1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5 from __future__ import division
6 from builtins import next
7 from builtins import object
8 from builtins import str
9 from future.utils import viewvalues, viewitems
19 from functools import partial
24 from cwltool.errors import WorkflowException
25 import cwltool.workflow
26 from schema_salad.sourceline import SourceLine, cmap
27 import schema_salad.validate as validate
28 from schema_salad.ref_resolver import file_uri, uri_file_path
32 from arvados.keep import KeepClient
33 from arvados.errors import ApiError
35 import arvados_cwl.util
36 from .arvcontainer import RunnerContainer, cleanup_name_for_collection
37 from .runner import Runner, upload_docker, upload_job_order, upload_workflow_deps, make_builder, update_from_merged_map
38 from .arvtool import ArvadosCommandTool, validate_cluster_target, ArvadosExpressionTool
39 from .arvworkflow import ArvadosWorkflow, upload_workflow, make_workflow_record
40 from .fsaccess import CollectionFsAccess, CollectionFetcher, collectionResolver, CollectionCache, pdh_size
41 from .perf import Perf
42 from .pathmapper import NoFollowPathMapper
43 from cwltool.task_queue import TaskQueue
44 from .context import ArvLoadingContext, ArvRuntimeContext
45 from ._version import __version__
47 from cwltool.process import shortname, UnsupportedRequirement, use_custom_schema
48 from cwltool.utils import adjustFileObjs, adjustDirObjs, get_listing, visit_class, aslist
49 from cwltool.command_line_tool import compute_checksums
50 from cwltool.load_tool import load_tool
52 logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.cwl-runner')
53 metrics = logging.getLogger('arvados.cwl-runner.metrics')
57 class RuntimeStatusLoggingHandler(logging.Handler):
59 Intercepts logging calls and report them as runtime statuses on runner
62 def __init__(self, runtime_status_update_func):
63 super(RuntimeStatusLoggingHandler, self).__init__()
64 self.runtime_status_update = runtime_status_update_func
65 self.updatingRuntimeStatus = False
67 def emit(self, record):
69 if record.levelno >= logging.ERROR:
71 elif record.levelno >= logging.WARNING:
73 if kind == 'warning' and record.name == "salad":
74 # Don't send validation warnings to runtime status,
75 # they're noisy and unhelpful.
77 if kind is not None and self.updatingRuntimeStatus is not True:
78 self.updatingRuntimeStatus = True
80 log_msg = record.getMessage()
82 # If the logged message is multi-line, use its first line as status
83 # and the rest as detail.
84 status, detail = log_msg.split('\n', 1)
85 self.runtime_status_update(
87 "%s: %s" % (record.name, status),
91 self.runtime_status_update(
93 "%s: %s" % (record.name, record.getMessage())
96 self.updatingRuntimeStatus = False
99 class ArvCwlExecutor(object):
100 """Execute a CWL tool or workflow, submit work (using containers API),
101 wait for them to complete, and report output.
105 def __init__(self, api_client,
113 arvargs = argparse.Namespace()
114 arvargs.work_api = None
115 arvargs.output_name = None
116 arvargs.output_tags = None
117 arvargs.thread_count = 1
118 arvargs.collection_cache_size = None
119 arvargs.git_info = True
120 arvargs.submit = False
121 arvargs.defer_downloads = False
123 self.api = api_client
125 self.workflow_eval_lock = threading.Condition(threading.RLock())
126 self.final_output = None
127 self.final_status = None
128 self.num_retries = num_retries
130 self.stop_polling = threading.Event()
133 self.final_output_collection = None
134 self.output_name = arvargs.output_name
135 self.output_tags = arvargs.output_tags
136 self.project_uuid = None
137 self.intermediate_output_ttl = 0
138 self.intermediate_output_collections = []
139 self.trash_intermediate = False
140 self.thread_count = arvargs.thread_count
141 self.poll_interval = 12
142 self.loadingContext = None
143 self.should_estimate_cache_size = True
144 self.fs_access = None
145 self.secret_store = None
147 self.fast_submit = False
148 self.git_info = arvargs.git_info
150 if keep_client is not None:
151 self.keep_client = keep_client
153 self.keep_client = arvados.keep.KeepClient(api_client=self.api, num_retries=self.num_retries)
155 if arvargs.collection_cache_size:
156 collection_cache_size = arvargs.collection_cache_size*1024*1024
157 self.should_estimate_cache_size = False
159 collection_cache_size = 256*1024*1024
161 self.collection_cache = CollectionCache(self.api, self.keep_client, self.num_retries,
162 cap=collection_cache_size)
164 self.fetcher_constructor = partial(CollectionFetcher,
166 fs_access=CollectionFsAccess("", collection_cache=self.collection_cache),
167 num_retries=self.num_retries)
170 expected_api = ["containers"]
171 for api in expected_api:
173 methods = self.api._rootDesc.get('resources')[api]['methods']
174 if ('httpMethod' in methods['create'] and
175 (arvargs.work_api == api or arvargs.work_api is None)):
181 if not self.work_api:
182 if arvargs.work_api is None:
183 raise Exception("No supported APIs")
185 raise Exception("Unsupported API '%s', expected one of %s" % (arvargs.work_api, expected_api))
187 if self.work_api == "jobs":
