                 output, err = runner.Run()
116                 if err != nil {
117                         return 1
118                 }
119                 fmt.Fprintln(stdout, output+"/library.gob")
120                 return 0
121         }
123         infiles, err := listInputFiles(flags.Args())
124         if err != nil {
125                 return 1
126         }
128         taglib, err := cmd.loadTagLibrary()
129         if err != nil {
130                 return 1
131         }
133         var output io.WriteCloser
134         if cmd.outputFile == "-" {
135                 output = nopCloser{stdout}
136         } else {
137                 output, err = os.OpenFile(cmd.outputFile, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0777)
138                 if err != nil {
139                         return 1
140                 }
141                 defer output.Close()
142         }
143         bufw := bufio.NewWriter(output)
144         cmd.encoder = gob.NewEncoder(bufw)
146         tilelib := &tileLibrary{taglib: taglib, skipOOO: cmd.skipOOO}
147         if cmd.outputTiles {
148                 tilelib.encoder = cmd.encoder
149         }
150         go func() {
151                 for range time.Tick(10 * time.Minute) {
152                         log.Printf("tilelib.Len() == %d", tilelib.Len())
153                 }
154         }()
156         err = cmd.tileInputs(tilelib, infiles)
157         if err != nil {
158                 return 1
159         }
160         err = bufw.Flush()
161         if err != nil {
162                 return 1
163         }
164         err = output.Close()
165         if err != nil {
166                 return 1
167         }
168         return 0
169 }
171 func (cmd *importer) tileFasta(tilelib *tileLibrary, infile string) (tileSeq, error) {
172         var input io.ReadCloser
173         input, err := os.Open(infile)
174         if err != nil {
175                 return nil, err
176         }
177         defer input.Close()
178         if strings.HasSuffix(infile, ".gz") {
179                 input, err = gzip.NewReader(input)
180                 if err != nil {
181                         return nil, err
182                 }
183                 defer input.Close()
184         }
185         return tilelib.TileFasta(infile, input)
186 }
188 func (cmd *importer) loadTagLibrary() (*tagLibrary, error) {
189         log.Printf("tag library %s load starting", cmd.tagLibraryFile)
190         f, err := os.Open(cmd.tagLibraryFile)
191         if err != nil {
192                 return nil, err
193         }
194         defer f.Close()
195         var rdr io.ReadCloser = f
196         if strings.HasSuffix(cmd.tagLibraryFile, ".gz") {
197                 rdr, err = gzip.NewReader(f)
198                 if err != nil {
199                         return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: gzip: %s", cmd.tagLibraryFile, err)
200                 }
201                 defer rdr.Close()
202         }
203         var taglib tagLibrary
204         err = taglib.Load(rdr)
205         if err != nil {
206                 return nil, err
207         }
208         if taglib.Len() < 1 {
209                 return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot tile: tag library is empty")
210         }
211         log.Printf("tag library %s load done", cmd.tagLibraryFile)
212         return &taglib, nil
213 }
215 func listInputFiles(paths []string) (files []string, err error) {
216         for _, path := range paths {
217                 if fi, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
218                         return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: stat failed: %s", path, err)
219                 } else if !fi.IsDir() {
220                         if !strings.HasSuffix(path, ".2.fasta") || strings.HasSuffix(path, ".2.fasta.gz") {
221                                 files = append(files, path)
222                         }
223                         continue
224                 }
225                 d, err := os.Open(path)
226                 if err != nil {
227                         return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: open failed: %s", path, err)
228                 }
229                 defer d.Close()
230                 names, err := d.Readdirnames(0)
231                 if err != nil {
232                         return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: readdir failed: %s", path, err)
233                 }
234                 sort.Strings(names)
235                 for _, name := range names {
236                         if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".vcf") || strings.HasSuffix(name, ".vcf.gz") {
237                                 files = append(files, filepath.Join(path, name))
238                         } else if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".1.fasta") || strings.HasSuffix(name, ".1.fasta.gz") {
239                                 files = append(files, filepath.Join(path, name))
240                         }
241                 }
242                 d.Close()
243         }
244         for _, file := range files {
245                 if strings.HasSuffix(file, ".1.fasta") || strings.HasSuffix(file, ".1.fasta.gz") {
246                         continue
247                 } else if _, err := os.Stat(file + ".csi"); err == nil {
248                         continue
249                 } else if _, err = os.Stat(file + ".tbi"); err == nil {
250                         continue
251                 } else {
252                         return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: cannot read without .tbi or .csi index file", file)
253                 }
254         }
255         return
256 }
258 func (cmd *importer) tileInputs(tilelib *tileLibrary, infiles []string) error {
259         starttime := time.Now()
260         errs := make(chan error, 1)
261         todo := make(chan func() error, len(infiles)*2)
262         var encodeJobs sync.WaitGroup
263         for _, infile := range infiles {
264                 infile := infile
265                 var phases sync.WaitGroup
266                 phases.Add(2)
267                 variants := make([][]tileVariantID, 2)
268                 if strings.HasSuffix(infile, ".1.fasta") || strings.HasSuffix(infile, ".1.fasta.gz") {
269                         todo <- func() error {
270                                 defer phases.Done()
271                                 log.Printf("%s starting", infile)
272                                 defer log.Printf("%s done", infile)
273                                 tseqs, err := cmd.tileFasta(tilelib, infile)
274                                 var kept, dropped int
275                                 variants[0], kept, dropped = tseqs.Variants()
276                                 log.Printf("%s found %d unique tags plus %d repeats", infile, kept, dropped)
