always clear thread.current session info
[arvados.git] / doc /
2013-06-11 Ward VandewegeBe more explicit.
2013-06-11 Ward VandewegeFormatting fix
2013-06-11 Ward VandewegeMore API server installation instructions.
2013-06-11 Ward VandewegeRemove reference to, replaced with arvados...
2013-06-09 Tom Cleggadd admin cheat sheet
2013-05-23 Ward VandewegeMore install instructions.
2013-05-22 Tom Cleggadd /arvados/v1/jobs/queue
2013-05-21 Ward VandewegeAdd (rudimentary) install instructions for the API...
2013-05-01 Tom Cleggadd job tasks docs
2013-05-01 Ward VandewegeMore title tweaks.
2013-05-01 Ward VandewegeMore title fixing on index.html
2013-05-01 Ward VandewegeChange title on main page.
2013-04-15 Tom Cleggtweak front page title kerning
2013-04-15 Tom Cleggrename projects
2013-04-12 Tom Cleggadd "incomplete" alert boxes
2013-04-11 Tom Cleggfix favicon path
2013-04-11 Tom Cleggchange favicon
2013-04-11 Tom Cleggfix doc header alignment some more
2013-04-11 Tom Cleggfix doc header alignment some more
2013-04-11 Tom Cleggfix doc front page title/text alignment
2013-04-11 Tom Cleggfix doc front page subtitle word wrap
2013-04-11 Tom Cleggfix doc front page header image
2013-04-11 Tom Cleggmobile fix for doc side nav
2013-04-11 Tom Cleggtweak page titles, add link to
2013-04-11 Tom Cleggrework front page
2013-04-11 Tom Cleggadd api/Collections and unlink missing resources on...
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggfix links, rename orvos
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggfix titles of api/Jobs and api/Links pages
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggadd api/Jobs
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggadd api/Links
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggrename api resources pages
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggfix up api index
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggxref to list of resources
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggtweak front page
2013-04-10 Tom Clegguse bootstrap nav-list instead of hacked nav-stacked
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggsplit User into User Guide and API Reference
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggfix ssh link
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggadd Keep vocabulary
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggadd job pages
2013-04-10 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'explorer'
2013-04-10 Ward Vandewegemoved explorer into new directory structure
2013-04-10 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'clients'
2013-04-10 Tom Cleggadd a bunch of API pages
2013-04-10 Tom Clegghighlight active side nav
2013-04-10 Tom Clegguse favicon
2013-04-09 Tom Cleggadd provenance, using git, using keep pages
2013-04-09 Tom Cleggrename ssh keys -> ssh access
2013-04-09 Tom Cleggtweak front page of doc
2013-04-09 Tom Cleggadd ssh keys page
2013-04-09 Tom Cleggfix "active section" style
2013-04-09 Tom Cleggadd jekyll doc tree
2013-01-14 Ward VandewegeInitial commit.
2013-01-04 Ward VandewegeInitial commit