1 require 'whitelist_update'
3 class Container < ArvadosModel
6 include CommonApiTemplate
7 include WhitelistUpdate
8 extend CurrentApiClient
10 serialize :environment, Hash
11 serialize :mounts, Hash
12 serialize :runtime_constraints, Hash
13 serialize :command, Array
14 serialize :scheduling_parameters, Hash
16 before_validation :fill_field_defaults, :if => :new_record?
17 before_validation :set_timestamps
18 validates :command, :container_image, :output_path, :cwd, :priority, :presence => true
19 validate :validate_state_change
20 validate :validate_change
21 validate :validate_lock
22 validate :validate_output
23 after_validation :assign_auth
24 before_save :sort_serialized_attrs
25 after_save :handle_completed
27 has_many :container_requests, :foreign_key => :container_uuid, :class_name => 'ContainerRequest', :primary_key => :uuid
28 belongs_to :auth, :class_name => 'ApiClientAuthorization', :foreign_key => :auth_uuid, :primary_key => :uuid
30 api_accessible :user, extend: :common do |t|
32 t.add :container_image
44 t.add :runtime_constraints
48 t.add :scheduling_parameters
51 # Supported states for a container
56 (Running = 'Running'),
57 (Complete = 'Complete'),
58 (Cancelled = 'Cancelled')
63 Queued => [Locked, Cancelled],
64 Locked => [Queued, Running, Cancelled],
65 Running => [Complete, Cancelled]
73 if [Queued, Locked, Running].include? self.state
74 # Update the priority of this container to the maximum priority of any of
75 # its committed container requests and save the record.
76 self.priority = ContainerRequest.
77 where(container_uuid: uuid,
78 state: ContainerRequest::Committed).
84 def self.find_reusable(attrs)
85 candidates = Container.
86 where('command = ?', attrs[:command].to_yaml).
87 where('cwd = ?', attrs[:cwd]).
88 where('environment = ?', self.deep_sort_hash(attrs[:environment]).to_yaml).
89 where('output_path = ?', attrs[:output_path]).
90 where('container_image = ?', attrs[:container_image]).
91 where('mounts = ?', self.deep_sort_hash(attrs[:mounts]).to_yaml).
92 where('runtime_constraints = ?', self.deep_sort_hash(attrs[:runtime_constraints]).to_yaml)
94 # Check for Completed candidates that had consistent outputs.
95 completed = candidates.where(state: Complete).where(exit_code: 0)
96 outputs = completed.select('output').group('output').limit(2)
97 if outputs.count.count != 1
98 Rails.logger.debug("Found #{outputs.count.length} different outputs")
100 readable_by(current_user).
101 where(portable_data_hash: outputs.first.output).
103 Rails.logger.info("Found reusable container(s) " +
104 "but output #{outputs.first} is not readable " +
105 "by user #{current_user.uuid}")
107 # Return the oldest eligible container whose log is still
108 # present and readable by current_user.
109 readable_pdh = Collection.
110 readable_by(current_user).
111 select('portable_data_hash')
112 completed = completed.
113 where("log in (#{readable_pdh.to_sql})").
114 order('finished_at asc').
117 return completed.first
119 Rails.logger.info("Found reusable container(s) but none with a log " +
120 "readable by user #{current_user.uuid}")
124 # Check for Running candidates and return the most likely to finish sooner.
125 running = candidates.where(state: Running).
126 order('progress desc, started_at asc').limit(1).first
127 return running if not running.nil?
129 # Check for Locked or Queued ones and return the most likely to start first.
130 locked_or_queued = candidates.where("state IN (?)", [Locked, Queued]).
131 order('state asc, priority desc, created_at asc').limit(1).first
132 return locked_or_queued if not locked_or_queued.nil?
134 # No suitable candidate found.
140 if self.state == Locked
141 raise AlreadyLockedError
150 if self.state == Queued
151 raise InvalidStateTransitionError
158 def self.readable_by(*users_list)
159 if users_list.select { |u| u.is_admin }.any?
162 user_uuids = users_list.map { |u| u.uuid }
163 uuid_list = user_uuids + users_list.flat_map { |u| u.groups_i_can(:read) }
165 permitted = "(SELECT head_uuid FROM links WHERE link_class='permission' AND tail_uuid IN (:uuids))"
166 joins(:container_requests).
167 where("container_requests.uuid IN #{permitted} OR "+
168 "container_requests.owner_uuid IN (:uuids)",
173 [Complete, Cancelled].include?(self.state)
178 def fill_field_defaults
179 self.state ||= Queued
180 self.environment ||= {}
181 self.runtime_constraints ||= {}
185 self.scheduling_parameters ||= {}
188 def permission_to_create
189 current_user.andand.is_admin
192 def permission_to_update
193 # Override base permission check to allow auth_uuid to set progress and
194 # output (only). Whether it is legal to set progress and output in the current
195 # state has already been checked in validate_change.
