1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 class ApiClientAuthorization < ArvadosModel
8 include CommonApiTemplate
9 extend CurrentApiClient
12 belongs_to :api_client
14 after_initialize :assign_random_api_token
15 serialize :scopes, Array
17 before_validation :clamp_token_expiration
19 api_accessible :user, extend: :common do |t|
23 # NB the "api_token" db column is a misnomer in that it's only the
24 # "secret" part of a token: a v1 token is just the secret, but a
25 # v2 token is "v2/uuid/secret".
27 t.add :created_by_ip_address
28 t.add :default_owner_uuid
31 t.add :last_used_by_ip_address
35 UNLOGGED_CHANGES = ['last_used_at', 'last_used_by_ip_address', 'updated_at']
37 def assign_random_api_token
38 self.api_token ||= rand(2**256).to_s(36)
45 self.user_id_changed? ? User.where(id: self.user_id_was).first.andand.uuid : self.user.andand.uuid
47 def owner_uuid_changed?
51 def modified_by_client_uuid
54 def modified_by_client_uuid=(x) end
56 def modified_by_user_uuid
59 def modified_by_user_uuid=(x) end
64 def modified_at=(x) end
66 def scopes_allow?(req_s)
67 scopes.each do |scope|
68 return true if (scope == 'all') or (scope == req_s) or
69 ((scope.end_with? '/') and (req_s.start_with? scope))
74 def scopes_allow_request?(request)
75 method = request.request_method
77 (scopes_allow?(['HEAD', request.path].join(' ')) ||
78 scopes_allow?(['GET', request.path].join(' ')))
80 scopes_allow?([method, request.path].join(' '))
85 super.except 'api_token'
88 def self.default_orders
89 ["#{table_name}.id desc"]
92 def self.remote_host(uuid_prefix:)
93 (Rails.configuration.RemoteClusters[uuid_prefix].andand["Host"]) ||
94 (Rails.configuration.RemoteClusters["*"]["Proxy"] &&
95 uuid_prefix+".arvadosapi.com")
98 def self.make_http_client(uuid_prefix:)
101 if uuid_prefix && (Rails.configuration.RemoteClusters[uuid_prefix].andand.Insecure ||
102 Rails.configuration.RemoteClusters['*'].andand.Insecure)
103 clnt.ssl_config.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
105 # Use system CA certificates
106 ["/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt",
107 "/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt"]
108 .select { |ca_path| File.readable?(ca_path) }
109 .each { |ca_path| clnt.ssl_config.add_trust_ca(ca_path) }
114 def self.check_system_root_token token
115 if token == Rails.configuration.SystemRootToken
116 return ApiClientAuthorization.new(user: User.find_by_uuid(system_user_uuid),
117 uuid: Rails.configuration.ClusterID+"-gj3su-000000000000000",
119 api_client: system_root_token_api_client)
125 def self.validate(token:, remote: nil)
126 return nil if token.nil? or token.empty?
127 remote ||= Rails.configuration.ClusterID
129 auth = self.check_system_root_token(token)
136 stored_secret = nil # ...if different from secret
141 _, token_uuid, secret, optional = token.split('/')
142 unless token_uuid.andand.length == 27 && secret.andand.length.andand > 0
147 # if "optional" is a container uuid, check that it
148 # matches expections.
149 c = Container.where(uuid: optional).first
151 if !c.auth_uuid.nil? and c.auth_uuid != token_uuid
152 # token doesn't match the container's token
155 if !c.runtime_token.nil? and "v2/#{token_uuid}/#{secret}" != c.runtime_token
156 # token doesn't match the container's token
159 if ![Container::Locked, Container::Running].include?(c.state)
160 # container isn't locked or running, token shouldn't be used
166 # fast path: look up the token in the local database
167 auth = ApiClientAuthorization.
168 includes(:user, :api_client).
169 where('uuid=? and (expires_at is null or expires_at > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)', token_uuid).
