1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 require 'arvados_model_updates'
7 require 'record_filters'
9 require 'request_error'
11 class ArvadosModel < ActiveRecord::Base
12 self.abstract_class = true
14 include ArvadosModelUpdates
15 include CurrentApiClient # current_user, current_api_client, etc.
19 after_initialize :log_start_state
20 before_save :ensure_permission_to_save
21 before_save :ensure_owner_uuid_is_permitted
22 before_save :ensure_ownership_path_leads_to_user
23 before_destroy :ensure_owner_uuid_is_permitted
24 before_destroy :ensure_permission_to_destroy
25 before_create :update_modified_by_fields
26 before_update :maybe_update_modified_by_fields
27 after_create :log_create
28 after_update :log_update
29 after_destroy :log_destroy
30 after_find :convert_serialized_symbols_to_strings
31 before_validation :normalize_collection_uuids
32 before_validation :set_default_owner
33 validate :ensure_valid_uuids
35 # Note: This only returns permission links. It does not account for
36 # permissions obtained via user.is_admin or
37 # user.uuid==object.owner_uuid.
38 has_many(:permissions,
39 ->{where(link_class: 'permission')},
40 foreign_key: :head_uuid,
44 class PermissionDeniedError < RequestError
50 class AlreadyLockedError < RequestError
56 class LockFailedError < RequestError
62 class InvalidStateTransitionError < RequestError
68 class UnauthorizedError < RequestError
74 class UnresolvableContainerError < RequestError
80 def self.kind_class(kind)
81 kind.match(/^arvados\#(.+)$/)[1].classify.safe_constantize rescue nil
85 "#{current_api_base}/#{self.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore}/#{self.uuid}"
88 def self.permit_attribute_params raw_params
89 # strong_parameters does not provide security: permissions are
90 # implemented with before_save hooks.
92 # The following permit! is necessary even with
93 # "ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters = true",
94 # because permit_all does not permit nested attributes.
96 serialized_attributes.each do |colname, coder|
97 param = raw_params[colname.to_sym]
100 elsif !param.is_a?(coder.object_class)
101 raise ArgumentError.new("#{colname} parameter must be #{coder.object_class}, not #{param.class}")
102 elsif has_nonstring_keys?(param)
103 raise ArgumentError.new("#{colname} parameter cannot have non-string hash keys")
107 ActionController::Parameters.new(raw_params).permit!
110 def initialize raw_params={}, *args
111 super(self.class.permit_attribute_params(raw_params), *args)
114 # Reload "old attributes" for logging, too.
120 def self.create raw_params={}, *args
121 super(permit_attribute_params(raw_params), *args)
124 def update_attributes raw_params={}, *args
125 super(self.class.permit_attribute_params(raw_params), *args)
128 def self.selectable_attributes(template=:user)
129 # Return an array of attribute name strings that can be selected
130 # in the given template.
131 api_accessible_attributes(template).map { |attr_spec| attr_spec.first.to_s }
134 def self.searchable_columns operator
135 textonly_operator = !operator.match(/[<=>]/)
136 self.columns.select do |col|
140 when :datetime, :integer, :boolean
148 def self.attribute_column attr
149 self.columns.select { |col| col.name == attr.to_s }.first
152 def self.attributes_required_columns
153 # This method returns a hash. Each key is the name of an API attribute,
154 # and it's mapped to a list of database columns that must be fetched
155 # to generate that attribute.
156 # This implementation generates a simple map of attributes to
157 # matching column names. Subclasses can override this method
158 # to specify that method-backed API attributes need to fetch
159 # specific columns from the database.
160 all_columns = columns.map(&:name)
161 api_column_map = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] }
162 methods.grep(/^api_accessible_\w+$/).each do |method_name|
163 next if method_name == :api_accessible_attributes
164 send(method_name).each_pair do |api_attr_name, col_name|
165 col_name = col_name.to_s
166 if all_columns.include?(col_name)
167 api_column_map[api_attr_name.to_s] |= [col_name]
174 def self.ignored_select_attributes
175 ["href", "kind", "etag"]
178 def self.columns_for_attributes(select_attributes)
179 if select_attributes.empty?
