3 navsection: installguide
4 title: Install Keepstore servers
7 Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
9 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
12 Keepstore provides access to underlying storage for reading and writing content-addressed blocks, with enforcement of Arvados permissions. Keepstore supports a variety of cloud object storage and POSIX filesystems for its backing store.
14 h3. Plan your storage layout
16 In the steps below, you will configure a number of backend storage volumes (like local filesystems and S3 buckets) and specify which keepstore servers have read-only and read-write access to which volumes.
18 It is possible to configure arbitrary server/volume layouts. However, in order to provide good performance and efficient use of storage resources, we strongly recommend using one of the following layouts:
20 # Each volume is writable by exactly one server, and optionally readable by one or more other servers. The total capacity of all writable volumes is the same for each server.
21 # Each volume is writable by all servers. Each volume has enough built-in redundancy to satisfy your requirements, i.e., you do not need Arvados to mirror data across multiple volumes.
23 We recommend starting off with two Keepstore servers. Exact server specifications will be site and workload specific, but in general keepstore will be I/O bound and should be set up to maximize aggregate bandwidth with compute nodes. To increase capacity (either space or throughput) it is straightforward to add additional servers, or (in cloud environments) to increase the machine size of the existing servers.
25 By convention, we use the following hostname pattern:
28 table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
30 |keep0.@uuid_prefix@.your.domain|
31 |keep1.@uuid_prefix@.your.domain|
34 Keepstore servers should not be directly accessible from the Internet (they are accessed via "keepproxy":install-keepproxy.html), so the hostnames only need to resolve on the private network.
38 On Debian-based systems:
41 <pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">sudo apt-get install keepstore</span>
45 On Red Hat-based systems:
48 <pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">sudo yum install keepstore</span>
52 Verify that Keepstore is functional:
55 <pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">keepstore --version</span>
59 h3. Create a superuser token
61 If you haven't already done so, create a superuser token.
63 {% include 'create_superuser_token' %}
65 h3. Update cluster config file
67 Add or update the following sections of @/etc/arvados/config.yml@ as needed. Refer to the examples and comments in the "default config.yml file":{{site.baseurl}}/admin/config.html for more information.
71 <span class="userinput">uuid_prefix</span>:
72 SystemRootToken: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
76 "http://<span class="userinput">keep0.uuid_prefix.example.com</span>:25107/": {}
78 MaxKeepBlobBuffers: 128
82 h3. Note on storage management
84 On its own, a keepstore server never deletes data. Instead, the keep-balance service determines which blocks are candidates for deletion and instructs the keepstore to move those blocks to the trash. Please see the "Balancing Keep servers":{{site.baseurl}}/admin/keep-balance.html for more details.
86 h3. Configure storage volumes
88 Available storage volume types include POSIX filesystems and cloud object storage.
90 * To use a POSIX filesystem, including both local filesystems (ext4, xfs) and network file system such as GPFS or Lustre, follow the setup instructions on "Filesystem storage":configure-fs-storage.html
91 * If you are using S3-compatible object storage (including Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Ceph RADOS), follow the setup instructions on "S3 Object Storage":configure-s3-object-storage.html
92 * If you are using Azure Blob Storage, follow the setup instructions on "Azure Blob Storage":configure-azure-blob-storage.html
94 h2. Run keepstore as a supervised service
96 h3. Start the service (option 1: systemd)
98 If your system does not use systemd, skip this section and follow the "runit instructions":#runit instead.
100 If your system uses systemd, the keepstore service should already be set up. Restart it to read the updated configuration, and check its status:
103 <pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">sudo systemctl restart keepstore</span>
104 ~$ <span class="userinput">sudo systemctl status keepstore</span>
105 ● keepstore.service - Arvados Keep Storage Daemon
106 Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/keepstore.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
107 Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-09-10 14:16:29 UTC; 1s ago
108 Docs: https://doc.arvados.org/
109 Main PID: 25465 (keepstore)
110 Tasks: 9 (limit: 4915)
111 CGroup: /system.slice/keepstore.service
112 └─25465 /usr/bin/keepstore
117 h3(#runit). Start the service (option 2: runit)
119 Install runit to supervise the keepstore daemon. {% include 'install_runit' %}
121 Install this script as the run script @/etc/sv/keepstore/run@ for the keepstore service:
127 GOGC=10 exec keepstore
131 h2. Set up additional servers
133 Repeat the above sections to prepare volumes and bring up supervised services on each Keepstore server you are setting up.
135 h2. Restart the API server and controller
137 After adding all of your keepstore servers to the Services section, make sure the cluster config file is up to date on the API server host, and restart the API server and controller processes to ensure the changes are applied.
140 sudo systemctl restart nginx arvados-controller
143 h2(#testing). Testing keep
145 Install the "Python SDK":{{site.baseurl}}/sdk/python/sdk-python.html
147 @ARVADOS_API_HOST@ and @ARVADOS_API_TOKEN@ must be set in the environment.
149 You should now be able to use @arv-put@ to upload collections and @arv-get@ to fetch collections:
152 $ echo "hello world!" > hello.txt
154 $ arv-put --portable-data-hash hello.txt
155 2018-07-12 13:35:25 arvados.arv_put[28702] INFO: Creating new cache file at /home/example/.cache/arvados/arv-put/1571ec0adb397c6a18d5c74cc95b3a2a
156 0M / 0M 100.0% 2018-07-12 13:35:27 arvados.arv_put[28702] INFO:
158 2018-07-12 13:35:27 arvados.arv_put[28702] INFO: Collection saved as 'Saved at 2018-07-12 17:35:25 UTC by example@example'
159 59389a8f9ee9d399be35462a0f92541c+53
161 $ arv-get 59389a8f9ee9d399be35462a0f92541c+53/hello.txt