1 .. Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
12 This package provides the ``arvados`` module, an API client for
13 Arvados_. It also includes higher-level functions to help you write
14 Crunch scripts, and command-line tools to store and retrieve data in
15 the Keep storage server.
17 .. _Arvados: https://arvados.org/
22 Installing under your user account
23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
25 This method lets you install the package without root access. However,
26 other users on the same system will need to reconfigure their shell in order
27 to be able to use it. Run the following to install the package in an
28 environment at ``~/arvclients``::
30 python3 -m venv ~/arvclients
31 ~/arvclients/bin/pip install arvados-python-client
33 Command line tools will be installed under ``~/arvclients/bin``. You can
36 ~/arvclients/bin/arv-get --version
38 You can run these tools by specifying the full path every time, or you can
39 add the directory to your shell's search path by running::
41 export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/arvclients/bin"
43 You can make this search path change permanent by adding this command to
44 your shell's configuration, for example ``~/.bashrc`` if you're using bash.
45 You can test the change by running::
49 Installing on Debian and Ubuntu systems
50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
52 Arvados publishes packages for Debian 11 "bullseye," Debian 12 "bookworm," Ubuntu 20.04 "focal," and Ubuntu 22.04 "jammy." You can install the Python SDK package on any of these distributions by running the following commands::
54 sudo install -d /etc/apt/keyrings
55 sudo curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/keyrings/arvados.asc https://apt.arvados.org/pubkey.gpg
56 sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arvados.sources >/dev/null <<EOF
58 URIs: https://apt.arvados.org/$(lsb_release -cs)
59 Suites: $(lsb_release -cs)
61 Signed-by: /etc/apt/keyrings/arvados.asc
64 sudo apt install python3-arvados-python-client
66 Installing on Red Hat, AlmaLinux, and Rocky Linux
67 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
69 Arvados publishes packages for RHEL 8 and distributions based on it. Note that these packages depend on, and will automatically enable, the Python 3.9 module. You can install the Python SDK package on any of these distributions by running the following commands::
71 sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/arvados.repo >/dev/null <<'EOF'
74 baseurl=http://rpm.arvados.org/RHEL/$releasever/os/$basearch/
76 gpgkey=http://rpm.arvados.org/RHEL/RPM-GPG-KEY-arvados
78 sudo dnf install python3-arvados-python-client
83 This client software needs two pieces of information to connect to
84 Arvados: the DNS name of the API server, and an API authorization
85 token. `The Arvados user
87 <http://doc.arvados.org/user/reference/api-tokens.html>`_ describes
88 how to find this information in the Arvados Workbench, and install it
91 Testing and Development
92 -----------------------
94 This package is one part of the Arvados source package, and it has
95 integration tests to check interoperability with other Arvados
96 components. Our `hacking guide
97 <https://dev.arvados.org/projects/arvados/wiki/Hacking_Python_SDK>`_
98 describes how to set up a development environment and run tests.