1 module ApplicationHelper
3 controller.current_user
6 def self.match_uuid(uuid)
7 /^([0-9a-z]{5})-([0-9a-z]{5})-([0-9a-z]{15})$/.match(uuid.to_s)
11 Rails.configuration.arvados_v1_base.gsub /https?:\/\/|\/arvados\/v1/,''
14 def render_content_from_database(markup)
15 raw RedCloth.new(markup).to_html
18 def human_readable_bytes_html(n)
19 return h(n) unless n.is_a? Fixnum
25 (1024*1024*1024) => "GiB",
26 (1024*1024*1024*1024) => "TiB"
31 if sig >=1 and sig < 1024
33 return "%i #{v}" % sig
35 return "%0.1f #{v}" % sig
44 # cooked = ',' + raw[-3..-1] + cooked
47 #cooked = raw + cooked
50 def resource_class_for_uuid(attrvalue, opts={})
51 ArvadosBase::resource_class_for_uuid(attrvalue, opts)
54 def link_to_if_arvados_object(attrvalue, opts={}, style_opts={})
55 if (resource_class = resource_class_for_uuid(attrvalue, opts))
56 link_uuid = attrvalue.is_a?(ArvadosBase) ? attrvalue.uuid : attrvalue
57 link_name = opts[:link_text]
61 if opts[:friendly_name]
63 link_name = resource_class.find(link_uuid).friendly_link_name
65 # If that lookup failed, the link will too. So don't make one.
69 if opts[:with_class_name]
70 link_name = "#{resource_class.to_s}: #{link_name}"
73 style_opts[:class] = (style_opts[:class] || '') + ' nowrap'
74 link_to link_name, { controller: resource_class.to_s.tableize, action: 'show', id: link_uuid }, style_opts
80 def render_editable_attribute(object, attr, attrvalue=nil, htmloptions={})
81 attrvalue = object.send(attr) if attrvalue.nil?
82 return attrvalue if !object.attribute_editable? attr
85 case object.class.attribute_info[attr.to_sym].andand[:type]
87 input_type = 'textarea'
94 attrvalue = attrvalue.to_json if attrvalue.is_a? Hash or attrvalue.is_a? Array
96 link_to attrvalue.to_s, '#', {
97 "data-emptytext" => "none",
98 "data-placement" => "bottom",
99 "data-type" => input_type,
100 "data-url" => url_for(action: "update", id: object.uuid, controller: object.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore),
101 "data-title" => "Update #{attr.gsub '_', ' '}",
103 "data-pk" => "{id: \"#{object.uuid}\", key: \"#{object.class.to_s.underscore}\"}",
108 def render_editable_subattribute(object, attr, subattr, template, htmloptions={})
110 attrvalue = object.send(attr)
112 if attrvalue and attrvalue.is_a? Hash
113 attrvalue = attrvalue[k]
123 #puts "Template is #{template.class} #{template.is_a? Hash} #{template}"
124 if template.is_a? Hash
125 if template[:output_of]
126 return raw("<span class='label label-default'>#{template[:output_of]}</span>")
128 if template[:dataclass]
129 dataclass = template[:dataclass]
131 if template[:optional] != nil
132 required = (template[:optional] != "true")
134 if template[:required] != nil
135 required = template[:required]
141 if template.is_a? Hash
143 rsc = template[:value]
144 elsif template[:default]
145 rsc = template[:default]
149 return link_to_if_arvados_object(rsc) if !object
150 return link_to_if_arvados_object(attrvalue) if !object.attribute_editable? attr
154 dataclass = dataclass.constantize
158 dataclass = ArvadosBase.resource_class_for_uuid(rsc)
161 if dataclass && dataclass.is_a?(Class)
163 elsif dataclass == 'number'
166 if template.is_a? Array
168 elsif template.is_a? String
169 if /^\d+$/.match(template)
177 id = "#{object.uuid}-#{subattr.join('-')}"
183 if attrvalue.is_a? String
184 attrvalue = attrvalue.strip
187 if dataclass and dataclass.is_a? Class
189 if attrvalue and !attrvalue.empty?
190 items.append({name: attrvalue, uuid: attrvalue, type: dataclass.to_s})
192 #dataclass.where(uuid: attrvalue).each do |item|
193 # items.append({name: item.uuid, uuid: item.uuid, type: dataclass.to_s})
195 dataclass.limit(10).each do |item|
196 items.append({name: item.uuid, uuid: item.uuid, type: dataclass.to_s})
200 lt = link_to attrvalue, '#', {
201 "data-emptytext" => "none",
202 "data-placement" => "bottom",
203 "data-type" => datatype,
204 "data-url" => url_for(action: "update", id: object.uuid, controller: object.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore),
205 "data-title" => "Set value for #{subattr[-1].to_s}",
207 "data-pk" => "{id: \"#{object.uuid}\", key: \"#{object.class.to_s.underscore}\"}",
208 "data-showbuttons" => "false",
209 "data-value" => attrvalue,
210 :class => "editable #{'required' if required}",
214 lt += raw("\n<script>")
216 if items and items.length > 0
217 lt += raw("add_form_selection_sources(#{items.to_json});\n")
220 lt += raw("$('##{id}').editable({source: function() { return select_form_sources('#{dataclass}'); } });\n")
222 lt += raw("</script>")