Added code to compute histogram from garbage collection list.
[arvados.git] / services /
2014-04-30 Misha ZatsmanAdded code to compute histogram from garbage collection...
2014-04-30 Misha ZatsmanAdded hack to deal with the fact that keep servers...
2014-04-28 Misha ZatsmanAdded printing of garbage collection report to CSV...
2014-04-28 Misha ZatsmanAdded computation of resulting free space in garbage...
2014-04-28 Misha ZatsmanAdded retrieval of stats from keep servers and computin...
2014-04-26 Misha ZatsmanAdded most of the garbage collection reporting for...
2014-04-24 Misha ZatsmanMoved datamanger prototype to experimental directory...
2014-04-24 Misha ZatsmanRemoved hack which was compensating for keep server...
2014-04-11 Misha ZatsmanAdded reporting of persisted blocks which are under...
2014-04-10 Misha ZatsmanAdded disk usage logging! logs are written to api server.
2014-04-10 Misha ZatsmanAdded weighted persist disk usage. Removed debugging...
2014-04-09 Misha ZatsmanAdded memoization to computeWeightedReplicationCosts.
2014-04-09 Misha ZatsmanAdded unittests for computeWeightedReplicationCosts...
2014-04-09 Misha ZatsmanAdded method to computed weighted cost of different...
2014-04-09 Misha ZatsmanStarted reporting unweighted persist usage based on...
2014-04-08 Misha ZatsmanAdded ability to disable server by specifying port...
2014-04-07 Misha ZatsmanAdded handler for collections. Also renamed byte_size...
2014-04-07 Misha ZatsmanAdded user page. Started using send_error. Added port...
2014-04-05 Misha ZatsmanStarted using global to actually assign to global varia...
2014-04-05 Misha ZatsmanMoved main flow into loadAllData method to get ready...
2014-04-04 Misha ZatsmanAdded logging to datamanager, as a step towards writing...
2014-04-01 Misha ZatsmanModified algorithm to take disk replication when counti...
2014-04-01 Misha ZatsmanAdded manifest size to calculations.
2014-04-01 Misha ZatsmanMerge branch 'master' of
2014-03-28 Tom CleggBump arvados-cli version to use output_is_persistent...
2014-03-28 Tom CleggMerge branch '1932-job-output-persistent'
2014-03-28 Tom CleggAdd dependency on latest arv-run-pipeline-instance.
2014-03-28 Tim PierceMerge branch '2291-new-keepd-read-blocks'
2014-03-28 Tim PierceAddressing code review comments (refs #2485, refs ...
2014-03-28 Tim PierceUnit test for FindKeepVolumes (refs #2295)
2014-03-28 Tom CleggFix some whitespace complaints.
2014-03-28 Tom CleggMerge branch 'master' into 1932-job-output-persistent
2014-03-27 Tom CleggFix migration crash when script_version is nil.
2014-03-27 Tom CleggIgnore "cache directory does not exist" error when...
2014-03-27 radhika chippadaMerge branch '2068-reset-user'
2014-03-27 radhika chippadareload object before unsetup
2014-03-27 radhika chippadaminor cleanup
2014-03-27 radhika chippadaClean up the users controller
2014-03-27 radhika chippadaUpdate tests to match controller updates towards admin_...
2014-03-27 radhika chippadaUse before_filter admin_required in the users controlle...
2014-03-27 radhika chippadaMerge branch 'master' into 2068-reset-user
2014-03-27 radhika chippadaExpose user unsetup method from the API server. Added...
2014-03-27 Peter AmstutzMerged branch 1741-internal-git-repo into 2333-crunch...
2014-03-27 Peter AmstutzFixed dangling 'end'
2014-03-27 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'master' into 2333-crunch-dispatch-token...
2014-03-27 Peter AmstutzStylistic changes based on comments from Tom/Brett
2014-03-27 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '2051-nondeterministic-jobs'
2014-03-27 Misha ZatsmanDeleted unused code, added code to read blocks on keep...
2014-03-26 Misha ZatsmanUpdated message to be clearer.