189 *******************************
190 The 'jobs' API is no longer supported.
191 *******************************""")
194 self.loadingContext = ArvLoadingContext(vars(arvargs))
195 self.loadingContext.fetcher_constructor = self.fetcher_constructor
196 self.loadingContext.resolver = partial(collectionResolver, self.api, num_retries=self.num_retries)
197 self.loadingContext.construct_tool_object = self.arv_make_tool
199 # Add a custom logging handler to the root logger for runtime status reporting
200 # if running inside a container
201 if arvados_cwl.util.get_current_container(self.api, self.num_retries, logger):
202 root_logger = logging.getLogger('')
204 # Remove existing RuntimeStatusLoggingHandlers if they exist
205 handlers = [h for h in root_logger.handlers if not isinstance(h, RuntimeStatusLoggingHandler)]
206 root_logger.handlers = handlers
208 handler = RuntimeStatusLoggingHandler(self.runtime_status_update)
209 root_logger.addHandler(handler)
211 self.toplevel_runtimeContext = ArvRuntimeContext(vars(arvargs))
212 self.toplevel_runtimeContext.make_fs_access = partial(CollectionFsAccess,
213 collection_cache=self.collection_cache)
215 self.defer_downloads = arvargs.submit and arvargs.defer_downloads
217 validate_cluster_target(self, self.toplevel_runtimeContext)
220 def arv_make_tool(self, toolpath_object, loadingContext):
221 if "class" in toolpath_object and toolpath_object["class"] == "CommandLineTool":
222 return ArvadosCommandTool(self, toolpath_object, loadingContext)
223 elif "class" in toolpath_object and toolpath_object["class"] == "Workflow":
224 return ArvadosWorkflow(self, toolpath_object, loadingContext)
225 elif "class" in toolpath_object and toolpath_object["class"] == "ExpressionTool":
226 return ArvadosExpressionTool(self, toolpath_object, loadingContext)
228 raise Exception("Unknown tool %s" % toolpath_object.get("class"))
230 def output_callback(self, out, processStatus):
231 with self.workflow_eval_lock:
232 if processStatus == "success":
233 logger.info("Overall process status is %s", processStatus)
236 logger.error("Overall process status is %s", processStatus)
239 self.api.pipeline_instances().update(uuid=self.pipeline["uuid"],
240 body={"state": state}).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
241 self.final_status = processStatus
242 self.final_output = out
243 self.workflow_eval_lock.notifyAll()
246 def start_run(self, runnable, runtimeContext):
247 self.task_queue.add(partial(runnable.run, runtimeContext),
248 self.workflow_eval_lock, self.stop_polling)
250 def process_submitted(self, container):
251 with self.workflow_eval_lock:
252 self.processes[container.uuid] = container
254 def process_done(self, uuid, record):
255 with self.workflow_eval_lock:
256 j = self.processes[uuid]
257 logger.info("%s %s is %s", self.label(j), uuid, record["state"])
258 self.task_queue.add(partial(j.done, record),
259 self.workflow_eval_lock, self.stop_polling)
260 del self.processes[uuid]
262 def runtime_status_update(self, kind, message, detail=None):
264 Updates the runtime_status field on the runner container.
265 Called when there's a need to report errors, warnings or just
266 activity statuses, for example in the RuntimeStatusLoggingHandler.