180 raise ArgumentError.new("Attribute selection list cannot be empty")
182 api_column_map = attributes_required_columns
184 select_attributes.each do |s|
185 next if ignored_select_attributes.include? s
186 if not s.is_a? String or not api_column_map.include? s
190 if not invalid_attrs.empty?
191 raise ArgumentError.new("Invalid attribute(s): #{invalid_attrs.inspect}")
193 # Given an array of attribute names to select, return an array of column
194 # names that must be fetched from the database to satisfy the request.
195 select_attributes.flat_map { |attr| api_column_map[attr] }.uniq
198 def self.default_orders
199 ["#{table_name}.modified_at desc", "#{table_name}.uuid"]
202 def self.unique_columns
206 def self.limit_index_columns_read
207 # This method returns a list of column names.
208 # If an index request reads that column from the database,
209 # APIs that return lists will only fetch objects until reaching
210 # max_index_database_read bytes of data from those columns.
214 # If current user can manage the object, return an array of uuids of
215 # users and groups that have permission to write the object. The
216 # first two elements are always [self.owner_uuid, current user's
219 # If current user can write but not manage the object, return
220 # [self.owner_uuid, current user's uuid].
222 # If current user cannot write this object, just return
225 return [owner_uuid] if not current_user
226 unless (owner_uuid == current_user.uuid or
227 current_user.is_admin or
228 (current_user.groups_i_can(:manage) & [uuid, owner_uuid]).any?)
229 if ((current_user.groups_i_can(:write) + [current_user.uuid]) &
230 [uuid, owner_uuid]).any?
231 return [owner_uuid, current_user.uuid]
236 [owner_uuid, current_user.uuid] + permissions.collect do |p|
237 if ['can_write', 'can_manage'].index p.name
243 # Return a query with read permissions restricted to the union of the
244 # permissions of the members of users_list, i.e. if something is readable by
245 # any user in users_list, it will be readable in the query returned by this
247 def self.readable_by(*users_list)
248 # Get rid of troublesome nils
251 # Load optional keyword arguments, if they exist.
252 if users_list.last.is_a? Hash
253 kwargs = users_list.pop
258 # Collect the UUIDs of the authorized users.
259 sql_table = kwargs.fetch(:table_name, table_name)
260 include_trash = kwargs.fetch(:include_trash, false)
261 include_old_versions = kwargs.fetch(:include_old_versions, false)
264 user_uuids = users_list.map { |u| u.uuid }
266 exclude_trashed_records = ""
267 if !include_trash and (sql_table == "groups" or sql_table == "collections") then
268 # Only include records that are not explicitly trashed
269 exclude_trashed_records = "AND #{sql_table}.is_trashed = false"
272 if users_list.select { |u| u.is_admin }.any?
273 # Admin skips most permission checks, but still want to filter on trashed items.
275 if sql_table != "api_client_authorizations"
276 # Only include records where the owner is not trashed
277 sql_conds = "#{sql_table}.owner_uuid NOT IN (SELECT target_uuid FROM #{PERMISSION_VIEW} "+
278 "WHERE trashed = 1) #{exclude_trashed_records}"
283 if !include_trash then
284 trashed_check = "AND trashed = 0"
287 # Note: it is possible to combine the direct_check and
288 # owner_check into a single EXISTS() clause, however it turns
289 # out query optimizer doesn't like it and forces a sequential
290 # table scan. Constructing the query with separate EXISTS()
291 # clauses enables it to use the index.
293 # see issue 13208 for details.
295 # Match a direct read permission link from the user to the record uuid
296 direct_check = "#{sql_table}.uuid IN (SELECT target_uuid FROM #{PERMISSION_VIEW} "+
297 "WHERE user_uuid IN (:user_uuids) AND perm_level >= 1 #{trashed_check})"
299 # Match a read permission link from the user to the record's owner_uuid
301 if sql_table != "api_client_authorizations" and sql_table != "groups" then
302 owner_check = "OR #{sql_table}.owner_uuid IN (SELECT target_uuid FROM #{PERMISSION_VIEW} "+
303 "WHERE user_uuid IN (:user_uuids) AND perm_level >= 1 #{trashed_check} AND target_owner_uuid IS NOT NULL) "
307 if sql_table == "links"
308 # Match any permission link that gives one of the authorized
309 # users some permission _or_ gives anyone else permission to
310 # view one of the authorized users.
