2019-03-15 Peter Amstutz14322: Add missing test files
2019-03-15 Peter Amstutz14322: Workbench links collection uuids in workflow...
2019-03-15 Peter Amstutz14322: Update comment on bwa-mem-input-mixed.yml
2019-03-15 Peter Amstutz14322: Add additional example input files
2019-03-15 Peter Amstutz14322: Tweak workbench support from manual testing
2019-03-15 Peter Amstutz14322: Update workbench to use new collectionUUID
2019-03-15 Peter Amstutz14322: Fix tests
2019-03-15 Peter Amstutz14322: Tweak documentation to mention uuid keep URI...
2019-03-15 Peter Amstutz14322: CollectionFsAccess accepts UUIDs
2019-03-15 Peter Amstutz14322: Tests for edge cases
2019-03-15 Peter Amstutz14322: Propagate collection UUID to container mount
2019-03-15 Peter Amstutz14322: Convert uuids on input to portable data hashes
2019-03-15 Peter AmstutzFix a-c-r printing logs on error refs #14870
2019-03-14 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '14966-api-test-hang-fix'
2019-03-14 Peter AmstutzArvbox updates, no issue #
2019-03-14 Lucas Di Pentima14966: Implements cleanup on test case teardown.
2019-03-13 Lucas Di Pentima14966: Fixes test.
2019-03-13 Ward VandewegeSwitch to stretch-slim as the base image for arvados...
2019-03-13 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '13593-async-perm-graph-update'
2019-03-12 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '13937-keepstore-prometheus'
2019-03-12 Lucas Di Pentima13593: Moves & enhances group creation with async=true...
2019-03-12 Lucas Di Pentima13937: Removes the 'any' operation type for a better...
2019-03-12 Lucas Di Pentima13593: Cleans up old experimental code.
2019-03-12 Lucas Di Pentima13593: Changes default async permission update interval...
2019-03-12 Ward VandewegeSome build script housekeeping: fix the detection logic...
2019-03-12 Ward VandewegeBuild the cwltest package, which lives out of tree.
2019-03-12 Lucas Di Pentima13937: Removes unnecessary data passing on tests.
2019-03-12 Lucas Di Pentima13593: Updates API documentation.
2019-03-12 Lucas Di Pentima13593: Adds 'async' parameter to groups create & update...
2019-03-11 Tom CleggFix error message.
2019-03-11 Ward VandewegeExplicitly print the version numbers of virtualenv...
2019-03-11 Tom CleggMerge branch '14938-unreliable-test'
2019-03-11 Tom Clegg14938: Fix unreliable test.
2019-03-08 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '14880-keepdocker-argparse' refs #14880
2019-03-08 Peter Amstutz14880: Fix help message typo.
2019-03-08 Lucas Di Pentima13937: Adds tests for operation & I/O counters.
2019-03-08 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '14291-cdc-aws' refs #14291
2019-03-08 Peter Amstutz14291: EbsVolumeType → EBSVolumeType
2019-03-08 Peter Amstutz14880: Fix argument parsing issues
2019-03-07 Peter Amstutz14291: Exclude both "shutting-down" and "terminated...
2019-03-07 Peter Amstutz14291: Generate key fingerprints that work with AWS...
2019-03-07 Tom CleggMerge branch '14920-unknown-booting-race'
2019-03-07 Tom Clegg14920: Update metrics when worker state changes idle...
2019-03-07 Peter Amstutz14291: Add EbsVolumeType, also test fixes
2019-03-07 Peter Amstutz14291: Tweak Scratch/AddedScratch/IncludedScratch behavior
2019-03-07 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '14870-retry-logs' refs #14870
2019-03-07 Peter Amstutz14291: Report errors from ImportKeyPair
2019-03-07 Peter Amstutz14291: Try again with vendor.json
2019-03-07 Tom Clegg14920: Improve comment.
2019-03-07 Peter Amstutz14291: Another update to vendor.json
2019-03-07 Fernando Monserratrefs #14891 .Merge branch '14891-upload-to-testing...