269 if kind not in ('error', 'warning', 'activity'):
270 # Ignore any other status kind
273 with self.workflow_eval_lock:
276 current = arvados_cwl.util.get_current_container(self.api, self.num_retries, logger)
277 except Exception as e:
278 logger.info("Couldn't get current container: %s", e)
281 runtime_status = current.get('runtime_status', {})
283 original_updatemessage = updatemessage = runtime_status.get(kind, "")
284 if kind == "activity" or not updatemessage:
285 updatemessage = message
287 # Subsequent messages tacked on in detail
288 original_updatedetail = updatedetail = runtime_status.get(kind+'Detail', "")
290 if updatedetail.count("\n") < maxlines:
293 updatedetail += message + "\n"
296 updatedetail += detail + "\n"
298 if updatedetail.count("\n") >= maxlines:
299 updatedetail += "\nSome messages may have been omitted. Check the full log."
301 if updatemessage == original_updatemessage and updatedetail == original_updatedetail:
302 # don't waste time doing an update if nothing changed
303 # (usually because we exceeded the max lines)
306 runtime_status.update({
308 kind+'Detail': updatedetail,
312 self.api.containers().update(uuid=current['uuid'],
314 'runtime_status': runtime_status,
315 }).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
316 except Exception as e:
317 logger.info("Couldn't update runtime_status: %s", e)
319 def wrapped_callback(self, cb, obj, st):
320 with self.workflow_eval_lock:
322 self.workflow_eval_lock.notifyAll()
324 def get_wrapped_callback(self, cb):
325 return partial(self.wrapped_callback, cb)
327 def on_message(self, event):
328 if event.get("object_uuid") in self.processes and event["event_type"] == "update":
329 uuid = event["object_uuid"]
330 if event["properties"]["new_attributes"]["state"] == "Running":
331 with self.workflow_eval_lock:
332 j = self.processes[uuid]
333 if j.running is False:
335 j.update_pipeline_component(event["properties"]["new_attributes"])
336 logger.info("%s %s is Running", self.label(j), uuid)
337 elif event["properties"]["new_attributes"]["state"] in ("Complete", "Failed", "Cancelled", "Final"):
338 self.process_done(uuid, event["properties"]["new_attributes"])
340 def label(self, obj):
341 return "[%s %s]" % (self.work_api[0:-1], obj.name)
343 def poll_states(self):
344 """Poll status of containers listed in the processes dict.
346 Runs in a separate thread.
350 remain_wait = self.poll_interval
353 self.stop_polling.wait(remain_wait)
354 if self.stop_polling.is_set():
356 with self.workflow_eval_lock:
357 keys = list(self.processes)
359 remain_wait = self.poll_interval
362 begin_poll = time.time()
363 if self.work_api == "containers":
364 table = self.poll_api.container_requests()
366 pageSize = self.poll_api._rootDesc.get('maxItemsPerResponse', 1000)
369 page = keys[:pageSize]
371 proc_states = table.list(filters=[["uuid", "in", page]], select=["uuid", "container_uuid", "state", "log_uuid",
372 "output_uuid", "modified_at", "properties"]).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
373 except Exception as e:
374 logger.warning("Temporary error checking states on API server: %s", e)
375 remain_wait = self.poll_interval
378 for p in proc_states["items"]:
380 "object_uuid": p["uuid"],
381 "event_type": "update",
386 keys = keys[pageSize:]
388 finish_poll = time.time()
389 remain_wait = self.poll_interval - (finish_poll - begin_poll)
391 logger.exception("Fatal error in state polling thread.")
392 with self.workflow_eval_lock:
393 self.processes.clear()
394 self.workflow_eval_lock.notifyAll()
396 self.stop_polling.set()
398 def add_intermediate_output(self, uuid):
400 self.intermediate_output_collections.append(uuid)
402 def trash_intermediate_output(self):
403 logger.info("Cleaning up intermediate output collections")
404 for i in self.intermediate_output_collections:
406 self.api.collections().delete(uuid=i).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
408 logger.warning("Failed to delete intermediate output: %s", sys.exc_info()[1], exc_info=(sys.exc_info()[1] if self.debug else False))
409 except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
412 def check_features(self, obj, parentfield=""):
413 if isinstance(obj, dict):
414 if obj.get("class") == "DockerRequirement":
415 if obj.get("dockerOutputDirectory"):
416 if not obj.get("dockerOutputDirectory").startswith('/'):
417 raise SourceLine(obj, "dockerOutputDirectory", validate.ValidationException).makeError(
418 "Option 'dockerOutputDirectory' must be an absolute path.")