171 if auth && auth.user &&
172 (secret == auth.api_token ||
173 secret == OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha1', auth.api_token, remote))
175 if token_uuid[0..4] != Rails.configuration.ClusterID
176 Rails.logger.debug "found cached remote token #{token_uuid} with secret #{secret} in local db"
181 upstream_cluster_id = token_uuid[0..4]
182 if upstream_cluster_id == Rails.configuration.ClusterID
183 # Token is supposedly issued by local cluster, but if the
184 # token were valid, we would have been found in the database
185 # in the above query.
187 elsif upstream_cluster_id.length != 5
193 # token is not a 'v2' token. It could be just the secret part
194 # ("v1 token") -- or it could be an OpenIDConnect access token,
195 # in which case either (a) the controller will have inserted a
196 # row with api_token = hmac(systemroottoken,oidctoken) before
197 # forwarding it, or (b) we'll have done that ourselves, or (c)
198 # we'll need to ask LoginCluster to validate it for us below,
199 # and then insert a local row for a faster lookup next time.
200 hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha256', Rails.configuration.SystemRootToken, token)
201 auth = ApiClientAuthorization.
202 includes(:user, :api_client).
203 where('api_token in (?, ?) and (expires_at is null or expires_at > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)', token, hmac).
207 elsif !Rails.configuration.Login.LoginCluster.blank? && Rails.configuration.Login.LoginCluster != Rails.configuration.ClusterID
208 # An unrecognized non-v2 token might be an OIDC Access Token
209 # that can be verified by our login cluster in the code
210 # below. If so, we'll stuff the database with hmac instead of
211 # the real OIDC token.
212 upstream_cluster_id = Rails.configuration.Login.LoginCluster
219 # Invariant: upstream_cluster_id != Rails.configuration.ClusterID
221 # In other words the remaining code in this method decides
222 # whether to accept a token that was issued by a remote cluster
223 # when the token is absent or expired in our database. To
224 # begin, we need to ask the cluster that issued the token to
226 clnt = ApiClientAuthorization.make_http_client(uuid_prefix: upstream_cluster_id)
228 host = remote_host(uuid_prefix: upstream_cluster_id)
230 Rails.logger.warn "remote authentication rejected: no host for #{upstream_cluster_id.inspect}"
235 remote_user = SafeJSON.load(
236 clnt.get_content('https://' + host + '/arvados/v1/users/current',
237 {'remote' => Rails.configuration.ClusterID},
238 {'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' + token}))
240 Rails.logger.warn "remote authentication with token #{token.inspect} failed: #{e}"
244 # Check the response is well formed.
245 if !remote_user.is_a?(Hash) || !remote_user['uuid'].is_a?(String)
246 Rails.logger.warn "remote authentication rejected: remote_user=#{remote_user.inspect}"
250 remote_user_prefix = remote_user['uuid'][0..4]
252 # Get token scope, and make sure we use the same UUID as the
253 # remote when caching the token.
256 remote_token = SafeJSON.load(
257 clnt.get_content('https://' + host + '/arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations/current',
258 {'remote' => Rails.configuration.ClusterID},
259 {'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' + token}))
260 Rails.logger.debug "retrieved remote token #{remote_token.inspect}"
261 token_uuid = remote_token['uuid']
262 if !token_uuid.match(HasUuid::UUID_REGEX) || token_uuid[0..4] != upstream_cluster_id
263 raise "remote cluster #{upstream_cluster_id} returned invalid token uuid #{token_uuid.inspect}"
265 rescue HTTPClient::BadResponseError => e
266 if e.res.status != 401
269 rev = SafeJSON.load(clnt.get_content('https://' + host + '/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest'))['revision']
270 if rev >= '20010101' && rev < '20210503'
271 Rails.logger.warn "remote cluster #{upstream_cluster_id} at #{host} with api rev #{rev} does not provide token expiry and scopes; using scopes=['all']"
273 # remote server is new enough that it should have accepted
274 # this request if the token was valid
278 Rails.logger.warn "error getting remote token details for #{token.inspect}: #{e}"
282 # Clusters can only authenticate for their own users.
283 if remote_user_prefix != upstream_cluster_id
284 Rails.logger.warn "remote authentication rejected: claimed remote user #{remote_user_prefix} but token was issued by #{upstream_cluster_id}"
288 # Invariant: remote_user_prefix == upstream_cluster_id
289 # therefore: remote_user_prefix != Rails.configuration.ClusterID
291 # Add or update user and token in local database so we can
292 # validate subsequent requests faster.
