1 require 'minitest/autorun'
3 class TestCrunchJob < Minitest::Test
12 script_version: 'master',
13 repository: File.absolute_path('../../../..', __FILE__),
14 script_parameters: {foo: 'bar'},
22 File.absolute_path '../../bin/crunch-job', __FILE__
25 # Return environment suitable for running crunch-job.
29 File.absolute_path('../../../../tmp/crunch-refresh-trigger', __FILE__)
37 # Encode job record to json and run it with crunch-job.
39 # opts[:binstubs] is an array of X where ./binstub_X is added to
40 # PATH in order to mock system programs.
41 def tryjobrecord jobrecord, opts={}
43 (opts[:binstubs] || []).each do |binstub|
44 env['PATH'] = File.absolute_path('../binstub_'+binstub, __FILE__) + ':' + env['PATH']
46 system env, crunchjob, '--job', jobrecord.to_json
50 out, err = capture_subprocess_io do
51 system crunchenv, crunchjob, '--job', '"}{"'
53 assert_equal false, $?.success?
54 # Must not conflict with our special exit statuses
56 assert_match /JSON/, err
59 def test_fail_sanity_check
60 out, err = capture_subprocess_io do
62 tryjobrecord j, binstubs: ['sanity_check']
64 assert_equal 75, $?.exitstatus
65 assert_match /Sanity check failed: 7/, err
68 def test_fail_docker_sanity_check
69 out, err = capture_subprocess_io do
71 j[:docker_image_locator] = '4d449b9d34f2e2222747ef79c53fa3ff+1234'
72 tryjobrecord j, binstubs: ['sanity_check']
74 assert_equal 75, $?.exitstatus
75 assert_match /Sanity check failed: 8/, err
78 def test_no_script_specified
79 out, err = capture_subprocess_io do
80 j = jobspec :grep_local
84 assert_match /No script specified/, err
88 def test_fail_clean_tmp
89 out, err = capture_subprocess_io do
90 j = jobspec :grep_local
91 tryjobrecord j, binstubs: ['clean_fail']
93 assert_match /Failing mount stub was called/, err
94 assert_match /Clean work dirs: exit 1\n$/, err
95 assert_equal SPECIAL_EXIT[:EX_RETRY_UNLOCKED], $?.exitstatus
98 def test_docker_image_missing
99 skip 'API bug: it refuses to create this job in Running state'
100 out, err = capture_subprocess_io do
101 j = jobspec :grep_local
102 j[:docker_image_locator] = '4d449b9d34f2e2222747ef79c53fa3ff+1234'
103 tryjobrecord j, binstubs: ['docker_noop']
105 assert_match /No Docker image hash found from locator/, err
109 def test_script_version_not_found_in_repository
110 bogus_version = 'f8b72707c1f5f740dbf1ed56eb429a36e0dee770'
111 out, err = capture_subprocess_io do
112 j = jobspec :grep_local
113 j[:script_version] = bogus_version
116 assert_match /'#{bogus_version}' not found, giving up/, err
120 # Ensure procstatus is not interpreted as a temporary infrastructure
121 # problem. Would be assert_http_4xx if this were http.
122 def assert_jobfail procstatus
123 refute_includes SPECIAL_EXIT.values, procstatus.exitstatus
124 assert_equal false, procstatus.success?