1 <%= render partial: "paging", locals: {results: @objects, object: @object} %>
3 <table class="table table-condensed arv-index">
12 <tr class="contain-align-left">
18 description/components
26 <% @objects.sort_by { |ob| ob[:created_at] }.reverse.each do |ob| %>
30 <%= button_to(choose_projects_path(id: "run-pipeline-button",
31 title: 'Choose project',
33 action_name: 'Choose',
34 action_href: pipeline_instances_path,
35 action_method: 'post',
36 action_data: {selection_param: 'pipeline_instance[owner_uuid]',
37 'pipeline_instance[pipeline_template_uuid]' => ob.uuid,
38 'pipeline_instance[description]' => "Created at #{Time.now.localtime}" + (ob.name.andand.size.andand>0 ? " using the pipeline template *#{ob.name}*" : ""),
39 'success' => 'redirect-to-created-object'
41 { class: "btn btn-default btn-xs", title: "Run #{ob.name}", remote: true, method: :get }
43 <i class="fa fa-fw fa-play"></i> Run
47 <%= render :partial => "show_object_button", :locals => {object: ob, size: 'xs'} %>
49 <%= render_editable_attribute ob, 'name' %>
51 <% if ob.respond_to?(:description) and ob.description %>
52 <%= render_attribute_as_textile(ob, "description", ob.description, false) %>
55 <% ob.components.collect { |k,v| k.to_s }.each do |k| %>
56 <span class="label label-default"><%= k %></span>
59 <%= link_to_if_arvados_object ob.owner_uuid, friendly_name: true %>
68 <%= render partial: "paging", locals: {results: @objects, object: @object} %>