1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 require 'can_be_an_owner'
7 class User < ArvadosModel
10 include CommonApiTemplate
12 extend CurrentApiClient
14 serialize :prefs, Hash
15 has_many :api_client_authorizations
18 with: /\A[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*\z/,
19 message: "must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumerics",
23 validate :must_unsetup_to_deactivate
24 validate :identity_url_nil_if_empty
25 before_update :prevent_privilege_escalation
26 before_update :prevent_inactive_admin
27 before_update :prevent_nonadmin_system_root
28 before_update :verify_repositories_empty, :if => Proc.new {
29 username.nil? and username_changed?
31 after_update :setup_on_activate
33 before_create :check_auto_admin
34 before_create :set_initial_username, :if => Proc.new {
35 username.nil? and email
37 before_create :active_is_not_nil
38 after_create :after_ownership_change
39 after_create :setup_on_activate
40 after_create :add_system_group_permission_link
41 after_create :auto_setup_new_user, :if => Proc.new {
42 Rails.configuration.Users.AutoSetupNewUsers and
43 (uuid != system_user_uuid) and
44 (uuid != anonymous_user_uuid) and
45 (uuid[0..4] == Rails.configuration.ClusterID)
47 after_create :send_admin_notifications
49 before_update :before_ownership_change
50 after_update :after_ownership_change
51 after_update :send_profile_created_notification
52 after_update :sync_repository_names, :if => Proc.new {
53 (uuid != system_user_uuid) and
54 saved_change_to_username? and
55 (not username_before_last_save.nil?)
57 before_destroy :clear_permissions
58 after_destroy :remove_self_from_permissions
60 has_many :authorized_keys, foreign_key: 'authorized_user_uuid', primary_key: 'uuid'
61 has_many :repositories, foreign_key: 'owner_uuid', primary_key: 'uuid'
63 default_scope { where('redirect_to_user_uuid is null') }
65 api_accessible :user, extend: :common do |t|
81 ALL_PERMISSIONS = {read: true, write: true, manage: true}
83 # Map numeric permission levels (see lib/create_permission_view.sql)
84 # back to read/write/manage flags.
88 {read: true, write: true},
89 {read: true, write: true, manage: true}]
99 "#{first_name} #{last_name}".strip
104 Rails.configuration.Users.NewUsersAreActive ||
105 self.groups_i_can(:read).select { |x| x.match(/-f+$/) }.first)
108 def self.ignored_select_attributes
109 super + ["full_name", "is_invited"]
112 def groups_i_can(verb)
113 my_groups = self.group_permissions(VAL_FOR_PERM[verb]).keys
115 my_groups << anonymous_group_uuid
121 actions.each do |action, target|
123 if target.respond_to? :uuid
124 target_uuid = target.uuid
127 target = ArvadosModel.find_by_uuid(target_uuid)
130 next if target_uuid == self.uuid
132 if action == :write && target && !target.new_record? &&
133 target.respond_to?(:frozen_by_uuid) &&
134 target.frozen_by_uuid_was
135 # Just an optimization to skip the PERMISSION_VIEW and
136 # FrozenGroup queries below
140 target_owner_uuid = target.owner_uuid if target.respond_to? :owner_uuid
142 user_uuids_subquery = USER_UUIDS_SUBQUERY_TEMPLATE % {user: "$1", perm_level: "$3"}
144 if !is_admin && !ActiveRecord::Base.connection.
147 WHERE user_uuid in (#{user_uuids_subquery}) and
148 ((target_uuid = $2 and perm_level >= $3)
149 or (target_uuid = $4 and perm_level >= $3 and traverse_owned))
151 # "name" arg is a query label that appears in logs:
155 VAL_FOR_PERM[action],
162 if FrozenGroup.where(uuid: [target_uuid, target_owner_uuid]).any?
163 # self or parent is frozen
166 elsif action == :unfreeze
167 # "unfreeze" permission means "can write, but only if
168 # explicitly un-freezing at the same time" (see
169 # ArvadosModel#ensure_owner_uuid_is_permitted). If the
170 # permission query above passed the permission level of
171 # :unfreeze (which is the same as :manage), and the parent
172 # isn't also frozen, then un-freeze is allowed.
