1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
6 require 'sweep_trashed_objects'
7 require 'fix_collection_versions_timestamps'
9 class CollectionTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
12 def create_collection name, enc=nil
13 txt = ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0 0:0:#{name}.txt\n"
14 txt.force_encoding(enc) if enc
15 return Collection.create(manifest_text: txt, name: name)
18 test 'accept ASCII manifest_text' do
20 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
25 test 'accept UTF-8 manifest_text' do
27 c = create_collection "f\xc3\x98\xc3\x98", Encoding::UTF_8
32 test 'refuse manifest_text with invalid UTF-8 byte sequence' do
34 c = create_collection "f\xc8o", Encoding::UTF_8
36 assert_equal [:manifest_text], c.errors.messages.keys
37 assert_match(/UTF-8/, c.errors.messages[:manifest_text].first)
41 test 'refuse manifest_text with non-UTF-8 encoding' do
43 c = create_collection "f\xc8o", Encoding::ASCII_8BIT
45 assert_equal [:manifest_text], c.errors.messages.keys
46 assert_match(/UTF-8/, c.errors.messages[:manifest_text].first)
52 ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e foo.txt",
53 "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:foo.txt",
54 ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:foo.txt",
55 ].each do |manifest_text|
56 test "create collection with invalid manifest text #{manifest_text} and expect error" do
58 c = Collection.create(manifest_text: manifest_text)
65 [". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:34:foo.txt\n", 1, 34],
66 [". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:34:foo.txt 0:30:foo.txt 0:30:foo1.txt 0:30:foo2.txt 0:30:foo3.txt 0:30:foo4.txt\n", 5, 184],
67 [". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:.\n", 0, 0]
68 ].each do |manifest, count, size|
69 test "file stats on create collection with #{manifest}" do
71 c = Collection.create(manifest_text: manifest)
72 assert_equal count, c.file_count
73 assert_equal size, c.file_size_total
78 test "file stats cannot be changed unless through manifest change" do
80 # Direct changes to file stats should be ignored
81 c = Collection.create(manifest_text: ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:34:foo.txt\n")
83 c.file_size_total = 30
85 assert_equal 1, c.file_count
86 assert_equal 34, c.file_size_total
88 # File stats specified on create should be ignored and overwritten
89 c = Collection.create(manifest_text: ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:34:foo.txt\n", file_count: 10, file_size_total: 10)
91 assert_equal 1, c.file_count
92 assert_equal 34, c.file_size_total
94 # Updating the manifest should change file stats
95 c.update_attributes(manifest_text: ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:34:foo.txt 0:34:foo2.txt\n")
97 assert_equal 2, c.file_count
98 assert_equal 68, c.file_size_total
100 # Updating file stats and the manifest should use manifest values
101 c.update_attributes(manifest_text: ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:34:foo.txt\n", file_count:10, file_size_total: 10)
103 assert_equal 1, c.file_count
104 assert_equal 34, c.file_size_total
106 # Updating just the file stats should be ignored
107 c.update_attributes(file_count: 10, file_size_total: 10)
109 assert_equal 1, c.file_count
110 assert_equal 34, c.file_size_total
117 ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:foo.txt\n",
118 ].each do |manifest_text|
119 test "create collection with valid manifest text #{manifest_text.inspect} and expect success" do
120 act_as_system_user do
121 c = Collection.create(manifest_text: manifest_text)
129 ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e foo.txt",
130 "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:foo.txt",
131 ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:foo.txt",
132 ].each do |manifest_text|
133 test "update collection with invalid manifest text #{manifest_text} and expect error" do
134 act_as_system_user do
135 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
138 c.update_attribute 'manifest_text', manifest_text
147 ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:foo.txt\n",
148 ].each do |manifest_text|
149 test "update collection with valid manifest text #{manifest_text.inspect} and expect success" do
150 act_as_system_user do
151 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
154 c.update_attribute 'manifest_text', manifest_text
160 test "auto-create version after idle setting" do
161 Rails.configuration.Collections.CollectionVersioning = true
162 Rails.configuration.Collections.PreserveVersionIfIdle = 600 # 10 minutes
163 act_as_user users(:active) do
164 # Set up initial collection
165 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
167 assert_equal 1, c.version
168 assert_equal false, c.preserve_version
169 # Make a versionable update, it shouldn't create a new version yet
170 c.update_attributes!({'name' => 'bar'})
172 assert_equal 'bar', c.name
173 assert_equal 1, c.version
174 # Update modified_at to trigger a version auto-creation
175 fifteen_min_ago = Time.now - 15.minutes
176 c.update_column('modified_at', fifteen_min_ago) # Update without validations/callbacks
178 assert_equal fifteen_min_ago.to_i, c.modified_at.to_i
179 c.update_attributes!({'name' => 'baz'})
181 assert_equal 'baz', c.name
182 assert_equal 2, c.version
183 # Make another update, no new version should be created
184 c.update_attributes!({'name' => 'foobar'})
186 assert_equal 'foobar', c.name
187 assert_equal 2, c.version
191 test "preserve_version updates" do
192 Rails.configuration.Collections.CollectionVersioning = true
193 Rails.configuration.Collections.PreserveVersionIfIdle = -1 # disabled
194 act_as_user users(:active) do
195 # Set up initial collection
196 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
198 assert_equal 1, c.version
199 assert_equal false, c.preserve_version
200 # This update shouldn't produce a new version, as the idle time is not up
201 c.update_attributes!({
205 assert_equal 1, c.version
206 assert_equal 'bar', c.name
207 assert_equal false, c.preserve_version
208 # This update should produce a new version, even if the idle time is not up
209 # and also keep the preserve_version=true flag to persist it.
