4 title: "Tutorial: Debug a crunch script"
8 h1. Tutorial: Debug a crunch script
10 The commit-push-submit cycle is too slow for developing and debugging crunch scripts.
12 Get quicker turnaround times by running jobs in your VM (rather than submitting to the job queue) using your working git tree (rather than committing and pushing every little change).
16 * Log in to a VM (see "Setting up SSH access":ssh-access.html)
17 * Check out your git tree (see "Intro: git":intro-git.html)
18 * Set up your API token environment variables (see "Getting an API token":api-tokens.html)
20 If everything is set up correctly, the command @arv -h user current@ will display your account information.
24 Change to your git repository working tree and make sure the @crunch_scripts@ directory exists.
27 yourname@shell:~$ cd yourrepo
28 yourname@shell:~/yourrepo$ mkdir -p crunch_scripts
31 {% include notebox-begin.html %}
33 The process described here should work regardless of whether @yourrepo@ contains a git repository. But normally you would only ever edit code in a git tree -- especially crunch scripts, which can't be used to run regular Arvados jobs until they're committed and pushed.
35 {% include notebox-end.html %}
38 Create a new crunch script called @hello-world@ (say, @edit crunch_scripts/hello-world@).
50 h3. Run the job in your VM.
52 Instead of a git commit hash, we provide the path to the working copy in the _script_version_ parameter.
55 read -rd $'\000' the_job <<'EOF'; arv-crunch-job --job "$the_job"
57 "script":"bug-factory",
58 "script_version":"/home/yourname/yourrepo"
66 No script_parameters specified at arv-crunch-job line 156
72 read -rd $'\000' the_job <<'EOF'; arv-crunch-job --job "$the_job"
74 "script":"hello-world",
75 "script_version":"/home/yourname/yourrepo",
76 "script_parameters":{}
81 You should see several attempts to run your script, each ending in tragedy:
84 2013-09-24_23:14:38 qr1hi-8i9sb-s1ngps1dznzrn8j 12311 0 stderr bash: /home/yourname/yourrepo/crunch_scripts/hello-world: Permission denied
85 2013-09-24_23:14:38 qr1hi-8i9sb-s1ngps1dznzrn8j 12311 0 stderr bash: line 0: exec: /home/yourname/yourrepo/crunch_scripts/hello-world: cannot execute: Permission denied
86 2013-09-24_23:14:38 qr1hi-8i9sb-s1ngps1dznzrn8j 12311 0 child 12323 on localhost.1 exit 32256 success=false
87 2013-09-24_23:14:38 qr1hi-8i9sb-s1ngps1dznzrn8j 12311 0 failure in 1 seconds
90 Indeed, @hello-world@ is not executable. Fix it:
93 chmod +x crunch_scripts/hello-world
98 This time, the job will still fail, but "hello world" will appear in the log.
101 2013-09-26_02:15:35 qr1hi-8i9sb-fbpcg2conrhnlxv 16179 0 job_task qr1hi-ot0gb-c3x9vcztahzdcol
102 2013-09-26_02:15:35 qr1hi-8i9sb-fbpcg2conrhnlxv 16179 0 child 16249 started on localhost.1
103 2013-09-26_02:15:36 qr1hi-8i9sb-fbpcg2conrhnlxv 16179 status: 0 done, 1 running, 0 todo
104 2013-09-26_02:15:36 qr1hi-8i9sb-fbpcg2conrhnlxv 16179 0 stderr hello world
105 2013-09-26_02:15:37 qr1hi-8i9sb-fbpcg2conrhnlxv 16179 0 child 16249 on localhost.1 exit 0 success=false
106 2013-09-26_02:15:37 qr1hi-8i9sb-fbpcg2conrhnlxv 16179 0 failure in 1 seconds
109 There are two problems here:
111 1. The string "hello world" should be stored as the job's output instead of noted in the job log as "stderr".
112 2. The task exited 0, but was recorded as a failure.
114 The job should work properly after we fix these two problems.
116 h3. Store output as a collection
118 Replace the @print "hello world"@ line with the following code.
121 out = arvados.CollectionWriter()
122 out.set_current_file_name('hello.txt')
123 out.write('hello world')
124 out_collection = out.finish()
127 The return value of @out.finish()@ is the content address (hash) of a collection stored in Keep.
129 h3. Record successful completion
131 Append the following line.
134 arvados.current_task().set_output(out_collection)
137 The @set_output()@ method tells Arvados that
138 * The hash specified by the @out_collection@ parameter is the output of this task, and
139 * This task completed successfully.
141 h3. Run the working script.
144 read -rd $'\000' the_job <<'EOF'; arv-crunch-job --job "$the_job"
146 "script":"hello-world",
147 "script_version":"/home/yourname/yourrepo",
148 "script_parameters":{}
153 If everything worked correctly, the end of the log in your terminal should look like this.
156 2013-09-26_02:27:07 qr1hi-8i9sb-xsgms0qsf4ztm3l 17149 output dd202dc7b1297aa221c9160455ba43ac+61+K@qr1hi
157 2013-09-26_02:27:08 qr1hi-8i9sb-xsgms0qsf4ztm3l 17149 finish
158 2013-09-26_02:27:09 qr1hi-8i9sb-xsgms0qsf4ztm3l 17149 meta key is c186e6555b51ac6974d951cd2f387722+1764+K@qr1hi