2 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
4 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
6 # This code runs after package variable definitions and step2.sh.
13 if [ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ] || [ -s "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" ]; then
14 COMMAND_PREFIX="/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm-exec default"
20 local ready_flag="$1"; shift
21 local config_file="$1"; shift
22 if [ "1" != "$ready_flag" ]; then cat >&2 <<EOF
26 The $PACKAGE_NAME package was not configured completely because
27 $config_file needs some tweaking.
28 Please refer to the documentation at
29 <$DOC_URL> for more details.
31 When $(basename "$config_file") has been modified,
32 reconfigure or reinstall this package.
38 report_web_service_warning() {
39 local warning="$1"; shift
44 To override, set the WEB_SERVICE environment variable to the name of the service
45 hosting the Rails server.
47 For Debian-based systems, then reconfigure this package with dpkg-reconfigure.
49 For RPM-based systems, then reinstall this package.
55 # Usage: run_and_report ACTION_MSG CMD
56 # This is the usual wrapper that prints ACTION_MSG, runs CMD, then writes
57 # a message about whether CMD succeeded or failed. Returns the exit code
59 local action_message="$1"; shift
61 echo -n "$action_message..."
72 for confdir in "$@"; do
73 if [ ! -d "$confdir" ]; then
74 install -d -g "$WWW_OWNER" -m 0750 "$confdir"
80 # Usage: setup_conffile CONFFILE_PATH [SOURCE_PATH]
81 # Both paths are relative to RELEASE_CONFIG_PATH.
82 # This function will try to safely ensure that a symbolic link for
83 # the configuration file points from RELEASE_CONFIG_PATH to CONFIG_PATH.
84 # If SOURCE_PATH is given, this function will try to install that file as
85 # the configuration file in CONFIG_PATH, and return 1 if the file in
86 # CONFIG_PATH is unmodified from the source.
87 local conffile_relpath="$1"; shift
88 local conffile_source="$1"
89 local release_conffile="$RELEASE_CONFIG_PATH/$conffile_relpath"
90 local etc_conffile="$CONFIG_PATH/$(basename "$conffile_relpath")"
92 # Note that -h can return true and -e will return false simultaneously
93 # when the target is a dangling symlink. We're okay with that outcome,
95 if [ ! -h "$release_conffile" ]; then
96 if [ ! -e "$release_conffile" ]; then
97 ln -s "$etc_conffile" "$release_conffile"
98 # If there's a config file in /var/www identical to the one in /etc,
99 # overwrite it with a symlink after porting its permissions.
100 elif cmp --quiet "$release_conffile" "$etc_conffile"; then
101 local ownership="$(stat -c "%u:%g" "$release_conffile")"
102 local owning_group="${ownership#*:}"
103 if [ 0 != "$owning_group" ]; then
104 chgrp "$owning_group" "$CONFIG_PATH" /etc/arvados
106 chown "$ownership" "$etc_conffile"
107 chmod --reference="$release_conffile" "$etc_conffile"
108 ln --force -s "$etc_conffile" "$release_conffile"
112 if [ -n "$conffile_source" ]; then
113 if [ ! -e "$etc_conffile" ]; then
114 install -g "$WWW_OWNER" -m 0640 \
115 "$RELEASE_CONFIG_PATH/$conffile_source" "$etc_conffile"
117 # Even if $etc_conffile already existed, it might be unmodified from
118 # the source. This is especially likely when a user installs, updates
119 # database.yml, then reconfigures before they update application.yml.
120 # Use cmp to be sure whether $etc_conffile is modified.
121 elif cmp --quiet "$RELEASE_CONFIG_PATH/$conffile_source" "$etc_conffile"; then
128 DB_MIGRATE_STATUS=`$COMMAND_PREFIX bundle exec rake db:migrate:status 2>&1 || true`
129 if echo "$DB_MIGRATE_STATUS" | grep -qF 'Schema migrations table does not exist yet.'; then
130 # The database exists, but the migrations table doesn't.