210 c.update_attributes!({
212 'preserve_version' => true
215 assert_equal 2, c.version
216 assert_equal 'baz', c.name
217 assert_equal true, c.preserve_version
218 # Make sure preserve_version is not disabled after being enabled, unless
219 # a new version is created.
220 # This is a non-versionable update
221 c.update_attributes!({
222 'preserve_version' => false,
223 'replication_desired' => 2
226 assert_equal 2, c.version
227 assert_equal 2, c.replication_desired
228 assert_equal true, c.preserve_version
229 # This is a versionable update
230 c.update_attributes!({
231 'preserve_version' => false,
235 assert_equal 3, c.version
236 assert_equal false, c.preserve_version
237 assert_equal 'foobar', c.name
238 # Flipping only 'preserve_version' to true doesn't create a new version
239 c.update_attributes!({'preserve_version' => true})
241 assert_equal 3, c.version
242 assert_equal true, c.preserve_version
246 test "preserve_version updates don't change modified_at timestamp" do
247 act_as_user users(:active) do
248 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
250 assert_equal false, c.preserve_version
251 modified_at = c.modified_at.to_f
252 c.update_attributes!({'preserve_version' => true})
254 assert_equal true, c.preserve_version
255 assert_equal modified_at, c.modified_at.to_f,
256 'preserve_version updates should not trigger modified_at changes'
262 ['current_version_uuid', 'zzzzz-4zz18-bv31uwvy3neko21'],
263 ].each do |name, new_value|
264 test "'#{name}' updates on current version collections are not allowed" do
265 act_as_user users(:active) do
266 # Set up initial collection
267 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
269 assert_equal 1, c.version
271 assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
272 c.update_attributes!({
280 test "uuid updates on current version make older versions update their pointers" do
281 Rails.configuration.Collections.CollectionVersioning = true
282 Rails.configuration.Collections.PreserveVersionIfIdle = 0
283 act_as_system_user do
284 # Set up initial collection
285 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
287 assert_equal 1, c.version
288 # Make changes so that a new version is created
289 c.update_attributes!({'name' => 'bar'})
291 assert_equal 2, c.version
292 assert_equal 2, Collection.where(current_version_uuid: c.uuid).count
293 new_uuid = 'zzzzz-4zz18-somefakeuuidnow'
294 assert_empty Collection.where(uuid: new_uuid)
295 # Update UUID on current version, check that both collections point to it
296 c.update_attributes!({'uuid' => new_uuid})
298 assert_equal new_uuid, c.uuid
299 assert_equal 2, Collection.where(current_version_uuid: new_uuid).count
303 # This test exposes a bug related to JSONB attributes, see #15725.
304 test "recently loaded collection shouldn't list changed attributes" do
305 col = Collection.where("properties != '{}'::jsonb").limit(1).first
306 refute col.properties_changed?, 'Properties field should not be seen as changed'
312 {'foo'=>'bar', 'lst'=>[1, 3, 5, 7], 'hsh'=>{'baz'=>'qux', 'foobar'=>true, 'hsh'=>{'nested'=>true}}, 'delete_at'=>nil},
313 {:foo=>:bar, :lst=>[1, 3, 5, 7], :hsh=>{'baz'=>'qux', :foobar=>true, 'hsh'=>{:nested=>true}}, :delete_at=>nil},
317 {'foo'=>'bar', 'lst'=>[1, 3, 5, 7], 'hsh'=>{'baz'=>'qux', 'foobar'=>true, 'hsh'=>{'nested'=>true}}, 'delete_at'=>nil},
318 {'delete_at'=>nil, 'foo'=>'bar', 'lst'=>[1, 3, 5, 7], 'hsh'=>{'baz'=>'qux', 'foobar'=>true, 'hsh'=>{'nested'=>true}}},
322 {'foo'=>'bar', 'lst'=>[1, 3, 5, 7], 'hsh'=>{'baz'=>'qux', 'foobar'=>true, 'hsh'=>{'nested'=>true}}, 'delete_at'=>nil},
323 {'delete_at'=>nil, 'foo'=>'bar', 'lst'=>[1, 3, 5, 7], 'hsh'=>{'foobar'=>true, 'hsh'=>{'nested'=>true}, 'baz'=>'qux'}},
327 {'foo'=>'bar', 'lst'=>[1, 3, 5, 7], 'hsh'=>{'baz'=>'qux', 'foobar'=>true, 'hsh'=>{'nested'=>true}}, 'delete_at'=>nil},
328 {'foo'=>'bar', 'lst'=>[1, 3, 5, 42], 'hsh'=>{'baz'=>'qux', 'foobar'=>true, 'hsh'=>{'nested'=>true}}, 'delete_at'=>nil},
332 {'foo'=>'bar', 'lst'=>[1, 3, 5, 7], 'hsh'=>{'baz'=>'qux', 'foobar'=>true, 'hsh'=>{'nested'=>true}}, 'delete_at'=>nil},
333 {'foo'=>'bar', 'lst'=>[1, 3, 7, 5], 'hsh'=>{'baz'=>'qux', 'foobar'=>true, 'hsh'=>{'nested'=>true}}, 'delete_at'=>nil},
337 {'foo'=>'bar', 'lst'=>[1, 3, 5, 7], 'hsh'=>{'baz'=>'qux', 'foobar'=>true, 'hsh'=>{'nested'=>true}}, 'delete_at'=>nil},
338 {'foo'=>'bar', 'lst'=>[1, 3, 5, 7], 'hsh'=>{'baz'=>'qux', 'foobar'=>true, 'hsh'=>{'nested'=>false}}, 'delete_at'=>nil},
342 {'foo'=>'bar', 'lst'=>[1, 3, 5, 7], 'hsh'=>{'baz'=>'qux', 'foobar'=>true, 'hsh'=>{'nested'=>true}}, 'delete_at'=>nil},
343 {'foo'=>'bar', 'lst'=>[1, 3, 5, 7], 'hsh'=>{'baz'=>'qux', 'foobar'=>true, 'hsh'=>{'nested'=>true}}, 'delete_at'=>1234567890},
345 ].each do |should_be_equal, value_1, value_2|
346 test "JSONB properties #{value_1} is#{should_be_equal ? '' : ' not'} equal to #{value_2}" do
347 act_as_user users(:active) do
348 # Set up initial collection
349 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
351 c.update_attributes!({'properties' => value_1})
353 assert c.changes.keys.empty?
