1 # Copy this file to application.yml and edit to suit.
3 # Consult application.default.yml for the full list of configuration
6 # The order of precedence is:
7 # 1. config/environments/{RAILS_ENV}.rb (deprecated)
8 # 2. Section in application.yml corresponding to RAILS_ENV (e.g., development)
9 # 3. Section in application.yml called "common"
10 # 4. Section in application.default.yml corresponding to RAILS_ENV
11 # 5. Section in application.default.yml called "common"
14 # Mandatory site secrets. See application.default.yml for more info.
18 workbench_address: https://localhost:3031
21 # Mandatory site secrets. See application.default.yml for more info.
25 workbench_address: https://workbench.bogus.arvadosapi.com
26 sso_app_id: arvados-server
28 sso_provider_url: https://login.bogus.arvadosapi.com
31 # Tests should be able to run without further configuration, but if you do
32 # want to change your local test configuration, this is where to do it.
35 # Settings in this section will be used in all environments
36 # (development, production, test) except when overridden in the
37 # environment-specific sections above.