2014-03-26 Misha ZatsmanInitial commit of command line utility...
2014-03-26 Tim PierceMerge branch '2291-new-keepd-read-blocks' (fixes #2291)
2014-03-26 Tim PierceIncorporating code review comments (refs #2291, refs...
2014-03-26 Tim PierceImprove readability of unit tests. (refs #2291)
2014-03-26 Peter AmstutzFixes "sec_error_reused_issuer_and_serial" SSL error...
2014-03-26 Peter AmstutzAdded fix to workbench dashboard so that workbench...
2014-03-26 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'master' into 2051-nondeterministic-jobs
2014-03-26 Peter AmstutzAdded more tests and more aggressive input checking.
2014-03-25 Tom CleggMerge branch '2412-do-not-reuse-task-work-dirs'
2014-03-25 Tim PierceIncorporating comments from code review (refs #2438...
2014-03-25 Peter AmstutzReworked input validation on find_commit_range (for...
2014-03-25 Brett SmithMerge branch '2288-smoke-test'
2014-03-25 Peter AmstutzRemoved trailing whitespace.
2014-03-25 Peter AmstutzFixed tests
2014-03-25 radhika chippadaMerge branch 'master' into 2187-enhance-user-setup
2014-03-25 radhika chippadaMinor test updates
2014-03-25 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'master' into 2051-nondeterministic-jobs
2014-03-25 radhika chippadaThe controller invokes the create links method from...
2014-03-25 Tom CleggUpdate controller action name in functional test. refs...
2014-03-25 Tom CleggMerge branch '1750-remove-old-schema-doc'
2014-03-25 radhika chippadasetup method in user model assumes that the user object...
2014-03-25 Tim PierceUnit test TestGetBlockCorrupt. (refs #2291)
2014-03-25 radhika chippadaGround work to remove found object logic from user...
2014-03-25 Tom CleggMerge branch 'master' into 1932-job-output-persistent
2014-03-25 radhika chippadaUpdate all functional tests to work with the new respon...
2014-03-25 Tim PierceAdded unit tests TestGetBlockOneKeepOK and TestGetBlock...
2014-03-25 radhika chippadaUpdate user model to return a List instead of HashList
2014-03-24 radhika chippadasome minor refactoring
2014-03-24 radhika chippadaWhen uuid is passed, openid_prefix can be optional
2014-03-24 radhika chippadaMerge branch 'master' into 2187-enhance-user-setup
2014-03-24 radhika chippadaMore unit testing
2014-03-24 radhika chippadaAdd unit test for user model
2014-03-24 Tim PierceAdding unit tests for GetBlock. (refs #2291)
2014-03-24 Ward VandewegeAllow disabling of output for rake config:check via...
2014-03-24 Ward VandewegeDo not print secrets in the config:check rake task.
2014-03-24 radhika chippadaMerge branch 'master' into 2187-enhance-user-setup
2014-03-24 radhika chippadaInclude first link of a given type even on reruns of...
2014-03-24 Tom CleggMerge branch '2209-test-limit-offset'
2014-03-24 Tom CleggMerge branch '2290-user-activity'
2014-03-24 radhika chippadaMerge branch 'master' into 2187-enhance-user-setup
2014-03-24 radhika chippadaRaise error if both uuid and are omitted...
2014-03-24 Tom CleggAdd output_is_persistent attribute to job model.
2014-03-24 Tom CleggAdd tests for limit and offset parameters. refs #2075...
2014-03-24 Tom CleggAccept ...&filters=&... in query string as "none" inste...
2014-03-24 radhika chippadaRaise ArgumentError when required openid_prefix is...
2014-03-23 radhika chippadaRaise exceptions on errors such as 'All users' group...
2014-03-23 radhika chippadaFix tabs in the test class
2014-03-23 radhika chippadaMake sure oid_login_perm exists when setup is executed...
2014-03-23 radhika chippadaInclude all the newly created link objects in the respo...
2014-03-23 radhika chippadaRepo name and VM are optional to the setup method
2014-03-23 radhika chippadaRender 404 if no user is found for the uuid provided