354 c.properties = value_2
356 assert c.changes.keys.empty?, "Properties #{value_1.inspect} should be equal to #{value_2.inspect}"
358 refute c.changes.keys.empty?, "Properties #{value_1.inspect} should not be equal to #{value_2.inspect}"
364 test "older versions' modified_at indicate when they're created" do
365 Rails.configuration.Collections.CollectionVersioning = true
366 Rails.configuration.Collections.PreserveVersionIfIdle = 0
367 act_as_user users(:active) do
368 # Set up initial collection
369 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
371 original_version_modified_at = c.modified_at.to_f
372 # Make changes so that a new version is created
373 c.update_attributes!({'name' => 'bar'})
375 assert_equal 2, c.version
376 # Get the old version
377 c_old = Collection.where(current_version_uuid: c.uuid, version: 1).first
380 version_creation_datetime = c_old.modified_at.to_f
381 assert_equal c.created_at.to_f, c_old.created_at.to_f
382 assert_equal original_version_modified_at, version_creation_datetime
384 # Make update on current version so old version get the attribute synced;
385 # its modified_at should not change.
387 c.update_attributes!({'replication_desired' => new_replication})
389 assert_equal new_replication, c.replication_desired
391 assert_equal new_replication, c_old.replication_desired
392 assert_equal version_creation_datetime, c_old.modified_at.to_f
393 assert_operator c.modified_at.to_f, :>, c_old.modified_at.to_f
397 # Bug #17152 - This test relies on fixtures simulating the problem.
398 test "migration fixing collection versions' modified_at timestamps" do
399 versioned_collection_fixtures = [
400 collections(:w_a_z_file).uuid,
401 collections(:collection_owned_by_active).uuid
403 versioned_collection_fixtures.each do |uuid|
404 cols = Collection.where(current_version_uuid: uuid).order(version: :desc)
405 assert_equal cols.size, 2
406 # cols[0] -> head version // cols[1] -> old version
407 assert_operator (cols[0].modified_at.to_f - cols[1].modified_at.to_f), :==, 0
408 assert cols[1].modified_at != cols[1].created_at
410 fix_collection_versions_timestamps
411 versioned_collection_fixtures.each do |uuid|
412 cols = Collection.where(current_version_uuid: uuid).order(version: :desc)
413 assert_equal cols.size, 2
414 # cols[0] -> head version // cols[1] -> old version
415 assert_operator (cols[0].modified_at.to_f - cols[1].modified_at.to_f), :>, 1
416 assert_operator cols[1].modified_at, :==, cols[1].created_at
420 test "past versions should not be directly updatable" do
421 Rails.configuration.Collections.CollectionVersioning = true
422 Rails.configuration.Collections.PreserveVersionIfIdle = 0
423 act_as_system_user do
424 # Set up initial collection
425 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
427 # Make changes so that a new version is created
428 c.update_attributes!({'name' => 'bar'})
430 assert_equal 2, c.version
431 # Get the old version
432 c_old = Collection.where(current_version_uuid: c.uuid, version: 1).first
434 # With collection versioning still being enabled, try to update
435 c_old.name = 'this was foo'
436 assert c_old.invalid?
438 # Try to fool the validator attempting to make c_old to look like a
439 # current version, it should also fail.
440 c_old.current_version_uuid = c_old.uuid
441 assert c_old.invalid?
443 # Now disable collection versioning, it should behave the same way
444 Rails.configuration.Collections.CollectionVersioning = false
445 c_old.name = 'this was foo'
446 assert c_old.invalid?
