16243: Fixed copy of selected items to new collection
[arvados.git] / src / common / custom-theme.ts
1 // Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
6 import { ThemeOptions, Theme } from '@material-ui/core/styles/createMuiTheme';
7 import purple from '@material-ui/core/colors/purple';
8 import blue from '@material-ui/core/colors/blue';
9 import grey from '@material-ui/core/colors/grey';
10 import green from '@material-ui/core/colors/green';
11 import yellow from '@material-ui/core/colors/yellow';
12 import red from '@material-ui/core/colors/red';
13 import teal from '@material-ui/core/colors/teal';
15 export interface ArvadosThemeOptions extends ThemeOptions {
16     customs: any;
17 }
19 export interface ArvadosTheme extends Theme {
20     customs: {
21         colors: Colors
22     };
23 }
25 interface Colors {
26     green700: string;
27     yellow700: string;
28     red900: string;
29     blue500: string;
30     purple: string;
31 }
33 const arvadosPurple = '#361336';
34 const purple800 = purple["800"];
35 const grey500 = grey["500"];
36 const grey600 = grey["600"];
37 const grey700 = grey["700"];
38 const grey900 = grey["900"];
39 const rocheBlue = '#06C';
41 export const themeOptions: ArvadosThemeOptions = {
42     typography: {
43         useNextVariants: true,
44     },
45     customs: {
46         colors: {
47             green700: green["700"],
48             yellow700: yellow["700"],
49             red900: red['900'],
50             blue500: blue['500'],
51             purple: arvadosPurple
52         }
53     },
54     overrides: {
55         MuiTypography: {
56             body1: {
57                 fontSize: '0.8125rem'
58             }
59         },
60         MuiAppBar: {
61             colorPrimary: {
62                 backgroundColor: arvadosPurple
63             }
64         },
65         MuiTabs: {
66             root: {
67                 color: grey600
68             },
69             indicator: {
70                 backgroundColor: arvadosPurple
71             }
72         },
73         MuiTab: {
74             root: {
75                 '&$selected': {
76                     fontWeight: 700,
77                     color: arvadosPurple
78                 }
79             }
80         },
81         MuiList: {
82             root: {
83                 color: grey900
84             }
85         },
86         MuiListItemText: {
87             root: {
88                 padding: 0
89             }
90         },
91         MuiListItemIcon: {
92             root: {
93                 fontSize: '1.25rem'
94             }
95         },
96         MuiCardHeader: {
97             avatar: {
98                 display: 'flex',
99                 alignItems: 'center'
100             },
101             title: {
102                 color: grey700,
103                 fontSize: '1.25rem'
104             }
105         },
106         MuiExpansionPanel: {
107             expanded: {
108                 marginTop: '8px',
109             }
110         },
111         MuiExpansionPanelDetails: {
112             root: {
113                 marginBottom: 0,
114                 paddingBottom: '4px',
115             }
116         },
117         MuiExpansionPanelSummary: {
118             content: {
119                 '&$expanded': {
120                     margin: 0,
121                 },
122                 color: grey700,
123                 fontSize: '1.25rem',
124                 margin: 0,
125             },
126             expanded: {},
127         },
128         MuiMenuItem: {
129             root: {
130                 padding: '8px 16px'
131             }
132         },
133         MuiInput: {
134             root: {
135                 fontSize: '0.875rem'
136             },
137             underline: {
138                 '&:after': {
139                     borderBottomColor: arvadosPurple
140                 },
141                 '&:hover:not($disabled):not($focused):not($error):before': {
142                     borderBottom: '1px solid inherit'
143                 }
144             }
145         },
146         MuiFormLabel: {
147             root: {
148                 fontSize: '0.875rem',
149                 "&$focused": {
150                     "&$focused:not($error)": {
151                         color: arvadosPurple
152                     }
153                 }
154             }
155         },
156         MuiStepIcon: {
157             root: {
158                 '&$active': {
159                     color: arvadosPurple
160                 },
161                 '&$completed': {
162                     color: 'inherited'
163                 },
164             }
165         }
166     },
167     mixins: {
168         toolbar: {
169             minHeight: '48px'
170         }
171     },
172     palette: {
173         primary: {
174             main: teal.A700,
175             dark: teal.A400,
176             contrastText: '#fff'
177         }
178     },
179 };
181 export const CustomTheme = createMuiTheme(themeOptions);