173 if FrozenGroup.where(uuid: target_owner_uuid).any?
181 def before_ownership_change
182 if owner_uuid_changed? and !self.owner_uuid_was.nil?
183 MaterializedPermission.where(user_uuid: owner_uuid_was, target_uuid: uuid).delete_all
184 update_permissions self.owner_uuid_was, self.uuid, REVOKE_PERM
188 def after_ownership_change
189 if saved_change_to_owner_uuid?
190 update_permissions self.owner_uuid, self.uuid, CAN_MANAGE_PERM
194 def clear_permissions
195 MaterializedPermission.where("user_uuid = ? and target_uuid != ?", uuid, uuid).delete_all
198 def forget_cached_group_perms
202 def remove_self_from_permissions
203 MaterializedPermission.where("target_uuid = ?", uuid).delete_all
204 check_permissions_against_full_refresh
207 # Return a hash of {user_uuid: group_perms}
209 # note: this does not account for permissions that a user gains by
210 # having can_manage on another user.
211 def self.all_group_permissions
213 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.
215 SELECT user_uuid, target_uuid, perm_level
219 # "name" arg is a query label that appears in logs:
220 "all_group_permissions").
221 rows.each do |user_uuid, group_uuid, max_p_val|
222 all_perms[user_uuid] ||= {}
223 all_perms[user_uuid][group_uuid] = PERMS_FOR_VAL[max_p_val.to_i]
228 # Return a hash of {group_uuid: perm_hash} where perm_hash[:read]
229 # and perm_hash[:write] are true if this user can read and write
230 # objects owned by group_uuid.
231 def group_permissions(level=1)
233 if @group_perms.empty?
234 user_uuids_subquery = USER_UUIDS_SUBQUERY_TEMPLATE % {user: "$1", perm_level: 1}
236 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.
238 SELECT target_uuid, perm_level
240 WHERE user_uuid in (#{user_uuids_subquery}) and perm_level >= 1
242 # "name" arg is a query label that appears in logs:
243 "User.group_permissions",
244 # "binds" arg is an array of [col_id, value] for '$1' vars:
246 rows.each do |group_uuid, max_p_val|
247 @group_perms[group_uuid] = PERMS_FOR_VAL[max_p_val.to_i]
255 @group_perms.select {|k,v| v[:write] }
257 @group_perms.select {|k,v| v[:manage] }
259 raise "level must be 1, 2 or 3"
264 def setup(repo_name: nil, vm_uuid: nil, send_notification_email: nil)
265 newly_invited = Link.where(tail_uuid: self.uuid,
266 head_uuid: all_users_group_uuid,
267 link_class: 'permission',
268 name: 'can_read').empty?
270 # Add can_read link from this user to "all users" which makes this
271 # user "invited", and (depending on config) a link in the opposite
272 # direction which makes this user visible to other users.
273 group_perms = add_to_all_users_group
276 repo_perm = if (!repo_name.nil? || Rails.configuration.Users.AutoSetupNewUsersWithRepository) and !username.nil?
277 repo_name ||= "#{username}/#{username}"
278 create_user_repo_link repo_name
281 # Add virtual machine
282 if vm_uuid.nil? and !Rails.configuration.Users.AutoSetupNewUsersWithVmUUID.empty?
283 vm_uuid = Rails.configuration.Users.AutoSetupNewUsersWithVmUUID
286 vm_login_perm = if vm_uuid && username
287 create_vm_login_permission_link(vm_uuid, username)
291 if send_notification_email.nil?
292 send_notification_email = Rails.configuration.Mail.SendUserSetupNotificationEmail
295 if newly_invited and send_notification_email and !Rails.configuration.Users.UserSetupMailText.empty?