419 if obj.get("class") == "InplaceUpdateRequirement":
420 if obj["inplaceUpdate"] and parentfield == "requirements":
421 raise SourceLine(obj, "class", UnsupportedRequirement).makeError("InplaceUpdateRequirement not supported for keep collections.")
422 for k,v in viewitems(obj):
423 self.check_features(v, parentfield=k)
424 elif isinstance(obj, list):
425 for i,v in enumerate(obj):
426 with SourceLine(obj, i, UnsupportedRequirement, logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)):
427 self.check_features(v, parentfield=parentfield)
429 def make_output_collection(self, name, storage_classes, tagsString, output_properties, outputObj):
430 outputObj = copy.deepcopy(outputObj)
433 def capture(fileobj):
434 files.append(fileobj)
436 adjustDirObjs(outputObj, capture)
437 adjustFileObjs(outputObj, capture)
439 generatemapper = NoFollowPathMapper(files, "", "", separateDirs=False)
441 final = arvados.collection.Collection(api_client=self.api,
442 keep_client=self.keep_client,
443 num_retries=self.num_retries)
445 for k,v in generatemapper.items():
446 if v.type == "Directory" and v.resolved.startswith("_:"):
448 if v.type == "CreateFile" and (k.startswith("_:") or v.resolved.startswith("_:")):
449 with final.open(v.target, "wb") as f:
450 f.write(v.resolved.encode("utf-8"))
453 if not v.resolved.startswith("keep:"):
454 raise Exception("Output source is not in keep or a literal")
455 sp = v.resolved.split("/")
456 srccollection = sp[0][5:]
458 reader = self.collection_cache.get(srccollection)
459 srcpath = urllib.parse.unquote("/".join(sp[1:]) if len(sp) > 1 else ".")
460 final.copy(srcpath, v.target, source_collection=reader, overwrite=False)
461 except arvados.errors.ArgumentError as e:
462 logger.error("Creating CollectionReader for '%s' '%s': %s", k, v, e)
465 logger.error("While preparing output collection: %s", e)
468 def rewrite(fileobj):
469 fileobj["location"] = generatemapper.mapper(fileobj["location"]).target
470 for k in ("listing", "contents", "nameext", "nameroot", "dirname"):
474 adjustDirObjs(outputObj, rewrite)
475 adjustFileObjs(outputObj, rewrite)
477 with final.open("cwl.output.json", "w") as f:
478 res = str(json.dumps(outputObj, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',',': '), ensure_ascii=False))
482 final.save_new(name=name, owner_uuid=self.project_uuid, storage_classes=storage_classes,
483 ensure_unique_name=True, properties=output_properties)
485 logger.info("Final output collection %s \"%s\" (%s)", final.portable_data_hash(),
486 final.api_response()["name"],
487 final.manifest_locator())
489 final_uuid = final.manifest_locator()
490 tags = tagsString.split(',')
492 self.api.links().create(body={
493 "head_uuid": final_uuid, "link_class": "tag", "name": tag
494 }).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
496 def finalcollection(fileobj):
497 fileobj["location"] = "keep:%s/%s" % (final.portable_data_hash(), fileobj["location"])
499 adjustDirObjs(outputObj, finalcollection)
500 adjustFileObjs(outputObj, finalcollection)
502 return (outputObj, final)
504 def set_crunch_output(self):
505 if self.work_api == "containers":
506 current = arvados_cwl.util.get_current_container(self.api, self.num_retries, logger)
510 self.api.containers().update(uuid=current['uuid'],
512 'output': self.final_output_collection.portable_data_hash(),
513 'output_properties': self.final_output_collection.get_properties(),
514 }).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
515 self.api.collections().update(uuid=self.final_output_collection.manifest_locator(),
518 }).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
520 logger.exception("Setting container output")
523 def apply_reqs(self, job_order_object, tool):
524 if "https://w3id.org/cwl/cwl#requirements" in job_order_object:
525 if tool.metadata.get("http://commonwl.org/cwltool#original_cwlVersion") == 'v1.0':
526 raise WorkflowException(
527 "`cwl:requirements` in the input object is not part of CWL "
528 "v1.0. You can adjust to use `cwltool:overrides` instead; or you "
529 "can set the cwlVersion to v1.1 or greater and re-run with "
531 job_reqs = job_order_object["https://w3id.org/cwl/cwl#requirements"]
533 tool.requirements.append(req)
536 def get_git_info(tool):
537 in_a_git_repo = False
541 if tool.tool["id"].startswith("file://"):
542 # check if git is installed
544 filepath = uri_file_path(tool.tool["id"])
545 cwd = os.path.dirname(filepath)
