Merge branch '9463-revert-arv-put-commit'
[arvados.git] / lib /
2016-10-03 Lucas Di Pentima9701: Merge branch '9463-change-arvput-use-collection...
2016-08-04 Tom Clegggofmt.
2016-08-04 Tom CleggFix race in crunchstat.
2016-07-15 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'master' into 9369-arv-cwl-docs
2016-07-13 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '9486-retry-instance-limit-exceeded' close...
2016-07-05 Tom CleggMerge branch '8016-crunchrun-crunchstat'
2016-07-04 Tom Clegg8016: Clarify comments/docs and cpuSample initialization.
2016-07-04 Tom Clegg8016: Rename Poll to PollPeriod.
2016-07-04 Tom Clegg8016: Fix race in test case.
2016-06-30 Tom Clegg8016: Fix up docs and trim API.
2016-06-30 Tom Clegg8016: Reduce logging noise by waiting for cgroup files...
2016-06-30 Tom Clegg8016: Split crunchstat into a module and a commmand...
2016-03-01 Peter AmstutzAdd 'tools/arvbox/' from commit 'd3d368758db1f4a9fa5b89...
2016-02-25 Peter AmstutzTweak slurm configuration to run as non-root user.
2016-02-25 Peter AmstutzFix arvados-login-sync for vm account creation
2016-02-18 Peter AmstutzRun slurmctld and slurmd inside arvbox. refs #6518
2016-02-16 Peter AmstutzMove services to /var/lib/arvbox/services because they...
2016-02-15 Peter AmstutzExplicitly install Docker 1.9.1 instead of using get...
2016-02-15 Peter AmstutzAdd crunch-dispatch-local to arvbox. no issue #
2016-02-12 Peter AmstutzAdd arvbox support for overriding settings in applicati...
2016-01-28 Peter AmstutzUse volumes for /var/log/nginx and /etc/ssl/private...
2016-01-28 Peter AmstutzArvbox fixes: use 'postgres' database when testing...
2016-01-27 Peter Amstutzchown /etc/ssl/private to arvbox refs #8080
2016-01-25 Peter AmstutzJust create arvbox superuser instead of creating a...
2016-01-20 Peter AmstutzEnable arvbox user to sudo to crunch user. refs #8080
2016-01-20 Peter AmstutzFix gitolite-shell path refs #8080
2016-01-19 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '8080-arvbox' closes #8080
2013-04-10 Ward Vandewegemoved explorer into new directory structure
2013-04-10 Ward Vandewegemoved api server code into new directory structure
2013-03-20 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' of
2013-03-20 Tom Clegguse new permission methods to check model transactions...
2013-03-20 Tom Cleggadd per-user and per-session default_owner. refs #1415
2013-03-16 Tom Cleggadd script/dispatch_jobs.rb and related Job features
2013-01-31 Tom Cleggtighten up automatic uuid assignment
2013-01-25 Tom Cleggmove created_by to owner
2013-01-25 Ward VandewegeRemove duplicate configuration value in lib/josh_id.rb.
2013-01-25 Ward VandewegeMake josh_id propagate return_to as a GET parameter...
2013-01-24 Tom Cleggset created_by/at and modified_by/at attributes when...
2013-01-23 Ward VandewegeDrop superfluous comment.
2013-01-23 Ward VandewegeAuthenticate against
2013-01-16 Tom Cleggtweak uuid generators - use last N digits instead of...
2013-01-14 Ward VandewegeInitial commit.
2013-01-13 Tom Cleggadd shared "common" template with kind and etag
2013-01-05 Tom Cleggadd metadata resource
2013-01-04 Ward VandewegeInitial commit