297 UserNotifier.account_is_setup(self).deliver_now
299 logger.warn "Failed to send email to #{self.email}: #{e}"
303 forget_cached_group_perms
305 return [repo_perm, vm_login_perm, *group_perms, self].compact
308 # delete user signatures, login, repo, and vm perms, and mark as inactive
310 if self.uuid == system_user_uuid
311 raise "System root user cannot be deactivated"
314 # delete oid_login_perms for this user
316 # note: these permission links are obsolete anyway: they have no
317 # effect on anything and they are not created for new users.
318 Link.where(tail_uuid: self.email,
319 link_class: 'permission',
320 name: 'can_login').destroy_all
322 # Delete all sharing permissions so (a) the user doesn't
323 # automatically regain access to anything if re-setup in future,
324 # (b) the user doesn't appear in "currently shared with" lists
325 # shown to other users.
327 # Notably this includes the can_read -> "all users" group
329 Link.where(tail_uuid: self.uuid,
330 link_class: 'permission').destroy_all
332 # delete any signatures by this user
333 Link.where(link_class: 'signature',
334 tail_uuid: self.uuid).destroy_all
336 # delete tokens for this user
337 ApiClientAuthorization.where(user_id: self.id).destroy_all
338 # delete ssh keys for this user
339 AuthorizedKey.where(owner_uuid: self.uuid).destroy_all
340 AuthorizedKey.where(authorized_user_uuid: self.uuid).destroy_all
342 # delete user preferences (including profile)
345 # mark the user as inactive
346 self.is_admin = false # can't be admin and inactive
347 self.is_active = false
348 forget_cached_group_perms
352 # Called from ArvadosModel
353 def set_default_owner
354 self.owner_uuid = system_user_uuid
357 def must_unsetup_to_deactivate
358 if !self.new_record? &&
359 self.uuid[0..4] == Rails.configuration.Login.LoginCluster &&
360 self.uuid[0..4] != Rails.configuration.ClusterID
361 # OK to update our local record to whatever the LoginCluster
362 # reports, because self-activate is not allowed.
364 elsif self.is_active_changed? &&
365 self.is_active_was &&
368 # When a user is set up, they are added to the "All users"
369 # group. A user that is part of the "All users" group is
370 # allowed to self-activate.
372 # It doesn't make sense to deactivate a user (set is_active =
373 # false) without first removing them from the "All users" group,
374 # because they would be able to immediately reactivate
377 # The 'unsetup' method removes the user from the "All users"
378 # group (and also sets is_active = false) so send a message
379 # explaining the correct way to deactivate a user.
381 if Link.where(tail_uuid: self.uuid,
382 head_uuid: all_users_group_uuid,
383 link_class: 'permission').any?
384 errors.add :is_active, "cannot be set to false directly, use the 'Deactivate' button on Workbench, or the 'unsetup' API call"
389 def set_initial_username(requested: false)
390 if (!requested.is_a?(String) || requested.empty?) and email
391 email_parts = email.partition("@")
392 local_parts = email_parts.first.partition("+")
393 if email_parts.any?(&:empty?)
395 elsif not local_parts.first.empty?
396 requested = local_parts.first
398 requested = email_parts.first
402 requested.sub!(/^[^A-Za-z]+/, "")
403 requested.gsub!(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/, "")
405 unless !requested || requested.empty?
406 self.username = find_usable_username_from(requested)
410 def active_is_not_nil
411 self.is_active = false if self.is_active.nil?
412 self.is_admin = false if self.is_admin.nil?
415 # Move this user's (i.e., self's) owned items to new_owner_uuid and
416 # new_user_uuid (for things normally owned directly by the user).
418 # If redirect_auth is true, also reassign auth tokens and ssh keys,
419 # and redirect this account to redirect_to_user_uuid, i.e., when a
420 # caller authenticates to this account in the future, the account
421 # redirect_to_user_uuid account will be used instead.
423 # current_user must have admin privileges, i.e., the caller is
424 # responsible for checking permission to do this.