196 current_user.andand.is_admin ||
197 (!current_api_client_authorization.nil? and
198 [self.auth_uuid, self.locked_by_uuid].include? current_api_client_authorization.uuid)
201 def ensure_owner_uuid_is_permitted
202 # Override base permission check to allow auth_uuid to set progress and
203 # output (only). Whether it is legal to set progress and output in the current
204 # state has already been checked in validate_change.
205 if !current_api_client_authorization.nil? and self.auth_uuid == current_api_client_authorization.uuid
206 check_update_whitelist [:progress, :output]
213 if self.state_changed? and self.state == Running
214 self.started_at ||= db_current_time
217 if self.state_changed? and [Complete, Cancelled].include? self.state
218 self.finished_at ||= db_current_time
226 permitted.push(:owner_uuid, :command, :container_image, :cwd,
227 :environment, :mounts, :output_path, :priority,
228 :runtime_constraints, :scheduling_parameters)
233 permitted.push :priority
236 permitted.push :priority, :progress, :output
237 if self.state_changed?
238 permitted.push :started_at
242 if self.state_was == Running
243 permitted.push :finished_at, :output, :log, :exit_code
249 permitted.push :finished_at, :output, :log
251 permitted.push :finished_at
255 # The state_transitions check will add an error message for this
259 check_update_whitelist permitted
263 if [Locked, Running].include? self.state
264 # If the Container was already locked, locked_by_uuid must not
265 # changes. Otherwise, the current auth gets the lock.
266 need_lock = locked_by_uuid_was || current_api_client_authorization.andand.uuid
271 # The caller can provide a new value for locked_by_uuid, but only
272 # if it's exactly what we expect. This allows a caller to perform
273 # an update like {"state":"Unlocked","locked_by_uuid":null}.
274 if self.locked_by_uuid_changed?
275 if self.locked_by_uuid != need_lock
276 return errors.add :locked_by_uuid, "can only change to #{need_lock}"
279 self.locked_by_uuid = need_lock
283 # Output must exist and be readable by the current user. This is so
284 # that a container cannot "claim" a collection that it doesn't otherwise
285 # have access to just by setting the output field to the collection PDH.
288 readable_by(current_user).
289 where(portable_data_hash: self.output).
292 errors.add :output, "collection must exist and be readable by current user."
298 if self.auth_uuid_changed?
299 return errors.add :auth_uuid, 'is readonly'
301 if not [Locked, Running].include? self.state
303 self.auth.andand.update_attributes(expires_at: db_current_time)
310 cr = ContainerRequest.
311 where('container_uuid=? and priority>0', self.uuid).
312 order('priority desc').
315 return errors.add :auth_uuid, "cannot be assigned because priority <= 0"
317 self.auth = ApiClientAuthorization.
318 create!(user_id: User.find_by_uuid(cr.modified_by_user_uuid).id,
322 def sort_serialized_attrs
323 if self.environment_changed?
324 self.environment = self.class.deep_sort_hash(self.environment)
326 if self.mounts_changed?
327 self.mounts = self.class.deep_sort_hash(self.mounts)
329 if self.runtime_constraints_changed?
330 self.runtime_constraints = self.class.deep_sort_hash(self.runtime_constraints)
332 if self.scheduling_parameters_changed?
333 self.scheduling_parameters = self.class.deep_sort_hash(self.scheduling_parameters)
338 # This container is finished so finalize any associated container requests
339 # that are associated with this container.
340 if self.state_changed? and self.final?
341 act_as_system_user do
343 if self.state == Cancelled
344 retryable_requests = ContainerRequest.where("container_uuid = ? and priority > 0 and state = 'Committed' and container_count < container_count_max", uuid)
346 retryable_requests = []
349 if retryable_requests.any?
351 command: self.command,
353 environment: self.environment,
354 output_path: self.output_path,
355 container_image: self.container_image,
357 runtime_constraints: self.runtime_constraints,
358 scheduling_parameters: self.scheduling_parameters
360 c = Container.create! c_attrs
361 retryable_requests.each do |cr|
363 # Use row locking because this increments container_count
364 cr.container_uuid = c.uuid
370 # Notify container requests associated with this container
371 ContainerRequest.where(container_uuid: uuid,
372 state: ContainerRequest::Committed).each do |cr|
376 # Try to cancel any outstanding container requests made by this container.
377 ContainerRequest.where(requesting_container_uuid: uuid,
378 state: ContainerRequest::Committed).each do |cr|