1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 require 'request_error'
10 def initialize locator
15 !!@locator.match(/^d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e(\+.*)?$/)
18 # In order to get a Blob from Keep, you have to prove either
19 # [a] you have recently written it to Keep yourself, or
20 # [b] apiserver has recently decided that you should be able to read it
22 # To ensure that the requestor of a blob is authorized to read it,
23 # Keep requires clients to timestamp the blob locator with an expiry
24 # time, and to sign the timestamped locator with their API token.
26 # A signed blob locator has the form:
27 # locator_hash +A blob_signature @ timestamp
28 # where the timestamp is a Unix time expressed as a hexadecimal value,
29 # and the blob_signature is the signed locator_hash + API token + timestamp.
31 class InvalidSignatureError < RequestError
34 # Blob.sign_locator: return a signed and timestamped blob locator.
36 # The 'opts' argument should include:
37 # [required] :api_token - API token (signatures only work for this token)
38 # [optional] :key - the Arvados server-side blobstore key
39 # [optional] :ttl - number of seconds before signature should expire
40 # [optional] :expire - unix timestamp when signature should expire
42 def self.sign_locator blob_locator, opts
43 # We only use the hash portion for signatures.
44 blob_hash = blob_locator.split('+').first
46 # Generate an expiry timestamp (seconds after epoch, base 16)
49 raise "Cannot specify both :ttl and :expire options"
51 timestamp = opts[:expire]
53 timestamp = db_current_time.to_i +
54 (opts[:ttl] || Rails.configuration.Collections.BlobSigningTTL)
56 timestamp_hex = timestamp.to_s(16)
58 blob_signature_ttl = Rails.configuration.Collections.BlobSigningTTL.to_s(16)
60 # Generate a signature.
62 generate_signature((opts[:key] or Rails.configuration.Collections.BlobSigningKey),
63 blob_hash, opts[:api_token], timestamp_hex, blob_signature_ttl)
65 blob_locator + '+A' + signature + '@' + timestamp_hex
68 # Blob.verify_signature
69 # Safely verify the signature on a blob locator.
70 # Return value: true if the locator has a valid signature, false otherwise
71 # Arguments: signed_blob_locator, opts
73 def self.verify_signature(*args)
75 self.verify_signature!(*args)
77 rescue Blob::InvalidSignatureError
82 # Blob.verify_signature!
83 # Verify the signature on a blob locator.
84 # Return value: true if the locator has a valid signature
85 # Arguments: signed_blob_locator, opts
87 # Blob::InvalidSignatureError if the blob locator does not include a
90 def self.verify_signature! signed_blob_locator, opts
91 blob_hash = signed_blob_locator.split('+').first
92 given_signature, timestamp = signed_blob_locator.
98 raise Blob::InvalidSignatureError.new 'No signature provided.'
100 unless timestamp =~ /^[\da-f]+$/
101 raise Blob::InvalidSignatureError.new 'Timestamp is not a base16 number.'
103 if timestamp.to_i(16) < (opts[:now] or db_current_time.to_i)
104 raise Blob::InvalidSignatureError.new 'Signature expiry time has passed.'
106 blob_signature_ttl = Rails.configuration.Collections.BlobSigningTTL.to_s(16)
109 generate_signature((opts[:key] or Rails.configuration.Collections.BlobSigningKey),
110 blob_hash, opts[:api_token], timestamp, blob_signature_ttl)
112 if my_signature != given_signature
113 raise Blob::InvalidSignatureError.new 'Signature is invalid.'
119 def self.generate_signature key, blob_hash, api_token, timestamp, blob_signature_ttl
120 OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha1', key,
124 blob_signature_ttl].join('@'))