425 def merge(new_owner_uuid:, new_user_uuid:, redirect_to_new_user:)
426 raise PermissionDeniedError if !current_user.andand.is_admin
427 raise "Missing new_owner_uuid" if !new_owner_uuid
428 raise "Missing new_user_uuid" if !new_user_uuid
429 transaction(requires_new: true) do
431 raise "cannot merge an already merged user" if self.redirect_to_user_uuid
433 new_user = User.where(uuid: new_user_uuid).first
434 raise "user does not exist" if !new_user
435 raise "cannot merge to an already merged user" if new_user.redirect_to_user_uuid
437 self.clear_permissions
438 new_user.clear_permissions
440 # If 'self' is a remote user, don't transfer authorizations
441 # (i.e. ability to access the account) to the new user, because
442 # that gives the remote site the ability to access the 'new'
443 # user account that takes over the 'self' account.
445 # If 'self' is a local user, it is okay to transfer
446 # authorizations, even if the 'new' user is a remote account,
447 # because the remote site does not gain the ability to access an
448 # account it could not before.
450 if redirect_to_new_user and self.uuid[0..4] == Rails.configuration.ClusterID
451 # Existing API tokens and ssh keys are updated to authenticate
453 ApiClientAuthorization.
455 update_all(user_id: new_user.id)
458 [AuthorizedKey, :owner_uuid],
459 [AuthorizedKey, :authorized_user_uuid],
465 # Destroy API tokens and ssh keys associated with the old
467 ApiClientAuthorization.where(user_id: id).destroy_all
468 AuthorizedKey.where(owner_uuid: uuid).destroy_all
469 AuthorizedKey.where(authorized_user_uuid: uuid).destroy_all
476 # References to the old user UUID in the context of a user ID
477 # (rather than a "home project" in the project hierarchy) are
478 # updated to point to the new user.
479 user_updates.each do |klass, column|
480 klass.where(column => uuid).update_all(column => new_user.uuid)
483 # Need to update repository names to new username
485 old_repo_name_re = /^#{Regexp.escape(username)}\//
486 Repository.where(:owner_uuid => uuid).each do |repo|
487 repo.owner_uuid = new_user.uuid
488 repo_name_sub = "#{new_user.username}/"
489 name = repo.name.sub(old_repo_name_re, repo_name_sub)
490 while (conflict = Repository.where(:name => name).first) != nil
491 repo_name_sub += "migrated"
492 name = repo.name.sub(old_repo_name_re, repo_name_sub)
499 # References to the merged user's "home project" are updated to
500 # point to new_owner_uuid.
501 ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.reject(&:abstract_class?).each do |klass|
502 next if [ApiClientAuthorization,
506 Repository].include?(klass)
507 next if !klass.columns.collect(&:name).include?('owner_uuid')
508 klass.where(owner_uuid: uuid).update_all(owner_uuid: new_owner_uuid)
511 if redirect_to_new_user
512 update!(redirect_to_user_uuid: new_user.uuid, username: nil)
514 skip_check_permissions_against_full_refresh do
515 update_permissions self.uuid, self.uuid, CAN_MANAGE_PERM, nil, true
516 update_permissions new_user.uuid, new_user.uuid, CAN_MANAGE_PERM, nil, true
517 update_permissions new_user.owner_uuid, new_user.uuid, CAN_MANAGE_PERM, nil, true
519 update_permissions self.owner_uuid, self.uuid, CAN_MANAGE_PERM, nil, true
526 while (uuid = user.redirect_to_user_uuid)
528 nextuser = User.unscoped.find_by_uuid(uuid)
530 raise Exception.new("user uuid #{user.uuid} redirects to nonexistent uuid '#{uuid}'")
535 raise "Starting from #{self.uuid} redirect_to_user_uuid exceeded maximum number of redirects"
541 def self.register info
542 # login info expected fields, all can be optional but at minimum
543 # must supply either 'identity_url' or 'email'
555 identity_url = info['identity_url']
557 if identity_url && identity_url.length > 0
558 # Only local users can create sessions, hence uuid_like_pattern
560 user = User.unscoped.where('identity_url = ? and uuid like ?',
562 User.uuid_like_pattern).first
563 primary_user = user.redirects_to if user
567 # identity url is unset or didn't find matching record.
