[lightning.git] / hgvs / diff.go
1 // Copyright (C) The Lightning Authors. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 package hgvs
7 import (
8         "fmt"
9         "strings"
10         "time"
12         "github.com/sergi/go-diff/diffmatchpatch"
13 )
15 type Variant struct {
16         Position int
17         Ref      string
18         New      string
19         Left     string // base preceding an indel, if Ref or New is empty
20 }
22 func (v *Variant) String() string {
23         switch {
24         case len(v.New) == 0 && len(v.Ref) == 0:
25                 return fmt.Sprintf("%d=", v.Position)
26         case len(v.New) == 1 && v.New == v.Ref:
27                 return fmt.Sprintf("%d=", v.Position)
28         case v.New == v.Ref:
29                 return fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d=", v.Position, v.Position+len(v.Ref)-1)
30         case len(v.New) == 0 && len(v.Ref) == 1:
31                 return fmt.Sprintf("%ddel", v.Position)
32         case len(v.New) == 0:
33                 return fmt.Sprintf("%d_%ddel", v.Position, v.Position+len(v.Ref)-1)
34         case len(v.Ref) == 1 && len(v.New) == 1:
35                 return fmt.Sprintf("%d%s>%s", v.Position, v.Ref, v.New)
36         case len(v.Ref) == 0:
37                 return fmt.Sprintf("%d_%dins%s", v.Position-1, v.Position, v.New)
38         case len(v.Ref) == 1 && len(v.New) > 0:
39                 return fmt.Sprintf("%ddelins%s", v.Position, v.New)
40         default:
41                 return fmt.Sprintf("%d_%ddelins%s", v.Position, v.Position+len(v.Ref)-1, v.New)
42         }
43 }
45 // PadLeft returns a Variant that is equivalent to v but (if possible)
46 // uses the stashed preceding base (the Left field) to avoid having a
47 // non-empty Ref or New part, even for an insertion or deletion.
48 //
49 // For example, if v is {Position: 45, Ref: "", New: "A"}, PadLeft
50 // might return {Position: 44, Ref: "T", New: "TA"}.
51 func (v *Variant) PadLeft() Variant {
52         if len(v.Ref) == 0 || len(v.New) == 0 {
53                 return Variant{
54                         Position: v.Position - len(v.Left),
55                         Ref:      v.Left + v.Ref,
56                         New:      v.Left + v.New,
57                 }
58         } else {
59                 return *v
60         }
61 }
63 func Diff(a, b string, timeout time.Duration) ([]Variant, bool) {
64         dmp := diffmatchpatch.New()
65         var deadline time.Time
66         if timeout > 0 {
67                 deadline = time.Now().Add(timeout)
68         }
69         diffs := dmp.DiffBisect(a, b, deadline)
70         timedOut := false
71         if timeout > 0 && time.Now().After(deadline) {
72                 timedOut = true
73         }
74         diffs = cleanup(dmp.DiffCleanupEfficiency(diffs))
75         pos := 1
76         var variants []Variant
77         for i := 0; i < len(diffs); {
78                 left := "" // last char before an insertion or deletion
79                 for ; i < len(diffs) && diffs[i].Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual; i++ {
80                         pos += len(diffs[i].Text)
81                         if tlen := len(diffs[i].Text); tlen > 0 {
82                                 left = diffs[i].Text[tlen-1:]
83                         }
84                 }
85                 if i >= len(diffs) {
86                         break
87                 }
88                 v := Variant{Position: pos, Left: left}
89                 for ; i < len(diffs) && diffs[i].Type != diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual; i++ {
90                         if diffs[i].Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete {
91                                 v.Ref += diffs[i].Text
92                         } else {
93                                 v.New += diffs[i].Text
94                         }
95                 }
96                 if len(v.Ref) == 2 && len(v.New) == 2 {
97                         v1 := v
98                         v1.Ref = v1.Ref[:1]
99                         v1.New = v1.New[:1]
100                         v.Ref = v.Ref[1:]
101                         v.New = v.New[1:]
102                         v.Position++
103                         v.Left = v1.Ref
104                         pos++
105                         variants = append(variants, v1)
106                 }
107                 pos += len(v.Ref)
108                 variants = append(variants, v)
109                 left = ""
110         }
111         return variants, timedOut
112 }
114 func cleanup(in []diffmatchpatch.Diff) (out []diffmatchpatch.Diff) {
115         out = make([]diffmatchpatch.Diff, 0, len(in))
116         for i := 0; i < len(in); i++ {
117                 d := in[i]
118                 // Merge consecutive entries of same type (e.g.,
119                 // "insert A; insert B")
120                 for i < len(in)-1 && in[i].Type == in[i+1].Type {
121                         d.Text += in[i+1].Text
122                         i++
123                 }
124                 out = append(out, d)
125         }
126         in, out = out, make([]diffmatchpatch.Diff, 0, len(in))
127         for i := 0; i < len(in); i++ {
128                 d := in[i]
129                 // diffmatchpatch solves diff("AAX","XTX") with
130                 // [delAA,=X,insTX] but we prefer to spell it
131                 // [delAA,insXT,=X].
132                 //
133                 // So, when we see a [del,=,ins] sequence where the
134                 // "=" part is a suffix of the "ins" part -- e.g.,
135                 // [delAAA,=CGG,insTTTCGG] -- we rearrange it to the
136                 // equivalent spelling [delAAA,insCGGTTT,=CGG].
