do not include ApiClient* in discovery document. refs #1405 refs #1406
[arvados.git] / test /
2013-03-19 Tom Cleggrename job steps to job tasks. refs #1416
2013-03-19 Tom Cleggrename pipeline to pipeline template. refs #1416
2013-03-19 Tom Cleggrename pipeline invocation to pipeline instance. refs...
2013-03-13 Tom Cleggrename Project to Group
2013-02-04 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' of
2013-02-03 Tom Cleggadd Job and JobStep resources
2013-01-28 Tom Cleggrename Metadatum to Link, head to head_uuid, tail to...
2013-01-24 Tom Cleggconnect user authentication to API client authorization
2013-01-23 Ward VandewegeAuthenticate against
2013-01-22 Tom Cleggadd Log resource
2013-01-21 Ward VandewegeMore test env tweaks + first collections api test
2013-01-21 Ward VandewegeVery basic tests for /collections, /nodes, /pipeline_in...
2013-01-21 Ward VandewegeA few fixture fixes
2013-01-16 Tom Cleggadd Project resource
2013-01-16 Tom Cleggadd Specimen resource
2013-01-09 Tom Cleggadd pipelineInvocation resource. refs #1357
2013-01-09 Tom Cleggadd pipeline resource. refs #1357
2013-01-08 Tom Cleggadd nodes#create and nodes#ping
2013-01-05 Tom Cleggadd metadata resource
2013-01-04 Ward VandewegeInitial commit