131 run_and_report "Setting up database" $COMMAND_PREFIX bundle exec \
133 elif echo "$DB_MIGRATE_STATUS" | grep -q '^database: '; then
134 run_and_report "Running db:migrate" \
135 $COMMAND_PREFIX bundle exec rake db:migrate
136 elif echo "$DB_MIGRATE_STATUS" | grep -q 'database .* does not exist'; then
137 if ! run_and_report "Running db:setup" \
138 $COMMAND_PREFIX bundle exec rake db:setup 2>/dev/null; then
139 echo "Warning: unable to set up database." >&2
143 echo "Warning: Database is not ready to set up. Skipping database setup." >&2
148 configure_version() {
149 if [ -n "$WEB_SERVICE" ]; then
150 SERVICE_MANAGER=$(guess_service_manager)
151 elif WEB_SERVICE=$(list_services_systemd | grep -E '^(nginx|httpd)'); then
153 elif WEB_SERVICE=$(list_services_service \
154 | grep -Eo '\b(nginx|httpd)[^[:space:]]*'); then
158 if [ -z "$WEB_SERVICE" ]; then
159 report_web_service_warning "Web service (Nginx or Apache) not found"
160 elif [ "$WEB_SERVICE" != "$(echo "$WEB_SERVICE" | head -n 1)" ]; then
161 WEB_SERVICE=$(echo "$WEB_SERVICE" | head -n 1)
162 report_web_service_warning \
163 "Multiple web services found. Choosing the first one ($WEB_SERVICE)"
166 if [ -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then
167 # Recognize any service that starts with "nginx"; e.g., nginx16.
168 if [ "$WEB_SERVICE" != "${WEB_SERVICE#nginx}" ]; then
174 # Assume we're on a Debian-based system for now.
175 # Both Apache and Nginx run as www-data by default.
180 echo "Assumption: $WEB_SERVICE is configured to serve Rails from"
181 echo " $RELEASE_PATH"
182 echo "Assumption: $WEB_SERVICE and passenger run as $WWW_OWNER"
185 echo -n "Creating symlinks to configuration in $CONFIG_PATH ..."
186 setup_confdirs /etc/arvados "$CONFIG_PATH"
187 setup_conffile environments/production.rb environments/production.rb.example \
189 setup_extra_conffiles
192 # Before we do anything else, make sure some directories and files are in place
193 if [ ! -e $SHARED_PATH/log ]; then mkdir -p $SHARED_PATH/log; fi
194 if [ ! -e $RELEASE_PATH/tmp ]; then mkdir -p $RELEASE_PATH/tmp; fi
195 if [ ! -e $RELEASE_PATH/log ]; then ln -s $SHARED_PATH/log $RELEASE_PATH/log; fi
196 if [ ! -e $SHARED_PATH/log/production.log ]; then touch $SHARED_PATH/log/production.log; fi
199 export RAILS_ENV=production
201 if ! $COMMAND_PREFIX bundle --version >/dev/null; then
202 run_and_report "Installing bundler" $COMMAND_PREFIX gem install bundler --version 1.17.3
205 run_and_report "Running bundle install" \
206 $COMMAND_PREFIX bundle install --path $SHARED_PATH/vendor_bundle --local --quiet
208 echo -n "Ensuring directory and file permissions ..."
209 # Ensure correct ownership of a few files
210 chown "$WWW_OWNER:" $RELEASE_PATH/config/environment.rb
211 chown "$WWW_OWNER:" $RELEASE_PATH/config.ru
212 chown "$WWW_OWNER:" $RELEASE_PATH/Gemfile.lock
213 chown -R "$WWW_OWNER:" $RELEASE_PATH/tmp || true
214 chown -R "$WWW_OWNER:" $SHARED_PATH/log
215 # Make sure postgres doesn't try to use a pager.
218 db:schema:load) chown "$WWW_OWNER:" $RELEASE_PATH/db/schema.rb ;;
219 db:structure:load) chown "$WWW_OWNER:" $RELEASE_PATH/db/structure.sql ;;
221 chmod 644 $SHARED_PATH/log/*
222 chmod -R 2775 $RELEASE_PATH/tmp || true
225 if [ -n "$RAILSPKG_DATABASE_LOAD_TASK" ]; then
230 run_and_report "Checking configuration for completeness" \
231 $COMMAND_PREFIX bundle exec rake config:check || APPLICATION_READY=0
234 # precompile assets; thankfully this does not take long
235 if [ "$APPLICATION_READY" = "1" ]; then
236 run_and_report "Precompiling assets" \
237 $COMMAND_PREFIX bundle exec rake assets:precompile -q -s 2>/dev/null \
240 echo "Precompiling assets... skipped."
242 chown -R "$WWW_OWNER:" $RELEASE_PATH/tmp
244 setup_before_nginx_restart
246 if [ -n "$SERVICE_MANAGER" ]; then
247 service_command "$SERVICE_MANAGER" restart "$WEB_SERVICE"
251 if [ "$1" = configure ]; then
252 # This is a debian-based system
254 elif [ "$1" = "0" ] || [ "$1" = "1" ] || [ "$1" = "2" ]; then
255 # This is an rpm-based system
259 report_not_ready "$APPLICATION_READY" "/etc/arvados/config.yml"