1 if not File.exists?('/usr/bin/git') then
2 STDERR.puts "\nGit binary not found, aborting. Please install git and run gem build from a checked out copy of the git repository.\n\n"
6 Gem::Specification.new do |s|
8 s.version = '0.1.' + `/usr/bin/git log --pretty=format:'%ci' -n 1`[0..18].gsub(/[ \-:]/,'')
9 s.date = `/usr/bin/git log --pretty=format:'%ci' -n 1`[0..9]
10 s.summary = "Arvados SDK CLI"
11 s.description = "This is the Arvados SDK CLI gem, git revision " + `/usr/bin/git log --pretty=format:'%H' -n 1`
12 s.authors = ["Arvados Authors"]
13 s.email = 'gem-dev@clinicalfuture.com'
15 s.licenses = ['Apache License, Version 2.0']
16 s.files = ["bin/arv","bin/arv-run-pipeline-instance"]
17 s.executables << "arv"
18 s.executables << "arv-run-pipeline-instance"
19 s.add_dependency('google-api-client', '>= 0.6.3')
20 s.add_dependency('activesupport', '>= 3.2.13')
21 s.add_dependency('json', '>= 1.7.7')
22 s.add_dependency('trollop', '>= 2.0')
23 s.add_dependency('andand', '>= 1.3.3')
24 s.add_dependency('oj', '>= 2.0.3')