2019-03-07 Fernando Monserratissue #14891 fix spaces and initialize RC
2019-03-07 Lucas Di Pentima13937: Simplifies volume counter stats assignments...
2019-03-07 Tom Clegg14920: Fix state==unknown during create/list race.
2019-03-06 Lucas Di Pentima13937: Fixes metrics naming
2019-03-06 Lucas Di Pentima13937: Simplifies arg passing on Start() funcs
2019-03-06 Peter Amstutz14291: Add more missing packages to vendor
2019-03-06 Peter Amstutz14291: Add more missing packages to vendor
2019-03-06 Peter Amstutz14291: Add missing packages to vendor
2019-03-06 Peter Amstutz14870: Oops need to fix edge case assertion, too
2019-03-06 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch 'master' into 13937-keepstore-prometheus
2019-03-06 Peter Amstutz14870: Adjust edge case some more, a file named '\...
2019-03-06 Peter Amstutz14291: Introduce "AddedScratch" and "IncludedScratch...
2019-03-06 Peter Amstutz14870: Remove \x01 from edge cases
2019-03-06 Eric BiagiottiMerge branch '14885-ciso-and-conda-packaging-pr'
2019-03-06 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '14916-rubysdk-upgrade-note'
2019-03-06 Lucas Di Pentima14916: Rephrases upgrade notes. Enhances example script...
2019-03-06 Fernando Monserratissue #14891 remove -x
2019-03-05 Fernando Monserratissue #14891 Update to receive param rc to build for...
2019-03-05 Tom CleggMerge branch '14807-zero-metrics'
2019-03-05 Tom Clegg14807: Start reporting metrics immediately.
2019-03-05 Eric Biagiotti14885: Reverts back to parse_datetime_as_naive
2019-03-05 Lucas Di Pentima14916: Adds upgrading note with script example for...
2019-03-05 Fernando Monserratissue #14891 upload rcs . Add verbose
2019-03-05 Tom CleggMerge branch '14911-azure-panic'
2019-03-05 Eric BiagiottiMerge branch '14886-acr-recursion-runtime-error'
2019-03-05 Eric Biagiotti14886: Fixes typo
2019-03-05 Eric Biagiotti14886: Fixes mock issue between tests
2019-03-05 Peter Amstutz14291: Tweak symbol naming
2019-03-04 Peter Amstutz14870: Fix another test
2019-03-04 Tom Clegg14911: Fix initialization order.
2019-03-04 Fernando Monserratissue #14891 upload rcs to testing repo
2019-03-04 Peter Amstutz14870: Add tests
2019-03-04 Eric Biagiotti14886: Updates test to fail for the more specific case
2019-03-01 Eric Biagiotti14886: Adds flag to stop infinite logs
2019-03-01 Eric Biagiotti14886: Simplifies test mocking
2019-03-01 Peter Amstutz14870: Copy previous container logs to "container uuid...
2019-03-01 Eric Biagiotti14886: Adds a test that reproduces the error
2019-03-01 Peter Amstutz14870: Update Arvados Ruby SDK gem dependency for bugfix
2019-03-01 Peter Amstutz14870: Saving previous retry logs into collection WIP
2019-03-01 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '14870-ruby-sdk-cp-r' refs #14870
2019-03-01 Peter Amstutz14870: Ruby SDK fix for copying collection into root...
2019-03-01 Eric BiagiottiMerge branch '14885-ciso-and-conda-packaging-pr'
2019-03-01 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '14844-cdc-azure-fixes' closes #14844
2019-03-01 Ward VandewegeMerge branch '14819-arvados-jobs-on-stretch'
2019-03-01 Ward Vandewege14819: Merge branch 'master' into 14819-arvados-jobs...
2019-03-01 Ward Vandewege14819: use the python executable from the python-arvado...
2019-02-28 Peter Amstutz14844: Azure fixes
2019-02-28 Eric BiagiottiMerge branch '9865-cwl-fix-ignored-exceptions'
2019-02-28 Eric Biagiotti9865: Removes trailing whitespace