3 navsection: installguide
4 title: Salt prerequisites
7 Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
9 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
12 # "Introduction":#introduction
13 # "Install Saltstack":#saltstack
14 # "Choose an Arvados installation configuration":#installconfiguration
16 h2(#introduction). Introduction
18 To ease the installation of the various Arvados components, we have developed a "Saltstack":https://www.saltstack.com/ 's "arvados-formula":https://github.com/arvados/arvados-formula.git which can help you get an Arvados cluster up and running.
20 Saltstack is a Python-based, open-source software for event-driven IT automation, remote task execution, and configuration management. It can be used in a master/minion setup or master-less.
22 This is a package-based installation method. The Salt scripts to install and configure Arvados using this formula are available at the "tools/salt-install":https://github.com/arvados/arvados/tree/master/tools/salt-install directory in the Arvados git repository.
24 h2(#saltstack). Install Saltstack
26 If you already have a Saltstack environment or you plan to use the @provision.sh@ script we provide, you can skip this section.
28 The simplest way to get Salt up and running on a node is to use the bootstrap script they provide:
31 <pre><code>curl -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com -o /tmp/bootstrap_salt.sh
32 sudo sh /tmp/bootstrap_salt.sh -XUdfP -x python3
36 For more information check "Saltstack's documentation":https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/installation/index.html
38 h2(#installconfiguration). Choose an Arvados installation configuration
40 The salt formula can be used in a few different ways. Choose one of these three options to install Arvados:
42 * "Arvados on a single host":salt-single-host.html
43 * "Arvados across multiple hosts":salt-multi-host.html
44 * "Use Vagrant to install Arvados in a virtual machine":salt-vagrant.html