546 subprocess.run(["git", "log", "--format=%H", "-n1", "HEAD"], cwd=cwd, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
548 except Exception as e:
554 git_commit = subprocess.run(["git", "log", "--format=%H", "-n1", "HEAD"], cwd=cwd, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
555 git_date = subprocess.run(["git", "log", "--format=%cD", "-n1", "HEAD"], cwd=cwd, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
556 git_committer = subprocess.run(["git", "log", "--format=%cn <%ce>", "-n1", "HEAD"], cwd=cwd, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
557 git_branch = subprocess.run(["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"], cwd=cwd, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
558 git_origin = subprocess.run(["git", "remote", "get-url", "origin"], cwd=cwd, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
559 git_status = subprocess.run(["git", "status", "--untracked-files=no", "--porcelain"], cwd=cwd, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
560 git_describe = subprocess.run(["git", "describe", "--always", "--tags"], cwd=cwd, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
561 git_toplevel = subprocess.run(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"], cwd=cwd, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
562 git_path = filepath[len(git_toplevel):]
565 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitCommit": git_commit.strip(),
566 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitDate": git_date.strip(),
567 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitCommitter": git_committer.strip(),
568 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitBranch": git_branch.strip(),
569 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitOrigin": git_origin.strip(),
570 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitStatus": git_status.strip(),
571 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitDescribe": git_describe.strip(),
572 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitPath": git_path.strip(),
575 for g in ("http://arvados.org/cwl#gitCommit",
576 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitDate",
577 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitCommitter",
578 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitBranch",
579 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitOrigin",
580 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitStatus",
581 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitDescribe",
582 "http://arvados.org/cwl#gitPath"):
583 if g in tool.metadata:
584 gitproperties[g] = tool.metadata[g]
588 def set_container_request_properties(self, container, properties):
589 resp = self.api.container_requests().list(filters=[["container_uuid", "=", container["uuid"]]], select=["uuid", "properties"]).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
590 for cr in resp["items"]:
591 cr["properties"].update({k.replace("http://arvados.org/cwl#", "arv:"): v for k, v in properties.items()})
592 self.api.container_requests().update(uuid=cr["uuid"], body={"container_request": {"properties": cr["properties"]}}).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
594 def arv_executor(self, updated_tool, job_order, runtimeContext, logger=None):
595 self.debug = runtimeContext.debug
597 self.runtime_status_update("activity", "initialization")
599 git_info = self.get_git_info(updated_tool) if self.git_info else {}
601 logger.info("Git provenance")
604 logger.info(" %s: %s", g.split("#", 1)[1], git_info[g])
606 workbench1 = self.api.config()["Services"]["Workbench1"]["ExternalURL"]
607 workbench2 = self.api.config()["Services"]["Workbench2"]["ExternalURL"]
608 controller = self.api.config()["Services"]["Controller"]["ExternalURL"]
609 logger.info("Using cluster %s (%s)", self.api.config()["ClusterID"], workbench2 or workbench1 or controller)
611 if not self.fast_submit:
612 updated_tool.visit(self.check_features)
615 self.fs_access = runtimeContext.make_fs_access(runtimeContext.basedir)
616 self.secret_store = runtimeContext.secret_store
618 self.trash_intermediate = runtimeContext.trash_intermediate
619 if self.trash_intermediate and self.work_api != "containers":
620 raise Exception("--trash-intermediate is only supported with --api=containers.")
622 self.intermediate_output_ttl = runtimeContext.intermediate_output_ttl
623 if self.intermediate_output_ttl and self.work_api != "containers":
624 raise Exception("--intermediate-output-ttl is only supported with --api=containers.")
