maxResults is really called limit, update the discovery document accordingly
[arvados.git] / Gemfile.lock
2013-02-04 Ward VandewegeSwitch to MultiJson which uses Oj under the hood (since...
2013-02-04 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' of
2013-02-04 Ward VandewegeSwitch to Oj for JSON parsing.
2013-01-23 Ward VandewegeAuthenticate against
2013-01-17 Ward VandewegeUpdate to latest Rails 3.1 release
2013-01-15 Ward VandewegeMore capistrano fixes
2013-01-13 Tom Clegguse acts_as_api
2013-01-11 Tom Cleggupdate Gemfile.lock
2013-01-11 Tom Cleggupdate gems
2013-01-07 Ward VandewegeOnly add rvm-capistrano in the development group
2013-01-06 Ward VandewegeDeploy script fixes
2013-01-04 Ward VandewegeInitial commit