568 emails = [info['email']] + (info['alternate_emails'] || [])
569 emails.select! {|em| !em.nil? && !em.empty?}
571 User.unscoped.where('email in (?) and uuid like ?',
573 User.uuid_like_pattern).each do |user|
575 primary_user = user.redirects_to
576 elsif primary_user.uuid != user.redirects_to.uuid
577 raise "Ambiguous email address, directs to both #{primary_user.uuid} and #{user.redirects_to.uuid}"
583 # New user registration
584 primary_user = User.new(:owner_uuid => system_user_uuid,
586 :is_active => Rails.configuration.Users.NewUsersAreActive)
588 primary_user.set_initial_username(requested: info['username']) if info['username'] && !info['username'].blank?
589 primary_user.identity_url = info['identity_url'] if identity_url
592 primary_user.email = info['email'] if info['email']
593 primary_user.first_name = info['first_name'] if info['first_name']
594 primary_user.last_name = info['last_name'] if info['last_name']
596 if (!primary_user.email or primary_user.email.empty?) and (!primary_user.identity_url or primary_user.identity_url.empty?)
597 raise "Must have supply at least one of 'email' or 'identity_url' to User.register"
600 act_as_system_user do
607 def self.update_remote_user remote_user
608 remote_user = remote_user.symbolize_keys
610 user = User.find_or_create_by(uuid: remote_user[:uuid])
611 rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
615 remote_user_prefix = user.uuid[0..4]
618 [:email, :username, :first_name, :last_name, :prefs].each do |k|
620 if !v.nil? && user.send(k) != v
625 user.email = needupdate[:email] if needupdate[:email]
627 loginCluster = Rails.configuration.Login.LoginCluster
628 if user.username.nil? || user.username == ""
629 # Don't have a username yet, set one
630 needupdate[:username] = user.set_initial_username(requested: remote_user[:username])
631 elsif remote_user_prefix != loginCluster
632 # Upstream is not login cluster, don't try to change the
634 needupdate.delete :username
637 if needupdate.length > 0
639 user.update!(needupdate)
640 rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
641 if remote_user_prefix == loginCluster && !needupdate[:username].nil?
642 local_user = User.find_by_username(needupdate[:username])
643 # The username of this record conflicts with an existing,
644 # different user record. This can happen because the
645 # username changed upstream on the login cluster, or
646 # because we're federated with another cluster with a user
647 # by the same username. The login cluster is the source
648 # of truth, so change the username on the conflicting
649 # record and retry the update operation.
650 if local_user.uuid != user.uuid
651 new_username = "#{needupdate[:username]}#{rand(99999999)}"
652 Rails.logger.warn("cached username '#{needupdate[:username]}' collision with user '#{local_user.uuid}' - renaming to '#{new_username}' before retrying")
653 local_user.update!({username: new_username})
657 raise # Not the issue we're handling above
661 if user.is_invited && remote_user[:is_invited] == false
662 # Remote user is not "invited" state, they should be unsetup, which
663 # also makes them inactive.
