Note #15
[arvados.git] / doc / user / topics / arv-copy.html.textile.liquid
2015-07-14 bryanNote #15
2015-07-14 bryanadded note #13
2015-07-14 bryanFixed more syntax errors
2015-07-14 bryanFixed syntax
2015-07-14 bryanFixed more comments
2015-07-14 bryanFixed some changes but need to add copy git repos
2015-07-14 bryanadded png and need to switch to 6014 to grab the url
2015-07-13 bryanReady for review
2015-07-13 bryanchanged formatting of cluster1 and cluster2
2015-07-13 bryanchanged arv-copy expectations and moved around words...
2015-07-13 bryanchanged formatting and added words
2015-07-13 bryanAdded documentation for copying collections and pipelin...
2015-07-10 bryanChange _config.yaml to point to arv-copy.html.textile...