625 if self.intermediate_output_ttl < 0:
626 raise Exception("Invalid value %d for --intermediate-output-ttl, cannot be less than zero" % self.intermediate_output_ttl)
628 if runtimeContext.submit_request_uuid and self.work_api != "containers":
629 raise Exception("--submit-request-uuid requires containers API, but using '{}' api".format(self.work_api))
631 runtimeContext = runtimeContext.copy()
633 default_storage_classes = ",".join([k for k,v in self.api.config().get("StorageClasses", {"default": {"Default": True}}).items() if v.get("Default") is True])
634 if runtimeContext.storage_classes == "default":
635 runtimeContext.storage_classes = default_storage_classes
636 if runtimeContext.intermediate_storage_classes == "default":
637 runtimeContext.intermediate_storage_classes = default_storage_classes
639 if not runtimeContext.name:
640 self.name = updated_tool.tool.get("label") or updated_tool.metadata.get("label") or os.path.basename(updated_tool.tool["id"])
641 if git_info.get("http://arvados.org/cwl#gitDescribe"):
642 self.name = "%s (%s)" % (self.name, git_info.get("http://arvados.org/cwl#gitDescribe"))
643 runtimeContext.name = self.name
645 if runtimeContext.copy_deps is None and (runtimeContext.create_workflow or runtimeContext.update_workflow):
646 # When creating or updating workflow record, by default
647 # always copy dependencies and ensure Docker images are up
649 runtimeContext.copy_deps = True
650 runtimeContext.match_local_docker = True
652 if runtimeContext.update_workflow and self.project_uuid is None:
653 # If we are updating a workflow, make sure anything that
654 # gets uploaded goes into the same parent project, unless
655 # an alternate --project-uuid was provided.
656 existing_wf = self.api.workflows().get(uuid=runtimeContext.update_workflow).execute()
657 runtimeContext.project_uuid = existing_wf["owner_uuid"]
659 self.project_uuid = runtimeContext.project_uuid
661 self.runtime_status_update("activity", "data transfer")
663 # Upload local file references in the job order.
664 with Perf(metrics, "upload_job_order"):
665 job_order, jobmapper = upload_job_order(self, "%s input" % runtimeContext.name,
666 updated_tool, job_order, runtimeContext)
668 # determine if we are submitting or directly executing the workflow.
670 # the last clause means: if it is a command line tool, and we
671 # are going to wait for the result, and always_submit_runner
672 # is false, then we don't submit a runner process.
674 submitting = (runtimeContext.update_workflow or
675 runtimeContext.create_workflow or
676 (runtimeContext.submit and not
677 (updated_tool.tool["class"] == "CommandLineTool" and
678 runtimeContext.wait and
679 not runtimeContext.always_submit_runner)))
681 loadingContext = self.loadingContext.copy()
682 loadingContext.do_validate = False
683 loadingContext.disable_js_validation = True
686 # Upload direct dependencies of workflow steps, get back mapping of files to keep references.
687 # Also uploads docker images.
688 if not self.fast_submit:
689 logger.info("Uploading workflow dependencies")
690 with Perf(metrics, "upload_workflow_deps"):
691 merged_map = upload_workflow_deps(self, tool, runtimeContext)
693 # in the fast submit case, we are running a workflow that
694 # has already been uploaded to Arvados, so we assume all
695 # the dependencies have been pinned to keep references and
696 # there is nothing to do.
699 loadingContext.loader = tool.doc_loader
700 loadingContext.avsc_names = tool.doc_schema
701 loadingContext.metadata = tool.metadata
702 loadingContext.skip_resolve_all = True
704 workflow_wrapper = None
705 if submitting and not self.fast_submit:
706 # upload workflow and get back the workflow wrapper
708 workflow_wrapper = upload_workflow(self, tool, job_order,
709 runtimeContext.project_uuid,
711 uuid=runtimeContext.update_workflow,
712 submit_runner_ram=runtimeContext.submit_runner_ram,
713 name=runtimeContext.name,
714 merged_map=merged_map,
715 submit_runner_image=runtimeContext.submit_runner_image,
717 set_defaults=(runtimeContext.update_workflow or runtimeContext.create_workflow),
720 if runtimeContext.update_workflow or runtimeContext.create_workflow:
721 # We're registering the workflow, so create or update
722 # the workflow record and then exit.