666 if !user.is_invited && remote_user[:is_invited] and
667 (remote_user_prefix == Rails.configuration.Login.LoginCluster or
668 Rails.configuration.Users.AutoSetupNewUsers or
669 Rails.configuration.Users.NewUsersAreActive or
670 Rails.configuration.RemoteClusters[remote_user_prefix].andand["ActivateUsers"])
671 # Remote user is 'invited' and should be set up
675 if !user.is_active && remote_user[:is_active] && user.is_invited and
676 (remote_user_prefix == Rails.configuration.Login.LoginCluster or
677 Rails.configuration.Users.NewUsersAreActive or
678 Rails.configuration.RemoteClusters[remote_user_prefix].andand["ActivateUsers"])
679 # remote user is active and invited, we need to activate them
680 user.update!(is_active: true)
681 elsif user.is_active && remote_user[:is_active] == false
682 # remote user is not active, we need to de-activate them
683 user.update!(is_active: false)
686 if remote_user_prefix == Rails.configuration.Login.LoginCluster and
688 !remote_user[:is_admin].nil? and
689 user.is_admin != remote_user[:is_admin]
690 # Remote cluster controls our user database, including the
692 user.update!(is_admin: remote_user[:is_admin])
701 def self.attributes_required_columns
703 'can_write' => ['owner_uuid', 'uuid'],
704 'can_manage' => ['owner_uuid', 'uuid'],
708 def change_all_uuid_refs(old_uuid:, new_uuid:)
709 ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.reject(&:abstract_class?).each do |klass|
710 klass.columns.each do |col|
711 if col.name.end_with?('_uuid')
712 column = col.name.to_sym
713 klass.where(column => old_uuid).update_all(column => new_uuid)
719 def ensure_ownership_path_leads_to_user
723 def permission_to_update
724 if username_changed? || redirect_to_user_uuid_changed? || email_changed?
725 current_user.andand.is_admin
727 # users must be able to update themselves (even if they are
728 # inactive) in order to create sessions
729 self == current_user or super
733 def permission_to_create
734 current_user.andand.is_admin or
735 (self == current_user &&
736 self.redirect_to_user_uuid.nil? &&
737 self.is_active == Rails.configuration.Users.NewUsersAreActive)
741 return if self.uuid.end_with?('anonymouspublic')
742 if (User.where("email = ?",self.email).where(:is_admin => true).count == 0 and
743 !Rails.configuration.Users.AutoAdminUserWithEmail.empty? and self.email == Rails.configuration.Users["AutoAdminUserWithEmail"]) or
744 (User.where("uuid not like '%-000000000000000'").where(:is_admin => true).count == 0 and
745 Rails.configuration.Users.AutoAdminFirstUser)
747 self.is_active = true
751 def find_usable_username_from(basename)
752 # If "basename" is a usable username, return that.
753 # Otherwise, find a unique username "basenameN", where N is the
754 # smallest integer greater than 1, and return that.
755 # Return nil if a unique username can't be found after reasonable
757 quoted_name = self.class.connection.quote_string(basename)
758 next_username = basename
760 while Rails.configuration.Users.AutoSetupUsernameBlacklist[next_username]
762 next_username = "%s%i" % [basename, next_suffix]
764 0.upto(6).each do |suffix_len|
765 pattern = "%s%s" % [quoted_name, "_" * suffix_len]
767 where("username like '#{pattern}'").
769 order('username asc').
771 if other_user.username > next_username
773 elsif other_user.username == next_username
775 next_username = "%s%i" % [basename, next_suffix]
778 return next_username if (next_username.size <= pattern.size)
783 def prevent_privilege_escalation
784 if current_user.andand.is_admin
787 if self.is_active_changed?
788 if self.is_active != self.is_active_was
789 logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to change is_active from #{self.is_active_was} to #{self.is_active} for #{self.uuid}"
790 self.is_active = self.is_active_was
793 if self.is_admin_changed?
794 if self.is_admin != self.is_admin_was
795 logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to change is_admin from #{self.is_admin_was} to #{self.is_admin} for #{self.uuid}"
796 self.is_admin = self.is_admin_was
802 def prevent_inactive_admin
803 if self.is_admin and not self.is_active
804 # There is no known use case for the strange set of permissions
805 # that would result from this change. It's safest to assume it's
806 # a mistake and disallow it outright.
807 raise "Admin users cannot be inactive"
812 def prevent_nonadmin_system_root
813 if self.uuid == system_user_uuid and self.is_admin_changed? and !self.is_admin
814 raise "System root user cannot be non-admin"
819 def search_permissions(start, graph, merged={}, upstream_mask=nil, upstream_path={})
820 nextpaths = graph[start]
821 return merged if !nextpaths
822 return merged if upstream_path.has_key? start
823 upstream_path[start] = true
824 upstream_mask ||= ALL_PERMISSIONS
825 nextpaths.each do |head, mask|
828 merged[head][k] ||= v if upstream_mask[k]
830 search_permissions(head, graph, merged, upstream_mask.select { |k,v| v && merged[head][k] }, upstream_path)
832 upstream_path.delete start
836 def create_user_repo_link(repo_name)
837 # repo_name is optional
839 logger.warn ("Repository name not given for #{self.uuid}.")
