Support the use of groups to grant repository permissions.
[arvados.git] / services / api / app / models / user.rb
2013-12-10 Tom CleggSupport the use of groups to grant repository permissions.
2013-11-22 Ward VandewegeOnly apply the auto_admin_user configuration rule when...
2013-11-21 Ward VandewegeOnly apply the auto_admin_user configuration rule when...
2013-11-20 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' of
2013-11-20 Ward VandewegeAdd a config setting: auto_admin_user
2013-11-12 Tim PierceMerge branch '1578-api-server-in-docker'
2013-11-07 Tom CleggUse current_user to select API response template. fixes...
2013-07-08 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' of
2013-07-08 Tom Cleggrename foreign uuid attributes
2013-06-26 Tom Cleggnotify admin about new users
2013-06-26 Tom Cleggadd user#is_active flag
2013-06-11 Tom Cleggadd Repositories resource, fix authorized_user attr...
2013-06-10 Tom Cleggadd /authorized_keys/get_all_logins
2013-04-15 Tom Cleggrename projects
2013-04-10 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'explorer'
2013-04-10 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'clients'
2013-04-10 Ward Vandewegemoved api server code into new directory structure