451 ['owner_uuid', 'zzzzz-tpzed-d9tiejq69daie8f', 'zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz'],
452 ['replication_desired', 2, 3],
453 ['storage_classes_desired', ['hot'], ['archive']],
454 ].each do |attr, first_val, second_val|
455 test "sync #{attr} with older versions" do
456 Rails.configuration.Collections.CollectionVersioning = true
457 Rails.configuration.Collections.PreserveVersionIfIdle = 0
458 act_as_system_user do
459 # Set up initial collection
460 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
462 assert_equal 1, c.version
463 assert_not_equal first_val, c.attributes[attr]
464 # Make changes so that a new version is created and a synced field is
466 c.update_attributes!({'name' => 'bar', attr => first_val})
468 assert_equal 2, c.version
469 assert_equal first_val, c.attributes[attr]
470 assert_equal 2, Collection.where(current_version_uuid: c.uuid).count
471 assert_equal first_val, Collection.where(current_version_uuid: c.uuid, version: 1).first.attributes[attr]
472 # Only make an update on the same synced field & check that the previously
473 # created version also gets it.
474 c.update_attributes!({attr => second_val})
476 assert_equal 2, c.version
477 assert_equal second_val, c.attributes[attr]
478 assert_equal 2, Collection.where(current_version_uuid: c.uuid).count
479 assert_equal second_val, Collection.where(current_version_uuid: c.uuid, version: 1).first.attributes[attr]
485 [false, 'name', 'bar', false],
486 [false, 'description', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', false],
487 [false, 'properties', {'new_version' => true}, false],
488 [false, 'manifest_text', ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:foo.txt\n", false],
489 [true, 'name', 'bar', true],
490 [true, 'description', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', true],
491 [true, 'properties', {'new_version' => true}, true],
492 [true, 'manifest_text', ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:foo.txt\n", true],
493 # Non-versionable attribute updates shouldn't create new versions
494 [true, 'replication_desired', 5, false],
495 [false, 'replication_desired', 5, false],
496 ].each do |versioning, attr, val, new_version_expected|
497 test "update #{attr} with versioning #{versioning ? '' : 'not '}enabled should #{new_version_expected ? '' : 'not '}create a new version" do
498 Rails.configuration.Collections.CollectionVersioning = versioning
499 Rails.configuration.Collections.PreserveVersionIfIdle = 0
500 act_as_user users(:active) do
501 # Create initial collection
502 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
504 assert_equal 'foo', c.name
506 # Check current version attributes
507 assert_equal 1, c.version
508 assert_equal c.uuid, c.current_version_uuid
510 # Update attribute and check if version number should be incremented
511 old_value = c.attributes[attr]
512 c.update_attributes!({attr => val})
513 assert_equal new_version_expected, c.version == 2
514 assert_equal val, c.attributes[attr]
516 if versioning && new_version_expected
517 # Search for the snapshot & previous value
518 assert_equal 2, Collection.where(current_version_uuid: c.uuid).count
519 s = Collection.where(current_version_uuid: c.uuid, version: 1).first
521 assert_equal old_value, s.attributes[attr]
523 # If versioning is disabled or no versionable attribute was updated,
524 # only the current version should exist
525 assert_equal 1, Collection.where(current_version_uuid: c.uuid).count
526 assert_equal c, Collection.where(current_version_uuid: c.uuid).first
532 test 'current_version_uuid is ignored during update' do
533 Rails.configuration.Collections.CollectionVersioning = true
534 Rails.configuration.Collections.PreserveVersionIfIdle = 0
535 act_as_user users(:active) do
536 # Create 1st collection
537 col1 = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
539 assert_equal 1, col1.version
541 # Create 2nd collection, update it so it becomes version:2
542 # (to avoid unique index violation)
543 col2 = create_collection 'bar', Encoding::US_ASCII
545 assert_equal 1, col2.version
546 col2.update_attributes({name: 'baz'})
547 assert_equal 2, col2.version
549 # Try to make col2 a past version of col1. It shouldn't be possible
550 col2.update_attributes({current_version_uuid: col1.uuid})
553 assert_not_equal col1.uuid, col2.current_version_uuid
557 test 'with versioning enabled, simultaneous updates increment version correctly' do
558 Rails.configuration.Collections.CollectionVersioning = true
559 Rails.configuration.Collections.PreserveVersionIfIdle = 0
560 act_as_user users(:active) do
561 # Create initial collection
562 col = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
564 assert_equal 1, col.version
566 # Simulate simultaneous updates
567 c1 = Collection.where(uuid: col.uuid).first
568 assert_equal 1, c1.version
570 c2 = Collection.where(uuid: col.uuid).first
571 c2.description = 'foo collection'
573 assert_equal 1, c2.version
574 # with_lock forces a reload, so this shouldn't produce an unique violation error
576 assert_equal 3, c2.version
577 assert_equal 'foo collection', c2.description
581 test 'create and update collection and verify file_names' do
582 act_as_system_user do
583 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
585 created_file_names = c.file_names
586 assert created_file_names
587 assert_match(/foo.txt/, c.file_names)
589 c.update_attribute 'manifest_text', ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0 0:0:foo2.txt\n"
590 assert_not_equal created_file_names, c.file_names
591 assert_match(/foo2.txt/, c.file_names)
