2014-02-03 |
Tom Clegg | Use AJAX/remote requests when deleting objects. Add... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-02-03 |
Tom Clegg | Improve progress view on pipeline_instances.show page... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-02-02 |
Tom Clegg | Add basic select-and-compare interface to pipeline_inst... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-02-01 |
Tom Clegg | Merge branch 'master' into 1978-compare-pipelines |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-02-01 |
Tom Clegg | Allow controller to override page name for breadcrumbs. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-02-01 |
Tom Clegg | Show condensed data about pipeline instances side by... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-02-01 |
Tom Clegg | Add pipeline_instances/compare page |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-29 |
Tom Clegg | Show condensed data about pipeline instances side by... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-28 |
Tom Clegg | Add pipeline_instances/compare page |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-24 |
Tom Clegg | Add /keep_disks page to Admin menu. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-17 |
Tim Pierce | Merge branch 'master' of git.clinicalfuture.com:arvados |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-17 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge branch 'master' of git.clinicalfuture.com:arvados |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-17 |
Tom Clegg | Merge branch '1880-check-duplicate-public-key' |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-17 |
Tom Clegg | Reduce boilerplate on error messages. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-17 |
Tom Clegg | Use AJAX when adding a new authorized_key from the... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-15 |
Tim Pierce | Merge branch '1510-arv-tag-unit-tests' of git.clinicalf... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-15 |
Peter Amstutz | Logging out now returns you to the login page, rather... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-15 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge branch 'master' of git.clinicalfuture.com:arvados |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-15 |
Tom Clegg | Fix user_agreements.sign when collection uuid has ... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-15 |
Tom Clegg | With where={"any":["contains",X]}, search all text... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-14 |
Tim Pierce | Merge branch '1510-arv-tag-unit-tests' of git.clinicalf... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-14 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge branch '1748-workbench-view-files' |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-14 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge branch 'master' of git.clinicalfuture.com:arvados |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-13 |
Tom Clegg | Merge branch '1499-workbench-tags' |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-13 |
Tom Clegg | Add collection search box on home page. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-13 |
Tom Clegg | Update query in browser location bar when showing searc... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-13 |
Tom Clegg | Fix crash if no search parameter given. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-13 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge commit '030d673e455ac7fa92732eafe95f1db12f6a46b6... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-13 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into 1862-show... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-13 |
Tom Clegg | Add AJAX tag search box to collections.index page. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-13 |
Tom Clegg | Update collections index to match front page table... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-10 |
Peter Amstutz | Workbench explicitly requests 1000 results instead... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-09 |
Tim Pierce | Merge branch '1530-arv-tag-commands' |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-08 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge branch 'master' of git.clinicalfuture.com:arvados |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-08 |
Peter Amstutz | Added theme support to workbench. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-07 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge branch '1685-api-server-redirect-to-workbench' |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-02 |
Tom Clegg | Merge branch '1694-user-agreement' |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-02 |
Tom Clegg | Merge branch '1748-workbench-view-files' |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-02 |
Tom Clegg | Fix error message: print the exit status, not the strin... |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-01-02 |
Tom Clegg | Link to show/download files from collections. refs... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-31 |
Tom Clegg | Fix error message: print the exit status, not the strin... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-31 |
Tom Clegg | Do not check for user agreement signature before showin... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-31 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge branch 'master' of git.clinicalfuture.com:arvados |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-31 |
Tom Clegg | Fix unexpected nil in @required_user_agreements. refs... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-31 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge branch '1692-redesign-dashboard' |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-31 |
Tim Pierce | Merge branch 'master' of git.clinicalfuture.com:arvados |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-31 |
Tom Clegg | Merge branch '1675-preactivation' |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-31 |
Tom Clegg | Request activation if is_active==false but no user... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-30 |
Tom Clegg | Merge branch '1694-user-agreement' |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-30 |
Tom Clegg | Divert processing when user agreements are needed,... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-30 |
Tom Clegg | Support user agreement viewing and signing in Workbench. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-30 |
Peter Amstutz | Account status is now part of the "notifications" area |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-30 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge branch 'master' of git.clinicalfuture.com:arvados... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-27 |
Peter Amstutz | Dashboard now consists of recent collections, jobs... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-27 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge branch 'master' of git.clinicalfuture.com:arvados... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-27 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into 1692-redesig... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-27 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge branch '1678-new-user-orientation-pete-wfh' of... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-27 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge branch '1636-inactive-user' into 1678-new-active... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-27 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/1636-inact... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-26 |
Tim Pierce | Merge branch '1608-api-documentation' |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-26 |
Tom Clegg | Fix exception when no authorized_key hash provided... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-26 |
Peter Amstutz | Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into 1678-new... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-26 |
Tom Clegg | Do not ignore attributes received with create request. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-26 |
Tom Clegg | Redirect to a suitable page when HTML response requeste... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-26 |
Peter Amstutz | * A couple of tweaks in response to Tom's feedback |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-23 |
Peter Amstutz | * User is now taken to a "welcome" page where they... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-11-18 |
Ward Vandewege | Merge branch 'master' of git.clinicalfuture.com:arvados |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-11-18 |
Tim Pierce | Merge branch '1579-keep-server-in-docker' of git.clinic... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-11-18 |
Tom Clegg | Add Admin/Nodes page |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-11-14 |
Tim Pierce | Merge branch '1579-keep-server-in-docker' of git.clinic... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-11-11 |
Tim Pierce | Merge branch '1578-api-server-in-docker' of git.clinica... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-11-11 |
Ward Vandewege | Fix deprecation warning: |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-11-11 |
Ward Vandewege | Fix deprecation warning: |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-07-17 |
Tom Clegg | use find() instead of where() to get a single object |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-07-17 |
Tom Clegg | new dashboard content |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-07-15 |
Tom Clegg | open up specimens page index and show pages |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-07-10 |
Tom Clegg | pipeline_templates and pipeline_instances are not admin... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-07-10 |
Tom Clegg | hide expired and job-specific auth tokens from workbenc... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-07-10 |
Tom Clegg | remove special group/show stuff |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-07-10 |
Tom Clegg | remove special group/show stuff |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-07-09 |
Tom Clegg | show provenance |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-07-09 |
Tom Clegg | fix up collections index/show |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-07-08 |
Ward Vandewege | Merge branch 'master' of git.clinicalfuture.com:arvados |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-07-08 |
Tom Clegg | rename foreign uuid attributes |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-07-01 |
Tom Clegg | show login names and config instructions on VMs page |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-28 |
Tom Clegg | collections does not need to be admin-only |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-27 |
Tom Clegg | add Human resource |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-27 |
Tom Clegg | fix editable + serialized-hash attributes |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-27 |
Tom Clegg | add trait resource |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-17 |
Tom Clegg | add ApiClient#is_trusted, show list of api tokens in... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-13 |
Tom Clegg | add tutorials and references to home page |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-12 |
Tom Clegg | add front page dashboard |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-12 |
Tom Clegg | improve error reporting |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-11 |
Ward Vandewege | Merge branch 'master' of git.clinicalfuture.com:arvados |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-11 |
Tom Clegg | always clear thread.current session info |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-11 |
Tom Clegg | add Repositories resource, fix authorized_user attr... |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-10 |
Tom Clegg | fix current_user in model |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-10 |
Tom Clegg | add links#index, allow non-admin links#show |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-10 |
Tom Clegg | add users#index, allow non-admin users#show |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-08 |
Tom Clegg | add VirtualMachine resource to workbench |
tree | commitdiff |
next |