311 links_cond = "OR (#{sql_table}.link_class IN (:permission_link_classes) AND "+
312 "(#{sql_table}.head_uuid IN (:user_uuids) OR #{sql_table}.tail_uuid IN (:user_uuids)))"
315 sql_conds = "(#{direct_check} #{owner_check} #{links_cond}) #{exclude_trashed_records}"
319 if !include_old_versions && sql_table == "collections"
320 exclude_old_versions = "#{sql_table}.uuid = #{sql_table}.current_version_uuid"
322 sql_conds = exclude_old_versions
324 sql_conds += " AND #{exclude_old_versions}"
328 self.where(sql_conds,
329 user_uuids: user_uuids,
330 permission_link_classes: ['permission', 'resources'])
333 def save_with_unique_name!
338 conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
339 conn.exec_query 'SAVEPOINT save_with_unique_name'
342 rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique => rn
343 raise if max_retries == 0
346 conn.exec_query 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT save_with_unique_name'
348 # Dig into the error to determine if it is specifically calling out a
349 # (owner_uuid, name) uniqueness violation. In this specific case, and
350 # the client requested a unique name with ensure_unique_name==true,
351 # update the name field and try to save again. Loop as necessary to
352 # discover a unique name. It is necessary to handle name choosing at
353 # this level (as opposed to the client) to ensure that record creation
354 # never fails due to a race condition.
355 err = rn.original_exception
356 raise unless err.is_a?(PG::UniqueViolation)
358 # Unfortunately ActiveRecord doesn't abstract out any of the
359 # necessary information to figure out if this the error is actually
360 # the specific case where we want to apply the ensure_unique_name
361 # behavior, so the following code is specialized to Postgres.
362 detail = err.result.error_field(PG::Result::PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL)
363 raise unless /^Key \(owner_uuid, name\)=\([a-z0-9]{5}-[a-z0-9]{5}-[a-z0-9]{15}, .*?\) already exists\./.match detail
365 new_name = "#{name_was} (#{db_current_time.utc.iso8601(3)})"
367 # If the database is fast enough to do two attempts in the
368 # same millisecond, we need to wait to ensure we try a
369 # different timestamp on each attempt.
371 new_name = "#{name_was} (#{db_current_time.utc.iso8601(3)})"
374 self[:name] = new_name
375 if uuid_was.nil? && !uuid.nil?
377 if self.is_a? Collection
378 # Reset so that is assigned to the new UUID
379 self[:current_version_uuid] = nil
382 conn.exec_query 'SAVEPOINT save_with_unique_name'
385 conn.exec_query 'RELEASE SAVEPOINT save_with_unique_name'
390 def logged_attributes
391 attributes.except(*Rails.configuration.unlogged_attributes)
394 def self.full_text_searchable_columns
395 self.columns.select do |col|
396 [:string, :text, :jsonb].include?(col.type)
400 def self.full_text_tsvector
401 parts = full_text_searchable_columns.collect do |column|
402 cast = serialized_attributes[column] ? '::text' : ''
403 "coalesce(#{column}#{cast},'')"
405 "to_tsvector('english', substr(#{parts.join(" || ' ' || ")}, 0, 8000))"
408 def self.apply_filters query, filters
409 ft = record_filters filters, self
410 if not ft[:cond_out].any?
413 query.where('(' + ft[:cond_out].join(') AND (') + ')',
419 def self.deep_sort_hash(x)
421 x.sort.collect do |k, v|
422 [k, deep_sort_hash(v)]
425 x.collect { |v| deep_sort_hash(v) }
431 def ensure_ownership_path_leads_to_user
432 if new_record? or owner_uuid_changed?
433 uuid_in_path = {owner_uuid => true, uuid => true}
435 while (owner_class = ArvadosModel::resource_class_for_uuid(x)) != User
438 # Test for cycles with the new version, not the DB contents
440 elsif !owner_class.respond_to? :find_by_uuid
441 raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound.new
443 x = owner_class.find_by_uuid(x).owner_uuid
445 rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => e
446 errors.add :owner_uuid, "is not owned by any user: #{e}"
451 errors.add :owner_uuid, "would create an ownership cycle"
453 errors.add :owner_uuid, "has an ownership cycle"
457 uuid_in_path[x] = true
463 def set_default_owner
464 if new_record? and current_user and respond_to? :owner_uuid=
465 self.owner_uuid ||= current_user.uuid
469 def ensure_owner_uuid_is_permitted
470 raise PermissionDeniedError if !current_user
472 if self.owner_uuid.nil?