598 ].each do |manifest_size, allow_truncate|
599 test "create collection with manifest size #{manifest_size} with allow_truncate=#{allow_truncate},
600 and not expect exceptions even on very large manifest texts" do
601 # file_names has a max size, hence there will be no errors even on large manifests
602 act_as_system_user do
605 while manifest_text.length < manifest_size
606 manifest_text += "./blurfl d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0 0:0:veryverylongfilename000000000000#{index}.txt\n"
609 manifest_text += "./laststreamname d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0 0:0:veryverylastfilename.txt\n"
610 c = Collection.create(manifest_text: manifest_text)
614 assert_match(/veryverylongfilename0000000000001.txt/, c.file_names)
615 assert_match(/veryverylongfilename0000000000002.txt/, c.file_names)
616 if not allow_truncate
617 assert_match(/veryverylastfilename/, c.file_names)
618 assert_match(/laststreamname/, c.file_names)
624 test "full text search for collections" do
625 # file_names column does not get populated when fixtures are loaded, hence setup test data
626 act_as_system_user do
627 Collection.create(manifest_text: ". acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8+3 0:3:foo\n")
628 Collection.create(manifest_text: ". 37b51d194a7513e45b56f6524f2d51f2+3 0:3:bar\n")
629 Collection.create(manifest_text: ". 85877ca2d7e05498dd3d109baf2df106+95+A3a4e26a366ee7e4ed3e476ccf05354761be2e4ae@545a9920 0:95:file_in_subdir1\n./subdir2/subdir3 2bbc341c702df4d8f42ec31f16c10120+64+A315d7e7bad2ce937e711fc454fae2d1194d14d64@545a9920 0:32:file1.txt 32:32:file2.txt\n./subdir2/subdir3/subdir4 2bbc341c702df4d8f42ec31f16c10120+64+A315d7e7bad2ce937e711fc454fae2d1194d14d64@545a9920 0:32:file3.txt 32:32:file4.txt\n")
634 ['foo bar', false], # no collection matching both
635 ['foo&bar', false], # no collection matching both
636 ['foo|bar', true], # works only no spaces between the words
637 ['Gnu public', true], # both prefixes found, though not consecutively
638 ['Gnu&public', true], # both prefixes found, though not consecutively
639 ['file4', true], # prefix match
640 ['file4.txt', true], # whole string match
641 ['filex', false], # no such prefix
642 ['subdir', true], # prefix matches
645 ['subdir2/subdir3', true],
646 ['subdir2/subdir3/subdir4', true],
647 ['subdir2 file4', true], # look for both prefixes
648 ['subdir4', false], # not a prefix match
649 ].each do |search_filter, expect_results|
650 search_filters = search_filter.split.each {|s| s.concat(':*')}.join('&')
651 results = Collection.where("#{Collection.full_text_tsvector} @@ to_tsquery(?)",
661 test 'portable data hash with missing size hints' do
662 [[". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0+Bar 0:0:x\n",
663 ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0 0:0:x\n"],
664 [". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+Foo 0:0:x\n",
665 ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:x\n"],
666 [". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:x\n",
667 ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:x\n"],
668 ].each do |unportable, portable|
669 c = Collection.new(manifest_text: unportable)
671 assert_equal(Digest::MD5.hexdigest(portable)+"+#{portable.length}",
672 c.portable_data_hash)
676 pdhmanifest = ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0 0:0:x\n"
677 pdhmd5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest pdhmanifest
680 [true, pdhmd5+'+12345'],
681 [true, pdhmd5+'+'+pdhmanifest.length.to_s],
682 [true, pdhmd5+'+12345+Foo'],
683 [true, pdhmd5+'+Foo'],
684 [false, Digest::MD5.hexdigest(pdhmanifest.strip)],
685 [false, Digest::MD5.hexdigest(pdhmanifest.strip)+'+'+pdhmanifest.length.to_s],
686 [false, pdhmd5[0..30]],
687 [false, pdhmd5[0..30]+'z'],
688 [false, pdhmd5[0..24]+'000000000'],
689 [false, pdhmd5[0..24]+'000000000+0']].each do |isvalid, pdh|
690 test "portable_data_hash #{pdh.inspect} valid? == #{isvalid}" do
691 c = Collection.new manifest_text: pdhmanifest, portable_data_hash: pdh
692 assert_equal isvalid, c.valid?, c.errors.full_messages.to_s
696 test "storage_classes_desired cannot be empty" do
697 act_as_user users(:active) do
698 c = collections(:collection_owned_by_active)
699 c.update_attributes storage_classes_desired: ["hot"]
700 assert_equal ["hot"], c.storage_classes_desired
701 assert_raise ArvadosModel::InvalidStateTransitionError do
702 c.update_attributes storage_classes_desired: []
707 test "storage classes lists should only contain non-empty strings" do
708 c = collections(:storage_classes_desired_default_unconfirmed)
709 act_as_user users(:admin) do
710 assert c.update_attributes(storage_classes_desired: ["default", "a_string"],
711 storage_classes_confirmed: ["another_string"])
713 ["storage_classes_desired", ["default", 42]],
714 ["storage_classes_confirmed", [{the_answer: 42}]],
715 ["storage_classes_desired", ["default", ""]],
716 ["storage_classes_confirmed", [""]],
717 ].each do |attr, val|
718 assert_raise ArvadosModel::InvalidStateTransitionError do
719 assert c.update_attributes({attr => val})
725 test "storage_classes_confirmed* can be set by admin user" do
726 c = collections(:storage_classes_desired_default_unconfirmed)
727 act_as_user users(:admin) do
728 assert c.update_attributes(storage_classes_confirmed: ["default"],
729 storage_classes_confirmed_at: Time.now)
733 test "storage_classes_confirmed* cannot be set by non-admin user" do
734 act_as_user users(:active) do
735 c = collections(:storage_classes_desired_default_unconfirmed)
736 # Cannot set just one at a time.