843 repo = Repository.where(owner_uuid: uuid, name: repo_name).first_or_create!
844 logger.info { "repo uuid: " + repo[:uuid] }
845 repo_perm = Link.where(tail_uuid: uuid, head_uuid: repo.uuid,
846 link_class: "permission",
847 name: "can_manage").first_or_create!
848 logger.info { "repo permission: " + repo_perm[:uuid] }
852 # create login permission for the given vm_uuid, if it does not already exist
853 def create_vm_login_permission_link(vm_uuid, repo_name)
854 # vm uuid is optional
855 return if vm_uuid == ""
857 vm = VirtualMachine.where(uuid: vm_uuid).first
859 logger.warn "Could not find virtual machine for #{vm_uuid.inspect}"
860 raise "No vm found for #{vm_uuid}"
863 logger.info { "vm uuid: " + vm[:uuid] }
865 tail_uuid: uuid, head_uuid: vm.uuid,
866 link_class: "permission", name: "can_login",
871 select { |link| link.properties["username"] == repo_name }.
875 create(login_attrs.merge(properties: {"username" => repo_name}))
877 logger.info { "login permission: " + login_perm[:uuid] }
881 def add_to_all_users_group
882 resp = [Link.where(tail_uuid: self.uuid,
883 head_uuid: all_users_group_uuid,
884 link_class: 'permission',
885 name: 'can_write').first ||
886 Link.create(tail_uuid: self.uuid,
887 head_uuid: all_users_group_uuid,
888 link_class: 'permission',
890 if Rails.configuration.Users.ActivatedUsersAreVisibleToOthers
891 resp += [Link.where(tail_uuid: all_users_group_uuid,
892 head_uuid: self.uuid,
893 link_class: 'permission',
894 name: 'can_read').first ||
895 Link.create(tail_uuid: all_users_group_uuid,
896 head_uuid: self.uuid,
897 link_class: 'permission',
903 # Give the special "System group" permission to manage this user and
904 # all of this user's stuff.
905 def add_system_group_permission_link
906 return true if uuid == system_user_uuid
907 act_as_system_user do
908 Link.create(link_class: 'permission',
910 tail_uuid: system_group_uuid,
911 head_uuid: self.uuid)
915 # Send admin notifications
916 def send_admin_notifications
917 AdminNotifier.new_user(self).deliver_now
918 if not self.is_active then
919 AdminNotifier.new_inactive_user(self).deliver_now
923 # Automatically setup if is_active flag turns on
924 def setup_on_activate
925 return if [system_user_uuid, anonymous_user_uuid].include?(self.uuid)
927 (new_record? || saved_change_to_is_active? || will_save_change_to_is_active?)
932 # Automatically setup new user during creation
933 def auto_setup_new_user
937 # Send notification if the user saved profile for the first time
938 def send_profile_created_notification
939 if saved_change_to_prefs?
940 if prefs_before_last_save.andand.empty? || !prefs_before_last_save.andand['profile']
941 profile_notification_address = Rails.configuration.Users.UserProfileNotificationAddress
942 ProfileNotifier.profile_created(self, profile_notification_address).deliver_now if profile_notification_address and !profile_notification_address.empty?
947 def verify_repositories_empty
948 unless repositories.first.nil?
949 errors.add(:username, "can't be unset when the user owns repositories")
954 def sync_repository_names
955 old_name_re = /^#{Regexp.escape(username_before_last_save)}\//
956 name_sub = "#{username}/"
957 repositories.find_each do |repo|
958 repo.name = repo.name.sub(old_name_re, name_sub)
963 def identity_url_nil_if_empty
964 if identity_url == ""
965 self.identity_url = nil