723 uuid = make_workflow_record(self, workflow_wrapper, runtimeContext.name, tool,
724 runtimeContext.project_uuid, runtimeContext.update_workflow)
725 self.stdout.write(uuid + "\n")
726 return (None, "success")
728 # Did not register a workflow, we're going to submit
730 loadingContext.loader.idx.clear()
731 loadingContext.loader.idx["_:main"] = workflow_wrapper
732 workflow_wrapper["id"] = "_:main"
734 # Reload the minimal wrapper workflow.
735 self.fast_submit = True
736 tool = load_tool(workflow_wrapper, loadingContext)
737 loadingContext.loader.idx["_:main"] = workflow_wrapper
740 # If we are going to run the workflow now (rather than
741 # submit it), we need to update the workflow document
742 # replacing file references with keep references. If we
743 # are just going to construct a run submission, we don't
745 update_from_merged_map(tool, merged_map)
747 self.apply_reqs(job_order, tool)
749 self.ignore_docker_for_reuse = runtimeContext.ignore_docker_for_reuse
750 self.eval_timeout = runtimeContext.eval_timeout
752 runtimeContext.use_container = True
753 runtimeContext.tmpdir_prefix = "tmp"
754 runtimeContext.work_api = self.work_api
756 if not self.output_name:
757 self.output_name = "Output from workflow %s" % runtimeContext.name
759 self.output_name = cleanup_name_for_collection(self.output_name)
761 if self.work_api == "containers":
762 if self.ignore_docker_for_reuse:
763 raise Exception("--ignore-docker-for-reuse not supported with containers API.")
764 runtimeContext.outdir = "/var/spool/cwl"
765 runtimeContext.docker_outdir = "/var/spool/cwl"
766 runtimeContext.tmpdir = "/tmp"
767 runtimeContext.docker_tmpdir = "/tmp"
769 if runtimeContext.priority < 1 or runtimeContext.priority > 1000:
770 raise Exception("--priority must be in the range 1..1000.")
772 if self.should_estimate_cache_size:
775 def estimate_collection_cache(obj):
776 if obj.get("location", "").startswith("keep:"):
777 m = pdh_size.match(obj["location"][5:])
778 if m and m.group(1) not in visited:
779 visited.add(m.group(1))
780 estimated_size[0] += int(m.group(2))
781 visit_class(job_order, ("File", "Directory"), estimate_collection_cache)
782 runtimeContext.collection_cache_size = max(((estimated_size[0]*192) // (1024*1024))+1, 256)
783 self.collection_cache.set_cap(runtimeContext.collection_cache_size*1024*1024)
785 logger.info("Using collection cache size %s MiB", runtimeContext.collection_cache_size)
788 if runtimeContext.submit:
789 # We are submitting instead of running immediately.
791 # Create a "Runner job" that when run() is invoked,
792 # creates the container request to run the workflow.
793 if self.work_api == "containers":
795 loadingContext.metadata = updated_tool.metadata.copy()
796 tool = RunnerContainer(self, tool, loadingContext, runtimeContext.enable_reuse,
799 submit_runner_ram=runtimeContext.submit_runner_ram,
800 name=runtimeContext.name,
801 on_error=runtimeContext.on_error,
802 submit_runner_image=runtimeContext.submit_runner_image,
803 intermediate_output_ttl=runtimeContext.intermediate_output_ttl,
804 merged_map=merged_map,
805 priority=runtimeContext.priority,
806 secret_store=self.secret_store,
807 collection_cache_size=runtimeContext.collection_cache_size,
808 collection_cache_is_default=self.should_estimate_cache_size,
811 runtimeContext.runnerjob = tool.tool["id"]
813 if runtimeContext.cwl_runner_job is not None:
814 self.uuid = runtimeContext.cwl_runner_job.get('uuid')
816 jobiter = tool.job(job_order,
817 self.output_callback,
820 if runtimeContext.submit and not runtimeContext.wait:
821 # User provided --no-wait so submit the container request,
822 # get the container request uuid, print it out, and exit.
823 runnerjob = next(jobiter)
824 runnerjob.run(runtimeContext)
825 self.stdout.write(runnerjob.uuid+"\n")
826 return (None, "success")
828 # We either running the workflow directly, or submitting it
829 # and will wait for a final result.
