1 <h2>Oh... fiddlesticks.</h2>
3 <p>An error occurred when Workbench sent a request to the Arvados API server. Try reloading this page. If the problem is temporary, your request might go through next time.
8 If that doesn't work, the information below can help system administrators track down the problem.
12 <dt>API request URL</dt>
13 <dd><code><%= api_error.request_url %></code></dd>
15 <% if api_error.api_response.empty? %>
16 <dt>Invalid API response</dt>
17 <dd><%= api_error.api_response_s %></dd>
20 <dd><pre><%= Oj.dump(api_error.api_response, indent: 2) %></pre></dd>
26 <br/><strong>Would you like to report this problem?</strong></br>
28 <%= link_to report_issue_popup_path(popup_type: 'report', current_location: request.fullpath, action_method: 'post', api_error_request_url: api_error.request_url, api_error_response: api_error.api_response_s),
29 {class: 'btn btn-primary report-issue-modal-window', 'data-toggle' => "modal", 'data-target' => '#report-issue-modal-window', :remote => true, return_to: request.url} do %>
30 <i class="fa fa-fw fa-support"></i> Report problem
33 <%= link_to report_issue_popup_path(popup_type: 'report', current_location: request.fullpath, action_method: 'post'),
34 {class: 'btn btn-primary report-issue-modal-window', 'data-toggle' => "modal", 'data-target' => '#report-issue-modal-window', :remote => true, return_to: request.url} do %>
35 <i class="fa fa-fw fa-support"></i> Report problem