294 if remote_user['uuid'][-22..-1] == '-tpzed-anonymouspublic'
295 # Special case: map the remote anonymous user to local anonymous user
296 remote_user['uuid'] = anonymous_user_uuid
299 user = User.find_by_uuid(remote_user['uuid'])
302 # Create a new record for this user.
303 user = User.new(uuid: remote_user['uuid'],
306 email: remote_user['email'],
307 owner_uuid: system_user_uuid)
308 user.set_initial_username(requested: remote_user['username'])
312 act_as_system_user do
313 %w[first_name last_name email prefs].each do |attr|
314 user.send(attr+'=', remote_user[attr])
317 if remote_user['uuid'][-22..-1] == '-tpzed-000000000000000'
318 user.first_name = "root"
319 user.last_name = "from cluster #{remote_user_prefix}"
324 if user.is_invited && !remote_user['is_invited']
325 # Remote user is not "invited" state, they should be unsetup, which
326 # also makes them inactive.
329 if !user.is_invited && remote_user['is_invited'] and
330 (remote_user_prefix == Rails.configuration.Login.LoginCluster or
331 Rails.configuration.Users.AutoSetupNewUsers or
332 Rails.configuration.Users.NewUsersAreActive or
333 Rails.configuration.RemoteClusters[remote_user_prefix].andand["ActivateUsers"])
337 if !user.is_active && remote_user['is_active'] && user.is_invited and
338 (remote_user_prefix == Rails.configuration.Login.LoginCluster or
339 Rails.configuration.Users.NewUsersAreActive or
340 Rails.configuration.RemoteClusters[remote_user_prefix].andand["ActivateUsers"])
341 user.update_attributes!(is_active: true)
342 elsif user.is_active && !remote_user['is_active']
343 user.update_attributes!(is_active: false)
346 if remote_user_prefix == Rails.configuration.Login.LoginCluster and
348 user.is_admin != remote_user['is_admin']
349 # Remote cluster controls our user database, including the
351 user.update_attributes!(is_admin: remote_user['is_admin'])
355 # If stored_secret is set, we save stored_secret in the database
356 # but return the real secret to the caller. This way, if we end
357 # up returning the auth record to the client, they see the same
358 # secret they supplied, instead of the HMAC we saved in the
360 stored_secret = stored_secret || secret
362 # We will accept this token (and avoid reloading the user
363 # record) for 'RemoteTokenRefresh' (default 5 minutes).
364 exp = [db_current_time + Rails.configuration.Login.RemoteTokenRefresh,
365 remote_token.andand['expires_at']].compact.min
366 scopes = remote_token.andand['scopes'] || ['all']
367 auth = ApiClientAuthorization.find_or_create_by(uuid: token_uuid) do |auth|
369 auth.api_token = stored_secret
370 auth.api_client_id = 0
372 auth.expires_at = exp
374 auth.update_attributes!(user: user,
375 api_token: stored_secret,
379 Rails.logger.debug "cached remote token #{token_uuid} with secret #{stored_secret} and scopes #{scopes} in local db"
380 auth.api_token = secret
396 'v2/' + uuid + '/' + api_token
399 def salted_token(remote:)
403 'v2/' + uuid + '/' + OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha1', api_token, remote)
408 def clamp_token_expiration
409 if Rails.configuration.API.MaxTokenLifetime > 0
410 max_token_expiration = db_current_time + Rails.configuration.API.MaxTokenLifetime
411 if (self.new_record? || self.expires_at_changed?) && (self.expires_at.nil? || (self.expires_at > max_token_expiration && !current_user.andand.is_admin))
412 self.expires_at = max_token_expiration
417 def permission_to_create
418 current_user.andand.is_admin or (current_user.andand.id == self.user_id)
421 def permission_to_update
422 permission_to_create && !uuid_changed? &&
423 (current_user.andand.is_admin || !user_id_changed?)
427 super unless (saved_changes.keys - UNLOGGED_CHANGES).empty?