1 require 'minitest/autorun'
5 class TestBigRequest < Minitest::Test
6 def boring_manifest nblocks
8 (0..nblocks).each do |z|
9 x += ' d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0'
15 def test_create_manifest nblocks=1
16 skip "Test needs an API server to run against"
17 manifest_text = boring_manifest nblocks
18 uuid = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(manifest_text) + '+' + manifest_text.size.to_s
19 c = Arvados.new.collection.create(collection: {
21 manifest_text: manifest_text,
23 assert_equal uuid, c[:portable_data_hash]
26 def test_create_big_manifest
27 # This ensures that manifest_text is passed in the request body:
28 # it's too large to fit in the query string.
29 test_create_manifest 9999