737 assert_raise ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError do
738 c.update_attributes storage_classes_confirmed: ["default"]
741 assert_raise ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError do
742 c.update_attributes storage_classes_confirmed_at: Time.now
744 # Cannot set bot at once, either.
746 assert_raise ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError do
747 assert c.update_attributes(storage_classes_confirmed: ["default"],
748 storage_classes_confirmed_at: Time.now)
753 test "storage_classes_confirmed* can be cleared (but only together) by non-admin user" do
754 act_as_user users(:active) do
755 c = collections(:storage_classes_desired_default_confirmed_default)
756 # Cannot clear just one at a time.
757 assert_raise ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError do
758 c.update_attributes storage_classes_confirmed: []
761 assert_raise ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError do
762 c.update_attributes storage_classes_confirmed_at: nil
764 # Can clear both at once.
766 assert c.update_attributes(storage_classes_confirmed: [],
767 storage_classes_confirmed_at: nil)
771 [0, 2, 4, nil].each do |ask|
772 test "set replication_desired to #{ask.inspect}" do
773 Rails.configuration.Collections.DefaultReplication = 2
774 act_as_user users(:active) do
775 c = collections(:replication_undesired_unconfirmed)
776 c.update_attributes replication_desired: ask
777 assert_equal ask, c.replication_desired
782 test "replication_confirmed* can be set by admin user" do
783 c = collections(:replication_desired_2_unconfirmed)
784 act_as_user users(:admin) do
785 assert c.update_attributes(replication_confirmed: 2,
786 replication_confirmed_at: Time.now)
790 test "replication_confirmed* cannot be set by non-admin user" do
791 act_as_user users(:active) do
792 c = collections(:replication_desired_2_unconfirmed)
793 # Cannot set just one at a time.
794 assert_raise ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError do
795 c.update_attributes replication_confirmed: 1
797 assert_raise ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError do
798 c.update_attributes replication_confirmed_at: Time.now
800 # Cannot set both at once, either.
801 assert_raise ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError do
802 c.update_attributes(replication_confirmed: 1,
803 replication_confirmed_at: Time.now)
808 test "replication_confirmed* can be cleared (but only together) by non-admin user" do
809 act_as_user users(:active) do
810 c = collections(:replication_desired_2_confirmed_2)
811 # Cannot clear just one at a time.
812 assert_raise ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError do
813 c.update_attributes replication_confirmed: nil
816 assert_raise ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError do
817 c.update_attributes replication_confirmed_at: nil
819 # Can clear both at once.
821 assert c.update_attributes(replication_confirmed: nil,
822 replication_confirmed_at: nil)
826 test "clear replication_confirmed* when introducing a new block in manifest" do
827 c = collections(:replication_desired_2_confirmed_2)
828 act_as_user users(:active) do
829 assert c.update_attributes(manifest_text: collections(:user_agreement).signed_manifest_text)
830 assert_nil c.replication_confirmed
831 assert_nil c.replication_confirmed_at
835 test "don't clear replication_confirmed* when just renaming a file" do
836 c = collections(:replication_desired_2_confirmed_2)
837 act_as_user users(:active) do
838 new_manifest = c.signed_manifest_text.sub(':bar', ':foo')
839 assert c.update_attributes(manifest_text: new_manifest)
840 assert_equal 2, c.replication_confirmed
841 assert_not_nil c.replication_confirmed_at
845 test "don't clear replication_confirmed* when just deleting a data block" do
846 c = collections(:replication_desired_2_confirmed_2)
847 act_as_user users(:active) do
848 new_manifest = c.signed_manifest_text
849 new_manifest.sub!(/ \S+:bar/, '')
850 new_manifest.sub!(/ acbd\S+/, '')
852 # Confirm that we did just remove a block from the manifest (if
853 # not, this test would pass without testing the relevant case):
854 assert_operator new_manifest.length+40, :<, c.signed_manifest_text.length
856 assert c.update_attributes(manifest_text: new_manifest)
857 assert_equal 2, c.replication_confirmed
858 assert_not_nil c.replication_confirmed_at
862 test 'signature expiry does not exceed trash_at' do
863 act_as_user users(:active) do
865 c = Collection.create!(manifest_text: ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0 0:0:x\n", name: 'foo')
866 c.update_attributes! trash_at: (t0 + 1.hours)
868 sig_exp = /\+A[0-9a-f]{40}\@([0-9]+)/.match(c.signed_manifest_text)[1].to_i
869 assert_operator sig_exp.to_i, :<=, (t0 + 1.hours).to_i
873 test 'far-future expiry date cannot be used to circumvent configured permission ttl' do