277                                 return err
278                         }
279                         infile2 := regexp.MustCompile(`\.1\.fasta(\.gz)?$`).ReplaceAllString(infile, `.2.fasta$1`)
280                         todo <- func() error {
281                                 defer phases.Done()
282                                 log.Printf("%s starting", infile2)
283                                 defer log.Printf("%s done", infile2)
284                                 tseqs, err := cmd.tileFasta(tilelib, infile2)
285                                 var kept, dropped int
286                                 variants[1], kept, dropped = tseqs.Variants()
287                                 log.Printf("%s found %d unique tags plus %d repeats", infile, kept, dropped)
288                                 return err
289                         }
290                 } else {
291                         for phase := 0; phase < 2; phase++ {
292                                 phase := phase
293                                 todo <- func() error {
294                                         defer phases.Done()
295                                         log.Printf("%s phase %d starting", infile, phase+1)
296                                         defer log.Printf("%s phase %d done", infile, phase+1)
297                                         tseqs, err := cmd.tileGVCF(tilelib, infile, phase)
298                                         var kept, dropped int
299                                         variants[phase], kept, dropped = tseqs.Variants()
300                                         log.Printf("%s phase %d found %d unique tags plus %d repeats", infile, phase+1, kept, dropped)
301                                         return err
302                                 }
303                         }
304                 }
305                 encodeJobs.Add(1)
306                 go func() {
307                         defer encodeJobs.Done()
308                         phases.Wait()
309                         if len(errs) > 0 {
310                                 return
311                         }
312                         ntags := len(variants[0])
313                         if ntags < len(variants[1]) {
314                                 ntags = len(variants[1])
315                         }
316                         flat := make([]tileVariantID, ntags*2)
317                         for i := 0; i < ntags; i++ {
318                                 for hap := 0; hap < 2; hap++ {
319                                         if i < len(variants[hap]) {
320                                                 flat[i*2+hap] = variants[hap][i]
321                                         }
322                                 }
323                         }
324                         err := cmd.encoder.Encode(LibraryEntry{
325                                 CompactGenomes: []CompactGenome{{Name: infile, Variants: flat}},
326                         })
327                         if err != nil {
328                                 select {
329                                 case errs <- err:
330                                 default:
331                                 }
332                         }
333                 }()
334         }
335         go close(todo)
336         var tileJobs sync.WaitGroup
337         var running int64
338         for i := 0; i < runtime.NumCPU()*9/8+1; i++ {
339                 tileJobs.Add(1)
340                 atomic.AddInt64(&running, 1)
341                 go func() {
342                         defer tileJobs.Done()
343                         defer atomic.AddInt64(&running, -1)
344                         for fn := range todo {
345                                 if len(errs) > 0 {
346                                         return
347                                 }
348                                 err := fn()
349                                 if err != nil {
350                                         select {
351                                         case errs <- err:
352                                         default:
353                                         }
354                                 }
355                                 remain := len(todo) + int(atomic.LoadInt64(&running)) - 1
356                                 ttl := time.Now().Sub(starttime) * time.Duration(remain) / time.Duration(cap(todo)-remain)
357                                 eta := time.Now().Add(ttl)
358                                 log.Printf("progress %d/%d, eta %v (%v)", cap(todo)-remain, cap(todo), eta, ttl)
359                         }
360                 }()
361         }
362         tileJobs.Wait()
363         encodeJobs.Wait()
364         go close(errs)
365         return <-errs
366 }
368 func (cmd *importer) tileGVCF(tilelib *tileLibrary, infile string, phase int) (tileseq tileSeq, err error) {
369         if cmd.refFile == "" {
370                 err = errors.New("cannot import vcf: reference data (-ref) not specified")
371                 return
372         }
373         args := []string{"bcftools", "consensus", "--fasta-ref", cmd.refFile, "-H", fmt.Sprint(phase + 1), infile}
374         indexsuffix := ".tbi"
375         if _, err := os.Stat(infile + ".csi"); err == nil {
376                 indexsuffix = ".csi"
377         }
378         if out, err := exec.Command("docker", "image", "ls", "-q", "lightning-runtime").Output(); err == nil && len(out) > 0 {
379                 args = append([]string{
380                         "docker", "run", "--rm",
381                         "--log-driver=none",
382                         "--volume=" + infile + ":" + infile + ":ro",
383                         "--volume=" + infile + indexsuffix + ":" + infile + indexsuffix + ":ro",
384                         "--volume=" + cmd.refFile + ":" + cmd.refFile + ":ro",
385                         "lightning-runtime",
386                 }, args...)
387         }
388         consensus := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
389         consensus.Stderr = os.Stderr
390         stdout, err := consensus.StdoutPipe()
391         defer stdout.Close()
392         if err != nil {
393                 return
394         }
395         err = consensus.Start()
396         if err != nil {
397                 return
398         }
399         defer consensus.Wait()
400         tileseq, err = tilelib.TileFasta(fmt.Sprintf("%s phase %d", infile, phase+1), stdout)
401         if err != nil {
402                 return
403         }
404         err = stdout.Close()
405         if err != nil {
406                 return
407         }
408         err = consensus.Wait()
409         if err != nil {
410                 err = fmt.Errorf("%s phase %d: bcftools: %s", infile, phase, err)
411                 return
412         }
413         return
414 }