831 self.runtime_status_update("activity", "workflow execution")
833 current_container = arvados_cwl.util.get_current_container(self.api, self.num_retries, logger)
834 if current_container:
835 logger.info("Running inside container %s", current_container.get("uuid"))
836 self.set_container_request_properties(current_container, git_info)
838 self.poll_api = arvados.api('v1', timeout=runtimeContext.http_timeout)
839 self.polling_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.poll_states)
840 self.polling_thread.start()
842 self.task_queue = TaskQueue(self.workflow_eval_lock, self.thread_count)
845 self.workflow_eval_lock.acquire()
847 # Holds the lock while this code runs and releases it when
848 # it is safe to do so in self.workflow_eval_lock.wait(),
849 # at which point on_message can update job state and
850 # process output callbacks.
852 loopperf = Perf(metrics, "jobiter")
854 for runnable in jobiter:
857 if self.stop_polling.is_set():
860 if self.task_queue.error is not None:
861 raise self.task_queue.error
864 with Perf(metrics, "run"):
865 self.start_run(runnable, runtimeContext)
867 if (self.task_queue.in_flight + len(self.processes)) > 0:
868 self.workflow_eval_lock.wait(3)
870 logger.error("Workflow is deadlocked, no runnable processes and not waiting on any pending processes.")
873 if self.stop_polling.is_set():
879 while (self.task_queue.in_flight + len(self.processes)) > 0:
880 if self.task_queue.error is not None:
881 raise self.task_queue.error
882 self.workflow_eval_lock.wait(3)
884 except UnsupportedRequirement:
887 if sys.exc_info()[0] is KeyboardInterrupt or sys.exc_info()[0] is SystemExit:
888 logger.error("Interrupted, workflow will be cancelled")
889 elif isinstance(sys.exc_info()[1], WorkflowException):
890 logger.error("Workflow execution failed:\n%s", sys.exc_info()[1], exc_info=(sys.exc_info()[1] if self.debug else False))
892 logger.exception("Workflow execution failed")
895 self.api.pipeline_instances().update(uuid=self.pipeline["uuid"],
896 body={"state": "Failed"}).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
898 if self.work_api == "containers" and not current_container:
899 # Not running in a crunch container, so cancel any outstanding processes.
900 for p in self.processes:
902 self.api.container_requests().update(uuid=p,
903 body={"priority": "0"}
904 ).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
908 self.workflow_eval_lock.release()
909 self.task_queue.drain()
910 self.stop_polling.set()
911 self.polling_thread.join()
912 self.task_queue.join()
914 if self.final_status == "UnsupportedRequirement":
915 raise UnsupportedRequirement("Check log for details.")
917 if self.final_output is None:
918 raise WorkflowException("Workflow did not return a result.")
920 if runtimeContext.submit and isinstance(tool, Runner):
921 logger.info("Final output collection %s", tool.final_output)
922 if workbench2 or workbench1:
923 logger.info("Output at %scollections/%s", workbench2 or workbench1, tool.final_output)
925 if self.output_tags is None:
926 self.output_tags = ""
929 storage_class_req, _ = tool.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#OutputStorageClass")
930 if storage_class_req and storage_class_req.get("finalStorageClass"):
931 storage_classes = aslist(storage_class_req["finalStorageClass"])
933 storage_classes = runtimeContext.storage_classes.strip().split(",")
935 output_properties = {}
936 output_properties_req, _ = tool.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#OutputCollectionProperties")
937 if output_properties_req:
938 builder = make_builder(job_order, tool.hints, tool.requirements, runtimeContext, tool.metadata)
939 for pr in output_properties_req["outputProperties"]:
940 output_properties[pr["propertyName"]] = builder.do_eval(pr["propertyValue"])
942 self.final_output, self.final_output_collection = self.make_output_collection(self.output_name, storage_classes,
943 self.output_tags, output_properties,
945 self.set_crunch_output()
947 if runtimeContext.compute_checksum:
948 adjustDirObjs(self.final_output, partial(get_listing, self.fs_access))
949 adjustFileObjs(self.final_output, partial(compute_checksums, self.fs_access))
951 if self.trash_intermediate and self.final_status == "success":
952 self.trash_intermediate_output()
954 return (self.final_output, self.final_status)