874 act_as_user users(:active) do
875 c = Collection.create!(manifest_text: ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0 0:0:x\n",
877 trash_at: db_current_time + 1.years)
878 sig_exp = /\+A[0-9a-f]{40}\@([0-9]+)/.match(c.signed_manifest_text)[1].to_i
879 expect_max_sig_exp = db_current_time.to_i + Rails.configuration.Collections.BlobSigningTTL.to_i
880 assert_operator c.trash_at.to_i, :>, expect_max_sig_exp
881 assert_operator sig_exp.to_i, :<=, expect_max_sig_exp
885 test "create collection with properties" do
886 act_as_system_user do
887 c = Collection.create(manifest_text: ". acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8+3 0:3:foo\n",
888 properties: {'property_1' => 'value_1'})
890 assert_equal 'value_1', c.properties['property_1']
894 test 'create, delete, recreate collection with same name and owner' do
895 act_as_user users(:active) do
896 # create collection with name
897 c = Collection.create(manifest_text: '',
898 name: "test collection name")
902 c = Collection.readable_by(current_user).where(uuid: uuid)
903 assert_not_empty c, 'Should be able to find live collection'
905 # mark collection as expired
906 c.first.update_attributes!(trash_at: Time.new.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
907 c = Collection.readable_by(current_user).where(uuid: uuid)
908 assert_empty c, 'Should not be able to find expired collection'
910 # recreate collection with the same name
911 c = Collection.create(manifest_text: '',
912 name: "test collection name")
917 test 'trash_at cannot be set too far in the past' do
918 act_as_user users(:active) do
920 c = Collection.create!(manifest_text: '', name: 'foo')
921 c.update_attributes! trash_at: (t0 - 2.weeks)
923 assert_operator c.trash_at, :>, t0
928 [['trash-to-delete interval negative',
929 :collection_owned_by_active,
930 {trash_at: now+2.weeks, delete_at: now},
932 ['now-to-delete interval short',
933 :collection_owned_by_active,
934 {trash_at: now+3.days, delete_at: now+7.days},
935 {state: :trash_future}],
936 ['now-to-delete interval short, trash=delete',
937 :collection_owned_by_active,
938 {trash_at: now+3.days, delete_at: now+3.days},
939 {state: :trash_future}],
940 ['trash-to-delete interval ok',
941 :collection_owned_by_active,
942 {trash_at: now, delete_at: now+15.days},
943 {state: :trash_now}],
944 ['trash-to-delete interval short, but far enough in future',
945 :collection_owned_by_active,
946 {trash_at: now+13.days, delete_at: now+15.days},
947 {state: :trash_future}],
948 ['trash by setting is_trashed bool',
949 :collection_owned_by_active,
951 {state: :trash_now}],
952 ['trash in future by setting just trash_at',
953 :collection_owned_by_active,
954 {trash_at: now+1.week},
955 {state: :trash_future}],
956 ['trash in future by setting trash_at and delete_at',
957 :collection_owned_by_active,
958 {trash_at: now+1.week, delete_at: now+4.weeks},
959 {state: :trash_future}],
960 ['untrash by clearing is_trashed bool',
963 {state: :not_trash}],
964 ].each do |test_name, fixture_name, updates, expect|
966 act_as_user users(:active) do
967 min_exp = (db_current_time +
968 Rails.configuration.Collections.BlobSigningTTL)
969 if fixture_name == :expired_collection
970 # Fixture-finder shorthand doesn't find trashed collections
971 # because they're not in the default scope.
972 c = Collection.find_by_uuid('zzzzz-4zz18-mto52zx1s7sn3ih')
974 c = collections(fixture_name)
976 updates_ok = c.update_attributes(updates)
977 expect_valid = expect[:state] != :invalid
978 assert_equal expect_valid, updates_ok, c.errors.full_messages.to_s
984 assert_not_nil c.trash_at
985 assert_operator c.trash_at, :<=, db_current_time
986 assert_not_nil c.delete_at
987 assert_operator c.delete_at, :>=, min_exp
990 assert_not_nil c.trash_at
991 assert_operator c.trash_at, :>, db_current_time
992 assert_not_nil c.delete_at
993 assert_operator c.delete_at, :>=, c.trash_at
994 # Currently this minimum interval is needed to prevent early
995 # garbage collection:
996 assert_operator c.delete_at, :>=, min_exp
999 assert_nil c.trash_at
1000 assert_nil c.delete_at
1002 raise "bad expect[:state]==#{expect[:state].inspect} in test case"
1008 test 'default trash interval > blob signature ttl' do
1009 Rails.configuration.Collections.DefaultTrashLifetime = 86400 * 21 # 3 weeks
1010 start = db_current_time
1011 act_as_user users(:active) do
1012 c = Collection.create!(manifest_text: '', name: 'foo')
1013 c.update_attributes!(trash_at: start + 86400.seconds)
1014 assert_operator c.delete_at, :>=, start + (86400*22).seconds
1015 assert_operator c.delete_at, :<, start + (86400*22 + 30).seconds
1018 c = Collection.create!(manifest_text: '', name: 'foo')
1019 c.update_attributes!(is_trashed: true)
1020 assert_operator c.delete_at, :>=, start + (86400*21).seconds
1024 test "find_all_for_docker_image resolves names that look like hashes" do
1025 coll_list = Collection.
