1 module VcfPipelineHelper
4 def reset_vcf_pipeline_instance(pi, input_manifest)
6 'PICARD_ZIP' => '7a4073e29bfa87154b7102e75668c454+83+K@van',
7 'GATK_BUNDLE' => '0a37aaf212464efa2a77ff9ba51c0148+10524+K@van',
8 'GATK_TAR_BZ2' => '482ebab0408e173370c499f0b7c00878+93+K@van',
9 'BWA' => '73be5598809c66f260fedd253c8608bd+67+K@van',
10 'SAM' => '55d2115faa608eb95dab4f875b7511b1+72+K@van',
11 'REGION_PADDING' => '10',
12 'REGIONS' => 'e52c086f41c2f089d88ec2bbd45355d3+87+K@van/SeqCap_EZ_Exome_v2.hg19.bed',
13 'STAND_CALL_CONF' => '4.0',
14 'STAND_EMIT_CONF' => '4.0',
15 "bwa/INPUT" => input_manifest
17 pi.components = PipelineTemplate.find(pi.pipeline_uuid).components
18 pi.update_job_parameters(params)
23 def vcf_pipeline_summary(pi)
25 collection_link = Link.
26 where(head_uuid: pi.uuid,
27 link_class: 'client-defined',
28 name: 'vcffarm-pipeline-invocation').
31 stats[:collection_uuid] = collection_link.tail_uuid
33 pi.components[:steps].each do |step|
34 if step[:name] == 'bwa'
35 step[:params].each do |param|
36 if param[:name] == 'INPUT'
37 stats[:collection_uuid] = param[:data_locator] || param[:value]
44 if stats[:collection_uuid]
45 Link.where(tail_uuid: stats[:collection_uuid],
46 head_kind: Group)[0..0].each do |c2p|
47 stats[:project_uuid] = c2p.head_uuid
48 group = Group.find stats[:project_uuid]
49 stats[:project_name] = group.name rescue nil
51 Link.where(tail_uuid: stats[:collection_uuid],
52 head_kind: Specimen)[0..0].each do |c2s|
53 stats[:specimen_uuid] = c2s.head_uuid
54 specimen = Specimen.find stats[:specimen_uuid]
55 stats[:specimen_id] = specimen.properties[:specimen_id] rescue nil
59 stats[:alignment_for_step] = {}
60 stats[:alignment] = {}
62 pi.components[:steps].each do |step|
63 if step[:warehousejob]
64 if step[:name] == 'bwa' and step[:warehousejob][:starttime]
65 stats[:runtime][:started_at] = step[:warehousejob][:starttime]
67 if step[:warehousejob][:finishtime]
68 stats[:runtime][:finished_at] =
69 [ step[:warehousejob][:finishtime],
70 stats[:runtime][:finished_at] ].compact.max
73 if step[:name] == 'picard-casm' and
75 step[:output_data_locator]
77 popen("whget -r #{step[:output_data_locator]}/ -").
79 collect { |x| x.strip.split "\t" }
83 if data.size < 4 or data[0].match /^\#/
85 elsif data[0] == 'CATEGORY' or data[1].match /[^\d\.]/
87 elsif data[0] == 'PAIR'
88 head.each_with_index do |name, index|
90 if x and x.match /^\d+$/
92 elsif x and x.match /^\d+\.\d+$/
95 name = name.downcase.to_sym
101 stats[:picard_alignment_summary] = casm
103 if step[:name] == 'gatk-stats' and
105 step[:output_data_locator]
107 popen("whget #{step[:output_data_locator]}/mincoverage_nlocus.csv").
109 collect { |x| x.strip.split ',' }
110 csv.each do |depth, nlocus, percent|
111 stats[:coverage][depth.to_i] = nlocus.to_i
114 if step[:name] == 'gatk-realign' and
116 step[:output_data_locator]
118 popen("whget #{step[:warehousejob][:metakey]}").
121 logs.each do |logline|
122 if (re = logline.match /\s(\d+) stderr INFO .* (\d+) reads were filtered out.*of (\d+) total/)
123 stats[:alignment_for_step][re[1]] ||= {}
124 stats[:alignment_for_step][re[1]][:filtered_reads] = re[2].to_i
125 stats[:alignment_for_step][re[1]][:total_reads] = re[3].to_i
126 elsif (re = logline.match /(\d+) reads.* failing BadMate/)
127 stats[:alignment][:bad_mate_reads] = re[1].to_i
128 elsif (re = logline.match /(\d+) reads.* failing MappingQualityZero/)
129 stats[:alignment][:mapq0_reads] = re[1].to_i
133 if step[:name] == 'gatk-merge-call' and
135 step[:output_data_locator]
136 stats[:vcf_file_name] = "#{stats[:project_name]}-#{stats[:specimen_id]}-#{step[:output_data_locator][0..31]}.vcf"
138 popen("whget #{step[:warehousejob][:metakey]}").
