5 versionglob="[0-9].[0-9]*.[0-9]*"
8 # automatically assign version
10 # handles the following cases:
12 # 1. commit is directly tagged. print that.
14 # 2. commit is on master or a development branch, the nearest tag is older
15 # than commit where this branch joins master.
16 # -> take greatest version tag in repo X.Y.Z and assign X.(Y+1).0
18 # 3. commit is on a release branch, the nearest tag is newer
19 # than the commit where this branch joins master.
20 # -> take nearest tag X.Y.Z and assign X.Y.(Z+1)
22 tagged=$(git tag --points-at "$commit")
24 if [[ -n "$tagged" ]] ; then
27 # 1. get the nearest tag with 'git describe'
28 # 2. get the merge base between this commit and master
29 # 3. if the tag is an ancestor of the merge base,
30 # (tag is older than merge base) increment minor version
31 # else, tag is newer than merge base, so increment point version
33 nearest_tag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 --match "$versionglob" "$commit")
34 merge_base=$(git merge-base origin/master "$commit")
36 if git merge-base --is-ancestor "$nearest_tag" "$merge_base" ; then
37 # x.(y+1).0.devTIMESTAMP, where x.y.z is the newest version that does not contain $commit
38 # grep reads the list of tags (-f) that contain $commit and filters them out (-v)
39 # this prevents a newer tag from retroactively changing the versions of everything before it
40 v=$(git tag | grep -vFf <(git tag --contains "$commit") | sort -Vr | head -n1 | perl -pe 's/\.(\d+)\.\d+/".".($1+1).".0"/e')
42 # x.y.(z+1).devTIMESTAMP, where x.y.z is the latest released ancestor of $commit
43 v=$(echo $nearest_tag | perl -pe 's/(\d+)$/$1+1/e')
45 isodate=$(TZ=UTC git log -n1 --format=%cd --date=iso "$commit")
46 ts=$(TZ=UTC date --date="$isodate" "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
47 echo "${v}${devsuffix}${ts}"