473 errors.add :owner_uuid, "cannot be nil"
474 raise PermissionDeniedError
477 rsc_class = ArvadosModel::resource_class_for_uuid owner_uuid
478 unless rsc_class == User or rsc_class == Group
479 errors.add :owner_uuid, "must be set to User or Group"
480 raise PermissionDeniedError
483 if new_record? || owner_uuid_changed?
484 # Permission on owner_uuid_was is needed to move an existing
485 # object away from its previous owner (which implies permission
486 # to modify this object itself, so we don't need to check that
487 # separately). Permission on the new owner_uuid is also needed.
488 [['old', owner_uuid_was],
490 ].each do |which, check_uuid|
492 # old_owner_uuid is nil? New record, no need to check.
493 elsif !current_user.can?(write: check_uuid)
494 logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to set ownership of #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid} but does not have permission to write #{which} owner_uuid #{check_uuid}"
495 errors.add :owner_uuid, "cannot be set or changed without write permission on #{which} owner"
496 raise PermissionDeniedError
500 # If the object already existed and we're not changing
501 # owner_uuid, we only need write permission on the object
503 if !current_user.can?(write: self.uuid)
504 logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to modify #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid} without write permission"
505 errors.add :uuid, "is not writable"
506 raise PermissionDeniedError
513 def ensure_permission_to_save
514 unless (new_record? ? permission_to_create : permission_to_update)
515 raise PermissionDeniedError
519 def permission_to_create
520 current_user.andand.is_active
523 def permission_to_update
525 logger.warn "Anonymous user tried to update #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid_was}"
528 if !current_user.is_active
529 logger.warn "Inactive user #{current_user.uuid} tried to update #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid_was}"
532 return true if current_user.is_admin
533 if self.uuid_changed?
534 logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to change uuid of #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid_was} to #{self.uuid}"
540 def ensure_permission_to_destroy
541 raise PermissionDeniedError unless permission_to_destroy
544 def permission_to_destroy
548 def maybe_update_modified_by_fields
549 update_modified_by_fields if self.changed? or self.new_record?
553 def update_modified_by_fields
554 current_time = db_current_time
555 self.created_at ||= created_at_was || current_time
556 self.updated_at = current_time
557 self.owner_uuid ||= current_default_owner if self.respond_to? :owner_uuid=
558 if !anonymous_updater
559 self.modified_by_user_uuid = current_user ? current_user.uuid : nil
560 self.modified_at = current_time
562 self.modified_by_client_uuid = current_api_client ? current_api_client.uuid : nil
566 def self.has_nonstring_keys? x
569 return true if !(k.is_a?(String) || k.is_a?(Symbol)) || has_nonstring_keys?(v)
573 return true if has_nonstring_keys?(v)
579 def self.has_symbols? x
582 return true if has_symbols?(k) or has_symbols?(v)
586 return true if has_symbols?(k)
591 return true if x.start_with?(':') && !x.start_with?('::')
596 def self.recursive_stringify x
598 Hash[x.collect do |k,v|
599 [recursive_stringify(k), recursive_stringify(v)]
603 recursive_stringify k
607 elsif x.is_a? String and x.start_with?(':') and !x.start_with?('::')
614 def self.where_serialized(colname, value, md5: false)
615 colsql = colname.to_s
617 colsql = "md5(#{colsql})"
620 # rails4 stores as null, rails3 stored as serialized [] or {}
621 sql = "#{colsql} is null or #{colsql} IN (?)"
624 sql = "#{colsql} IN (?)"
