5 title: "Command line interface"
8 h1. Reference: Command Line Interface
10 *First, you should be "logged into an Arvados VM instance":{{site.baseurl}}/user/getting_started/ssh-access.html#login, and have a "working environment.":{{site.baseurl}}/user/getting_started/check-environment.html*
14 @arv [global_options] resource_type resource_method [method_parameters]@
18 - @--format=json@ := Output response as JSON. This is the default format.
20 - @--format=yaml@ := Output response as YAML
22 - @--format=uuid@ := Output only the UUIDs of object(s) in the API response, one per line.
25 h3. Resource types and methods
27 Get list of resource types
30 Get list of resource methods for the "user" resource type
36 Get record for current user
39 Get entire record for some specific user
40 @arv user get --uuid 6dnxa-tpzed-iimd25zhzh84gbk@
43 @arv user update --uuid 6dnxa-tpzed-iimd25zhzh84gbk --first-name "Bob"@
49 @arv group delete --uuid 6dnxa-j7d0g-iw7i6n43d37jtog@