137                 if i < len(in)-2 &&
138                         d.Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete &&
139                         in[i+1].Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual &&
140                         in[i+2].Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert &&
141                         strings.HasSuffix(in[i+2].Text, in[i+1].Text) {
142                         eq, ins := in[i+1], in[i+2]
143                         ins.Text = eq.Text + ins.Text[:len(ins.Text)-len(eq.Text)]
144                         in[i+1] = ins
145                         in[i+2] = eq
146                 }
147                 // when diffmatchpatch says [=yyyyXXXX, delX, =zzz],
148                 // we really want [=yyyy, delX, =XXXXzzz] (ditto for
149                 // ins instead of del)
150                 if i < len(in)-2 &&
151                         d.Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual &&
152                         in[i+1].Type != diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual &&
153                         in[i+2].Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual &&
154                         len(in[i+1].Text) <= len(d.Text) {
155                         for cut := 0; cut < len(d.Text); cut++ {
156                                 skip := strings.Index(d.Text[cut:], in[i+1].Text)
157                                 if skip < 0 {
158                                         break
159                                 }
160                                 cut += skip
161                                 if d.Text[cut:]+in[i+1].Text == in[i+1].Text+d.Text[cut:] {
162                                         in[i+2].Text = d.Text[cut:] + in[i+2].Text
163                                         d.Text = d.Text[:cut]
164                                         break
165                                 }
166                         }
167                 }
168                 // diffmatchpatch solves diff("AXX","XXX") with
169                 // [delA,=XX,insX] but we prefer to spell it
170                 // [delA,insX,=XX].
171                 //
172                 // So, when we see a [del,=,ins] sequence that has the
173                 // same effect after swapping the "=" and "ins" parts,
174                 // we swap them.
175                 if i < len(in)-2 &&
176                         d.Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete &&
177                         in[i+1].Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual &&
178                         in[i+2].Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert &&
179                         in[i+1].Text+in[i+2].Text == in[i+2].Text+in[i+1].Text {
180                         in[i+2], in[i+1] = in[i+1], in[i+2]
181                 }
182                 // when diffmatchpatch says [delAAA, insXAY] and
183                 // len(X)==1, we prefer to treat the A>X as a snp.
184                 if i < len(in)-1 &&
185                         d.Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete &&
186                         in[i+1].Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert &&
187                         len(d.Text) >= 2 &&
188                         len(in[i+1].Text) >= 2 &&
189                         d.Text[1] == in[i+1].Text[1] {
190                         eqend := 2
191                         for ; eqend < len(d.Text) && eqend < len(in[i+1].Text) && d.Text[eqend] == in[i+1].Text[eqend]; eqend++ {
192                         }
193                         out = append(out,
194                                 diffmatchpatch.Diff{diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete, d.Text[:1]},
195                                 diffmatchpatch.Diff{diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert, in[i+1].Text[:1]},
196                                 diffmatchpatch.Diff{diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual, d.Text[1:eqend]})
197                         in[i].Text, in[i+1].Text = in[i].Text[eqend:], in[i+1].Text[eqend:]
198                         i--
199                         continue
200                 }
201                 // when diffmatchpatch says [delAAA, insXaY] and
202                 // len(Y)==1, we prefer to treat the A>Y as a snp.
203                 if i < len(in)-1 &&
204                         d.Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete &&
205                         in[i+1].Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert &&
206                         len(d.Text) >= 2 &&
207                         len(in[i+1].Text) >= 2 &&
208                         d.Text[len(d.Text)-2] == in[i+1].Text[len(in[i+1].Text)-2] {
209                         // eqstart will be the number of equal chars
210                         // before the terminal snp, plus 1 for the snp
211                         // itself. Example, for [delAAAA, insTTAAG],
212                         // eqstart will be 3.
213                         eqstart := 2
214                         for ; eqstart < len(d.Text) && eqstart < len(in[i+1].Text) && d.Text[len(d.Text)-eqstart] == in[i+1].Text[len(in[i+1].Text)-eqstart]; eqstart++ {
215                         }
216                         eqstart--
217                         out = append(out,
218                                 diffmatchpatch.Diff{diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete, d.Text[:len(d.Text)-eqstart]},
219                                 diffmatchpatch.Diff{diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert, in[i+1].Text[:len(in[i+1].Text)-eqstart]},
220                                 diffmatchpatch.Diff{diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual, d.Text[len(d.Text)-eqstart : len(d.Text)-1]},
221                                 diffmatchpatch.Diff{diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete, d.Text[len(d.Text)-1:]},
222                                 diffmatchpatch.Diff{diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert, in[i+1].Text[len(in[i+1].Text)-1:]})
223                         i++
224                         continue
225                 }
226                 out = append(out, d)
227         }
228         // for i := 0; i < len(out)-1; i++ {
229         //      if out[i].Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete && len(out[i].Text) == 2 &&
230         //              out[i+1].Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert && len(out[i+1].Text) == 2 {
231         //              out = append(out, diffmatchpatch.Diff{}, diffmatchpatch.Diff{})
232         //              copy(out[i+4:], out[i+2:])
233         //              out[i+2] = diffmatchpatch.Diff{diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete, out[i].Text[1:]}
234         //              out[i+3] = diffmatchpatch.Diff{diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert, out[i+1].Text[1:]}
235         //              out[i].Text = out[i].Text[:1]
236         //              out[i+1].Text = out[i+1].Text[:1]
237         //      }
238         // }
239         return
240 }
242 func Less(a, b Variant) bool {
243         if a.Position != b.Position {
244                 return a.Position < b.Position
245         } else if a.New != b.New {
246                 return a.New < b.New
247         } else {
248                 return a.Ref < b.Ref
249         }
250 }