141 logs.each do |logline|
142 if (re = logline.match /(\d+) reads were filtered out.*of (\d+) total/)
143 stats[:alignment][:filtered_reads] = re[1].to_i
144 stats[:alignment][:total_realigned_reads] = re[2].to_i
145 elsif (re = logline.match /(\d+) reads.* failing BadMate/)
146 stats[:alignment][:bad_mate_reads] = re[1].to_i
147 elsif (re = logline.match /(\d+) reads.* failing UnmappedRead/)
148 stats[:alignment][:unmapped_reads] = re[1].to_i
152 stats[:chromosome_calls] = {}
154 popen("whget #{step[:output_data_locator]}/merged.vcf | egrep -v '^#' | cut -f1 | uniq -c").
156 collect { |x| x.strip.split }
157 tsv.each do |n_variants, sequence_name|
158 stats[:chromosome_calls][sequence_name] = n_variants.to_i
161 stats[:inferred_sex] = false
162 calls = stats[:chromosome_calls]
163 if calls['X'] and calls['X'] > 200
165 stats[:inferred_sex] = 'female'
166 elsif calls['Y'] * 60 < calls['X']
167 # if Y < X/60 they are presumed to be misalignments
168 stats[:inferred_sex] = 'female'
169 elsif calls['Y'] * 25 > calls['X']
170 # if Y > X/25 we presume a Y chromosome was present
171 stats[:inferred_sex] = 'male'
176 stats[:alignment][:total_reads] = 0
177 stats[:alignment][:filtered_reads] ||= 0
178 stats[:alignment][:bad_mate_reads] ||= 0
179 stats[:alignment][:mapq0_reads] ||= 0
180 stats[:alignment_for_step].values.each do |a4s|
181 stats[:alignment][:total_reads] += (a4s[:total_reads] || 0)
182 stats[:alignment][:filtered_reads] += (a4s[:filtered_reads] || 0)
183 stats[:alignment][:bad_mate_reads] += (a4s[:bad_mate_reads] || 0)
184 stats[:alignment][:mapq0_reads] += (a4s[:mapq0_reads] || 0)
187 if stats[:collection_uuid]
189 popen("whget #{stats[:collection_uuid]}/SampleSheet.csv -").
193 csv[0].each_with_index do |head, col|
194 pivoted << csv.collect { |row| row[col] }
196 stats[:source_data_csv_columns] = pivoted
200 picardas = stats[:picard_alignment_summary]
201 stats[:summary_csv_columns] =
202 [['PROJECT', stats[:project_name]],
203 ['SPECIMEN', stats[:specimen_id]],
204 ['VCF_FILE_NAME', stats[:vcf_file_name]],
205 ['INFERRED_SEX', stats[:inferred_sex]],
206 ['SOURCE_DATA', stats[:collection_uuid]],
207 ['PIPELINE_UUID', pi.pipeline_uuid],
208 ['PIPELINE_RUN_UUID', pi.uuid],
209 ['PIPELINE_RUN_START', (stats[:runtime][:started_at] rescue nil)],
210 ['PIPELINE_RUN_FINISH', (stats[:runtime][:finished_at] rescue nil)],
212 (n_raw = picardas[:total_reads].inject(0,:+) rescue nil)],
214 (n_mapped = picardas[:reads_aligned_in_pairs].inject(0,:+) rescue nil)],
216 (100.0 * n_mapped / n_raw rescue nil)],
218 (n_on_target = stats[:alignment][:total_reads] - stats[:alignment][:filtered_reads] rescue nil)],
220 (100.0 * n_on_target / n_raw rescue nil)],
222 (100.0 * stats[:coverage][1] / stats[:coverage][0] rescue nil)],
224 (100.0 * stats[:coverage][10] / stats[:coverage][0] rescue nil)],
226 (100.0 * stats[:coverage][20] / stats[:coverage][0] rescue nil)],
228 (100.0 * stats[:coverage][50] / stats[:coverage][0] rescue nil)],
230 (100.0 * stats[:coverage][100] / stats[:coverage][0] rescue nil)]]