1026 find_all_for_docker_image('a' * 64, nil, [users(:active)])
1027 coll_uuids = coll_list.map(&:uuid)
1028 assert_includes(coll_uuids, collections(:docker_image).uuid)
1031 test "move collections to trash in SweepTrashedObjects" do
1032 c = collections(:trashed_on_next_sweep)
1033 refute_empty Collection.where('uuid=? and is_trashed=false', c.uuid)
1034 assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique) do
1035 act_as_user users(:active) do
1036 Collection.create!(owner_uuid: c.owner_uuid,
1040 SweepTrashedObjects.sweep_now
1041 c = Collection.where('uuid=? and is_trashed=true', c.uuid).first
1043 act_as_user users(:active) do
1044 assert Collection.create!(owner_uuid: c.owner_uuid,
1049 test "delete collections in SweepTrashedObjects" do
1050 uuid = 'zzzzz-4zz18-3u1p5umicfpqszp' # deleted_on_next_sweep
1051 assert_not_empty Collection.where(uuid: uuid)
1052 SweepTrashedObjects.sweep_now
1053 assert_empty Collection.where(uuid: uuid)
1056 test "delete referring links in SweepTrashedObjects" do
1057 uuid = collections(:trashed_on_next_sweep).uuid
1058 act_as_system_user do
1059 assert_raises ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid do
1060 # Cannot create because :trashed_on_next_sweep is already trashed
1061 Link.create!(head_uuid: uuid,
1062 tail_uuid: system_user_uuid,
1063 link_class: 'whatever',
1067 # Bump trash_at to now + 1 minute
1068 Collection.where(uuid: uuid).
1069 update(trash_at: db_current_time + (1).minute)
1071 # Not considered trashed now
1072 Link.create!(head_uuid: uuid,
1073 tail_uuid: system_user_uuid,
1074 link_class: 'whatever',
1077 past = db_current_time
1078 Collection.where(uuid: uuid).
1079 update_all(is_trashed: true, trash_at: past, delete_at: past)
1080 assert_not_empty Collection.where(uuid: uuid)
1081 SweepTrashedObjects.sweep_now
1082 assert_empty Collection.where(uuid: uuid)
1085 test "empty names are exempt from name uniqueness" do
1086 act_as_user users(:active) do
1087 c1 = Collection.new(name: nil, manifest_text: '', owner_uuid: groups(:aproject).uuid)
1089 c2 = Collection.new(name: '', manifest_text: '', owner_uuid: groups(:aproject).uuid)
1091 c3 = Collection.new(name: '', manifest_text: '', owner_uuid: groups(:aproject).uuid)
1093 c4 = Collection.new(name: 'c4', manifest_text: '', owner_uuid: groups(:aproject).uuid)
1095 c5 = Collection.new(name: 'c4', manifest_text: '', owner_uuid: groups(:aproject).uuid)
1096 assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique) do
1102 test "create collections with managed properties" do
1103 Rails.configuration.Collections.ManagedProperties = ConfigLoader.to_OrderedOptions({
1104 'default_prop1' => {'Value' => 'prop1_value'},
1105 'responsible_person_uuid' => {'Function' => 'original_owner'}
1107 # Test collection without initial properties
1108 act_as_user users(:active) do
1109 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
1111 assert_not_empty c.properties
1112 assert_equal 'prop1_value', c.properties['default_prop1']
1113 assert_equal users(:active).uuid, c.properties['responsible_person_uuid']
1115 # Test collection with default_prop1 property already set
1116 act_as_user users(:active) do
1117 c = Collection.create(manifest_text: ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:34:foo.txt\n",
1118 properties: {'default_prop1' => 'custom_value'})
1120 assert_not_empty c.properties
1121 assert_equal 'custom_value', c.properties['default_prop1']
1122 assert_equal users(:active).uuid, c.properties['responsible_person_uuid']
1124 # Test collection inside a sub project
1125 act_as_user users(:active) do
1126 c = Collection.create(manifest_text: ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:34:foo.txt\n",
1127 owner_uuid: groups(:asubproject).uuid)
1129 assert_not_empty c.properties
1130 assert_equal users(:active).uuid, c.properties['responsible_person_uuid']
1134 test "update collection with protected managed properties" do
1135 Rails.configuration.Collections.ManagedProperties = ConfigLoader.to_OrderedOptions({
1136 'default_prop1' => {'Value' => 'prop1_value', 'Protected' => true},
1138 act_as_user users(:active) do
1139 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
1141 assert_not_empty c.properties
1142 assert_equal 'prop1_value', c.properties['default_prop1']
1144 c.properties['prop2'] = 'value2'
1147 assert_equal 'value2', c.properties['prop2']
1148 # Try to change protected property's value
1149 c.properties['default_prop1'] = 'new_value'
1150 assert_raises(ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError) do
1153 # Admins are allowed to change protected properties
1154 act_as_system_user do
1155 c.properties['default_prop1'] = 'new_value'
1158 assert_equal 'new_value', c.properties['default_prop1']
1163 test "collection names must be displayable in a filesystem" do
1164 set_user_from_auth :active
1165 ["", "{SOLIDUS}"].each do |subst|
1166 Rails.configuration.Collections.ForwardSlashNameSubstitution = subst
1167 c = Collection.create
1174 ["foo/bar", subst != ""],
1175 ["../..", subst != ""],
1177 ].each do |name, valid|
1179 assert_equal valid, c.valid?, "#{name.inspect} should be #{valid ? "valid" : "invalid"}"