625 sorted = deep_sort_hash(value)
627 params = [sorted.to_yaml, SafeJSON.dump(sorted)]
629 params = params.map { |x| Digest::MD5.hexdigest(x) }
635 Hash => HashSerializer,
636 Array => ArraySerializer,
639 def self.serialize(colname, type)
640 coder = Serializer[type]
641 @serialized_attributes ||= {}
642 @serialized_attributes[colname.to_s] = coder
643 super(colname, coder)
646 def self.serialized_attributes
647 @serialized_attributes ||= {}
650 def serialized_attributes
651 self.class.serialized_attributes
654 def convert_serialized_symbols_to_strings
655 # ensure_serialized_attribute_type should prevent symbols from
656 # getting into the database in the first place. If someone managed
657 # to get them into the database (perhaps using an older version)
658 # we'll convert symbols to strings when loading from the
659 # database. (Otherwise, loading and saving an object with existing
660 # symbols in a serialized field will crash.)
661 self.class.serialized_attributes.each do |colname, attr|
662 if self.class.has_symbols? attributes[colname]
663 attributes[colname] = self.class.recursive_stringify attributes[colname]
665 self.class.recursive_stringify(attributes[colname]))
670 def foreign_key_attributes
671 attributes.keys.select { |a| a.match(/_uuid$/) }
674 def skip_uuid_read_permission_check
675 %w(modified_by_client_uuid)
678 def skip_uuid_existence_check
682 def normalize_collection_uuids
683 foreign_key_attributes.each do |attr|
684 attr_value = send attr
685 if attr_value.is_a? String and
686 attr_value.match(/^[0-9a-f]{32,}(\+[@\w]+)*$/)
688 send "#{attr}=", Collection.normalize_uuid(attr_value)
690 # TODO: abort instead of silently accepting unnormalizable value?
696 @@prefixes_hash = nil
697 def self.uuid_prefixes
698 unless @@prefixes_hash
700 Rails.application.eager_load!
701 ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.reject(&:abstract_class?).each do |k|
702 if k.respond_to?(:uuid_prefix)
703 @@prefixes_hash[k.uuid_prefix] = k
710 def self.uuid_like_pattern
711 "#{Rails.configuration.uuid_prefix}-#{uuid_prefix}-_______________"
715 %r/[a-z0-9]{5}-#{uuid_prefix}-[a-z0-9]{15}/
718 def ensure_valid_uuids
719 specials = [system_user_uuid]
721 foreign_key_attributes.each do |attr|
722 if new_record? or send (attr + "_changed?")
723 next if skip_uuid_existence_check.include? attr
724 attr_value = send attr
725 next if specials.include? attr_value
727 if (r = ArvadosModel::resource_class_for_uuid attr_value)
728 unless skip_uuid_read_permission_check.include? attr
729 r = r.readable_by(current_user)
731 if r.where(uuid: attr_value).count == 0
732 errors.add(attr, "'#{attr_value}' not found")
749 def self.readable_by (*u)
754 [{:uuid => u[:uuid]}]
758 def self.resource_class_for_uuid(uuid)
759 if uuid.is_a? ArvadosModel
762 unless uuid.is_a? String
766 uuid.match HasUuid::UUID_REGEX do |re|
767 return uuid_prefixes[re[1]] if uuid_prefixes[re[1]]
770 if uuid.match(/.+@.+/)
777 # ArvadosModel.find_by_uuid needs extra magic to allow it to return
778 # an object in any class.
779 def self.find_by_uuid uuid
780 if self == ArvadosModel
781 # If called directly as ArvadosModel.find_by_uuid rather than via subclass,
782 # delegate to the appropriate subclass based on the given uuid.
783 self.resource_class_for_uuid(uuid).find_by_uuid(uuid)
789 def is_audit_logging_enabled?
790 return !(Rails.configuration.max_audit_log_age.to_i == 0 &&
791 Rails.configuration.max_audit_log_delete_batch.to_i > 0)
795 if is_audit_logging_enabled?
796 @old_attributes = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(attributes))
797 @old_logged_attributes = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(logged_attributes))
801 def log_change(event_type)
802 if is_audit_logging_enabled?
803 log = Log.new(event_type: event_type).fill_object(self)
811 if is_audit_logging_enabled?
812 log_change('create') do |log|
813 log.fill_properties('old', nil, nil)
820 if is_audit_logging_enabled?
821 log_change('update') do |log|
822 log.fill_properties('old', etag(@old_attributes), @old_logged_attributes)
829 if is_audit_logging_enabled?
830 log_change('delete') do |log|
831 log.fill_properties('old', etag(@old_attributes), @old_logged_attributes)