1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5 from builtins import next
6 from builtins import zip
7 from builtins import str
8 from builtins import range
14 from arvados.keep import KeepLocator
16 class ArvadosKeepLocatorTest(unittest.TestCase):
19 def numstrs(fmtstr, base, exponent):
20 def genstrs(self, count=None):
21 return (fmtstr.format(random.randint(0, base ** exponent))
22 for c in range(count or self.DEFAULT_TEST_COUNT))
25 checksums = numstrs('{:032x}', 16, 32)
26 sizes = numstrs('{:d}', 2, 26)
27 signatures = numstrs('{:040x}', 16, 40)
28 timestamps = numstrs('{:08x}', 16, 8)
30 def base_locators(self, count=DEFAULT_TEST_COUNT):
31 return ('+'.join(pair) for pair in
32 zip(self.checksums(count), self.sizes(count)))
34 def perm_hints(self, count=DEFAULT_TEST_COUNT):
35 for sig, ts in zip(self.signatures(count),
36 self.timestamps(count)):
37 yield 'A{}@{}'.format(sig, ts)
39 def test_good_locators_returned(self):
40 for hint_gens in [(), (self.sizes(),),
41 (self.sizes(), self.perm_hints())]:
42 for loc_data in zip(self.checksums(), *hint_gens):
43 locator = '+'.join(loc_data)
44 self.assertEqual(locator, str(KeepLocator(locator)))
46 def test_nonchecksum_rejected(self):
47 for badstr in ['', 'badbadbad', '8f9e68d957b504a29ba76c526c3145dj',
48 '+8f9e68d957b504a29ba76c526c3145d9',
49 '3+8f9e68d957b504a29ba76c526c3145d9']:
50 self.assertRaises(ValueError, KeepLocator, badstr)
52 def test_unknown_hints_accepted(self):
53 base = next(self.base_locators(1))
54 for weirdhint in ['Zfoo', 'Ybar234', 'Xa@b_c-372', 'W99']:
55 locator = '+'.join([base, weirdhint])
56 self.assertEqual(locator, str(KeepLocator(locator)))
58 def test_bad_hints_rejected(self):
59 base = next(self.base_locators(1))
60 for badhint in ['', 'A', 'lowercase', '+32']:
61 self.assertRaises(ValueError, KeepLocator,
62 '+'.join([base, badhint]))
64 def test_multiple_locator_hints_accepted(self):
65 base = next(self.base_locators(1))
66 for loc_hints in itertools.permutations(['Kab1cd', 'Kef2gh', 'Kij3kl']):
67 locator = '+'.join((base,) + loc_hints)
68 self.assertEqual(locator, str(KeepLocator(locator)))
70 def test_str_type(self):
71 base = next(self.base_locators(1))
72 locator = KeepLocator(base)
73 self.assertEqual(type(''), type(locator.__str__()))
75 def test_expiry_passed(self):
76 base = next(self.base_locators(1))
77 signature = next(self.signatures(1))
78 dt1980 = datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 1)
79 dt2000 = datetime.datetime(2000, 2, 2)
80 dt2080 = datetime.datetime(2080, 3, 3)
81 locator = KeepLocator(base)
82 self.assertFalse(locator.permission_expired())
83 self.assertFalse(locator.permission_expired(dt1980))
84 self.assertFalse(locator.permission_expired(dt2080))
85 # Timestamped to 1987-01-05 18:48:32.
86 locator = KeepLocator('{}+A{}@20000000'.format(base, signature))
87 self.assertTrue(locator.permission_expired())
88 self.assertTrue(locator.permission_expired(dt2000))
89 self.assertFalse(locator.permission_expired(dt1980))
92 if __name__ == '__main__':